"Fuck! Hurry up and let me go! I am the prince of the demon clan!" Long Xing shouted angrily.

"Is the prince of the demon clan? Then the blood of the dragon and vine must be very high, not bad."

The head of Gui Ximing floated in front of Long Xing meteorite, and shocked Long Xing. He could even see the scarlet blood vessels and flowing blood on Gui Xi Ming's face, which made Long Xingmei's whole body of hair rise.

"You, what do you want to do!"

There was a chill in the heart of Dragon Star Meteor, he grew up like a moon among the demon clan, but he had never encountered a ghost door man with only half of his head still alive.

"Don't you understand what to do? This girl's physique is the most suitable for my blood-domain demon skeleton, but you are a man, and his physique is not bad. I'm a little bit embarrassed right now, should I choose hello, or Which girl to choose?"

Gui Xixing extended his tongue and licked his already ragged lips, his tongue still covered with his own blood.

"You, you... I warn you, if you dare to move me a hair, my grandfather, the green dragon demon king will never let you go!" Long Xing said with a terrifying voice.

Long Xingyue now also hopes to be able to rely on the Green Dragon Demon King to scare the ghost door people. After all, the top ten demon kings are famous, and everyone in the realm world is terrified.

But if the ghost gate people would be scared by the Blue Dragon Demon King, it would be weird. They did their best to do nothing. They used to go to the Double Sky for the White Ape Demon King. Now they come to the Demon Island for the Sea Demon King.

The ghost-door people who specifically hit their minds on the demon king will also be afraid of the blue dragon demon king?

Gui Ximing chuckled: "Your demon tribes want to find us. Although they come, our demon tribes also like your demon tribe's soul very much. Compared with ordinary innocents, your demon tribe's soul is better."

Gui Ximing approached Dragon Star Meteor, suddenly closed his eyes and sniffed Dragon Star Meteor, as if smelling the smell of Dragon Star Meteor.

"You, what do you want!"

Long Xingyu was frightened by the perverted actions of Gui Xixing. He realized that his identity was not worth mentioning in front of Guimen, and he didn't have the brilliance just like that.

"I'm thinking about choosing your body better or the girl's body better. The woman's body can make me stronger, but I'm not happy to take a woman's body. What do you think? "Gui Ximing sneered.


Long Xingmei glanced in horror at the ghost, and then glanced at the side of Qiao Xue, who was entangled in ghost spirit. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Choose her! I am the prince of the demon clan, and will control the entire Qinglong dynasty in the future. , As long as you let me go, you will be a guest of my Qinglong Dynasty in the future!"

"Choose her?" Ghost cherishes her life with a grin. "Of course, it is possible to choose her body, but I have to decide your soul too!"

"You can't kill me! Please, don't kill me--" Long Xingyu was frightened by the ghost's sad expression, and he shouted in horror.

"Don't worry, I will solve her first, and it's not your turn yet."

Gui Ximing glanced contemptuously at Long Xingmei, turned his face to Qiao Xue, and said in a cold voice: "Last time you separated my body with Mu Yu, this time you fell on my hand, then take you Your body to compensate!"

Qiao Xue didn't have any thoughts of fear, and the expression on her face was calm: "If you want to kill, then kill, so much nonsense!"

Qiao Xue glanced lightly at Dragon Star Fall. She listened to what she said just now. She was already disappointed with Dragon Star Fall.

Ordinarily, Dragon Star Meteor, acting in the Qinglong dynasty, did not want to care about him, and even prevented Muyu from killing him, but this time the choice made by Dragon Star Meteor made Qiao Xue understand that some things are true It is unforgivable.

"Dragon Star fell, you are so sad." Qiao Xue said softly.

Then Qiao Xue's mind appeared Muyu again.

At the time of the second day, Muyu and Qiao Xue had no friendship at that time, but Muyu chose to send Yu Pei directly to Qiao Xue, let Qiao Xue leave, and face everyone alone. Compared to the dragon star who betrayed his companion, Mu Yu has always occupied an unbreakable position in Qiao Xue's heart.

"You are a person who is not afraid of death, which makes me look forward to your body even more!"

Gui Ximing sneered, and flew to Qiao Xue. The **** soul in the sky quickly evolved into a huge blood shadow. A closer look is the usual appearance of Gui Ximing.

The red light on this blood shadow flickered and was clearly smelly blood, and there were many blood souls struggling in the blood.

This blood shadow gradually shrank as he moved towards Qiao Xue, becoming as big as Qiao Xue, and wanted to be one with Qiao Xue.

Qiao Xue looked at the ghost who was approaching, but the water spirits had spread out, turning all the ghosts away. The water spirit itself is very special, and the wood spirit is a level thing, but the wood spirit is not afraid of these ghost spirits, and the water spirit is quite afraid of these ghost spirits.

"I won't let you succeed."

Qiao Xue gritted her teeth, and a blue dragon scale appeared in her hand. The dragon scale instantly turned into a real element covering Qiao Xue. Dao blue stripes appeared on Qiao Xue's skin. Converted to azure blue.

Her eyes were like two blue jewels, sending out a cold chill, and her long black hair turned blue, soft and smooth like a blue waterfall, floating gently behind her.

"Frozen Miles!"

The azure water curtain circulates in the air, light and sharp, the surrounding temperature drops rapidly, everything has been frozen, everything has withered, this is a frozen world, all the ghosts seem to have changed Slow down.

In the distance, Long Xingmei, trapped by ghost spirits, saw Qiao Xue's changes, and he couldn't help but shivered. He was shivered with ice and ice crystals appeared on his eyebrows.

Dragon Star Meteor reminded me of something and shouted: "Qiao Xue, Grandpa said you can't use this dragon scale to borrow the ability of Yumeng to use water at will. Otherwise, including yourself, we may all be frozen to death!"

"Frozen to death? Do you really think that your identity as a dragon prince can make you survive?"

Qiao Xue's voice has completely changed its tone. Normally, her voice resembles the sound of spring water dingdong, cheerful and crisp, but at this time, it is like a thousand years of ice, cold and indifferent, echoing in the ears of others makes people bitterly cold. .

Gui Xifu frowned, his blood stopped, and the cold surrounding made the blood on his face coagulate, and the blood soul became unstable. These blood souls are tangible and incorporeal, illusory, and very few things can stop their attacks, but at this time they are affected by this cold.

"What a powerful water control ability!" Ghost exclaimed.

His eyes showed a very greedy look. The ability of Shui Youmeng Ling Lord Xuan Ming, he had seen in ancient books of the school, when Shui Youmeng exerted the ability of water control to the extreme, it can make everything frozen, including Blood and spiritual power in the human body!

Gui Ximing knew that Lord Shui Youmengling was inside Qiao Xue. If he could control Qiao Xue's body and get Qiao Xue's ability, then his combat power would be even higher!

"I'm going to fix your body!" Ghost laughed grimly, with blood on his body, and the ice on all the blood souls seemed to melt, and he flew back to Qiao Xue again.

Snow flakes have floated in the air, and these snowflakes seem to have their own lives, and all the ghost spirits are enveloped in them, and they are directly frozen into ice crystals.

"My body belongs only to me!" Qiao Xue said coldly.

All the ghost gas was frozen by the snowflakes, and from a distance, it was like a black mist covered with a layer of crystals. It did not fall, but it could not move anymore. At this time, a pleasant voice rang from Qiao Xue's body, and two beautiful creatures fluttered their wings, floating in the water.

They sang songs in the air, and their weak bodies were so spiritual that they could not help but feel pity. The blue lightning suddenly blasted out of the water stream, and quickly flowed between the snowflakes. All the ghostly ghost gas was instantly wiped out by the lightning and disappeared.

The ghost leopard retreated back and forth, and a white soul appeared in his body, wrapping himself in the middle and resisting the cold winter. He was also surprised, because the bone-chilling coldness threatened even his fit-up period.

The blood soul that was close to the ghost seemed to wince, and he was also afraid of the lightning from the winning fish. His blood soul was dexterous and varied, dodge in the air, shuttled through the intertwined lightning, avoiding all the lightning , Caught Qiao Xue.

The speed of ghosts cherishing their lives is very fast. The body has turned into a blood shadow, and the ghost hands in the blood shadow have touched Qiao Xue's skin. But Gui Xixing had just touched Qiao Xue with his hand, his face changed greatly, and he pulled his hand back suddenly. The temperature on Qiao Xue's body had dropped to a terrible point.

Today, only one head and soul are left for the ghost to die, and when he meets Qiao Xue, his soul trembles for a moment. The terrible cold cannot even be immune to his soul!

For thousands of miles, can this ability be so powerful?

"How could she bear the cold?"

Gui Ximing looked at Qiao Xue's skin with cold eyes. At this moment, Qiao Xue's skin became extremely pale and crystal-like, and then Gui Xixing's pupil shrank, because he saw a crack on Qiao Xue's body, like ice. The block was smashed.

"I'd rather turn into an ice sculpture than you will occupy the body."

Qiao Xue's voice was still so cold, but her consciousness had become a little vague, and Shui Yumeng's freezing ability was too domineering. She had never dared to use this ability at will. Normally, it is just to control the water. I dare not reduce the temperature of the water so low by freezing, especially after the water Yumengling is sealed, the body cannot withstand such a low temperature.

"Good girl!"

Gui Xi retired, he dared not touch Qiao Xue's body again, Qiao Xue has become a source of cold at the moment, the temperature is too low, once he enters Qiao Xue's body, his soul will be frozen instantly live.

"Would you rather die?" The blood soul of Gui Xi's life contracted back again, leaving only a head, and his skull quickly retreated to the side of the ghost leopard. The two jointly issued a spooky spiritual power to resist this terrible cold.

"Death, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Qiao Xue's voice gradually weakened, and she could take back her abilities, but once she took back ~www.readwn.com~ with her current practice, her body would be taken away by ghosts.

She did not allow other men to touch her body at will, and her body now belongs to that careless young man.

The darkness gradually invaded, she was not afraid of death, but at this juncture, only the figure of Mu Yu was left in Qiao Xue's mind.

Qiao Xue likes the young man who dares to chase his faith, even though there is another girl in his heart.

"Even if you choose Tianran in the end, I will defend you like a jade."

Qiao Xue's eyes were full of firmness. She felt herself sinking, as if falling into an endless abyss.

But a warm current suddenly spread all over Qiao Xue's body, which was a familiar feeling, as if the spring blossomed, the ice and snow melted, and everything returned to spring.

"Silly girl, I said I will protect you."

The heart-warming voice was like a brilliant sun in the dark abyss, turned into a strong hand, and suddenly pulled Qiao Xue.

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