A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1089: Sage Stone

On the candle in the center of the altar, the light of the flame wick reveals the image of a young and energetic witch.

"Several respected sacred sorcerers, is there anything I need to help?"

The curved eyelids are like two crescents. The flame sorcerer smiles and asks, the gentleness and gentleness of the sorrows, people can not help but give birth to some good feelings, it seems to be the soul template of all intelligent mechanical shackles.

"Remove the rewards involved in the reel."

Shan Man Luxe directly threw the task scroll directly. As the red, yellow and blue light wires in the hall gathered together, after a while, the stiff flames of the witches raised their faces again and smiled.

"The authenticity of the task reel is confirmed. The stone of the sage is a total of 7,500 grams, 1,500 grams per person. Is it confirmed to receive it immediately?"


A period of illusory time and space fluctuations, the three colors of Green's light and slightly surprised, turned out to be the use of the illusory space and time of the dimensional gap, in the use of the wizard's world to the highest level of knowledge, it really involves the dimensional gap.

Space fluctuations flashed, and Xiao Ba also followed.

"Mom egg, this old bastard, actually left the use of dimensional gaps to the book of the tower, or discuss how this old guy will have the ability to communicate the gaps between the two, saying that the eight lords shoulder the mission of the rise and fall of the wizarding world, all are placed Bird fart!"

The appearance of Xiao Ba, so that everyone can not help but look over, especially this "distraction" discourse, the other three did not have anything, the universal simulation of mechanical saint marks the sorcerer cold.

"What are you, you are not arrogant about the great round of true spiritual wizards!"

"The Eight Lords are the great steel emblems of the wizarding world. When the Eight Lords were in the wind and the Wizarding World, your little guy was still not born. I said that the old guy had two words. I haven’t said enough. ......"

Xiao Ba was thrown into the gap by Green.

"This is my soul partner Yahong Niweixi, although the words are hard to hear, but it is indeed an old-fashioned steel emblem stargo. The great round of true spirit wizards also know, don't be surprised, I also take this guy nothing. Method."

Said, Green took a stone of his sage, and apologized to a few people.

"Then under nstyle_txt; first use this time to grasp the preparations, the technique of life, and the use of the soul in this area is not very familiar, huh, huh..."

After Green left, he eased some embarrassment.

"How do you see the power of this tower of annihilation?"

The bonfire tourmaid suddenly asked, and the metal helmet slammed into the presence of three people. The two nostrils of the dragon on the shoulder kept vomiting the flames, and laughed and said: "The wizard is hard to say, but the guy who has just the **** and the parrot is not enough for me to sew."

"It's very strong, I should have practiced self-sealing."

After the million-color simulation responded with a low voice, the figure gradually became transparent and merged with the surrounding environment, disappearing into the perception of the crowd.

"I also go back first, with these sages. I have been planning a long time for mechanical witchcraft materials to be completely prepared."

"Hello, hahaha, of course, the stronger the better, hehe."

Chewing the Stone of the Sage, Shan Man Lux also left alone.

"Hey. Don't underestimate any elemental wizard. The mask of the Tower of Destruction is very oppressive, and the magic wand in your hand is not a special thing."

The sorcerer of the catastrophe stagnation smiled and left the hall.


Space Fortress St. Mark Hall. Green took out the stone of the sacred mark and the stone of the sage and placed it on the experimental platform.

Immediately after the space on the shoulder was distorted, Xiao Ba got out of the dimension gap. Green's head did not return, whispered: "In the presence of the mechanical sorcerer, the world's true spiritual wizard, you guy, can you talk too much?"

After a pause, Greene sighed: "Now it is no better than peacetime, the battle of civilization is at a critical juncture, and it is low-key."

"Anlaan, I know I know, hey, you don't know the dirty thing about this old **** and the bat."

After the small gossip took the wings, he also looked at the life and the stone of the sage on the experimental platform. At this time, Green took out the crystal ball and the night shadow Saatchi appeared.

"The sorcerer's sacred sorcerer, I have entrusted the search for the Crete mission to the Neptune Festival base."


Green sighed and sighed: "I know, you and Lucy are here to prepare, and I will travel with me one month later."

After the crystal ball communication was closed, Green first picked up his life and bowed his head and meditated.

According to some souls using books, the basic composition of the technique of life and the source of the magic power of the wizard tower have some similarities.

With the technique of life, although it will weaken part of the power of the soul, it is equivalent to having a second life, which can be reborn in the place of life.


It is not without cost to display this witchcraft, and the greatest cost is the fate itself. Once the fate is on the scene, the singer will die. Moreover, after the rebirth of life, there are also inevitable drawbacks.

How can there be an absolute safe place in an endless world?

After hesitating for a long time, Green finally put down his life, and shook his head and closed it.

"what is this?"

Xiao Ba looked at the pink crystal on the test bench and asked Green.

"The Stone of the Sage."

Green’s answer shocked Xiao Ba, an incredible, incredible horror.

"The Stone of the Sage, Wow, the Wizarding World already has this thing!?"

"It's just named as the Stone of the Sage. As for whether it is consistent with the Stone of the Sage, which has always been regarded as a legend in alchemy, it is hard to say. After all, according to the legend in alchemy, the Stone of the Sage is the rule of destruction. The equivalent of things, time, and low-value things of the same elements, after joining the Stone of the Sage, will be able to train any high-value material of the same quality and the same element, if this is really the Stone of the Sage..."

After Greene condensed an ice cube, he took out a silver coin, a lead core, and separated a small piece from the pink spar.

According to the alchemy collocation element table, these three substances are the same elements as the Mithril, so if you join the Sage Stone, you should have Mithril!



The strange fluctuations made Green feel amazed at the perception of the truth.

This pink crystal ~www.readwn.com~ actually mobilized the rules of the world, which is the face of the world of truth. The unknown rune system that is free on the surface of the world scroll has some unknown form fluctuations. It is from them. It constitutes everything in the endless world.

At this time, these pink crystals can actually change these runes slightly, which is incredible. It is no wonder that the world of sages has been named as the Stone of the Sage.

"Wow, actually, it turned out to be Mithril!"

Xiaoba’s wings pointed at the secret silver block on the experimental platform, yelling at the scorpion.

Green's breathing was slightly rushed, and suddenly he opened his mouth, highlighting a soul shard. There was a slight insignificance in it. It was the silky soul that Green had tried his best to collect before the death of Lafite.

Can't wait, Green closes the stone of the sage, and the three-color gaze gaze tightly.

After a long time, nothing happened... (to be continued.)



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