A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 126: The Breaking Method

A few white clouds are floating in the clear sky, leisurely and comfortable. Luochen Mountain is still so quiet, but there seems to be some different joy in the silence.

Luochen Mountain has a few new faces, but a familiar person is missing, and that person is still in darkness.

Mu Yu's head was dizzy, and he felt that he had finally landed on the solid bed. His eyelids were heavy and something was still pressed against his chest, but he barely opened his eyes. It was the white strange egg that was in sight, which was quietly pressing on his chest at the moment, and there was a slight grunt.

He glanced around. This is his room. He returned to Luochen Mountain. He had a headache, as if he had a long dream. In the dream, he turned his hands over the clouds to cover the rain, and tried his best. He patted his heavy head, and he saw that the handsome guy on his chest seemed to be rolling down, and hugged it quickly, so as not to drop it, and it would hit his head again.

He sat up slowly, but his hands were still unsteady, and he rolled the little handsome off the bed.

"Fell me again!" The little handsome floated up in distress, and couldn't help but hit Muyu's head. Muyu touched his head with pain, and was hit by Xiaoshuai so much that he was awake for a while.

"You will die if you don't smash my head!" Mu Yu had the urge to strangle the handsome.

"I'm going to die if you don't fall!" Xiaoshuai pushed back unwillingly.

"I didn't mean it!" Muyu grabbed Xiaoshuai and pressed it hard.

"You say so every time!" Xiaoshuai quickly twisted Muyu's hand and smashed it back on Muyu's head.

Muyu grinned with pain, he lifted the quilt, stood up with a kick, and kicked the handsome out. However, Xiaoshuai's skin was too thick to be kicked away, but Mu Yu's own foot hurt half to death.

"It's still alive and kicking, it seems okay."

I don't know when Feng Haochen had pushed the door in, watching the two living treasures fighting on the bed, he smiled slightly, and the stone in his heart was considered to have fallen to the ground.

"Master!" Mu Yu pressed Xiaoshuai to death, raised his head, and said hello excitedly.

At this moment, he had many questions to ask Master, but remembering that he almost killed Master before lethargy, he felt a sense of guilt again in his heart.

"Master, I'm sorry." Mu Yu let go of Xiaoshuai, walked in front of Feng Haochen, and bowed his head. He knew what happened to him at that time, and he almost killed the master out of control. If it weren’t for Luo Dao’s rush, he would block the strange power in him, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Feng Haochen touched Muyu's head and said, "Yes, you are fine, and you have saved us all. The eyes of the trapped Xian prison have been transferred to me again, and you must not be involuntary in the future. It is controlled by the power in the body."

"Master, why do I have..."

Mu Yu didn't know how he came from the one named "death" in his body. He still felt incredible. He had another dark side in his body that he had never noticed. "Death" woke up.

Feng Haochen's eyes showed a strange color, and he pondered for a while, saying: "I think it's time for you to make certain things clear to you. This legend, which involves the triple continent, is about the five people who possess the ability of Yumeng Demon. Human beings are called the chosen ones. Do you know that I have defeated five Yumon Demon Lords?"

Mu Yu nodded his head, and he had always been in awe of this matter. The old man in front of him was the most powerful existence in the world. When all human beings would perish, Jianying Chenfeng defeated five people with one man. The Yumon Demon Spirit Lord saved the entire human race.

Muyu tried his best to imagine the scene of ruining the world, but he felt his imagination was limited. Master's magnificent Tianwei might not be described in words.

"Actually, the five Yumon Lingzhus are immortal beings. Although I killed them at that time, they had the ability to enter reincarnation. As long as they passed 1981 or even 100 years, they would reincarnate. Go to some Yumeng demon, and then make a comeback." Feng Haochen said slowly.

"Master means, I'm the Yumon Demon Clan?" Mu Yu couldn't accept this fact.

Feng Haochen shook his head slightly: "This kind of reincarnation is quite ethereal, I can only understand a little bit. Muyou Mengling, that is, the power in your body has a mysterious ability, named ' Life and death in the blink of an eye”, when this power is exerted to the extreme, it will ensure that all the killed Yumengling Lord enters the reincarnation. I made a bold decision at the time, which interfered with the ability of life and death in the blink of an eye. Sent into the reincarnation of the human race, and then attached to several of you."

Mu Yu was shocked, how did his ability come from?

"Why are we?" Mu Yu asked puzzled. This ability brought him many convenient places, but at the same time also brought him potential dangers.

Feng Haochen said apologetically: "During the reincarnation of the human race, Lord Yumeng Ling has been looking for a suitable host. The time for them to find the host is different. The five of you could not survive for some reason. , But your physical condition was chosen by their respective Yumeng Ling, and they chose you, which is equivalent to giving you life. So for this alone, they are giving you life and giving you a very high talent for cultivation. ."

Mu Yu was not a taste in her heart. They were humans who should not have existed in this world. They were lucky to have become containers of Lord Yumeng Ling and survived, but unfortunately chose to live in the same body as Lord Yumeng Ling.

"I have been looking for the five of you, because the decision I made was equivalent to harming you, so I must find you and teach you how to be a human being, and how not to be influenced by the power in your body. I was planning to cultivate you Become a real human race, use your power as a human to suppress the Yumeng spirit master, and make the Yumeng demon group headless, so the human race will not fight with the Yumeng demon from time to time." Feng Hao said.

Mu Yu felt like he was a bit unclean. He had a Yumon demon in him, and he possessed the ability of the Yumon demon, but he was a human again. If he could not balance the relationship between the two, he was very It is easy to be controlled by the Yumon Demon in the body. They survived because of Lord Yumeng Ling, but they also carried a heavy responsibility, and Muyu didn't know how to treat it.

If he was not selected by Yumeng Ling, he would not have the choice of life, but if he survived, he would have to face the cruel reality.

"Who are the other four?" Mu Yu asked.

"I only found four, and one still has no idea where it is, and the Dragon Quest didn't find him." Feng Haochen shook his head.

"Four? You mean that we have four people in Luochen Mountain who have the ability of Yumeng Demon as I do?" Mu Yu's eyes widened, he never knew about it!

"To the south, Cheng Yan and Luo Shao and you are still there. To the south, there are Tuyoumeng Clan. It is said that they can control metal, Luo Shao can control flames, and you can control trees.

"What about Linger?" Mu Yu asked eagerly.

"Ling'er is not, Ling'er just followed Luo Luo from an early age, so I brought her back. I never told you this, because I hope you can protect your secrets, if you can be close to everyone Unable to notice, it is not easy for other people to notice your anomalies. Your ability will not be accepted by the human race, and everyone will find ways to get rid of yours, so you must hide your secrets." Feng Hao Chen said .

Mu Yu thought of Luo Luo. Luo Luo saved the master with flames. No wonder Luo Luo was so angry at that time. Feng Haochen was also his master!

It seems that as a master brother, Cheng Yan had already realized this, but he and Xiang Nan both hid their secrets deeply, even if he knew Muyu's ability, he did not reveal his ability to Muyu. Because Master would not let them do this.

"In the beginning, I found you in Liushui Village with Xunlong Formation. I thought you should like to make trouble in the village. I will wait until you reach the age of cultivation. I went to the school to pick you up that day. Spirit Stone did something, no matter how you get it, it is a gray talent, so that I can take you back logically." Feng Haochen smiled.

When Mu Yu first saw the gray spirit stone appearing gray, she was desperate. Who could have thought that it was just a joke by the old man in front of him?

"After I found you, I taught you how to be a human being and use your will to fight against Yumon Lingyou. When the time is right, I will find a way to completely seal the sleeping Yumon Lingyou in your body, so that they It won't affect your mind anymore." Feng Haochen picked up Xiaoshuai and tapped his finger on the eggshell, Xiaoshuai grunted dissatisfiedly.

Mu Yujue put a heavy burden on his body, but he had the ability to withstand the sky but could not use it as he pleased. If he was inadvertently invaded by the Yumengling Lord in his body, it was really a headache.

However, Mu Yu was not frustrated by this, nor did she feel that her fate was unfair to them. He didn't complain so much, it was a good thing to live. Muyu never believed in fate. No matter how he developed in the future, the choice was still in their hands.

He knew that Master had taught them for so many years that they had the correct values ​​and would not be so easily influenced by the darkness in the body. Muyu could also think that if Master did not teach them the formation method, he was also worried that if one day Muyu went astray and stood on the side of the Yumon Demon Clan, the method of how humans restrained the Yumeng Demon with the array method would fail.

"Master, that trapped fairy prison... Will the people of Moyun Mountain really die? You will also—" Mu Yu hesitated.

Feng Haochen nodded slightly, his expression flustered for a while, and said: "Ah! The trapped fairy prison is probably the most wrong decision I made that year! At that time, I agreed with the people in the Sannomiya, and I took my own cultivation as an act. The formation of the trapped Xian prison, with his whole person as the trapped eye of the trapped Xian prison, is to trap the Yumon demons in the Moyun Mountains. They will assist me to rescue all humans from the Moyun Mountains, but when I After laying the trapped immortal prison, they only let those who are capable of evacuating Moyun Mountains evacuate, but those who are unable to evacuate are left alone."

Mu Yu frowned: "Is the person in the Mie Palace regretting it?"

"Although there are few people in the Moyun Mountains, there are also millions. They feel that it is not worth the huge effort to save these people who have been repaired underground, so they broke the contract."

Feng Haochen's face flashed sullenly. He was willing to sacrifice his cultivation practices in order to prevent the Mie Continent from being invaded by the Yumeng Demon Clan. However, the Mie Palace did not abide by the agreement and did not want to save so many people.

"Master, can't you lift the trapped immortal prison?" Mu Yu also had a anger in his heart. How could this so-called Sanchong Palace be so shameless?

Feng Haochen shook his head and said, "The law of heaven and earth array is very up against the sky. At that time, my cultivation practice was already in heaven, and I could feel the law of heaven and earth. At the cost of my lifelong cultivation, once established, it is difficult to reverse. Unless I die It is only possible to reverse it, but the Heaven and Earth Formation will not let the formation die, even if it is replaced with a ghost, the Heaven and Earth Formation will eventually find out that it will destroy the ghost, resurrect me, and transfer it to me. ."

"Then there is really no way to save the people of Moyun Mountain~www.readwn.com~ Is there no way to save Master?" Muyu asked.

"The solution is there, but it is too harsh. Although the Heaven and Earth Formation is difficult to reverse, as long as I have the original cultivation practice, I will be able to contend with the Heaven and Earth Formation, thus breaking this formation, but resuming the cultivation practice. It's too difficult, it's very difficult to do that kind of thing. Of course, there is another way, that is, to kill the guards of the Triple Palace!" Feng Hao Chen said.

"Triple palace guards?"

"The Mie Palace is a mysterious existence. It is in charge of all the integrators of the Mie Continent. It has established these forces of the Eight Gates. I don’t know exactly where the Mie Palace is. They have always been floating. Formation, that is a person who is proficient in the formation of the world, that year he found me, let me build a trapped immortal prison.

I agree with his request because he assured me that everyone in the Moyun Mountains will be saved, but it is a pity that he has violated his promise and failed to fulfill his promise. The heaven and earth formation method is based on my cultivation, but the core of the entire earth and earth formation method is actually him. As long as he is killed, the trapped fairy prison will disappear. Feng Feng said.

"Master, I will kill him."

Muyu clenched her fists. The guardians of the Mie Palace, and those who did not keep their promises, caused Master Bai Bai to change from a true **** admired by thousands of people all over the world into a weak Jindan cultivator, and to take the lives of millions of people in the Moyun Mountains. Not to die!

"He's damn, but even if his cultivation is not as good as I was back then, he is not what you can think of now. If you want to save the millions of people in the Moyun Mountains, you have to achieve what I once did. Feng Haochen sat on the chair and smiled.

Reaching the cultivation of the true God?

Muyu spit out his tongue and weighed his Jindanxixiu behavior. Think about how Master was able to save the entire human race, and he couldn't even fight the Qingsong Taoist. The way to go is still long!

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