any solution?"

When everyone heard Zuo Zhong's words, they were all excited.

After all, if there is a good way to protect them from rain and lightning, so that they can successfully escape such a disaster, who has hope of being eliminated?

"Anyway, this tent is broken, why don't we just use the waste of this tent!"

Zuo Zhong said slowly: "We just need to get some wooden poles out.

In this way, you can make a very nice small shed very quickly.

With such a small shed, we were able to successfully escape the heavy rain.

When we go, we can also take those tent cloths used for shed construction with us.

In this case, next time we build a shed, we won't have so much trouble.

What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this.

They feel that this method is actually quite good.

So at last they all nodded.

"There is no other way."

Zhou Guodong sighed, "After all, other methods have some flaws.

But this one is ok.

However, I feel that we should not cut down trees at all, and just dismantle these mango carts.

With such a heavy rain, it is not easy for us to transport these mangoes away.

It's better to just throw it away, and don't leave it to those enemies.

It just so happens that we can also use the waste of the car.”

The others looked at each other and saw the reluctance in each other's eyes.


Wang Yan suddenly said slowly, "Big brother~

Shall we put these mangoes in our bags...

It's always a pity to throw it away.

After all, we really haven't eaten so much fruit in a long time."

"Yes, boss~"


I suddenly had some other ideas~"

Zuo Zhong suddenly showed a surprised expression. His expression immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Zhong, what's a good idea?

Come and listen!"

"Yeah yeah~

Brother Zhong~

If there is any good way, we will be more likely to survive!"

"Actually, my method is very simple."

Zuo Zhong pointed to the big hole above the tent that was leaking rain and said, "We use some leaves to plug this hole.

Then use needle and thread to sew this leaf and tent together.

If that's the case, I don't think there should be any problems."

Everyone looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

They don't have needles and threads.

If you want to sew a tent, you need to make a wooden needle first, and then use something like bark to rub some fine threads, so that you can better sew the tent.

However, in this case, there are some problems.

First, the leaves are relatively tender and brittle, and are not easy to fix.

Although it was sewn up, if there is too much water, or the wind is strong, it is very likely that the leaves will fall off.

Naturally, they could plug the hole with some clothes.

However, whose clothes to use has become a new question.

Second, this big hole was obviously made by the enemy.

That is to say, there are some enemies around who are eyeing them.

If you sew the tent directly without changing the place, the enemy will definitely attack again.

Although they can also leave with a tent.

But the enemy is also likely to follow.

"All right.

Don't hesitate, we must leave."

Zhou Guodong said slowly: "If we don't leave, the enemy will come in a while, and it will be really difficult for us to deal with it.

These mangoes are absolutely not to be asked for.

We can't protect ourselves now, and it's better not to have these things.

As for the tent.

I don't think there is any need to sew it, just make it into a small shed.

After all, there are enemies around us right now.

Although the tent is very comfortable, but we are in the tent, but we can't see the outside situation at all.

Completely detrimental to our defense.

So, I think it's better for us to change the tent into a small shed."

Hearing Zhou Guodong's words, all three nodded.

These words are well-founded, reasonable, and very much in line with their current needs.

Therefore, they have no reason to object.

It's just a pity those mangoes.


What a pity~

Those mangoes!"

Wang Yan sighed, then took two mangoes and stuffed them into her bag, then took another one and started eating them directly.

"We should hurry up and eat our fill now, or we won't be able to eat for the time being!"

"That's it, let's eat!"

"Actually, I have a good way!"

Zuo Zhong spoke again.

"what way?"



Why did you come back so soon?"

While Zhou Guodong and others were discussing, Liu Kun also came to Xiang Mo.

"Of course it will be soon~"

Liu Kun smiled and nodded, "The main reason is that the enemy is too bad.

There isn't even anyone on duty, so you deserve it if you die."

"Then how did you deal with them?"

Xiang Mo immediately asked curiously.

"It's easy~"

Liu Kun smiled and told Xiang Mo everything just now.


Xiang Mo was stunned when he heard the words, "In this case, if they put out the fire, wouldn't they not have to be eliminated!?"

“Not bad~”

Liu Kun nodded, "That fire can be easily put out.

This is also what I did on purpose.

That is to say, my attack just now will not make them eliminated directly."


"It was intentional!


I thought the island owner was too confident!

I didn't expect it to be intentional!"

"Amazing my island owner!"

"I'll just say yes!

How could the island owner make such a low-level mistake!

The island owner asked you to leave at the fifth shift, so don’t try to escape at the third shift!”

"Islander: I am in charge of your future!"

"Islander: I'll let you run 39 meters first!"

"Islander: You thought you escaped my punishment, but the game has just begun!"

"Islander: Arrange!"

"I really don't know what the island owner planned.

Why didn't you solve the other party at one time and come back directly..."

"That's it!

I don't understand!"


When everyone in the live broadcast room was wondering and discussing, Xiang Mo also asked very curiously.

"Eh? Then why do you do that?"


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