When Tyre retreated from the Aaron Landis camp and rushed back to his own camp, General Aaron Landes, who had attacked his camp that night, rushed to and fro in the camp, and had left first.

The two failed to match.

Perhaps it was because the general Aaron Landis, like him, saw the chaos in his camp from afar, so he hurried back.

Because I did not expect that the Aaron Landis, whose strength is far lower than that of his own army, would take the initiative to attack. The general responsible for the vigil today only arranged the vigil according to normal conditions, and did not strengthen the alert.

Unexpectedly, shortly after Tyr left, the camp was suddenly harassed by a group of rangers, causing riots, and then an Aaron Landis led a thousand cavalry soldiers into the camp.

The general even beheaded a General Gasdard and retreated.

In the dark night, the silver-haired prince who hurried back was still riding, and the horse beneath him snorted, and his front hooves raked the ground anxiously.

The fire of the bonfire reflected on Tyre's frosty face.

General Gasdard, who was responsible for the vigil but was attacked by someone, knelt down in front of Tilma diligently. Although he lowered his head deeply and did not look at the expression of the prince, Sen Leng's eyes looked down from above as if it were substance. His body chilled his back.

To the Gasdard, Prince Tyre is like a winter that has been shrouded in the Gasdard snow field all year round.

On the Gasdard snowfield, the cold winter is the most frightening existence.

Wherever he went, the cold and death went with him.

Let everyone feel awkwardly at the same time that they are in awe of his power.

Although he suffered a lot of injuries when he met the scorching sun knight, his abdomen was bleeding, and his forehead was also sweating, but the general still supported the injured body and knelt in front of Tyre, motionless.

He did not dare to hide or exaggerate in any way, and honestly explained the camp's night raid frankly.

"One-eyed blonde knight..."

Tyre knew it.

The knight of the scorching sun is well-known on the mainland, and the Prince Heimus, who is called the "black knight", is regarded as the strongest two after the lion king of Aaron Landis.

At the same time, he was also the guardian knight of Prince Garland.

Such a powerful knight, no wonder he can lead a group of cavalry into his camp.

He glanced at the still kneeling man, and the general was stiff in his eyes.

Tyre turned and dismounted, and walked towards it. The snow-white cloak stained with countless blood behind him flew in the fire of the night.

His indifferent voice came from the darkness.

"The guardian camp is weak and lashes forty."

He was injured, and was about to be lashed forty times, almost equal to half his life.

But he was used to Prince Tyre's harsh generals and said nothing and retreated.


Wearing armor stained with blood, Kehos hurried back to the camp.

Hearing that Prince Garland was killed by the leader of the attack camp, he showed a nervous look and asked the prince whereabouts and went straight to the past.

"It's so late, why didn't the prince stay in the camp?"

"In order to prevent the Gasdard who was rushing to the prince from being injured, the prince went to visit him."


Kehuos breathed a sigh of relief.

Before walking to a small camp, he heard a dialogue, and he slowed down, didn't go in, and stood at the door.

Vaguely heard the dialogue coming from inside.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, you were put in danger only because of your dereliction of duty. Now you are also allowed to visit me and other useless people in person...I really have no face to face with you. Please come down."

"Well, if you guard the camp weakly, you should be punished."

The voice of the boy came from inside.

The voice was very clear, there was no anger, but it was not soft, it just gave a strong sense of realism.

"But the commander of the First Army is Kehuos. Even me, I have no power to punish you over him."

"His Royal Highness, I..."

"Don’t think about it, there will definitely be punishment for you, but it will wait for you to be injured before it is executed. If you hurt fast, you can go to the battlefield to make merits earlier, and you can also redeem the merits at that time. You understand ?"

"...Yes, Your Highness, even these useless bodies, they will certainly make achievements for you on the battlefield."

Kehos didn't go in, just stood quietly outside the camp.

When Gallan walked out of the curtain, he smiled.

Even if there was a little blood mark left on the face when killing the enemy, the face of the knight of the scorching sun with the charm of a mature man was still handsome and charming.

He smiled and said, "Prince, I'm back."

Perhaps it has become a habit, even now, he is still habitually calling the name of the prince instead of the crown prince.


As soon as he went out, he was shocked by his guardian knight, Gallan stunned, and immediately smiled.

He hurried forward, reaching for Kehos's arm and looking up at him.

"Have you been injured?"

Kehuos shook his head.

He lowered his head and looked down at Galland in front of him. His eyes were soft, as if the warmth of the fire beside him melted into his eyes.

he thinks.

There is probably only this prince in the world. When he saw the return of his subordinates who had gone to the night raid, the first sentence he asked was not the question of "what was the result of the night raid" but the question of "have you been injured".

He answered with a smile: "I'm fine, prince."


"I didn't expect that the Prince Tyre would personally attack the camp, and he also has a natural power... Prince, you need to pay more attention to your safety next time."

"Well, I didn't think about it. Fortunately, there was Cynthia."

Gallan said, looking at the sky.

There was already a glimmer of light on the horizon, and the sun was about to rise.

"It's almost dawn, I will go with you..."

"You are not the omnipotent gods, Your Highness, you have done well enough."

Kehuos suddenly interrupted Gallan's words, and he said, "Next, it's time for us and our men."

The green eye like malachite suddenly blinked at Galland.

"Remember, I once said that if you do everything yourself, what do you subordinates do?"

He looked at Gallan with a serious joke, but with a very serious look.

"I can't share the worries and problems of my master, that's what makes us knights the most nerve-wracking thing."

He beckoned, reached out and took a cup of hot milk prepared by his men beforehand, and handed it to Garland.

He said: "So, Your Royal Highness, drink it. Even if the sky falls now, you should go to rest. After all, the sky must fall on me first."

"Hello... Kehuos."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, I didn't want to specifically mention that you are a lot shorter than me."


An arrow poked the heart.

"Your Excellency Kehos is right, His Royal Highness Prince."

At this time, General Elson, who was following her next, made up a knife.

"Look, you're on my shoulder."

She even raised her hand casually and gestured.

"This is not going to work. You need to eat more in the future so that you can grow your body."

Garland: "........."

Two arrows poked the heart.

Kehos was carrying milk innocently.

"I didn't mean that you are short, I just want to remind you that if you want to grow tall, you must have enough sleep."

"Yes, I usually say the same to the little girl."

Female General Elson, who didn't understand the atmosphere at all, continued to make up for it.

In her heart, this crown prince is the future husband-in-law of her little prince, and she naturally hopes that Gallan will grow tall and strong.

In case Prince Wang doesn’t have her little girl, it’s not pretty.

"...The rest is up to you and I will go to bed."


But Gallan, who had to look up to face his own guardian knight, was completely irrefutable.

He originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, everyone around him was indeed taller than him, even his brother Xinyas was taller than him.

The only fat man shorter than him, Tar, stayed behind because he couldn't march in a hurry.

So he couldn't refute it, he filled the glass of milk in one breath, and then turned around dejectedly into the camp.


The knight watched his little prince enter the camp.

"I hope you can have a good dream."

He said that his eyes were gentle.

Vinyl next to him stared at Kehos' face for a long time.

Kehos, who turned around to handle the affairs, turned her head and saw her staring at her.

"How? Is something wrong?"

auzw.com "No... I’m just thinking that your present look is not a bit better than the usual fake smile. Well, unfortunately, it’s not a matter of consideration now. At that time, otherwise I really want to stun you now and drag it back to the island."


The knight of the hot sun twitched uncontrollably.

Then Kehos turned around and decided to leave.



Garland didn't know how long he slept.

It seems that I slept for a long time.

Since the day he decided to recapture the city of Judas, his emotions have been tight, hanging high in the sky.

Each of his decisions will affect the future of Aaron Landis.

He tensed his nerves and did not dare to slack off.

It feels like every minute and every second is like walking on the edge of a cliff without breathing.

Since that day, he has never slept well.

The tight nerves made it hard for him to sleep.

Although he was rushed to bed by Kehuos, he thought that it would take a long time to fall back and forth like before, and it would be a long time before he fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he slept.

Anyway, I slept deeply and slept for a long time.

Later, in the midst of obscurity, it seemed that something warm was constantly licking his hand, making him gradually wake up.

"Go away, Nega, no licking is allowed."

A familiar voice lowered, and said next to it.

"Master Kehuos said, let the prince take a good night's sleep, and do not allow the prince to wake up."

People who always habitually call his prince not to call the crown prince, except Kehos, only the little fat man who followed him since childhood.

Gallan opened his eyes slightly, and, as expected, saw the round back, and was talking sideways to the big lion, trying to drive Nega away.

But Negali was too lazy to think about Rital, still with his fluffy head down, and licking Gallan's fingers gently.

Tall's face bulged more and more angrily.

After he was angry for a while, he suddenly felt something, and turned his head, and saw Garland looking at his eyes, and immediately shouted with joy.

"Prince, are you awake?"

"Well, Tal, when did you arrive?"

Garland sat up, hugged the big lion arching his head into his arms, and threw two.

Tal followed the army, he came, and the army led by the old city owner Karenni must have arrived.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Sir Kehos will not let it."

Tal whispered.

Kehuos just let him stay beside the sleeping prince, not let him wake the prince.

He spent most of the day at the bed, and glanced beautifully at his little prince's sleeping face for most of the day. .

Garland looked out the window, the sun was slanting to the west, and he almost slept for a day.

"When do you arrive...um? Why is it so noisy outside? What's going on?"

"It's noon, and it's playing outside with the Gastads. Of course it's noisy. It's been all afternoon."

Tall answered with a straight face.


Garland suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Are you playing against the Gstaad?

In other words, has the war already begun? Has it been fighting all afternoon?

Why didn't anyone wake him up? Why is he not awakened when so noisy?


Wait, that glass of milk—!

Garland suddenly remembered that the glass of milk Kehos handed him in the early morning must have added something, so he let him sleep so long and so deep.

No way! How could he stay here during the battle.

"Tal, bring my clothes!"

Gallan shoved away from Negha and got up to get out of bed.

He just got up and someone came in.

"Your Highness."

The minstrel in leather armor walked into the camp, he stepped forward, bent his knees, kneeled on one leg in front of Gallan, and then looked up at Gallan.

"Prince Garland."

He says,

"You have done what you should do, you have done everything you can."

"So, please give them the next thing."

"And all you need to do now is to trust your men and believe they will bring you victory."

Shulusi's words made Gallan startled.

Suddenly, he remembered what Kehos said to him in the early morning hours.

‘His Royal Highness, you are not an omnipotent god. ’

‘If you are responsible for everything, what do we subordinates do? ’

‘So, the next thing, please leave it to us. ’

Recalling Kehos's words, Garland was lost for a while.

After a long time, he seemed to want to understand something and smiled gently.


He did everything he should.

He has done all he can to do everything he can.

Next, the battlefield against hundreds of thousands of troops should be handed over to the commander-in-chief and generals appointed by him for his trust.

"I know, Shulos, and I will leave the rest to you."

The boy said that Jin Eye slightly bent.

War is not something he is good at.

Then, naturally, it must be handed over to someone who is good at it.

All he has to do now is trust them.

I believe that his men will give him and Aaron Landis victory.



The 140,000 Gasdad army.

Seventeen thousand Aaron Landis army.

At the moment, the two armies confronted each other in the northern border, and more than 300,000 armies were spread out. A piece of blackout formed a huge battlefield that could not be seen at a glance.

As the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Karenyi has been playing steadily and steadily, ignoring any enemies of the enemy, using the most stable formation, and only engaged in frontal confrontation with the Gasdard.

The so-called surprise attacks and tricks can only be used when forced.

In such a huge battlefield, and when you have the advantage, a straightforward frontal attack is the best strategy.

On this flat plateau, the two sides have come and gone, and they have been fighting for a full seven days.

Both sides have their own wins and losses, and both have losses. For a time, they faced a confrontation situation, and it seems that both sides are evenly matched.

But both sides knew that this kind of head-to-head competition was just an illusion.

The Gasdars haven't been able to persevere for long, because their food and grass will soon run out.

The balance of victory has begun to lean towards the Aaron Landis little by little over time.

The failure of the Gasdars is only a matter of time.

Once their grains and grasses are exhausted, the Gstaad will surely lose!


At the same time, in the southern city of Wang, a man left the city gate silently among the crowd.

The cloaked hood blocked his face and made him unclear.

When he walked out of the city gate, he turned his horse and quickly disappeared into the distance.

At the same time, there was a small disturbance in the palace.

"Sherman! His Royal Highness is missing!"


The priest of Samash instantly blackened.

The author has something to say:    Some friends asked me the number of the readership

Let me put it here directly_:3∠_

Two nine six one four three eight seven zero

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