Zhou Guodong had a sweet dream.

He dreamed that he took his men and found a very good valley nearby to live in.

Because most people go to the border between grassland and rainforest, the number of people in the rainforest is also much smaller, and they become very safe.

So, while enjoying the beautiful rural life, they watched the numbers on the wristbands continue to decrease.

It went so smoothly until the late stage of the show.

The team on the island, because of the real fire, have almost fought hard.

Only the last person left.

And they are four more!

As a result, the four of them successfully killed the last enemy with an absolute advantage!

They are the final champions!

With the reward of 50 million, he directly bought a big house, a luxury car, opened a small shop, married a beautiful daughter-in-law, and lived a happy life.

Everything was perfect and perfect.

As a result, one day, when he came home, he found that their house had exploded because the gas forgot to turn off.

My beloved daughter-in-law, and the poor old king next door, who was affected, were killed together.

Sudden encountering such bad news, Zhou Guodong was immediately stimulated, so he woke up from his dream.


It's a dream!"

Zhou Guodong let out a long sigh of relief.

He felt that things weren't too bad.

However, before he could relax his breath, he saw that his tent was actually on fire!

And that flame jumped on Zuo Zhong's sleeping bag!


Zhou Guodong was stunned for a while, and then the whole person jumped up.

While slapping the flames on the opponent's body with his clothes, he shouted loudly.

"stand up!

Get up quickly!

on fire!

Get up quickly!"

"on fire!?"

The other three were instantly awakened by Zhou Guodong's movement.

Immediately after, they saw Zhou Guodong who was slapping the flames on Zuo Zhong's body.

"It's really on fire!?"


When did the enemy come!?

How did this fire start!?"


Why is my body on fire!?"

The three Zuo Zhong panicked instantly.

Among them, Zuo Zhong was the most alarmed.

He felt very stunned and shocked at the moment.

Because he didn't even know that his body was on fire, and he was still sleeping soundly here.

If it wasn't for Zhou Guodong, he couldn't imagine what the result would be like!


The three of them shouted and immediately began to help Zhou Guodong put out the fire.

Because the fire was not big, it was still raining outside, and the sodium metal was basically burned, so a few people quickly put out the small fire.

However, the fire was out, but a new problem appeared - their tent was broken!

"What shall we do!"

Wang Yan sat down on the sleeping bag a little depressed, looking at the big hole in the tent, she felt helpless in her heart.

"So many holes, how can we mend it!"


We don't have any glue to fill these holes.

Wait a minute, it is estimated that the water in our tent will be full?"

"Also, the enemy hiding in the dark is the key!"

"What should I do!

If we go out, it will definitely be raining!

It's raining so hard, how can we rest!"


Zhou Guodong also sighed.

He is the captain of the team, but he has no way to save his team at all.

I don't know when the rain will fall.

If they ditched the tent and went straight outside...

I am afraid that the rain will make you doubt your life.

Don't think it's tropical here, the temperature is high, and it's raining.

Once they've been in the rain for too long, they can't get away with a cold!

Although they have jackets, jackets are not a panacea.

In such a heavy rain, even wearing a raincoat will get drenched!

"Let's go!"

Zhou Guodong finally sighed and made such a decision.

"Then, we built a small wooden shed ourselves and used such a small wooden shed to shelter from the rain."


The three were startled at the same time, and they all felt very frightened.


Chopping down trees in this weather...

Isn't there something wrong!?"

"What if I get caught with a fever!?"

"Cold and fever are not the point, right?

Let's cut down trees, and being struck by lightning is the point!"


Those hatchets and axes are all metal, what if they get hacked!"

"I know this too~

But there is no way!

We can't just keep raining like this, can we?

You'll have a cold and a fever."

Zhou Guodong shook his head and sighed, "However, before lightning strikes someone, isn't there always some omen?

It's like something, the hair is standing up, and there is a feeling of being crawled by ants on the body.

Feel static or something.

When we feel this, we quickly throw away the tools, and then hide away and squat down, maybe we will avoid such a disaster..."


The three of them were silent for a while.

Zhou Guodong's suggestion is simply too absurd.

When it rains heavily, the ground is full of water, which makes the earth a conductor.

The voltage and current of lightning is so high that even if it does not hit a person directly, it will follow the water flow on the ground and electrocute the person.

As for what it will be like to be electrocuted, no one can say for sure.

Therefore, when encountering a large rainstorm, many people will hide under a tree that is not too high, and find some dry insulation on the ground, and sit on it with their feet closed to ensure that their bodies are dry.

At the same time, hold your knees with your hands, keep your chest close to your knees, and lower your head as much as possible to ensure your own safety.

If several people cut down trees according to Zhou Guodong's method, then they have a high probability of death.

Although the probability is not 100%, 10% is not a lot!


Seeing the silence of the three, Zhou Guodong also understood what they meant.

To be honest, he also felt that such a move was too dangerous.

But what can they do if they don't?

Looking for a tree that is not too high to hide from the rain under the tree?

And most importantly...

They still have an enemy waiting for them in an unknown place!

"I have a solution!"

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