Chapter 27:

Concert in a Closed Chamber.

Su Yu looked at the empty auditorium in front of him.

His emotions became more intense.

《The song"The Lone Warrior" is a very exciting song in any sense!

And this time and place.

Without a doubt.

It is a perfect occasion for the artistic conception!

After the interlude.

Su Yu's low voice sounded again in the venue.

Su Yu did not mention the rhythm of the first half.

The basis of this song is a feeling of"first suppressing and then praising".

Even if the lyrics of the first half and the second half are not much different.

But singing them in different ways, they have completely different effects!

"Love you walking alone in the dark alley"

"Love the way you don't kneel"

"Loving you has always been desperate"

"Don't want to cry"

"Love your tattered clothes"

"But dare to block the gun of fate"

"Love you, I am so like you"

"The gaps are all the same!"

These eight lines of lyrics directly and vividly depict a person who is fighting against fate!

Everyone has had low moments.

At such times, they keep walking in the"dark alleys" to resist fate; they never"kneel down" to confront despair!

They wear tattered clothes, walk alone on a lonely road; in the end, they bravely block the gun of fate!

These eight lines of lyrics, in a sense, are already the climax of the whole song.


Su Yu sang it in a very low voice.

Or, he did not deliberately raise the pitch.

What he wanted to create was a sense of despair.

In the lyrics, there was a person who was resisting.

But after Su Yu sang it, he became a person who was resisting but had not succeeded.

It can be said that anyone who heard these lyrics could recall their own humbleness, loneliness, weakness, lows, pain, torture and confusion!

And all of this was suppressed to the extreme when the last four lyrics appeared!

"Will you go? Am I worthy? This ragged cape!"

"Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream!"

"To the whimpers and roars in the dark night!"

"Who says that only those who stand in the light are heroes!"

These four lines of lyrics are a summary of the previous eight lines of lyrics!

It is a person who is resisting fate.

He told himself that he must go and must fight!

Even if all he has is a ragged cloak and a humble dream.

Even if, in the end, there is only the sobbing in the cold wind!

Even so, he must express his unwilling anger towards fate!

Until this moment,

Su Yu still used a low singing method.

His face was calm and indifferent.

It seemed that he was just telling about such a person who had been resisting from beginning to end but never succeeded.

And this emotion was also completely conveyed to the 500 spectators in the venue, as well as Yang Mingwei, Ye Sheng and others through sound and pictures! In the venue, many spectators have subconsciously stood up. Tears have unconsciously appeared in the eyes of many people. Their expressions are filled with thoughts about the future and the past. A man about 30 years old murmured

"A rebellion against fate?"


He smiled bitterly.

Not only in the past, but even now, he was still resisting fate!

Not giving up.

Not admitting defeat!

He heard the unwillingness in Su Yu's singing.

At the same time, he also heard the helplessness in Su Yu's singing!

On the other side, a girl sighed

"Some time ago, I learned about this singer named Su Yu"

"In the past two years, he has been in a semi-hidden state by the company.......It was not until the graduation performance that I had the opportunity to sing the song"Yue Lao Lost Line""

"Now, this song"The Lone Brave Man" may be his summary of his past self."

"but......Why do I want to cry?"

That's right!

This song, many people heard, is Su Yu's own summary of his past fate.

However, many people don't know why, but they feel the same way inexplicably!

An audience member quietly took out a tissue and wiped his eyes.

In the slightly low and sad background music, he seemed to hear a person standing in the fire, he roared to the sky helplessly.

But he was still just an ordinary person.

He never gave up resistance, but he never succeeded.

This feeling makes people feel aggrieved.

It makes people suffer.

It makes people tortured and helpless.


Isn't this the fate of everyone?

In other words, who hasn't had such an experience?

The audience's reactions were different.

But, obviously, everyone has been moved by Su Yu.

There was silence in the venue, with occasional sobs.

At the front,

Yang Mingwei looked serious.

He looked at Su Yu on the screen, and his heart was also shaken.

When he heard the calm eight lines of lyrics such as"I love you walking alone in the dark alley",

Yang Mingwei realized that

Su Yu would definitely give him a surprise today.

And by the last four lines,

Yang Mingwei had completely confirmed it!

But what he didn't understand was......

Why has it come to this?

Su Yu's singing style is still bland.......

The tone of this song shouldn't be so peaceful!......

Is this young man still preparing a bigger surprise for him?

Yang Mingwei looked at his side.

Ye Sheng also had a serious face at this time.

His seriousness was not because Su Yu sang badly.

But the song was really good!

But the problem was......

He also had the same doubts as Yang Mingwei.

"The tone of this song has changed from being low and dark at the beginning to now having a sense of resistance to fate."

Ye Sheng said in a deep voice

"but......Still too pessimistic!"

"Su Yu seemed to be telling the story of a person who always resisted but never succeeded......."

"If the tone of the whole song is like this"

"Then I can only say that this is a good song, but it doesn't fit the theme!"

Ye Sheng actually had another guess in his mind.

But he didn't say it out loud.

Instead, he continued to listen.

At this time, the interlude on the stage was flowing. At a certain moment, Su Yu closed his eyes. Then, without hesitation, he extracted an item from the system.

"Super-class high-pitched experience card!"

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