Spring has arrived, bringing the warm and warm winds of the south. Although it is not as warm as the short-sleeved clothes that can be worn in the southern city of the south, the north has quickly become warmer.

The ice and snow on the high mountain are melting rapidly, and the river is running down the ridge.

On the flat ground beneath the mountain, the land that was originally barren due to heavy snow in winter became green at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the grass buds burrowed out of the ground and covered the ground in almost a few days.

The ever-growing grassy land makes the spring breeze seem to be wearing a little grassy breath.

The spring in the Northland is beautiful, but over the years, the Aaron Landis people in the Northland have no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery around them.

Because almost every spring in the north, the Geshu people in the north attacked Aaron Landis south, plundering food and materials from the north.

The spring of the Northland can not smell the breath of grass and the direction of flowers. On this piece of land, you can only see the flames of war and smell of blood.

This year's fighting in the Northland is even more serious than in previous years.

But not because of the Geshu people, but because of another invader, Gasdard.

On the ground, the sound of horseshoes was ringing, hurried and overwhelming, as if the ground shook with the sound of the horseshoes.

I don't know how many times, the cavalry on both sides launched a charge.

The galloping horses are like a rainbow.

In this wilderness, the cavalry in black and red leather armor and the cavalry in white armor collided heavily.

The tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers quickly entangled together, densely packed, as if dark clouds covered the sky.

The Gasdard cavalry carried a long machete and chopped down heavily towards the enemy.

The Aaron Landis cavalry raised the long, swaying gun in his hand, struggling forward to penetrate the enemy's chest.

The warhorse was hissing, and the horse's hoof stomped on the new tender grass, smashing the green into the dark mud.

Either the Allen Landis cavalry who had been split open fell to the ground, or the Gasdard with the pierced chest fell to the ground.

In the galloping horses, no one can stand up again. In the moment they fell from the horse, the whole person would be trampled by the running horseshoes and the blood would be blurred.

On the battlefield where either you died or I died, everyone's face was covered with grimace.

They have forgotten everything, and the only thing in their minds filled with blood is to kill all the enemies they see in their eyes!

The fighting sound resounded through the earth, and continued for a whole day. Until the sun went down, both sides sounded the trumpet sound of the soldiers retreating, and the talents slowly retreated.

The leftover corpses piled up on the battlefield, telling the cruelty and tragedy of the war.

The sky was still bright. Under the bright sunlight, the bodies of countless broken limbs and arms became more ugly and scary.

Coupled with the ferment of the warmth of the rejuvenation, the corpses accumulated here soon rotted, and the odor was fermented and expanded in all directions.

Numerous flies buzzed around the corpse, and the squirrels drilled in the corpse.

More and more vultures in the sky are attracted by the rotting corpses. When humans leave the battlefield, they fall from the sky and gnawing at the decayed flesh.

The soldier who was still alive looked at the scene where his companion's body was gnawed by the vulture squirrel.

Maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, they will also become a member of those corpses, eaten by the vulture beast to the bones.

However, it was only the army of Gasdard that had produced such a sad mood of death.

Unlike the Gasdards who only dragged back the alive soldiers, the Aaron Landis sent logistics to the battlefield after each battle, looking for unconscious survivors and converging Aaron The body of the diss.

The mercenaries led by Kelly were incorporated into the logistics.

They will take the body of the dead companion back, then dig a pit at the foot of the mountain not far away, and bury the companion's body underground.

When the soldiers of the logistics army carried the companions' bodies, no one in the Gasdard army attacked them, but watched silently as they converged their companions' bodies on the battlefield.


It was already the eighth day of a head-to-head confrontation between the Aaron Landis Army and the Gasdard Army.

Although each has its own losses, no one can beat them.

Although veteran Karenyi is not good at surprise attacks, he is a steady general. Not only does he arrange his camp tightly, even the battlefield offensive is also steady.

He is a rib, and you can do everything you can. Anyway, I stand still, I just don’t care about you, I just play hard against you.

Callini’s brainless approach was stunned to make Tyre, who tried to use all kinds of tactics, temptation, provocation, or sneak attacks, but no effect, to lose his temper in private. .

Since the last night attack, Kehuos arranged that more than one hundred rangers take turns in charge of monitoring the opposing barracks at night.

With the ability of those rangers and their sensitivity to movement, they can lurking very close to the camp of Gasdard to monitor their movements.

Because of these rangers, the Gasdars failed to attempt two night raids, and even some of the daring rangers of the high arts still touched in the night to kill one or two little gastrod leaders.

Unlike the Aaron Landis with good morale, the atmosphere in the Gasdard army gradually began to be unstable.

Of the 140,000 troops of Gasdard, only 60,000 belong to the Gasdard's formation, and the rest are the descendants of Canal, Hida, Aaron Landis, etc. Composed of a mixed army.

These people have been treated differently.

Because of the fear of the Gasdards and the fact that they had nowhere to go as a betrayal, they were able to endure it before.

But now, because of the lack of grain and grass, the soldiers' food has been cut, from the original three meals a day to two meals a day.

In fact, this is barely acceptable, but the key is that the army soldiers who mixed the troops of other countries not only changed into two meals, but also cut the food of each meal by half, which is worse than the soldiers of the Gasdard Front. Many, every day can only barely make ends meet.

Hungry and hungry, they must be the vanguard in every battle, and they are forced to rush to the forefront.

Therefore, the casualties of the mixed army are naturally much larger than those of the Gasdard lineup.

As a result, soldiers of the mixed army who were desperately rushing in front of the soldiers of the Gasdard lineup, even though they were still afraid of the Gasdards, were increasingly dissatisfied.

In addition, there was a panic that began to spread among the army, but it was only forced down.

More than soldiers, even non-Gasdad generals in other countries gradually became emotional.

Contradictions gradually began to breed in the army of Gasdard.

In the camp, a middle-aged General Gasdard was frowning and reporting the situation of the grain in the barracks to the sitting Tyre.

Although there was a little worry in his eyes, he still seemed calm and reported calmly to Tyre.

"His Royal Highness, our grain and grass can only support up to ten days at a time. Even if we cut the soldier's ration again, it can only last a few more days."

"At the same time, if the rations continue to be reduced, it will be difficult to maintain the physical strength and combat effectiveness of the soldiers."

After the general had finished speaking, suddenly a man in a dress who was obviously not a general came in a hurry.

He did not have the composure of the middle-aged general, with a flustered expression on his face, saluting nervously to Tyre.

"How's it going?"

Tyre looked at him and asked.

The man approached, lowering his voice, and only a few people here could barely hear.

"Can't control it..."

In a word, the face of the middle-aged general who had just calmed down suddenly changed.

The man continued to whisper, "His Royal Highness, please plan early."

Tyre sat in his chair, and the yellow fire reflected on his silver-white armor, and the fine silver wire was scattered in the corners of his narrow eyes.

The beautiful face is as cold as frost, and the thin lip line is extremely sharp, which gives people a more cold feeling.

Gently, for a moment, his right hand tapped the armrest of the seat.

The fingers with distinct bones look like they were carved from bone.

The depths of his pupils seemed to be deep and misty, and settled a little bit, immersed in the deepest.

His eyes seemed to have a violent blizzard raging, showing ruthlessness.

Tyre did not speak, but apparently he made a decision at this moment.

No one knows what decision he made.

But if someone looks at him at this moment, it will definitely become cold all over.

The man must feel that he saw the so-called **** in the eyes of a person.

"From tomorrow, stop cutting rations and return to the usual supply."

"At the same time, pass my order, ready, the whole army withdrew to the Kanal State."

A slight meal, he said,

"Let... stay behind and break."



It was already late at night, and after visiting the wounded soldiers, Gallan returned to his camp with the company of the fart Tar.

"Speaking, Your Highness, I'm a little curious. Why did you guess that the Gasdard would come to the North?"

"Because going east is a desert."


"It's very hot in the desert, and it's okay in winter. It will become very hot as soon as the spring starts, and it's hotter than Wangcheng."


auzw.com"The purpose of Tyre is different from that of the Yis and Gaisen, not to get away with a grab. He wants to occupy Aaron Landis, which is a very long Time, so he must make Gasdard’s soldiers able to maintain their combat effectiveness for a long time."


The little fat man was stunned.

"Prince, I don't understand."

"Tal, let you go to the desert to run a lap against the sun, what will happen?"

"……will die."

You will definitely be dehydrated and die.

Not to mention running a lap, don't you want to move?

"You are all like this when you grew up in the Wangcheng, let alone those Gastards."


So is there anything to do with what the prince said later and the reason for judging the reason why the Gasdard came to the North?

Tal was still confused.

Looking at Tar's chubby face, Garlan smiled a little and didn't continue to explain, but waved his hand and let the little fat man full of question marks go back to rest, but he got into the camp.

Ok? Cynthia is not here?

Because of the attack on the camp that night, everyone was nervous about his safety, and then unanimously decided to let Xinyas sleep with him in a camp, which can protect him at night.

Garran walked into the camp, took off his cloak, and hung it on a wooden stand.

Although it was spring, the night was still a bit cold, so Tal Fei had to let him wear his cloak when he just went out.

Is Singas out?

As he thought about it, he sat down and picked up the cup on the table.

...And milk again.

Garlan gave a sigh in the bottom of his heart.

And it's still warm, holding warm with both hands, the warmth is transferred to the palm through the cup.

The faint milk scent made the teenager narrow his eyes comfortably.

He raised the milk to his mouth, and suddenly remembered that when he came in, the guard in front of the camp reported to him that Kehos had been there, and he looked a little worried.

I don't know if there is any urgent matter to find him...

and many more.

Just as the lips were about to touch the milk, Garland's hand paused lightly.


Who gave him hot milk?

Cynthia was very careless and would never consider such a thing at all.

Tal has always followed him.

And Kehuos... The guard said that Kehuos came more than an hour ago. If it were him, it would be impossible for the milk to be warm now.

There are other people in the camp!

This judgment made Gallan's chest tighten and his mind turned quickly.

Is it an assassin sent by the Gstaad?

Was it poisoned in milk?

Is that person still in the camp?

Being able to get into the camp that is closely guarded without trace, the man's ability must not be underestimated.

The fire swayed on the cheeks, the teenager's hand just paused slightly, and then he continued to raise it, opened his lips, and took a light sip of milk.

After drinking this bite, he didn't seem to like the taste of milk, frowned, and put the cup back on the table.

He stretched a lazy waist, a leisurely look.

"A little hungry."

He said to himself, got up, and walked towards the camp account, as if he wanted to ask the outside guard to get some food for himself.

Probably because he was tired for a day, his movements seemed lazy, not in a hurry, and he walked forward slowly.


Pretending to take a sip of milk, Gallan seemed to be walking forward lazily at the moment, and there was no look on his face. In fact, his chest was tight.

His ears stood high, listening intently to any movement in the camp.

He looked down lazily, but the afterglow in the corner of his eyes swept around without any trace.

Just a few more steps, you can walk to the door.

Garland's body was slowly tightening, ready to go.

As long as he took another step, he rushed out—

Seeing that he had reached the door, the last step was to fall.

Suddenly, his hands stretched out from behind him.

A strong arm hugged him hard, and the other hand held his mouth tightly.

Gallan's pupils suddenly dilated.

He has estimated the ability of this assassin who can sneak into his camp under heavy siege, but now he feels that he still underestimates the terrible person behind him.

He struggled instinctively and violently.

But the arm that held him tightly was terribly strong, like iron tongs, making his upper body unable to move.

Just when Gallan was frightened and angry, suddenly, a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Don't call it."

The extremely familiar voice made Gallan suddenly dazed.

During the time when he was lost, the man holding him from behind forced his arms so easily that he dragged him from the door back to the deepest part of the camp.

In the deepest part of the camp there was a small space separated by thick curtains, which could cover up some movements. That is where Gallan rested at night.

"How will you be here?"

Looking up at the familiar beautiful face in front of him, Gallan's head was still empty, and he asked subconsciously.

Huimus should be right in the king city now.

"Wangcheng is now safer than you are here."

Huimus answered.

The golden-red eyes swept from Gallan from top to bottom, focused, deep, and extremely careful, as if the traveler who had walked in the desert for too long and a long time without getting a little water finally saw a clear water. .

It was like a child who finally recovered the lost beloved thing and checked again and again for any scars on the beloved thing.

"But then..."

Before Garlan finished his sentence, Huimus suddenly started, grabbed his hand, and threw him all over to the bed next to him.

Both sentences were not finished yet, and I was caught off guard, and Garland was pressed into bed by Huimus.

He didn't expect that Huimos would start, he didn't respond at all.

He lay down on the bed all over, and Heimus's left hand pressed **** his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, there was a snort.

Suddenly cold behind.

Garland suddenly felt bad for the whole person, and even forgot to struggle for a while.

With one hand pressing Gallan onto the bed, Huimos ripped Garlan's clothes on his back.

The teenager's fair back was exposed to the air.

The warm yellow light is reflected on the slender and beautiful butterfly bones, and the milky skin glows slightly.

No scars.

The skin on the back of the teenager was smooth and white and tender, and there was no trace of the arrow pierced by the dream in the back of the heart. The heart that Huimos had been holding up was finally put down at this moment.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, he pressed Gallan's hand and relaxed.

The next second, Gallan, who felt lighter by his own strength, turned sharply, regardless of his torn clothes. Without a word, raising his leg was just a foot.

Slam it.

The golden pupil almost squirted out of the fire, and kicked the unguarded black knight from the bed.

The author has something to say:   Well, meet~

Is there any white nutrient solution rewards? Hum

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