The author has something to say:    Today's big chapter is equivalent to double weight.

Am I working hard?

Praise me hum ˉ∞ˉ

Kanal is a unique country.

Its land is located on the plains, the terrain is single, the land is fertile, countless rivers are like a net covering the earth, and the cultivated land is never lacking for irrigation water.

The country has a mild climate, and natural disasters like droughts and floods rarely occur. Most of the food crops are harvested twice a year, and a good harvest can be obtained every year. Moreover, due to abundant water resources and very developed fisheries, few famines have occurred.

Moreover, Canal's geographical location is also very good.

It faces the sea in the south, Aaron Landis in the east with a long history, and Tasda in the northeast.

Although these two countries are famous for cavalry and one for infantry, but because Aaron Landis has been close to Canal for all generations, the Tasda Kingdom, which has a close relationship with Aaron Landis, has also Kanal has a good relationship, so the three countries have close relations and there has never been a war.

To the southwest of it is a wide strait. The climate of this strait is volatile, there are storms at any time, and boating is extremely dangerous, so a natural barrier is formed.

In the northeast of Canal, although there are several countries bordering on it, they are all small countries that pose little threat to Canal. Moreover, there are military intrepid Aaron Landis and Tasda as friendly countries, and those small countries are even more afraid to act rashly.

Therefore, the Kanal State has not experienced war for more than two hundred years.

In fact, the Kings of Kanal have been very happy that Kanal's neighbor is Aaron Landis, not Is and Gaith.

These two military powers are not weak and are very aggressive towards other countries, and they like to rob others. All of them are blocked by Aaron Landis, which makes the Canal State stable.

It can even be said that if Aaron Landis did not separate Is and Gaishu, Kanal might have been in years of war and frequent wars.

The current King Kanal has been in power for more than ten years. Although he is not a wise hero, he is also a king of clear thinking.

He knew very well that Aaron Landis was an extremely important guard wall for his country. Therefore, more than a decade ago, when the tragic war that threatened the survival of life and death occurred in Aaron Landis, he vigorously dissented from the public opinion and treated the countless grains and armaments like running water at the ultra-low price of almost free delivery. It was transported to Aaron Landis, and he made efforts to provide various support to the army of King Camos at the time.

Aaron Landis held it up, and King Phenoah was relieved.

In his heart, if Aaron Landis was really wiped out by Iss and Gai, it would be difficult for Kanal's not strong military power to resist the two powerful countries.

However, no matter what his purpose was, during the most difficult period of Aaron Landis, he did give Aaron Landis great help, so that the relationship between the two countries became closer.

King Phenoah also greatly appreciated the lion king, who was much younger than himself. He had always regretted that he did not have a sister, otherwise she would marry her to King Camos.


It was another sunny day, the sun was shining on the ground, just because it had entered the winter, even if the sun was full, the weather would inevitably cool down.

Canal's royal city is located in the middle of the country, and the climate change is more obvious. At this moment, the people in the royal city have put on thick clothes.

The white royal palace stands in the royal city and is a collection of tall towers with hemispherical shapes.

The beautiful white and flawless building shone in the sunlight, which was a grand scene in the king city.

Affected by Canal's culture, most of Canal's buildings tend to be refined and elegant. The palace was originally a collection of all the skilled craftsmen of Canal and was beautifully built like a large-scale artwork.

In a garden deep in the palace, a white pavilion with a hurdle, surrounded by streams, and reflecting the sunlight, became a beautiful scenery.

A young boy was running around on the grass, jumping up and down, waving his short sword vigorously.

He had obviously struggled for a while, and his forehead also oozed with sweat in this cool weather.

He waved his sword and happily, and bitter the servants who were running around with him, had to stare at him carefully, fearing that he would fall or be injured, and he was so sweaty.

"West Asia."

A clear voice rang from the side, and the little boy turned his head, his eyes lit up, and ran to the person who called him with a smile.

At first sight, those servants were relieved.

"Sister Wang!"

Canal's little prince shouted happily.

The girl in a slightly thick skirt squatted down and gently wiped the sweat off the boy's forehead with a white towel. She looked at her brother and showed a gentle smile on her face.

She asked softly, "West Asia, are you tired?"

"Not tired! What is this? I will be a big hero in the future!"

The little prince shouted with the dagger in his hand,

"I want to be a very powerful general, and with Wami, fight for the prince, who doesn't admit that I am a hero, whoever is not convinced, I will beat him up -"

As if to prove himself, he turned to seek advice from his friends.

"Wami, did you say that?"

"Yes, I will be a general in the future."

Beside, a boy with a big head and a big brain like the little prince nodded vigorously.

The girl smiled and touched her brother's head.

"People who bully others are not heroes."

she says,

"True heroes exist to protect important people."

The little prince tilted his head, and his big blue eyes flickered like his sister, and his face seemed to understand.

"So, can I protect you, Sister Wang, and I can become a great hero?"

The girl didn't answer yet, a burst of laughter came from behind.

"Yes, as long as you protect your sister, you can become a hero."

With a laugh, King Phenoah hurried over and hugged his young son.

He turned around and sat down on the bench next to it, letting his beloved little son sit on his lap, then looked up at his beloved daughter with a smile.

"Olia, did you listen to the elder brother?"

The long eyelashes moved, and a little shyness appeared on the girl's gentle face, and then quickly returned to the previous look, nodding gently.

"Olia, although this is a marriage, in order to make Canal and Aaron Landis more intimate, but you are also my beloved daughter, I will not wrong you."

King Phenoah said seriously,

"I sent someone to inquire carefully before proposing marriage. Although Prince Aaron Landis Gallan was two years younger than you, he was extremely handsome, and since he was a smart, well-known man, he was very popular. The people's support and love is a very good person. And his gentle temperament will certainly be good to you."

Olia shook her head.

"Father, I don't feel wronged."

As the princess of Canal, since she has enjoyed the honor, she should naturally bear the responsibility of being a royal.

Although she has a quiet personality and does not like to talk much, she is clever and knows that the marriage with Aaron Landis royal family can greatly help Canal.

King Phenoah happily patted his daughter's hand. He knew that his daughter was always sensible.

However, King Phenoah and Olia had no opinion, but the little prince, who was sitting on the father's lap, jumped and fell.

"No! I disagree! Sister Wang cannot marry that far!"

Because the princess died early, the little prince Westia was brought by Olia. For West Asia, Olia was a sister and a mother. King Finoia also knew that Westia would not want Oria to marry, he said nothing, Just patted West Asia's head with a smile and made him quiet.

"Olia, this is the portrait of the crown prince sent by King Camos to the messenger."

Passing the picture to the daughter, King Phenoah sat down and looked at Olia with a smile.

Olia took the picture before it was opened, and was snatched away by angry West Asia.

"Sister Wang, I disagree. I heard that Prince Aaron Landis hasn’t even been to the battlefield once, and he’s softly lying, maybe he looks very ugly, otherwise, Sister Wang, you still marry Prince Huimus?"

The child curled his mouth and opened the scroll while chattering to discredit the crown prince who made him dislike.

If Sister Wang must marry Aaron Landis, it would be better to marry the black knight he admired in particular.

You know, his biggest wish now is to be like a black knight to become a powerful knight in the **** battlefield, so that everyone in the world will be frightened.

"Prince Huimos is a great hero on the battlefield, especially powerful, and must be more handsome than the ugly prince---"

At this point, the scene suddenly stopped abruptly. The blond boy on the picture opened by West Asia made West Asia seem to be choked by the throat, and could not say any more slander.

If this Prince Garland looks ugly, there may be no good-looking people in this world.

West Asia can't do anything to open eyes and talk nonsense anyway.

Even Olia, who was indifferent, looked slightly brighter when she saw the portrait.

She will assume her responsibility as Princess Canal, no matter who the other party is, she will marry the father as she wishes.

However, it is human nature to like beautiful things, so now seeing the portrait of Prince Wang, she couldn't help but look twice.

Olia has always been praised by everyone for her gentleness and beauty, but now she feels that she may not be as good as the crown prince in terms of beauty.

The abrupt shouts of West Asia made King Fanoa, who was waiting for a good show, laugh again.

"Just... even if it looks good, what good is it! It's not that there is no such thing as Prince Heimos. Sister, if you want to marry Prince Heimos--"

In that way, the powerful black knight is his brother-in-law.

West Asia couldn't help thinking.

Maybe he can teach him martial arts, making himself so powerful and invincible on the battlefield.

"Enough, West Asia!"

King Phenoah lowered his face.

"Prince Garland is useless? Do you know that when he was as big as you, he dared to break into the enemy camp as a bait to save his people, and he also quelled a riot, think about your long So big, what have you done so far? How dare you say that people are useless?"


West Asia stayed for a while, then secretly looked at the elder sister Olia.

He whispered: "He really did such a great thing? Was it really as big as me at the time?"

Olia smiled and nodded.

Since Brother Wang revealed her father's thoughts to her, she secretly asked someone to collect the news of Prince Garland.

She thought about it. Prince Garland will be here in more than half a month. If West Asia is in trouble because of not feeling good about it at that time, I am afraid that there will be trouble. She has to find a way.

Therefore, she beckoned, let West Asia come, reached out and hugged him, and spoke out what she knew about Prince Garland one by one.

The more Olia said, the more surprised West Asia was, with an incredible look on her face.

But even if he was surprised, he listened more and more interested, the more happy he listened, especially when he heard the **** battle of Tozes City that happened not long ago, and heard that Garland tried his best to save the people of Tozes City. At that time, the little face of the child was a little flushed with excitement.

"That's what Sister Wang said just now, can only someone who can protect everyone be called a hero?"


Olia smiled and managed his brother's curly hair.

She said, "West Asia, you must remember that you are the prince of Canal, and it is your responsibility to protect Canal and the people of Canal."

"I know, Sister Wang, I will practice martial arts well, and I will protect you when I grow up and protect everyone!"

Opening her eyes, Xiao Xia promised carefully to his sister.

That cute look made Olia couldn't help but smiled and kissed her little brother's face, and then rubbed him around him.

"Then... When will Prince Aaron Landis come to us?"

Having forgotten everything he said a while ago, West Asia eagerly asked.

Hearing the stories that Sister Wang said, he can't wait to see the powerful Crown Prince now.

Olia burst into laughter and knocked on his brother's small head.

King Phenoah sat on the side, drinking wine comfortably, and watching the elder brother's interaction, the rough face full of beards seemed to be softened.

The sun shone on everyone in the garden, like a warm aura shrouded on the happy family.

Gentle and beautiful girl, lovely child, and loving father.

At this moment, the time is quiet and the warm picture in the courtyard seems to become eternal in this instant.

But this kind of beauty is broken by the messy footsteps in the next second.

"His Majesty!"

The hurried bodyguard leaned over and knelt before King Phenoah.

"Urgent military situation! The Gasdars invaded our northeast border!"


King Phenoah stood up suddenly.

He asked in amazement: "Gasdad? How could they invade? What about the country?"

Gasdard is an extremely north country.

The reason why King Finoya was shocked was that Canal and Gasdard were separated by several small countries including the country of Hida.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Xida has been destroyed, and King Xida..."

The kneeling bodyguard lowered his head and paused.

"King Hida was killed on the battlefield by the Prince Tyr of Gasdard."

King Phenoah was startled.

"Gasdad...Prince...How can there be a prince in Gasdad?"

Repeating this sentence in a low voice, a very dignified look appeared on his face.

In the sky, the clouds do not know when they become thicker, hiding the sun under the clouds.

The wind from the far north swept across the silent courtyard at the moment, bringing the chill of winter.


The Gasdard Snowfield is located in the extreme north. The vast majority of the year is covered by snow and ice. The climate is very cold and the environment is extremely harsh. It is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

On the Gasdard snowfield, there are dozens of tribes, large and small, and other countries generally refer to it as the Gasdard.

The harsh living environment has created a strong body, strong will and fierce temperament of the Gasdards. The Gasdards are very brave in battle, just like monsters who do not know pain, even if they are seriously injured. Fight tenaciously until the last bit of blood is left.

Faced with such a terrible Gasdard, soldiers from those small countries south of the Gasdard Snowfield could not fight it.

But fortunately, the Gastade's bravery is not only external, but also internal. Gasdar’s German regime has been severely divided. The dozens of tribes are basically independent, and no one is subservient. They have been fighting internally and have no room for foreign aggression.

Therefore, all countries pay little attention to this country with a harsh environment, chaotic political power, and little threat to the outside world.

This has been true for hundreds of years.

However, when no one knew about it, someone in Gasdar Germany quietly ended the internal struggle and established a unified regime.

Countries that are used to ignoring this chaotic country are not aware of this.

No one noticed that an ice giant had woke up from a deep sleep.

The terrible monster called war roared, and opened a terrible mouth to all the kingdoms.


The fighting power of the Gasdard army is more terrible than it is rumored, and the Canal army, which has not experienced war for a long time, is almost destroyed.

In just two days, the army on the northern border of Kanal collapsed, morale collapsed, and countless soldiers fled the battlefield.

The Gasdars quickly captured several cities along the border.

In order to intimidate the Kanars, they carried out a brutal slaughter of one of the cities that had fierce resistance.

In addition to the young women who were looted as resources, people in the entire city, regardless of gender, men and women, were all slaughtered by the Gasstad.

On this day, crying and screaming sounded through the sky, and the once peaceful city became a blood city.

Countless corpses lay on the ground stained with blood with their arms broken, and the dead people opened their frightened eyes and looked at the sky desperately.

On this day, the name of the cruelty of the Gastads spread throughout the northern part of the Kanal, which made the Kanars frightened.

The Kanals lived in peace for too long, and had not seen blood for too long. The brutality of the Gasdard's army frightened them, and they could no longer resist.

From then on, wherever the army of Gasdard went, those city owners either fled the wind or surrendered.

The army of Gasdard was unimpeded all the way, quickly occupied the northern part of Canal, and rushed toward the canal's royal city.

The army sent by King Phenoah was defeated by them. According to their marching speed, I am afraid that within four or five days, the Gasdard can hit the Kanal's royal city. Even if King Phenoah has sent letters of appeal to Aaron Landis and Tusda, I am afraid it is too late.

The news could not be concealed, and the people in the Wangcheng panicked.

After receiving the military report of the army of Gasdard approaching the royal city, King Phenoah on the throne fell into a long silence.

There was silence in the palace hall, and everyone was silent.

After a long time, King Phenoah closed his eyes as if he had made up his mind.

Two days later, above the snow-white palace tower, Princess Olia took the hand of West Asia and watched her father lead the army away.

The cold wind lifted the cloak behind King Phenoah, who was riding away, as if he could hear the rustling sound of the cloak.

She stared at the disappearance of King Phenoah on the horizon and clenched her brother's hand.

Somehow, a strong sense of anxiety filled her chest, almost making her unable to breathe.

She closed her eyes and prayed silently in her heart.

Lords of Canal, please bless my father.

Please be sure to bless his return.

"do not be afraid."

Suddenly feeling her hands clenched, she opened her eyes and looked down at her side.

The young child clutched her hand vigorously, her eyes full of perseverance.

"Sister Wang, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

A bit of sourness rushed to the tip of her nose, Olia felt a slight heat in her corner of the eyes, she held back, leaned down and hugged her younger brother.

Lords of Canal, please guard us.



Canal's gods did not hear Olia's prayer.

Three days later, the news came.

King Phenoah died in battle.

The army he led was defeated by the Gasdard.

At the moment when the news came, Olia almost fainted, just looking at the younger brother next to her, she held it up.

The king died and was killed by the Gasdard.

Although the crown prince was still in the city, the army of Gasdard was approaching.

Panic broke out completely in the Wangcheng, and countless people tried to escape from the city in panic.

But it was too late.

One day later, the soldiers of Gasdard approached the city.

The war was ignited in the royal city of Canal.

The quietness of the past was like a fragile glazed lamp, which instantly shattered into a powder, which could no longer be put together.

The iron hooves of the Gastads stepped on the ground of Canal and raised the butcher knife to the Canal.

Everything is so flat-footed.

Canal's royal city is like a lone boat that has been torn apart by storms and storms, and it is crumbling in the fierce waves of the army of Gasdade.

The people of Wang Cheng hid at home, shaking and weeping.

They listened to the sound of fighting in this city, and their eyes were full of despair.

The blood stained the walls of Kanal’s royal city that were once white and snowy.

Kanal's gods seem to have forgotten their people.

Suddenly, in the army of Gasdard, a flagpole was raised high, and a head was inserted at the top of the flagpole.

It was a man's head, and a thick beard blocked his lower half of the face.

Crown Prince Wang, who was standing on the city wall covered in blood, gave a sorrowful cry when he saw the head.

Provoked on the flagpole is the head of King Phenoah.

Above the tall white pagoda in the palace, the girl in a pale blue dress kneeled on the ground, and she was already in tears.

She covered her mouth with both hands, and her long blond hair was scattered around her cheeks full of tears.

She seemed to be enduring as much as possible, so that she should not cry out loud.

West Asia standing beside her hugged her tightly, as if she wanted to support her with her own strength, even if the child's own hands were shaking.

The child's azure eyes stared at the army of Gastians outside the city, and his eyes were full of anger.

The ignorant child's visions and fantasies of the battlefield in the past have been shattered by reality. Only when he has experienced the war in person can he know how cruel and terrible it is.

War brings not only glory, but also tears and pain.

The child finally understood this, but the price was too tragic.

The next second, West Asia's pupil suddenly contracted into a pinhole.

"Brother Wang!!!"

He yelled, crazy, and heartbroken.

A thrown silver gun pierced the chest of the crown prince standing on the wall, his body swayed, turned his head and finally looked at the direction of the white tower.

The direction of his loved ones.

Then, Prince Kanal's face was unwilling, and he fell in the desperate eyes of all Kanals.

Almost at the same moment, with a bang, the city gate collapsed, and the army of Gasdard came like a flood in a levee.

The Kanars, who had collapsed across the board, were losing ground.

Gasdard's army rushed into the royal city, surging toward the palace.

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

On the high white tower, Olia, who witnessed the death of her elder brother and Cheng Po, stopped crying.

At this moment, the weak girl showed a determined look.

She stood up and dragged West Asia, who had been stunned, and left the platform overlooking the city.

The Gasdars were approaching the palace.

The Kanal soldiers who were forced to retreat were still trying to resist.

In a secret room deep in the palace, a dozen loyal knights who were selected a few days ago just in case of kneeling in front of Olia just in case.

"Prince West Asia, please."

The girl said calmly,

"Send the prince to Aaron Landis and go to King Camos."

The leading knight bowed his head deeply to salute, then stood up and extended his hand to the prince of West Asia.

"No! Sister Wang! If you don't go, I won't go either!"

"West Asia, obedient, if both of us go, the goal is too big to escape."

"I don't care! I said I would protect Sister Wang, how could I leave you and run away!"

"West Asia--"

"I won't go! I will die with Sister Wang even if I die!"

"West Asia!"

Suddenly, the gentle girl in the past suddenly surprised West Asia.

Olia leaned over and squatted in front of West Asia, her hands grabbed West Asia's shoulder.

"West Asia, you remember, you are the prince of Canal."

She said, gazing at the clear blue eyes of West Asia covered with a light layer of water vapor.

"You are the last descendant of the Kanal royal family."

She looked at West Asia, with a serious eye never seen before.

"You must live."

"From now on, the glory of the Kanal royal family will be borne by you."

"West Asia, escape, live, and then return to the kingdom and restore the glory of the Kanal royal family."

"This is the responsibility you have to take, so you must not die here."

Olia reached out and held West Asia in her arms.

She knew that what was waiting for the young child in her arms was an extremely painful and difficult future.

She put a very heavy burden on West Asia's immature shoulders.

But she still gritted her teeth, saying word by word, tears blurred her eyes.

"So, West Asia, escape, go to Aaron Landis, go to King Camos, and... Crown Prince Garland, only they can help Kanar drive away those invaders and restore Kanal Glory."

"Everything is up to you."


Canal's young prince was guarded by the knights and left the secret passage in the castle.

With the prince's costume changed by West Asia in her hand, Olia took a deep breath, held back the tears in her eyes, and turned to look at the little boy who had been standing quietly aside.

Wami, a companion to her younger brother, grew up with West Asia, and they are the closest friends.

"Sorry, Wami."

"Please don't apologize, Your Royal Highness, it's my duty to protect the prince."

As Wami said, he changed into the prince's costume.

He said, "Prince West Asia is our last hope."


In the Wangcheng city, there was a lot of trouble and the people scattered and fled.

The Gasdars are attacking the palace with all their strength, and have no time to take care of the civilians and let them escape.

The white palace fell into the ocean of the enemy, and the Kanal soldiers who guarded the palace were still struggling to resist and were struggling for the last time.

The whip slammed heavily on the horse's back, and the madly moving carriage was shaking violently.

West Asia sat in the carriage, listening to the messy shouts from outside the carriage, clutching his hands tightly, his nails deep in his palms.

It hurts so much.

A smile emerged from her mind when she left him with tears in her head. Even though she was on the way to escape, the young boy finally couldn't help but looked back at the window.

The gorgeous white palace was flying away from him quickly.

The child looked at the place where he grew up and made a low sob.

Suddenly, West Asia's eyes widened suddenly.

There was a lot of noise, and countless people looked up.

In the middle of the palace, at the top of the highest white pagoda, Princess Canal stood on the high platform, still holding a boy in his hand.

Olia stood at the top of the tower, looking down at everything below.

Gasdad's army is like a black colony of ants, swarming, eating and eating this beautiful palace a little bit.

The sunlight was still bright, and the golden light shone on the white wall stained with blood, on the bodies of countless Canarians who fell in the pool of blood, and also on the calm face of Oliana on the tower .

The north wind was roaring, agitating the long skirt on the girl's body and the long blond hair behind her.

She seemed weak at this moment, but with a different kind of tenacity.

The noisy palace suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked up at Olia standing on the tower.

Her eyes fell, looking at a rundown wagon.

She opened her lips and made a silent voice.

She said, don’t forget, West Asia, you are the last bloodline of the Kanal royal family.

"Do not……"

In the horse-drawn carriage, the child's hand shaking by the window bar was shaking.

He shook his head, his lips trembling, and he made a strange voice.

Under the watch of the crowd, Princess Kanal jumped up and took the prince she was holding.

The girl's light blue long dress spread out in the air, like flowers blooming in the sky.

At the moment of bloom, it will wither away.

Olia fell heavily from the sky.

Sister Wang! ! !

The child in the carriage bit on the back of his hand and swallowed the heartbreaking cry into his throat like a knife.

Blood oozed out from the tip of his teeth.

Under the tower, the two large and small bodies were powdered and broken bones, and the original appearance could no longer be seen.

The blood stained the snow-white ground.


The gods of Canal.

I sacrifice this flesh and blood to you.

Please guard the final blood of the royal family of Kanal.

Please guard my brother...


West Asia, who bit the back of his hand fiercely, was trembling, and he stared at the tall figure surrounded by the crowd in the army of Gasdard.

The silver-white hair was deeply imprinted in his pupils.

The child's eyes are no longer innocent and bright a few days ago, leaving only the pain of unforgettable pain, and the cold flame of hatred.


Revenge against the Gasdars who destroyed his country.

He wants to live and kill all the intruders!

Olia's words sounded again in West Asia's mind.

Go to Aaron Landis.

Only Aaron Landis can help us recover our country.

Go to King Camos, and, Crown Prince Garland--


The wind whizzed past the distant southeast.

In the royal city of Aaron Landis, Galan was inexplicably moving stroking the head of the lion.

He raised his head and looked in the direction the wind was blowing.

The wind blew the juvenile long blond hair in the air.

The wind blowing from nowhere seems to bring a **** atmosphere from afar...

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