The long blond hair blown up by the wind floated across Galan's eyes, and he raised his hand to touch the long strand of hair behind his ears.

It seems to be too long. Recently, the wind has become stronger, and his hair is always messed up.

Garland thought.

Should I talk to Tapti and cut my hair short?

The inexplicable throbbing in his heart was soon forgotten by him. Gallan was squeezing his hair tips in his heart, and suddenly heard a whimper around him.

The sleeve was gently bitten by the sharp teeth and dragged. As soon as he looked up, he met Nega's bright eyes.

The big lion bit his sleeve and dragged him under a big tree, and then straightened up, his hind legs propped on the ground, his two front paws fell on the trunk and flexed hard, while twisting his head, he turned to Gallan and wailed. Call twice.

Garland looked up and saw that a few birds on the top of the tree were resting on the branch and were tweeting.

Because of the winter, many migratory birds begin to fly south, so there are more birds in the winter than in other seasons.

The teenager smiled and patted the lion's head.

He beckoned and asked the lower servant to send him a short bow, and then he shot an arrow with a bow and shot three birds on the tree in one breath. The remaining birds fluttered away in panic.

As soon as the shot bird fell to the ground, Nega showed an excited look, but Gallan pressed it, and it didn't immediately jump, but the tail flicked vigorously, and his eyes were fixed on it. A few birds.

After the next servant stepped forward to pull out the arrows, Gallan let go of his hand, and the big lion could not wait to pounce on it.

"Your Highness, why did you shoot an arrow again? Don't forget your shoulder is still hurt."

Captain Taputi stepped out quickly, taking the short bow from Gallan's hand, revealing a reproachful look.

At the winter festival not long ago, the prince's injury was torn again by shooting arrows at the festival. The bandages almost all stained with blood made her look shocked and distressed.

So, as soon as she saw that the prince was shooting arrows again, she came over nervously and took the bow from the prince's hand.

"It's okay, this is a short bow, it's not too much effort."

Garran raised his hand and turned his left arm a bit.

"It's been more than ten days. My injury is getting better. Don't worry, Tapti."

When she saw Gallan's arm moving, she didn't show any uncomfortable expression between her eyebrows, so the female chief was relieved.

"how can I help you?"

"Yes, Your Highness, King Camos calls you over."

"I know."

The teenager nodded and patted the head of the big lion who had just sat down on the ground just after eating the bird, and let him sleep here without any trouble.

Then he hurried away.


When he came to the palace of King Camos, Garland discovered that his guardian knight had disappeared for several days.

Kehuos approached him with a smile, and the knight who just bowed to him in daily life actually bowed his knees and saluted him.

Garland was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned downward, and at a glance he saw the prominent golden lion badge on Kehos' chest.

"Kahoes, are you promoted to a handsome rider?"

The teenager asked in surprise.

"Yes, Your Highness, with your blessing, and the grace of King Camos."

Kehuos looked up and answered with a smile.

Garland also laughed.

"Oh, you've been busy with promotion for the past few days? Which legion did you arrange for you to enter?"

Kehos opened his mouth, but he hadn't had time to answer. A thick voice had come from the front, and he answered first.

"The Third Army, let Kehuos advanced to assist the veteran for a while, and then let him take over the position of commander."

Raising his hand to lift the falling curtain, the brown-haired Lion King strode in.

"You have to be on the battlefield next spring, just to let Kehos follow you."

King Camos approached and raised his hand and swept Galland's hair.

"It's also time for you to make contributions on the battlefield."

Well, it feels good, soft and smooth, and rub it again.

Xie Muer had revealed this to Garland not long ago, so when King Camos said it, Garland was not surprised.

"I know, Brother Wang."

"Calling you today, there is one more thing to tell you."

King Camos moved his hand from Gallan's head to his left shoulder and rubbed it gently.

"How is the injury recovered?"

"It hasn't affected much."

"That's good." Seeing Garland's tone does not seem to be hypocritical, King Camos nodded. He said, "Five days later, Aaron Landis envoy Carnal, led by you."

Gallan froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Canal, like Tasda, is our friend. If you get there, you can make friends with Canal's royal family. That's best. But if you don't like it, you don't have to force yourself."

King Camos said meaningfully that even the smile on his face revealed a subtle color.

There were words in his words, but Garland could not hear the hidden meanings in his words, but was pondering back in his heart to let Tal go to collect some information of members of the Kanal royal family, intending to know in advance.

Well, the customs and customs of the Kanal state and taboos also need to be well understood.

He couldn't be scared by their special customs like the last time the mission of the Tasdas mission came, and almost broke into trouble.

While Gallan was thinking about this, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xie Muer walked in quickly.

The priest of Samash wrinkled his brow tighter than usual, his face serious, and there was a little worry in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I just received the urgent military newspaper from Hea."

He said in a deep voice that he passed the paper that was not **** wide.

That is the note sent by the pigeon first.

"Gai Shuguo's raid on the northern border has destroyed several strongholds in the northern border."

King Camos, who was watching Galland with a subtle smile, looked awkward, took the note, and glanced at it, his eyes suddenly became sharper.

"Brother Wang?"

"Gaishu? They usually invade the northern border in spring, how come this sudden?"

Kehuos said doubtfully.

Garland couldn't help but ask: "Is there danger in the north?"

There was a sudden outbreak of war in the north, and he was a bit worried.

After all, since this time, he also understands how deep Heimos thinks of him, but Heimos left the royal city for so long, even if he was assassinated and injured, there is no news to come back now... …

Hearing this news at this moment, Garland couldn't help but think, was it because Heymus was injured on the battlefield, so he didn't contact him?

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, there are Heia and Marshal Heymus in the north, and there are 60,000 people in the two Northland Legions, who will not let Gaishu wantonly." Kehuos said,

"Gaishuren have invaded the northern border over the years and have never taken advantage."

To put it bluntly, Huimus also spent several years in the northern border, and has never been injured. This time there should be nothing wrong.

If you don’t contact yourself, you should just try your best to deal with the army.

Garlan thought a little, and he was slightly relieved.

He thought for a while and said: "In the past, the Gaishun people only attacked the northern border in the spring, mainly for the purpose of looting food. I heard that they had a bad year and suffered a drought because of the food they got this year. It’s not enough for winter, so it’s at this time to attack the North?"

Xie Muer frowned, his expression dignified.

"Indeed, to cover the crop failure this year, it may be very difficult to pass the winter."

He nodded first, then shook his head again.

"However, their aim should be more than just plundering enough food... According to Heya's military newspaper, this time it was stated that a hundred thousand troops were sent into the north."

One hundred thousand army.

That is all the troops that the entire Gaishu State can mobilize except for the army left behind.

It is impossible to achieve this degree just to plunder food.

"What? A hundred thousand troops!"

Kehos's chest tightened suddenly, and he even breathed.

Like the riding coach of the Northland Army, Hea, he almost instantly thought of the tragic battle he had participated in more than ten years ago.

At that time, in order to destroy Aaron Landis in one fell swoop, the Geshu people also attacked the whole country.

Xie Muer looked at King Camos.

"Your Majesty, although there are two Northland Legions stationed in the Northland, and His Royal Highness Heya and Hiemos sit in the town, it is said that the army cannot break through the Northland in a short time, but our army is ultimately inferior in number. In order to avoid too many casualties, we must send troops to the north to rescue as soon as possible."

Since then, he has been sitting there, and King Camos, who was so watery, suddenly gave a low laugh.

He raised his head, a pair of tiger eyes shining brightly.

He was like a lion who was lying lazy on the ground and dozing, suddenly smelling the breath of blood from a distance, slowly raised his head to wake up, his face was majestic, and his eyes looked far away. .

The fierceness like a beast began to wake up in golden brown eyes.

There was no trace of dignity and anxiety on the sharp face at the moment, but King Camos' eyes were full of excitement that was about to kill the prey.

The sharp teeth could not wait to show up, and he exuded great oppression throughout his body, and the wickedness that had converged for a long time came out thinly, making the lion king full of power at this moment.

"Yes, something interesting."

He chuckled and tossed the note aside.

"Gai Shuren wanted to be cruel, then I don't have to be polite."

He squeezed his hand and made a gurgling noise.

"The time spent in the nest in the king city is not too short." He shook his arm full of hard muscles and said dissatisfiedly, "My muscles are all soft, and I should go to exercise in advance and exercise well. Now."

King Camos laughed and turned to Gallan.

"Exactly, Galland, you will come together this time." He grinned. "Only such a large-scale battlefield can be worthy of my first battle of Prince Aaron Landis, isn't it?"

Speaking of which, he suddenly remembered something, and then the words changed.

"By the way, your mission to the Kanal state will be cancelled first. Xiemuer, you will send a messenger to explain to King Finoya, and wait until the war is over."

King Camos had just finished speaking, and Xiemuer hadn't had time to agree, and suddenly a guard came hurriedly, bowed and knelt down to salute.

"King Camos, the messenger of the Kanal State has arrived."

"Canal's messenger? What are you doing? Are you going to pick Gallan?"

King Camos asked wonderingly.

"Exactly, Xiemuer, you go to the reception and tell him to postpone temporarily..."

"No, Your Majesty."

The guard said quickly,

"Canal's messenger came to my country for help!"


King Camos did not respond for a while, and the Canal State had not experienced war for a long time. Usually, when the Aaron Landis army had insufficient grain and armaments, he sought help from Canal. Did not ask Aaron Landis for help.

"Yes, the Gadsad has captured the state of Hida, and is attacking the state of Canal. Many cities in the north of Canal have fallen. Now the army of Gadsad is heading towards the royal city of Canal. , If you don’t rescue in time, I am afraid..."

The guard smashed the ceramic wrapped around it, and took out the stone letter burned by the high temperature inside and presented it to King Camos.

"This is a letter of appeal from King Phenoah to the messenger."

Looking at the stone letter, King Camos rose sharply.

"Call all the generals to the palace immediately."

His face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice.

"Discuss the rescue of Canal!"


The guard hurried out.

"Your Majesty, in this way, we will not be able to go to the North to support in a short time."

Xie Muer said annoyed.

He knew that Kanal had to be rescued, but now that the 100,000-strong army attacked the northern border, and the northern border was underpowered. If there was a situation, if the garrison army entered from the north, the consequences...

"The Canal State must rescue."

King Camos said flatly.

"There is only Heya and Huimus in the north, for a while."


Garland on the side thought for a long time, and did not find the name from the memories of previous generations.

Think about it carefully. At this time in previous generations, he was already dead, so it is impossible to know what happened after his death...


and many more.

He seemed to remember something.


When he was first sent to this world, the messenger told him about the demise of Aaron Landis.

In the wrong line of destiny, Huimus took the throne.

When he was in power, Aaron Landis' cavalry ruled the continent, and there was no one to stop it. He allowed Aaron Landis to achieve military prosperity.

But this heyday is a kind of abnormal prosperity. After the death of Heimus, Aaron Landis died down at a very fast rate.

Soon after, it was destroyed in the flames of war.

And the country that destroyed Aaron Landis is Gasdard.

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