Chapter 28

【Next, I suggest you to pair it with the high notes in Zu Yanaxi's"The Lone Warrior" on B Station.

There are also two schools of thought in singing.

One is the relatively ordinary high notes.

The other is the high notes of this kind, such as Vitas......

The King-level high-pitched singing experience card that Su Yu extracted was the former type.

But it was also a transcendent high-pitched singing method.

And the purpose of extracting this experience card was to make the second half of the song"The Lone Brave Man" always immersed in a high-burning emotion!

《"The Lone Hero" can be seen from the name.

This is a story of an ordinary person who continues to sublimate in the process of resisting fate!

And all of this will be burst out in Su Yu's high notes!

Not long after.

The interlude is over.

Su Yu suddenly opened his eyes!

At this moment!

He became the real king on the stage!

The passionate tone rose instantly!

And Su Yu also directly raised the previous tone by three octaves!

"They say that getting rid of your madness is like wiping off dirt!"

"They say you have to climb the stairs, but the price is to bow your head!"

"Then let me, no, ride the wind!"

"You are just as proud of that kind of lonely courage!"

"Who says that those who are ordinary are not heroes?" In the five lines of the lyrics, Su Yu's high notes never dropped, especially when he reached the last line.

"Su Yu raised the pitch of the four words"playing chess in an ordinary way" by almost one octave for each word!

When he sang the four words"not a hero", even though he was the only one on the stage,

Su Yu also felt the climax atmosphere that made people's blood boil!

His eyes were bright and his expression was high!

Looking at the empty audience seats, he seemed to be facing the review of countless people!

And at the moment when these five lyrics were sung!

In the audience venue!

Yang Mingwei and Ye Sheng stood up almost at the same time!

There was a hint of shock and deep surprise on their faces!


"Su Yu did not use lyrics to enhance the mood"

"Instead, the mood of the entire song is elevated directly through the change in tone!"

"Haha! Xiao Yang, you really gave me a surprise this time!"

Ye Sheng laughed!


Su Yu's four sentences almost made up for the emotions that had been suppressed in the first half of the song, nearly a minute and a half.

All of them burst out!

In the lyrics

"They say that to get rid of your arrogance is like wiping off dirt."

What this means is that in the previous depression, someone finally told this person that if you want to succeed, you must wipe off the dirt.

You must give up your arrogance!

Kneel down, and you will succeed!

"They say that you have to climb the stairs, and the price is to bow your head."

What is said here is:

If you want to succeed, you want to climb the stairs.

You want to be the best.


You have to pay the price!

The price is to bow your head!

Bow to authority, bow to power, bow to money.

Bow to oppression!


Is this kind of success what this person wants?

The lyrics continue, and the answer has been given!

"Then let me not ride the wind!"

Then let me not have to rely on these so-called wind outlets!

Even if there is no help, so what?

I use hard work!

Sweat! Blood and tears!


Everything, can't I succeed?

"You are still proud of that kind of lonely courage!"

Even if you don't have these messy helpers, you are still proud!

This is what you pursue all your life.

You have never given up resistance. You have never bowed your head!

You are a real!

Lonely brave man!

"Who says that those who play chess mediocrely are not heroes?"

The last sentence sums up everything!

What's wrong with playing chess mediocrely?

What's wrong with being ordinary?

What's wrong with being lonely? Are ordinary people not heroes?

I am resisting!

I am unwilling!

I am fighting against the shackles of fate and the so-called secularity!

I melted my blood and tears just to make this era change!

I am an ordinary person!

But at the same time!

I am also a true lone hero!

It can be said that the mood of the whole song has been fully revealed at this point in the lyrics.

This method of first suppressing and then praising, although old-fashioned, is very effective!

This can be seen from the fact that Yang Mingwei and Ye Sheng couldn't help but stand up.

These real musicians are so excited.

The other audiences in the venue are naturally more excited.


At this moment!

Among the five hundred people, at least three hundred of them were boiling with excitement!

Clapping, cheering, crying, and roaring excitedly!

It seemed that everyone was infected by Su Yu's singing.

They were wantonly indulging their unwillingness to their fate!

Everyone had experienced such a low point before.

But Su Yu told them.

Don't give up!

Don't bow your head!

Even if you are an ordinary person, so what? You are still proud!

You are still a lone brave man!

What if you walk in a dark alley? What if you fall on the steps and get your head broken and bloody? What if you are laughed at and misunderstood by the world? As long as you keep going!

One day!

You don't need to rely on the east wind, and you don't need to bow your head!

You will become your own hero!

Such emotions made the voices of the people in the venue almost uncontrollable!

"Holy crap! Awesome, so awesome!"

"What the hell! After suppressing myself for more than a minute, I finally sang it out!"

"From today on, I am a fan of Su Yu!"

"Damn it, me too!"

"Woo woo woo, to be honest, I feel like Su Yu sang out my true feelings!"

"Who isn't? This song......He is truly a god!"

"Fuck me! Awesome!"

"I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t care what Su Yu sings next!"

"Full marks! Full marks! Must give full marks!!!"

"This is so awesome!"

For a moment, the whole venue was filled with praise for Su Yu.

Many people cried bitterly.

Many people just shed tears silently.

But without exception, everyone had an excited expression on their face!

This song is almost a true portrayal of everyone's past life!

Who has never resisted?

Who has never tried hard?

Even those who have given up now will feel the same when they hear Su Yu's singing!

This is the real magic of the song"The Lone Brave Man"!

Listening to the cheers of the audience,

Yang Mingwei and Ye Sheng looked at each other.

There was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Leader, it seems that today's result has been determined......."

Yang Mingwei smiled and spoke.

But Ye Sheng shook his head.

Then, in the latter's puzzled expression, he said lightly :

"Keep listening"

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