A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 125: Life and death

Feng Haochen blocked Mu Yu's way. He looked at Mu Yu, the child who was naughty and active in the past, and now he was in a frenzy. With strength, it is easy to lose yourself.

Muyu never knew how to fight against another person in his body. He felt that he was too weak to protect the person he wanted to protect, so he chose to put his body in the body to control it, but that force was terrible. Can he control it?

"Mu Yu stops, you should wake up."

Feng Haochen looked at Mu Yu's eyes, outrageously not afraid of the dangerous breath flowing around him. Muyu's eyes are black and white, like black and white impermanence, and control the life and death of all things in the world. Under the light of black light, all the souls were scattered, and under the baptism of white light, life was everywhere.

That is no longer Muyu. His consciousness is confined by the darkness in his body. If he doesn’t wake up in time, I am afraid that the whole innocent man of the Moyun Mountains will be cleaned by him again. He has become the eyes of the trapped immortal prison, he Ability to determine everyone's life and death.

Feng Haochen has long known that Muyu has been sleeping with another terrible power, which is extremely powerful. That force advocates killing and wants to be the master of life in the world and take over the world. Muyu only wants peace. He likes to watch life bloom quietly. Mu Yu is diametrically opposed to the power in his body. One person symbolizes death, and one person symbolizes life. If life is no match for death, then the entire Moyun Mountains will be covered with spirits!

"I teach you to do things with your own heart. If you are worthy of your heart, then do it. If you feel sorry for your heart, you cannot do it!"

Feng Haochen's voice was clanging and powerful, like an echo in the empty valley, stirring in Muyu's mind. He wants to wake up the sleeping Muyu. Muyu usually listens to him the most. Only he can stop Muyu from losing himself.

There are always two voices arguing in Muyu's mind. No one can persuade and say that no one can fully control this body. They are intertwined and desperately fighting for control of this body.

——Hurry! I want to kill as much as I want, how can I be sorry for my heart?

——No, Master said that everyone has the right to choose their own lives, and others should not be arbitrarily deprived. who are you? Why is it inside me?

-I am you! If you call life, I call death! Your Master does not have the ability to "blink between life and death" naturally.

——Master is the eye of the trapped Xian prison. He can kill anyone, but he hasn’t done so.

-That's because he is weak! Now you are the eyes of the trapped Xian prison, don't you always dislike the cheating among the innocents? Get rid of those clutter and leave people who you feel qualified to survive.

——Will there be no more killings in this world?

——Yes, kill those humans who are not worthy of life. You can’t fully control the trapped immortal prison, as long as you kill your master, the world is up to you! Whoever you want to live will live, whoever wants to die will die!

The black light in Muyu's right eye lit up, and the ruined death gas swept the whole body, and the death in his body took the initiative. He felt that he possessed endless power. He did not like the injustices of the cultivation world, he didn’t like the gray disciples of the college being trampled on by others, and he didn’t like that many cultivation practitioners started their brothers and sisters for small interests.

As long as those ugly people are killed, there are not so many dislikes in the world!

"Whether one person is good or bad should not be judged by another person. Your favorite life is the most. If you kill them, life will die. Life should be beating and beating, should not be controlled by any person. in."

Feng Haochen's voice struck again in Mu Yu's mind like Hong Zhong. As Wan Yue collapsed, thousands of tides moved together, shaking back the death in Mu Yu's body.

——Master is right! Life should not be in any hands!

Mu Yu's right eye darkened, and there seemed to be a short period of clarity. He struggled painfully, trying to pull himself back from the dark abyss, but soon his right eye was covered with black gas again, and death still enveloped his body.

——If you are cowardly, it is up to me to decide!

Mu Yu's complexion was constantly changing, and his mind was erratic. But the death that he likes to kill in his body seems to take the initiative. He knows that Muyu is the old man in front of him. Only by killing him can Muyu completely collapse!

A black light shot into Feng Haochen from his eyes, he was going to kill Feng Haochen!

——He is my master! Master taught me how to be a human being, and taught me how to view life in the world. I can’t kill him!

Muyu shouted, closing his right eye on the occasion of a thousand shots, and the black light suddenly disappeared.

——The big winners are not inconspicuous, he is just a stumbling block on your way to dominate the world! You see how I can rectify life in the world!

Mu Yu's right eye opened again, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, as if he was dying under the Nine Serenities, and the black light in his right eye continued to shroud in wind and dust.

But his left eye was struggling unceasingly, and the white light suddenly appeared, he wanted to intercept the black light!

Feng Haochen quietly watched the light of black light interweave in the air, he understood that Mu Yu had always wanted to wake up and be himself, but the power in Mu Yu's body was too domineering, and the black light gradually swallowed the white light, majestic The lifelessness is coming.

"You dare to hurt him! I will invalidate you!"

The sky of flames did not know where it came from, it rose with the wind and burned violently. The flame turned into a huge fire dragon, roaring violently, quickly surrounding the wind and dust, blocking the black light. That black light was stained with blazing flames, and suddenly dispersed like ice and snow, and could no longer enter the inch. The flame represents the masculinity in the world, and it can burn all the darkness, and the black light of the Yinba even feared the blazing fire!

The figure of the young man in red appeared slowly in the air. He burst into flames all over his body. The air around him seemed to be deformed when he was roasted. He stared angrily at Muyu. His voice was mixed with endless anger, and Mu Yu's actions challenged his bottom line. He appeared with a monstrous flame, instantly turning the surrounding trees into ashes, and the leaves in the sky were burned by the flame, turned into black ashes, and scattered with the wind.

At the moment when the young man in red appeared, Feng Haochen was not surprised at all, but Tianran felt incredible because she recognized the young man in red! This person is not a ghost!

The sword in the hands of the young man in red was steaming flames, roaring like a dragon, and sizzling like a phoenix, constantly changing their fierce monster forms, and then the sword pointed straight at Muyu.

"Furious anger!"

The endless fire light diffused, and the aura seemed to be ignited. The fire light directly covered Mu Yu as a whole and burned endlessly. Muyu ignited a blue flame all over his body. He was miserable, but the flame could not burn him. The skin on his body was ignited, but immediately a new layer of skin appeared, which was endless and endless.

The flame of anger burned Mu Yu's body, but Mu Ling's hands always had endless vitality to repair damaged skin.

The death in Muyu's body was roaring. This monstrous flame could not burn him to death, and he couldn't get rid of these flames, but this repeated burning sensation made Muyu as a person alternate between the two heavens of ice and fire. , He felt like he was almost on the verge of collapse.

Muyu's consciousness was finally awakened a lot by the flame. He tried to suppress the power in his body. That power was too terrible!

"Stop it! You mustn't hurt him..."

Muyu was obsessed with hearing Master seem to shout at the young people in red clothes, not to let young people in red clothes hurt Muyu. There was a burst of guilt in Mu Yu's heart. He almost killed Master, but Master was still protecting him. If the black light enveloped him, he knew that Master would never wake up again.

In the blink of an eye, life is only once for a life!

The flames in the hands of the young men in red were a little weaker, and the flames of the sky faded from Muyu. But Muyu didn't feel a sigh of relief, and without the intrusion of flame, the death in his body began to be restless, and he seemed to want to come out of Muyu again and make waves. Mu Yu has been suppressing that power. Hearing Master's words, he cannot let death take the initiative.

Life should be good, no one has the right to control the life and death of others at will, unless there is a reason for death, otherwise one should not be deprived of his life!

"You go back to me!"

Muyu roared, her left eye suddenly opened, and the white light bloomed instantly. The endless vitality enveloped Muyu's body. The white light drove all the flames back.

He tried his best to look at the young man in red~www.readwn.com~ He recognized this person, it was this person who controlled the Qingsong Taoist. He did not know why the young people in red appeared here, but he clearly remembered that the young people in red were also looking for Jianying Chenfeng!

At this moment, the flames had surrounded Feng Haochen, and Feng Haochen could not get rid of these flames. The young people in red seemed to have caught Feng Haochen!

The ashes floating in the air suddenly emerged green again, and the leaves in the sky were reborn from the ashes. Mu Yu finally took the initiative. He couldn't make any more mistakes. If he could, he would ask the young people in red to let Master no longer be intruded by outsiders.

"Leave me Master!"

Mu Yu barely squeezed out these words. He was already the bow of a strong crossbow, and there was little spiritual power left in his body. He knew that he was not an opponent of the young people in red at this moment. It's just that the belief of protecting Master has been insisting that he does not fall. His strength is too weak to be able to protect the people around him!

"You deserve to call him Master too!"

The young man in red was very angry, and there was a flame in his eyes. He seemed to want to teach Muyu a meal, but he refrained.

"Luo Luo, quickly remove the flame, he is your brother!" Feng Haochen surrounded by the flame yelled at the young people in red.

Feng Haochen looked at Muyu anxiously. He didn't know how much awareness Muyu had at the moment. He had to help Muyu suppress the death in his body, otherwise Muyu would be more fierce.

"Luo Shi..." Mu Yu heard these two words.

Is he Luo Luo? Is he the second senior brother in Lan Ling'er's mouth? Since it is the second brother, is the master safe?

Mu Yu couldn't help it anymore, his consciousness gradually sank, and his brain fell into darkness.

He feels that the whole person is falling, falling, falling, it seems that there is no end, and I don’t know when to fall...

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