A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 702: Unbearable 1 blow

"Little devil is really cunning, this can be found." Xiaoshuai scolded involuntarily.

Mu Yu also feels very bad. He can't beat ghosts and fate, and he has no other way but to run.

Gui Xixing didn't chase it. It should be to find a real exit to go to the 99th floor. Mu Yu was worried about Qiao Xue's safety. He must also return to the 99th floor.

He calculated the fastest route a little bit. Starting from this layer, it would take six hours to reach the 99th layer, which made his heart sink, because the route of ghosts and lives only needs to go through at most three times. The layer can reach the 99th layer, the time is about five and a half hours!

Half of these hours did not know whether Qiao Xue could escape from the ghost.

"What now?" Long Teng asked.

"No way, we can only wait for the export of this floor to change and hurry to the 99th floor."

There is no other better way for Mu Yu. It is impossible for Long Xingmei and Long Yeli to withstand the ghosts and lives of ghosts and ghosts. With Qiao Xue's character, she will not let the ghost door people succeed. There will be a confrontation, and if you lose, you don't need to think about it and Qiao Xue.

Now Muyu is useless in anxiety, he has to wait for the export to change. Then I remembered the moon **** stone I just got from the ghost butterfly, and took it out, ready to see if I could find a way to break it. However, Mu Yu tried various methods to destroy this thing, neither Mu Ling nor his shadow sword could leave a little scratch on the Moon God Stone.

"Xiaoshuai, try it with your little paws." Mu Yu threw the Moon God Stone to Xiaoshuai.

Xiaoshuai popped his claw-thin claws, and the claws left a white shadow in the air and disappeared into the moon **** stone.


Moonstone is split in two!

Xiaoshuai's claws are really indestructible things, at least they usually use claws to do things and haven't encountered anything that can't be cut.

However, the moon **** stone is like the ghost's head, and after being cut off, it will automatically stick together and cannot be separated.

"I know how to deal with this stuff. The meat-winged horn monster is most afraid of the sun. We took this under the sun and exposed it. Maybe we can solve this ball." Xiaoshuai suggested.

"Or go to find the place where the father said, and leave this thing in the place where the day is forbidden. This is fine."

Muyu remembered the advice given to him by the dead wood father. To kill the meat-winged horned monster, it was necessary to use the Jiyuxuan Spirit in the Forbidden Day. Muyu didn't know what it was.

The meat-winged horned monster is trapped in the town demon tower, and can only be reborn through the moon **** stone, which means that if the moon-god stone is left in the forbidden place, the meat-winged horn monster has no possibility to come out.


The ninety-ninth floor.

Qiao Xue was at a loss, she didn't know how to get close to the pillars and balls. Dragon Star Meteorology has been trying his various methods with pleasure, but each method is thunder and rain, and it is useless.

"Qiao Xue, I thought of a method my grandpa once taught me, and I will show it to you."

The dragon scale meteorite has transformed into dragon scales, and the golden light above the circle is shining brightly, and ripples come out, and then it floats into a heart-shaped shape, swinging towards the cylinder and the sphere.

This is his best skill. Usually in the Qinglong Dynasty, he used his hands to capture the hearts of many banshees, and often showed it in front of Qiao Xue. Qiao Xue usually just praised two words politely, but today Qiao Xue was not interested at all.

Qiao Xue looked at the heart-shaped ripples and knew that they were used to please her, but at this moment the heart-shaped ripples became another look in Qiao Xue's eyes.

She found Mu Yu's shadow seemed to be in the ripples.

Qiao Xue shook his head. After Mu Yu left, Qiao Xue felt a little lost in her heart. She knew that Mu Yu was still in this tower, but she always felt that she was separated from Mu Yu by 180,000 miles. Stay by her side.

When Muyu left just now, she seemed to be in a bad mood. Qiao Xue wanted to go with Muyu, but she had to find a way to rescue the Kraken, so she could only stay with Dragon Star Fall.

Long Xingyu has been doing childish things in front of her. Qiao Xue looked at Long Xingyu's ridiculous look, but all she thought was Muyu. Compared with Longxingyu, Muyu was the one to rely on. .

She understood that everything seemed to have changed after that mistake.

"Qiao Xue, is this love ripple beautiful?" Long Xingyu asked with a smile. He had no intention to save the Kraken King, everything was just to attract Qiao Xue's attention to himself.

"Huh." Qiao Xue answered casually.

Long Xingmei sat next to Qiao Xue: "Relax, we must be able to rescue the Kraken King. Didn’t Deer Lao say that? Lord White Ape gave him something, and he could rescue the Kraken King with that thing, we Just wait for the deer to be here."

Dragon Star Meteor took Qiao Xue's hand, but Qiao Xue suddenly pulled his hand back like a reflex. Long Xingmei saw Qiao Xue's reaction in his eyes, and he was very annoyed, because when he saw Muyu touching Qiao Xue's hand, Qiao Xue didn't have such a big reaction.

"Lao Lu doesn't know when he can come here, I hope he will hurry up!" Qiao Xue's eyes fell on the exit, and a look of anticipation flashed in her eyes.

But this anticipation is mixed with a little charm, she is not looking forward to Lu Lao, but looking forward to someone.

The man who had just left.

Long Yeli walked over and said, "Why don't we go find Lulu and see what is wrong with him, why doesn't it appear now."

Qiao Xue shook his head: "No, Muyu said that the exit here may change at any time. Once we leave here, it is very likely that we won't be able to return. We are still here to wait better, without Muyu leading the way. If we do, we have no results."

Long Xing said with disdain: "He likes people who are in the limelight, and there is regularity in what he breaks through. I think he is nonsense at all. If he can crack this formation, he will crack it long ago, and he will have to wait a few days. Just make excuses."

Qiao Xue frowned, she didn't like Dragon Star Meteor's bad words about Muyu.

"Xing Mei, Mu Yu is a formation master, and the owner of this town demon tower is also a formation master. If anyone is most likely to rescue the Kraken King, that person must be him!" Qiao Xue was very serious.

Long Xingmei was so angry in his heart that he snorted coldly, and when he was about to damage Muyu again, suddenly there seemed to be some changes at the exit, and a voice came.

He turned his head and saw a ghost door man and an abominable head floating in the air!

"The ghost door people are here to die!"

Long Xing stood up and stared coldly at the ghost leopard. As for the ghost with only one head, he was neglected by his life. In his view, a head could not make waves.

Although the ghost leopard is a fit for the fit period, but they are a long-term fit in the fit period plus Long Xingmei and Qiao Xue’s water abilities. In the eyes of Long Xing, they face this half ghost Doormen are really easy things.

"It turns out that the demon tribes have been here long ago. It's not simple." Ghost looked at Long Xingmei and others with a grief, and his eyes were cold and sinister, making people shudder.

"It's ghosts cherishing their lives, star falling, don't care, we are not his opponents."

Qiao Xue is not as weak as Long Xingmei's enemy. Although the ghost's sad head looks like it has no extra fighting power and the breath is not very powerful, it makes her feel something wrong.

"I'll kill them!" said the Ghost Leopard abruptly.

"Don't kill first, I need a complete body." Gui Ximing sneered.

"Want to kill us? I'll kill you before I talk!"

Long Xingmei has long suffocated the fire in his stomach, and his hands have turned into dark dragon claws. He has never waited for the human race, especially the ghost door people.

"Star falls, don't be impulsive! These two ghost gatemen are not simple!" Qiao Xue said in a deep voice.

Long Xingmei laughed: "Qiao Xue, you don't need to be scared. As long as it's a guy like a ghost door person, as long as it's not a person during the robbery period, I won't even take care of the rest! Uncle Li solves this obstacle."

Dragon Star Meteor and Long Yeli rushed towards the Ghost Leopard. His dragon claw hand crossed a black mark in the air and grabbed the head. Long Yeli rushed to the Ghost Leopard, and the two attacked very fiercely. They showed no mercy and tried to win with one blow.

"Ghost leopard, you went to catch them alive. I'm worried that the blood souls will make their souls become scarred, and the souls of the demon are also very powerful." Gui Xi said.

"Jumping beam clown, leave it to me!"

Ghost leopard burst into a ghostly spirit, a twin twinkling out of the ghost gas, countless black chains rattled, rolled like a viper.

Long Yeli rushed to the front, his arm turned into a dragon claw, and a claw grabbed toward the dark chain. In his view, his dragon claw hand was extremely hard, and it was not a problem to grab the chain of the ghost doorman.

The chain and the dragon claw hand collided, and the dragon leaf was abruptly away from his face. A cold cold intruded into the body along the dragon claw hand. This cold air seemed to ignore the demon power of his body at all, and the whole body felt like he fell into it. Ice cellar.

"Master, leave here!"

Long Ye shouted, he understood that he was still too little to look at the ghost leopard, his body flicked, already showing a huge dragon shape, he was a dragon shape, and still far from the dragon.

He left as soon as he wanted to, and wanted to leave the envelope of ghost spirit, but the chains were like a shadow, and his huge body was tied tightly at once, and the cold ghost spirit entered the body, so that the demon power in his body could not even be able to. Turn around!

Just a face-to-face, Long Yeli in the fit period was defeated in the hands of the ghost leopard!

Long Xingmei was also horrified. He finally understood how ridiculous he was, but he was not as fast as Long Yeli, so he fell behind. When Long Yeli was caught, he stopped. Without talking about turning around, I ran~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xue also rushed over at this time, the sky of water poured down, and turned into countless ice cones to kill the ghost leopard. But the ghost gas poured into the ice cone in an instant, and those contaminated ice cones turned into a pool of black water and spilled down.

Long Xing couldn't dodge, and was just splashed by the black water contaminated with ghost gas. It felt like taking a cold shower. The magic power of the whole body was also frozen. A terrible ghost gas invaded him and let him Unable to condense the demon power, directly hung on the ground.


Ghost Leopard sneered and watched Dragon Star Meteor, then glanced at Qiao Xue, who was resisting the ghost spirit, and asked, "Ghost pity, these three people, whose body do you want to use?"

Gui Ximing's gaze swept over Long Yeli and Long Xingmei, and there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes: "These two have the spirit of the dragon and vine, but this guy in the fit period is not strong enough, and the body does not have this. Good boy."

Then his eyes fell on Qiao Xue: "As for the woman who controls the water, as early as when she and Muyu were together, I took a fancy to her body. Her body will be perfectly controlled by our ghost, but a pity It’s a woman, it’s a headache, who should I choose?”

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