The heavy snow flew, and the north wind icy cold entered the bone, but it could not blow the burning flame in the body of Gu Shuren at the moment.

The gate of the Northland Castle, which was said to never fall, and which in the past allowed countless people to return, has been opened, right in front of them.

It was like a fierce beast was cut off its claws and its fangs were pulled out. The once king of beasts could only desperately wait for the torn fate.

It was like a glamorous woman putting down her blade and unbuttoning her dress, revealing the most attractive body.

At this moment, Gai Shuren was irritated with blood and madness, and could not wait to rush into the city gate with their general.

Next, there was a feast for slaughter.

The Aaron Landis will weep under their horseshoes and blades.

They will use the blood of the Aaron Landis to stain this red city which does not know how much to eat.

God of cover-

Please accept our blood food for you.

The commanded general led the army into the gate of the castle fiercely, holding a long knife, with a strong spirit, and sent a few Alenlandis to charge him up, showing his bravery and majesty.

He rushed forward vigorously, fearing that he would be robbed of the work by others.

But rushing, he finally felt something was wrong.

Although it was a dark night and the wind and snow mixed, people could not see too far away, but is the passage of this fort through the city gate so long?

He should have rushed through the inner city wall, right?

After all, they went to the open air, and the snow fell on him.

But why was he rushing for so long, he was still on a narrow road, with two low walls on both sides, so that he could only go forward and could not see both sides?

The army could not be dispersed.

Just when he felt something was wrong, there was a loud bang suddenly, as if something heavy hit the ground.

The ground seemed to shake with it.

The loud noise seemed to hit his heart at once, shattering his chest, and an unhealthy hunch made him yank the reins and looked back.

At the moment of looking back, his pupils contracted violently.

The inner city gate that he lifted high when he rushed in just now fell to the ground with a bang just a few times before, and several evasive Gasai cavalry were smashed into meat sauce.

The general said nothing.

Suddenly, the fire was very bright, countless torches were ignited, and countless Aaron Landis archers leaped into the low walls on both sides in the snow.

In the bright fire, the arrow fell like rain, and the cavalryman shot up and turned over.

There are walls on both sides. In the firelight, although it can be seen that these are temporarily rough rough low walls, it is enough to clamp the cavalry in this narrow road.

While the rear retreat was broken, the only way out was the front.

As a last resort, in order to survive, General Gai Shu can only continue to rush forward with cavalry.

Damn Aaron Landis!

That group of insidious and cunning like devil!

They created this trap!

Running wildly in a frenzy, he gritted his teeth grimacingly, and his chest was burning with anger.

Immediately afterwards, the general's eyes lit up.

With the help of fire, his eyes penetrated the flying snowflakes, and he saw in front of them the end of these two low walls.

The terrain suddenly became empty.

He could even see the end of the low wall, where Aaron Landis' cavalry phalanx stood, as if waiting for them to rush out and fight with them.

Can rush out immediately!

He stared at the distant Aaron Landis cavalry.

As long as he rushed out, he would never let go of those who blame Aaron Landis.

Having eaten such a big loss, let him lose face.

They did win the game, but those Aaron Landis were so arrogant that they dared to let in so many Geshu cavalry.

Even if he could not break the city today, he would take the army and the Aaron Landis together!

Even if he died, he had to bite off a piece of flesh and blood of the Arunlandis!

The hatred dyed his eyes crimson, and the general in his mind thought so hard in his heart.

Gaishu, who was caught in the trap, roared, holding a mortal determination.

Trapped beast still fighting.

The horseshoes of the cavalry pounded the ground.

Knowing that he was going to die, he became more and more crazy, and said that the cavalry rushed toward the Aaron Landis cavalry forward in desperation.

That was their last stroke before dying--

Suddenly, there was another bang.

Just before Gesai's cavalry was about to rush to the Aaron Landis, a large area suddenly fell on the ground.

The cavalry rushing in front was caught off guard, and even the man led the horse down.

And the cavalry who had just barely strangled the horse in the back was hit by his companion who rushed up from behind, and fell down together.

For a time, there were wailing noises, and there was a huge pit full of Geshu cavalry who had broken their limbs or were crushed to death by horses.

Behind those who were lucky enough to escape the big pit, the Gasai cavalry was blocked by the big pit, and was blocked by the low wall, bearing the arrow rain from both sides.

The only way for them is to dismount and crawl through the big pit in front.

However, even after successfully climbing through the big pit, the horseless caesar cavalry confronted the countless Aaron Landis cavalry in front of him, like fish on the cutting board.

The Aaron Landis cavalry who waited for work easily cut these people under the horse.

General Gashu, who led the army in, lay at the bottom of the pit. When he fell down, he was crushed by his mount, his ribs broke, and he was seriously injured.

Even if his guard quickly rescued him from under the horse, he was already so pale that he couldn't live.

At this moment, looking at the tragic scene in front of me, listening to the wailing of his subordinates, not long ago, General Gaishu, who was doing the dream of ascending to the ranks, spit out blood in pain.

He opened his eyes and swallowed his last breath unwillingly.


The army of Gashu who rushed in was pit-dead, and the other Gashu army lurking outside the city gate waiting to meet his companions was no better.

Originally, according to the agreement, the Gashu army who had made an appointment with the traitor in the Northland Castle rushed into the city, and immediately seized Ximen, and the Gashu army waiting in Ximen should go outside and open Ximen.

The Simon's Gai Shujun heard the fighting sound from the fortress, and could not wait to raid the city gate.

Suddenly, the originally silent and silent West Gate suddenly lights up, and countless Aaron Landis archers stand on the city wall, and arrows rain blast.

And Ge Shuren was suddenly attacked, caught off guard, and frozen too long in the cold wind of the night, his body was stiff, unable to escape, and was shot down by a large amount of arrow rain.

To make matters worse, the West Gate rose slowly, but the cavalry rushing out of it was not a companion who was eagerly awaited, but the Aaron Landis cavalry in black and red leather armor.

They were fully armed, and rushed towards Gaishu in a fierce flame.

On this side, the attack on the Northland Castle was successful, but the army of Geshu suffered heavy casualties, while on the other side, the camp of the army of Geshu was also in chaos.

The fire was skyrocketing, and the crimson flame swept the cover of the camp.

The fire was burning, accompanied by a shout of panic.

It should have been a hunter, but it turned out to be a prey in the eyes of others.

The commander-in-chief of Geshu dispatched a large number of soldiers to attack the city at night, attempting to capture the North Fortress in one fell swoop. News of the night raid camp.

Because most of the army was dispatched and the camp was empty, the spies of Aaron Landis easily slipped into the camp, spilling oil on camps, supplies, grain and other places and setting fire.

Gaishu camp was in chaos.

And at this moment, an Aaron Landis cavalry came from the night.

Its forward spread out in the shape of an arrow and rushed deep into the camp.

The formation of this cavalry army was like a sharp arrow, which shot forward and penetrated the cover camp.

The tip of the arrow points straight to cover the heart of Daying——

At the forefront of the cavalry army, which is the sharpest'point of the arrow', is a tall knight wearing silver-black armor.

Heimus leaned slightly, grasping the reins with one hand and the silver gun in his hand.

The horse under him was galloping, and his reddish-brown mane stood out in the darkness.

The wind roared in his ears, and the black forehead fluttered in front of his eyes.

He was at the moment, and led this elite cavalry under his command to tear through obstacles. In the flames, at the moment when the Shushu was caught by surprise, he penetrated into the heart of the camp.

He galloped all the way forward, and all the blood he had scattered was scattered.

Any Gaither who dared to stand in front of him was shot and killed by him.

No one is his enemy.

The golden red eyes are like the red pupil of a black wolf full of fierce light in the dark night. Senson is terrified and makes people shudder.

Heimus' pupils reflected the figure of Commander Gashu, who was heavily guarded by Gashu soldiers in the distance.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

——The black knight of hell, stepping on the night, calling for wind and frost, coming with the flames of hell——

The Gaesh soldiers who survived this war all described that night.

There was deep fear in their voices, and hidden reverence.

Even if it is an enemy, but advocating the strong is the instinct of all narrators.


In the unbelievable eyes of countless soldiers, the devil-like black knight broke through the obstacles of countless soldiers.

He rushed towards the heavily protected commander-in-chief with unstoppable momentum.

Stared by the fierce golden-red pupils, the back of the neck was cold, and Commander Gai Shu turned his horse's head in panic and tried to escape.

The silver gun in Heimus's hand pierced violently.

The white light glanced through the night, like a thunder.

A shot penetrated the commander's heart.

Commander Gai Shu fell from his horse.

And Huimos hit with a hit, and the next moment had gone away.

He led the elite cavalry under his command to once again tear open the camp of Shuren, throw away the chasing soldiers, and disappeared into the night.

Leaving the chaotic camp covered in flames, Aaron Landis cavalry went away.

A little glimmer lit the sky, the sun rose slowly from the horizon, and the morning light illuminated the earth.

Gai Shujun attacked the North Fortress at night, fell into a trap, and returned home in disastrous defeat.

At the same time, Aaron Landis cavalry attacked the camp at night.

Commander Gaisu died under the black knight's gun, Gaisu army was in chaos, and was subsequently chased by the Aaron Landis army to take advantage of the victory, defeated again, and suffered heavy casualties.

Great victory in the North.



On the eastern border of Aaron Landis, on the battlefield where the Aaron Landis and the Iss met, the camps of the two armies faced each other.

The two armies have been confrontation for more than a week.

Although Iss attacked Aaron Landis with more than 40,000 troops and more than 40,000 troops this time, Aaron Landis was not a vegetarian in the Fourth Army, which guarded the eastern border.

With all its 30,000 troops, it resisted the invasion of the Kingdom of Is, and refused to let this group of nomads step into Aaron Landis.

Yes, nomads.

This is what the Aaron Landis called the Is.

The Iss are a country that lives on hunting and grazing. They do not have a fixed residence, and they always move with the water and grass in the season.

Their civilization level is much lower than that of Aaron Landis. Iron, tobacco, salt, herbs and other necessities can only be obtained through livestock trade or by snatching neighboring countries.

And Aaron Landis is the richest kingdom around them, and it has become the most frequently attacked place by Is.

This time, the Essians did not intend to attack Aaron Landis in the winter, but someone came to lobby King Eason, saying that Aaron Landis would soon be troubled and made him attack Aaron Landis.

At the beginning, King Iss was a bit hesitant. After all, Iss and Aaron Landis fought back and forth for so many years, and he knew that this enemy country was not so annoying.

And fighting in winter is very unfavorable for the Iss who lack food and herbs.

King Is secretly sent a large army to the border, but did not move, and planned to wait and see for a while.

It didn't take long for him to hear that Aaron Landis was troubled by the double-sided pinch, and he immediately ordered the army squatting on the border to attack Aaron Landis.

The Essians wanted to take advantage of the fire, but they also had to first ask Aaron Landis if they could agree.

Although they initially beat the Aaron Landis by surprise, they plundered many border towns and gained a lot. But the Fourth Army, which was guarding the Eastern Front, quickly reacted and quickly headed up, forming a tug of war with the Iraqi army.

At this moment, the two armies faced each other on the plain.

Because the army of Iss is full cavalry, and its agility and aggression are stronger than that of the Aarlandis army, which is half of the infantry, so now the Alanlandis are clearly at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

However, Commander Is standing on horseback standing in the rear army did not show a happy look, but instead showed a displeased look.

Because the grain and grass that should have arrived yesterday has not been seen until now, and the Iraqi army is not storing much grain now.

Those lazy serfs!

They must have been lazy and lost their time.

The commander General Is with a tattoo on his cheek and a bear's fangs on his neck was cursing in his heart.

He looked at the battlefield ahead with some absent-mindedness. Anyway, the advantage of the Isca Cavalry was obvious, and defeating the Aaron Landis Army was a matter of time.

He was thinking about sending a team of his own cavalry to urge the grain transport team.

He turned his head to tell his confidant, and the guards around him suddenly shouted in panic.

Commander Essie turned his head and suddenly stunned.

I saw a ray of green smoke rising from the camp not far away, and the fire was flashing, which was the location of the few remaining grain and grass.

how come?

He clearly left a lot of troops to guard the grain and grass. How could he be raided?

And he saw with his own eyes that all the cavalry in the Aaron Landis army are fighting **** the battlefield, and there is no extra cavalry team to sneak attack on his grain and grass-

While he was still in a state of consternation, he saw that the cavalry unit he had left behind to protect the grain and grass was fleeing in the direction of the army.

Behind the defeated Isaiah cavalry, black and red cavalry hit like a torrent of horseshoes in the rolling sand.

The lion's flag with a gold pattern on a red background greeted the wind in the sky, stinging the eyes of the Iss.

The Arunlandis soldiers, who were at a disadvantage, brightened their eyes, and their morale surged.

The Aaron Landis cavalry, who came from nowhere, chased the defeated Isca cavalry and slammed into Is's rear army, and the Iss army, which was struck by both sides, immediately became chaotic.

The knight who took the lead into the Iss army was like a tiger in the flock.

With the silver gun in his hand, he threw away the blood from the sky and killed the cavalry.

The blood-stained blonde hair was shining brightly in the sunlight, and was extremely gorgeous.

"Knight of the hot sun!"

The pointed cavalry recognized and shouted.

"It's the strongest knight of Aaron Landis!"

"The Knight of the Sun--"

Contrary to the panic voices of the Iss, it was the cheers of the Aaron Landis.

"It's a knight lord in the hot sun!"

"It's Your Excellency Kehos—"

At the moment when the cry of different emotions between the two countries was one after another, there was a long roar, and the Megatron forest seemed to suppress the sound of the entire battlefield.

A male lion emerged from the crowd. It ran on the battlefield, its dark brown mane flying in the wind.

The roar of it was that the horses under the nearby Islay cavalry were terrified, and the legs were soft, and the rider was thrown down.

Many horses were out of control by the roar of the male lion. They went crazy and ran everywhere, and the rider could not control it.

The huge lion swooped up, biting the half of the head of the cavalry who fell on the ground.

Turning his head, he caught up with an escaped Ess and threw it down to the ground, biting off his throat with his ghostly crying wolf howl.

The **** misery of the Islets who died in the mouth of the lion scared the nearby Ispers to flee.

And after the male lion bite a few of the nearby Isis, he looked at the others who had fled away, and seemed to be too lazy to chase.

It turned around and ran back.

He ran to a young general wearing an armor covering half of his face and wearing an ordinary general's leather armor. He yelled at him like an invitation.

The golden eyes hidden under the helmet looked at the inviting Negah. Gallan's mouth twitched, and he immediately bent down and touched the head of the big lion.

The big lion was satisfied, and he lay still beside him.

A pair of prestige glanced around with vigilance, the gesture was like guarding Gallan.


On the eastern border, a cavalry army of Aaron Landis secretly circled from the back to the battlefield, and took away the grain transported by the Issians to the front.

Subsequently, this cavalry unit, led by the knights in the hot sun, attacked the fighting army from the rear.

The army of Iss was beaten on both sides and suffered a lot of casualties.

Later, because of insufficient grain and grass, he had no choice but to retreat from the east of Aaron Landis.

East Victory.

The author has something to say:    husband and wife...... No, mistakes, crossed out... Brothers are concentric and their profits are broken.

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