Time back to a week ago.

In the middle of the night, just when Galland turned around to return to King Camos's palace, a figure suddenly rushed out of the shadow on the side of the road.

A cold light glanced through the night.

The dagger in the hand of the incoming man slammed Gallan.

Between the flashlights, Gallan hurriedly raised his left hand.

With the sound of Keng, the sound of metal striking in the night.

Gallan's long sleeves on his wrist were torn by a dagger, exposing the gold-plated bronze braces on his wrist.

The man's dagger tip stabbed into the hard metal bracers, and he could no longer stab half a point.

And at the same moment when he quickly raised his hand to block the blow, Gallan had withdrawn his dagger from the waist.

His backhand is a fierce sword.

The next second, blood splashed in the night, and the assassin, whose throat was cut by Gallan's sword, opened his eyes wide and fell backward.

However, even if the assassin who had suddenly attacked himself was killed, it is not yet a time to breathe, because then, several assassins rushed out of the dark corner and rushed to Galland.

Garland stepped forward, just to meet the person closest to him.

But he hadn't started yet, and suddenly a knife came out of the air, and the man was stunned instantly from behind.

Gallan froze for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw a majestic figure flying to him, and pulled out the knife on the back of the assassin who had fallen to the ground.

It was a strong general in black and red leather armor.

He stood in front of Gallan, armed with a pair of knives, waved the wind in the dark, and together with several other guards, cut down all the assassins who attacked Gallan to the ground.

At the end of a battle, the dark-skinned general knelt on Gallan's body, and he was covered with blood, all of which was splashed on him by the assassin he had cut.

Garland looked down, his eyes moved, and suddenly fell somewhere on this person.

The sleeve on the upper arm of the general's right arm was torn apart during the battle just now, revealing strong muscles, and... tattoos piercing the skin.

It was a tattoo symbolizing the status of a slave.


He shouted the name.

"Why are you here?"

Garland remembered that Kehuos had told him that Teva had already been placed in his own guard, and later Kehos entered the Third Army and brought Teva in.

Kehuos was busy taking over the command of the legion during this time, and rarely returned to the palace, and Twa followed Kehos, and it should be at the station of the third legion.

Kneeling on one knee, Wat, with one hand on his knee, bowed his head and answered.

"Sir Kehos asked me to come over. During his busy time, I will be responsible for your safety."

He said, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, you were taken aback. I should have come earlier."

"No, you came in time."

Gallan said, taking off his cloak behind him, and putting it directly on Teva.

Facing Te Wa's stunned eyes, he patted Te Wa's shoulder and smiled at him.

"This is your reward for saving me."

After he finished speaking, he straightened up and walked forward.

"I am going to Brother Wang now, come with me."

Twa's face grabbed the prince's cloak suddenly on his shoulder, and it didn't react for a while.

For the first time in his life, he saw someone using the cloak as a reward to others, which made his brain unable to turn for a while.

It wasn't until Prince Garland had moved forward that he recovered and immediately stood up and quickly followed.

After all, the order given to him by Lord Kehos was to protect His Royal Highness Prince in step during the time when Lord Kehos was away.

Just a few steps away, the cloak on his shoulders that didn't have time to tie down, Twa turned instinctively to grab the cloak, and this time he turned around, he saw the torn clothes on his right arm The sleeves, and the slave tattoos protruding from the slit of the sleeve.

He stayed for a while.

Suddenly, he understood the reason why the prince gave him the cloak.

Most of the people who can become guards were born of nobility.

Once someone knew that he was a slave... Maybe Lord Kehos could keep him, but he would be scorned and excluded by others.

A little bit of unclear emotions swelled in the eyes of the slave-grown man, his fingers clutching the cloak clenched slightly, then let go.

He fastened his cloak around his shoulders while quickly catching up with the prince.

Even if he has become the crown prince, this prince... is still the same as in Tozes.

It hasn't changed at all...

Twa was thinking this way, and Garland walking in front suddenly stopped and stopped.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"No... that won't work."


"In this way, you wipe the blood on your body, and then carry me back, and you will look panic and angry along the way."


"In addition, I immediately sent someone to inform Brother Wang that I was attacked by an assassin again. This time I was seriously injured, the kind that was near death."


Although he didn't understand the reason why His Highness did this, the confused Tewa still carried out Gallan's order honestly.

When he wiped his body with blood on his back and pretended to be a comatose prince, he ran to Galan's palace, how many people were shocked along the way.

Many people saw Gallan's "serious injury".

King Camos, who received the news, immediately dropped the ongoing military meeting and rushed with Xie Muer.

The lion king's obvious panic look and the uncontrollable anger emanating from his body made people more affirmed that Prince Wang's injury was not light.

...Is not light.

Anyway, when King Camos was anxiously rushed to the palace of Galland, when he entered, he saw his younger brother sitting on the bed while drinking milk while eating a freshly baked cookie, eating and drinking sweetly At that time, he couldn't hold back, and slapped the head of his beloved younger brother.

Galland's forehead was red.


The following priest Shamarsh also smelled a face, staring blankly at Gallan.

If it is not in his heart repeatedly admonishing himself that he cannot commit the following crimes, I am afraid that Xiemuer can't help it.

Both the servant and the maid were kicked out. King Camos's guard surrounded the palace tightly, and no one was allowed to come close.

In Gallan's dormitory, there were only him, the chief woman officer, King Camos and Xie Muer at the moment.

"You mean, there are spies inside Aaron Landis?"

"I think this is the case. Whether it is the matter of the mission of the Tasda Mission or the attack of Tozes City by the pirates, there is a behind-the-scenes hand in the dark."

Gallan said, "Maybe, even the things I was assassinated showed signs of their actions."

"King Camos."

After a little pondering, Xie Muer spoke.

"Prince Garland's suspicion... Maybe it was possible that during this time, I traced the prince's assassination. Although it was indeed what the nobles who valued the bloodline did, but beyond that, there seemed to be a strange force. Participated in this matter."

"Brother Wang, I don't think you have to rush to the north."

Gallan said, "Hyimos is over there, and I believe he will not let Gaithu break in easily."

Although the current situation in the northern border seems to be dangerous, Garland feels that as long as Huymos is there, nothing serious will happen.

He continued to say: "I can't act rashly now. I pretend to be seriously injured. I want to take this opportunity to lead the black hands behind the scenes. At the same time, brother Wang, you can stay in the Wangcheng for a few more days on the grounds of worrying about me, and wait for the exact news, After seeing the real situation, decide what to do next."


The situation is changing.

Because of Gallan's "serious injury", King Camos, who had stayed in the royal city for two more days, had secretly obtained the exact news of each battlefield.

After the news that Is entered the east of Aaron Landis was made public, King Camos headed to the east in front of everyone and declared that he would repulse the Is and go north to support the northern army.

Because of the prince's "serious injury", he only took the first legionary expedition, leaving the third legionary in the royal city to protect the crown prince.

The First Army, also known as King Camos’s guard, is Camos’s confidant army. He has always followed Camos to the south, and is the most powerful and powerful army in all the regiments.

The other legions are commanded by the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief of the guard is King Camos, and two commanders are in charge of the army as deputy commanders.

Half a day after the march, King Camos suddenly ordered the army to turn around and make a detour to the west.

In the eyes of everyone, Prince Wang, who was supposed to be ill in bed, changed his body blonde hair to black, changed his body into a bodyguard, sneaked out of the palace, and already took the Third Cavalry's cavalry force to declare that he was training outside. Kaihos confluence.

Then, they led the cavalry troop, disguised as the army of King Camos, and quickly ran to the east.

The infantry unit of the Third Army was led by the old cavalry to guard the royal city.

Gallant intentionally brought Nega.

As we all know, when King Camos went out, most of them were accompanied by male lions.

The lion is the symbol of King Camos.

So, with the big lion Nega, who was usually arrogant and arrogant in front of others, and swayed in front of Gallan, they successfully disguised the illusion of the army of King Camos in the east expedition. .


a week has passed.

To the west, King Camos is showing his might in the valley of Camea, striking the army of Gasdade.

To the east, Galan and Kahoes led the cavalry troops to the frontal battlefield, set traps, and robbed the grain transported by the Issians to the front line in one fell swoop.

In the north, fine snow flew, and the sky gradually darkened.

Another day passed, and a little late into the night, perhaps because the temperature was lowering, and the fine snow gradually grew.

The wind and snow obscured the sky, and the thick clouds hung high above the sky, making it almost invisible to moonlight and starlight. The night's visibility was much lower than before.

For the average person, this night and peace day are no different, but for some people, tonight is an extremely critical moment.

The Gazeman camp was quiet and dark. Only the wooden pillars next to the patrolling guards had oil lamps hung on them. The faint fire light spread all around.

From a distance, Ge Shuren, like every night in the past, has fallen into a deep sleep.

However, on this dark night, the covered army was secretly attacking the Northland Castle that stood on the ground under the cover of darkness and snow.

The horse's mouth was put on the bridle, and the horse's hoof was wrapped in cloth, making as little noise as possible.

The Northland Castle was quiet in the night, not even realizing that the countless cheaters were approaching themselves silently.

Geshu laid his tie around the army at the bottom of the city wall. Snow flakes fell on his body. The cold wind spurted away almost all the heat from his body and made his lips pale.

However, at this moment his heart was fiery.

He raised his head and stared at the city wall without blinking.

This time, if he can lead the army into the Northland Castle for the first time, he will get the greatest merit in this war!

He will receive the personal praise of King Geshu. Whether it is an official, property or servant, he will be favored by countless noble girls. He will be regarded as a hero by everyone and become the object of envy and jealousy for everyone.

At the thought of this, there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart, burning his blood.

I don't know how long it has passed. After all, he finally looks forward to the signal.

Through the wind and snow, I could vaguely see a torch steadily shaking on the wall.

He immediately let the guard ignite the torch and shook it vigorously in that direction.

I should have seen the torch shaking under the wall, and the torch above was extinguished.

He restrained his excitement and waited patiently for a while.

In the creaking noise, in his fiery eyes, the gate of this sturdy North Fortress Castle lifted up little by little.

Almost unable to wait, he waved his hand and led the army into the city gate.

He galloped on horseback, his face flushed with excitement, and flew in with a fierce air, like a wolf rushing to his prey.

This northland castle with its famous name has never fallen since it was built.

He will be its first conqueror!

The excited General Geshu didn't see that there was someone standing there overlooking the tall city wall, looking down on him and his army.

The white snowflakes fell on the silver-black armor, and the dark hair was scattered in front of the eyes. The golden red eyes in the dark night were like the clouds of the sky at sunset.

Heimus looked down at the army of Gaishu who came in through the city gate, his thin lips slightly pursed, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The author has something to say:    In short, beat the other party...

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