A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1090: The ultimate goal of civilization!

How to use the Stone of the Sage?

嘎嘣, 嘎嘣, 嘎嘣...

After adding some high-energy foods, Green also learned the mountain savage. After chewing a small piece of the sage's stone, he followed the eyes and quietly felt the body of the sage. Passive evolution time shortens the effect.

After half an hour of hourglass.

"Well, the effect is quite amazing."

Green felt that the passive evolution of physical fitness in such a short period of time is almost equal to the passive evolution effect of several months, shortening hundreds of times!

And this is only passive evolution. In terms of unilaterally, if the double evolution of the Green Male poisonous body and the growth of the ancient giant scorpion for the body's witch growth, the effect of the superposition is almost the same as that of Green. Times of time!

"Try this."

Xiao Ba took a seedling seed, which is the guardian of the rogue plants that are frequently visible in the space fortress. It is the loyal guard of the space fortress and the extension of the wizard's will.

After Green nodded, he took out the stone of the sage, which was like sand, and shot it into the stem of the seedling. Under the face of truth, the three colors of light did not turn to gaze.

In the speed visible to the naked eye, the seedlings developed rapidly. However, after only a few breathing hours, the seedlings began to turn yellow, withered and fell off after the growth of the seedlings. The whole process went through the clouds, but never arrived. The decline after the growth limit.


After the small eight wings touched the plant stems, it seemed to be soot-like.

"Wow, what is the cause of death, Green Beast, you can eat a lot of wow!"

In the center of the forehead of truth, the eye of the world holds the eye of the microscopic microscope and the eye of life, and carries out the most detailed micro-insight in the real time. At this time, the death of this plant does not show the same.

"It is this life level is too low, in the process of growth. The speed of energy supplement is far less than the growth rate. In my life, even if you take 10,000 times of the sage stone, as long as the food energy supplement Sufficient, nothing is a problem."

Said, Green even took out a stone of the sage to put in the entrance, "嘎嘣" after chewing, like a sugar bean swallowed, ≈ style_txt; then no change in color to take a cup of high-quality energy liquid.

“Even if there is no high-grade energy food, the source of annihilation can be replaced, but it is a little more troublesome. There is no process of enjoyment.”

Then, Green began the experiment, using the stone of the sage to refine the medulla, the rare alloy, the lower tibia, and so on.

However, it is too expensive.

After using the stone of hundreds of grams of sages, Green only gave up the idea of ​​this kind of alienation, and Greene gave up the idea of ​​this aspect. Compared with the passive evolution of the refining, it saves time and plays a role in the battle of civilization. The role of the male poisonous body, the ancient giant scorpion magic to the witch refining. At this stage, Green has not found a better way to use the Stone of the Sage.

A series of urgent experiments were completed in only ten days, and no more sage stones were used for experimental research. Nor did he find a better way to use it. Green finally decided to use the remaining sages to shorten the passive evolution time.

"Oh, it turns out that it seems that the Wizarding World is also interested in cultivating you. After all, these sages are equally useful to the real wizard."

Xiaoba’s wings hold his chin and look like a pair.

"Let the Eight Lords speculate. Do you think this is the case? These sage stone rewards are only open to the elites of the six-level holy mark wizard and the five-level holy mark wizard, so that they can be in the battle of civilization. There are a few more spirits in the wizarding world, so you have been included in the list of potential spiritual wizards by the old things in the wizarding world?"

After seeing the little one in the eye, Green nodded slowly.


"Oh yeah! Wow, I know that you won't let me down. It's my strongest green beast. I think I have seen myself standing on the peak of the wizarding world! Oh Yeye. Oh, la la, wow..."

Ignore this guy who has already fallen into self-madness. When he first saw this guy since he was promoted to the wizard, he didn't see him normal. Let it live in his dream.

After Green collected the experimental items, he left the Fortress Hall.

The Space Fortress has been under the unified jurisdiction of the mechanical wizards. Green’s execution of the penalty squad mission belongs to the sorcerer’s task, and only carries a small number of spy shadows, the three-level wizard, and this space fortress is the war brought by Greenshun for the front line. Resources.

One after another, a group of wizards, a team of wizards, paused when they saw Green, respectfully bowed, and the deepest reverence in the bottom of my heart, because there are too many low-level wizards here, even if I ignore them all the way, I feel tired of Green. After flying for a while, Green began to seal his breath, and the situation was better.

After flying all the way through several hundreds of meters of metal walls, Green came to the wreckage of a huge metal robot.

Tens of thousands of mechanical wizards are busy around the ruins of this metal robot, and some research has been done. When Green arrived at the base, these unusual robots were discovered.

Without paying attention to these mechanical wizards, Green went straight to the ruins of this huge metal robot ruin.

"These strange sources of radiation..."

With the help of truth, Green can find something that ordinary people can't see. At this time, the wreckage of these robots also produces the effect of the endless world's original runes like the stone of the sage. This is Green's vision of the world. The endless world of origin rules in the endless dominance of the discovery, the basic rune of the world scroll paper.

"Oh... can't you say that the reason why the metal destroyer civilization can't understand the mysterious power of detaching the endless world is because Skynet pursues the analysis of the comprehensive composition of the endless world, not the high latitude creatures pursued by the wizards. omnipotent?"

Vaguely, Green seems to have seen the essential power of this civilization!

The pursuit of essential forces is the direction of the development of civilized organisms, and the systematic framework for the interpretation of all forces of the ethnic group.

Regardless of elemental wizards, mechanical wizards, black wizards, nightmare wizards, and even abyssal sorcerers, all pursued is a speculation of higher latitude creatures, in the wizard's body of knowledge, both within the endless world, the biological community How strong is the development, only the one who is born in the wizarding world, mastering the power with high latitude, then it can subvert the endless world!

Therefore, from the first moment when the ancestors created the wizard, all the wizards worked hard to achieve this goal.

No matter how the biota develops, at most, it only controls a few world communities. When it comes to the end of the reincarnation of Vientiane, when the wizards travel to the endless world, they discover the civilizations that are in the long history of history. Just one.

Antonio "give me endless knowledge, I use myself as a fulcrum, incite the endless world", and it is based on this, so the wizarding world focuses on the elite, never thought about the book of the open tower, try to get more The underlying combat power reduces the preciousness of knowledge.

As if vaguely touched ~www.readwn.com~ Green is about to enter the inside of this giant metal robot, but was stopped by a guardian.

“Sorry, the sample collection study is underway and no one is allowed to enter.”

Green looked up at the wizard who stood in the air, and released a trace of the sorcerer's sorcerer's volatility. This time, the name of the sorcerer changed greatly, and quickly slammed the ground to salute and escorted Green to step into the giant robotic cabin.

"Well? Why is the architecture here so like a spaceship?"

Green’s inquiries made the mechanical wizard behind him stunned, and immediately thought of something, low-lying: “The master just came to the world of radiation?”


After getting Green's affirmation, the mechanical wizard sighed: "Because this robot was originally a space airship. It was only exposed to metal fire, and it was only for the terrible metal destroyer Skynet's metal slave!" (To be continued.) )



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