
More than ten days ago.

"Fortunately, the plague was discovered in a timely manner, and now it can be dealt with urgently to minimize the damage."

The most terrifying thing about the plague is that it sneaks silently.

It was difficult to find at the beginning, and when it was discovered, it had already killed and spread the disease on a large scale.

But now because of Kelly, it was discovered before it spread, and as long as it is isolated in time, it will not have much impact on the army.

"Speaking of which, the prince should be quite good at dealing with the plague."

Kehuos said.

Because of the prince’s suggestion, the plague situation in the cities of Aaron Landis after floods and earth movements has been significantly reduced in recent years.

He learned this from the Shepherd priest.

"In short, from now on, the group of prisoners of war will be completely isolated."

Callini said he had some questions about the matter.

"However, according to the physician, I don’t know what happened. Most of the seriously ill of the group of prisoners of war were Gastads, and the few remaining Kanal or Aaron Landis traitors were much lighter. A few of them have even been cured by themselves."

He snorted heavily with his nose.

"This must be the punishment of the gods of Aaron Landis on those invaders."

Calleni asserted this way, and then turned his gaze aside and landed on Gallan sitting on the main seat.

Garland sat quietly, his eyes drooping slightly, and his velvety blonde hair fell on his white cheeks, reflecting a little glimmer of fire.

He pursed his lips, and hadn't said a word since Carrie and Kayhos had just discussed.

The slender eyelashes occasionally twitched slightly, shaking even the shadow on the cheek.

He seemed to be pondering something.


The enquiry of the knight awakened the thoughtful teenager.

Garland raised his head.

He didn't just listen to Kehuos's conversation just now, just listening to it while thinking about other things.

As for why the Gadsad's illness is more serious, the Kanal and Aaron Landis are much less sick and can even get themselves well... he vaguely knows the reason.

"Well, isolate the prisoners of war."

Looking back at the questioning eyes that the two had come to see, Gallan spoke.

"Also, the logistics forces responsible for guarding the prisoners of war also need to find another place for temporary isolation to see if there are signs of illness within a few days. If they are sick, let the doctor do their best to treat them."

"Take care of the sickness of prisoners of war, and let those who are sick to do it."

"Also, from today, the campfire in the camp cannot be extinguished, everyone must drink boiled water and eat cooked food."

The teenager raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

"and also……"

Under the current conditions, in a densely populated military barracks, although the source of the disease was isolated in time, it is best to carry out a full range of disinfection.

Well, disinfect, if you want to disinfect, the only thing you can find now is...

"Kejos, you let the artisans in the army burn some lime."


Kehuos asked suspiciously.

"Prince, are you planning to build a fence here?"

In Aaron Landis, craftsmen use limestone to burn lime, and then mix lime and volcanic ash to make a special building material.

When they build a house, they add water and stir to bind the stones, so that the stones can stick together firmly.

Generally speaking, Aaron Landis used this method when constructing piers for water-proof and big rivers. So, when Gallan said he wanted lime, Kehos' first reaction was what he wanted to build.

"No, let the craftsmen melt the burnt lime powder directly in the water, and then send someone to spread the lime water throughout the camp. Also, spread the lime powder around the POW camp."

Gallan said, "Remember, not only do it once, but do it every day."

"Doing this... can prevent the plague?"

Kehos asked.

Although he did not understand the significance of doing these things, he knew that the prince would not do something useless.


"What kind of thing can prevent the plague?"

Carrie asked questioningly, "Would you have been tricked by a poor folk doctor?"

Relative to Carigny's doubts, Kay Hoss said nothing more and got up directly.

"Understood, Prince, I will go now."

He simply said that when he turned around, he would execute Gallan's order.

"Wait a minute and go later."

Garland stopped him and said, "I still have something to discuss with you."

When Kehos and Karenyi discussed the plague, he kept silent, just because he was thinking about it.

"This plague is indeed a crisis."

Garland said quietly, looking at the two of them scorchingly.

"But for us, this is also an opportunity."

An opportunity to completely solve Tyre.

Tyre is a very cunning person.

But at the same time, he is also a very proud and conceited person.

He must be grudged about the halt under the King City and the defeat in the North Fortress.

As a person who has never had a defeat in the battle, he has suffered successive failures in Aaron Landis.

He must be very reluctant.

His pride does not allow himself to leave as a loser.

Therefore, he resorted to this poison scheme.

Garland is very clear.

Tyre's use of this poison scheme is not to slow down the pace of the pursuit of the Aaron Landis army, so as to save more the strength of the Gasdade army.

To defeat defeat is to win his only purpose.

How to defeat defeat?

When the army of Aaron Landis was infected with the plague, the army was shaken, and the people centrifuged or even scattered, they suddenly counterattacked and came back to attack the army in one fell swoop—

This is Tyre's plan.

In fact, Garland was not reconciled.

He could only watch Tier leave and return to Kanal.

This made him very unwilling.

But in the eyes of other countries, in order to save the power of Aaron Landis, he could not die with the Gastads.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant, you can only bear it.

However, this time, the opportunity is at hand.

If the Aaron Landis army ‘infects’ the plague, Tyre will return on his own.

Yes, he wants Tyre to come back and die!

After hearing Gallan's plan, Kehos said nothing, and his eyes fell down as if he was thinking about the possibility.

And after a little stunned, Karenni frowned.

"His Royal Highness, this strategy is too dangerous. The fear of the plague has already penetrated into the hearts of the people. Once there is a slight difference, the army will really collapse, and the entire army will collapse."

He frowned, denying Garland's words.

"We have absolutely no need to do this extra, as long as we expel the Gastad from the country, we have already won."


"The risk is too great."

The veteran who used to focus on stability simply interrupted Gallan's words and frowned.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, as the commander-in-chief of the army, I'm against your strategy. I disagree."

Kehos interjected.

"I think we can give it a try and stop acting immediately if something goes wrong."

"Even if it stops halfway, it may cause unnecessary casualties to our army, and there is no need to lay aside."

The old man shook his head stubbornly.

"Kareny...If you let Tyr run away, with his ability, and the almost lost Gastadian forces, we may be unable to find a solution to him after this time. From then on, we will The battle between him is endless, and this time will last for five, ten, or even decades."

Gallan looked at Karenni and said calmly,

"How many people will die during this time, Karenni, have you thought about it?"


"Trust me, I won't waste anyone's life."

"I always believe in you, Your Highness."

The old man said that his voice was low, with a long sigh.

"But, Your Highness, you are still too young, you don't understand people's hearts, human nature...all are selfish."

Gallan looked at the old man's wrinkled face with too many experiences.

He suddenly laughed.


He smiled and said, "Human nature may be selfish."

The warm yellow lights reflected in the teenager's slightly curved eyes and his bright smile.

His slightly curved golden eyes were shimmering, as bright as light.

"But, Karenni, there are always things in this world that can exist beyond human nature."

And he is willing to believe.


Carrie thought that the army would soon fall apart, and he was ready to immediately terminate the plan when the situation was bad.

But something happened that surprised him.

There were only six generals who chose to leave, and even one person returned.

Under the shroud of the plague, in the battle that determined the fate of Aaron Landis, some people did leave, but more people chose to stay.

Perhaps many of those people are sighing for their stupidity.

However, no one left.

After the five generals who chose to abandon their companions left, another two days passed. Later that night, the generals suddenly received a secret order from the commander of the army, Karenni, saying that they were calling all generals to go.

The general who had gone to bed hurriedly got up from the bed, packed his clothes and hurried past.

Karenni's camp was quickly filled with people, and the generals stood quietly, and no one spoke.

There were a lot of people, but the camp was very quiet, and the heavy atmosphere enveloped here. At this moment, the severe situation made most people drum up.

Some people are frowning, some are looking anxious, some are calm, some are calm, and some people's eyes are shining.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the old commander standing in the upper position.

Calleni stood expressionless, and no one could see his thoughts.

His gaze swept around the generals and suddenly took a step back from the position of the main position to the side.

At the same time, the rider Kay Hos stood aside, raised his hand, lifted the curtain on the side of the camp, then bowed and bowed his head.

Someone came out from behind the lifted curtain, crossed the retreating Calleni, and stood on the throne.

All of a sudden, there was no sound, and everyone was stunned on the spot.

Crown Prince? !

Isn't it rumored that the Crown Prince did not show up because of a plague?

The warm yellow lights were reflected on the bright blond hair, and the young man stood in the upper position and watched the crowd, with a beautiful smile on his face.

Bright eyes, ruddy complexion, and vigorous spirit, how can he look a little sick?

Someone thought about it immediately after being shocked.

There are also smart people who have vaguely guessed something in the past few days, and at the moment a clear look appeared in their eyes.

But most people looked at Prince Wang who was standing there in amazement, unable to respond for a while.


"I have worried you all these days, and I am in good health."

"Also, the plague that you have been worrying about, protected by the gods of Aaron Landis, has not spread beyond the prisoners of war, and even the first dozen of the logistic soldiers infected with it have been out of danger. "

Gallan said, "So, you don't need to worry about this."

Garlan said this, everyone present was relieved.

Although they were determined to stay here, the shadows over their heads still prevented them from swallowing and worrying.

Now I can finally rest assured.

Afterwards, many people thought it was strange.

Since the plague has not spread, why should the camp be placed in such a posture as an enemy?

"You guys."

Garland's eyes looked sharply at everyone.

"I want to defeat the Gasdars."

He said, "It is not defeated as it is now, but to defeat them completely, so that they will no longer be able to step into my Aaron Landis!"

"But, I can't do it alone."

The young crown prince stood there, the fire reflecting on his face.

His golden pupil seemed to have fire leaping, making his eyes bright and sharp.

He reached out and reached out to everyone.

He said, "So, you, I need your help, please lend me your strength!"

Because Garlan was shocked by this sentence, the crowd would hurry and bow their heads, either abruptly, nervously, or panic-stricken.

"I'm waiting for fear."

"How dare you violate your orders."

"I really don't dare to do it."

However, when they raised their heads again, everyone's face was refreshed.


All the forces condensed together, and the army became a unified whole, moving like a behemoth quickly.

The choking smell of lime is still spreading in the camp.

Every night at night, a group of soldiers dragged a pile of scarecrows with clothes on a scooter, pretending to dig a pit near the camp and bury the scarecrow.

In the dark night, the spies dared not come close, and they could not see that the only ones who were buried were scarecrows.

In this way, the deeper and deeper the pit, the larger the digging.

The soldiers who were ‘sick and dying’ took turns hiding inside the camp, creating an illusion that the number of spies outside was indeed decreasing.

At the same time, some troops have left the camp one after another, but this time, these generals were ‘escaping’ the camp according to secret orders.

When they left, they pretended to have left the entire army. In fact, they only took half of the troops, and the remaining half were secretly left behind. They hid in the camp during the day and took turns to move outside at night.

With the army's "escape" and more and more soldiers "sick and dead", the camp seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and the troop strength is shrinking, but in fact it has not been reduced much, it is just hidden.

On this night, the Gasdard army had just moved and had not acted. The rangers who secretly monitored the Gasdard camp had already drove their horses and passed the news that they were about to attack.

The Aaron Landis stayed in line and prepared quickly before the enemy attacked.

The Gstaad attacked by night.

Then Tyre and his army fell into a trap.



The night wind was violent, and the bonfire was shaking violently.

The cool wind lifted Galland's golden forehead, and the blazing fire of the campfire illuminated the blushing Shamash rune on his forehead.

In the dark night, it was blazing red, like a flame burning on the forehead of the teenager.

Thousands of horses and horses shake the ground.

The white cavalry and the black and red cavalry collided fiercely, strangling together.

There was a lot of fighting.

The hissing of war horses and the impact of the warriors' blades came one after another.

On the chaotic battlefield, Tyre hacked off an Aaron Landis cavalry.

His silver-white armor was splashed with red blood.

The giant sword in his hand kept dripping blood.

He looked up and looked at Garland in the distance, his eyes cold as ice.

His emotionless face could not see the slightest panic, and a few blood stains on his cheeks made the handsome face inexplicable at the moment.

Tyre exhaled gently, suddenly turned his horse's head and rushed towards the distant Galland.

He fell into a trap.

The trap set by the crown prince.

However, there is still a chance.

Opportunity to defeat.

Confirming that he fell into a trap, Tyre became more calm.

At this moment, he galloped on his horse, and he would stop the person who was blocking himself from flying, and rushed out of a **** path.

His icy purple eyes seemed to reflect Gallan's figure deeply at this moment.

Just capture the crown prince--

Suddenly, a roar of roar came tearing through the air, as if the world and earth were shaking in this roar for a moment.

A huge figure rushed out of the darkness.

The thick golden-brown mane was undulating like a wave in the gallop, and the golden light gleamed in the firelight.

The majestic golden lion roared towards Tyre.

The bright fangs refracted the cold light in the night.

The fierce gesture made everyone frightened, and the roar of the king of beasts made the horses panic hissing and retreated.

Tyre was not afraid of danger, but he dared to meet him.

The giant sword slashed to the lion that threw


In Garran's shouts, the lion's huge body avoided the sword of Tyre with extremely flexible movements.

It jumped to the side and gave way.

Seeing that a sword forced the lion away, Tyre continued to rush towards Galland.

However, as soon as the white horse under Tyre was about to pass by from the side of Niega, Niega suddenly swooped in with agility.

There was a snap of the fracture, the white fangs stabbed hard, and it bit off the white horse's thigh.

The blood spewed out and instantly dyed its golden-brown mane on half of it.

The white horse groaned and lost its balance and fell to the ground.

When Tyre fell forward, he rolled over and took advantage of his strength to stand up.

The sledgehammer roared, and it was about to hit Tyre who had just stood up.

Tyre did not look back, as if he had long eyes behind him, put a giant sword on the back of his neck-

Mars rubbing its blades splashed in the night.

Tyre slammed the giant hammer open.

As soon as he turned around, the giant sword cleaved, forcing the opponent to avoid back.

He raised his eyes and saw that it was the burly boy who had taken the sword that he had slashed to Galland at the beginning holding the giant hammer.

It is a rare person with the same natural power as him, enough to match him in strength.

However, it is only comparable in strength.

He has never been defeated after countless wars. In addition to his powerful strength, he has a combat capability no worse than anyone.

Tyre shook his head and deceived the young boy with a face that fell.

And he turned from the side, while the other party was too late to close, a sword cut off the front leg of the black horse under the teenager.

As the boy fell down, he was about to stab with a sword—

Before stabbing, he suddenly heard the sound of breaking air coming from the side.

Moving in his heart, his acute sense of danger made him leap back.

The sharp arrows struck in the dark from the night before him, and a strand of silver-white forehead fluttered down.

With a glance at the corner of Tyr's eyes, he saw that the crown prince not far away was holding a battle bow and was riding an archery.

The arrow just shot it.

And the second arrow had already pointed at him, and the arrow shone coldly in the night.

Looking up, the road leading to Galland was blocked by the golden brown lion.

Its charcoal-like eyes stared at Tyre, bowing and bowing, muscles tensed, and a low roar, as if he would swoop in next second.

The natural general, the young general, also turned over and stood up, holding a giant hammer, and was about to rush towards him.

Although in an extremely dangerous situation, Tyre was calmer than ever.

Since it was a trap, the Aaron Landis were not infected with the plague, and their strength was certainly not reduced.

Canal and other multinational mixed forces have not appeared for a long time, I am afraid that the departing Tasda and his team were stopped.

The troops who pretended to be leaving were probably also coming one after another to surround his army.

...Now, the possibility of defeating the crown prince as a hostage is gone.

Then, there can be no further delay.

Only a moment of effort, Tyre has calmly judged the situation at the moment.

Then he made a decisive decision.

He jumped back, avoiding the second arrow from Galland again.

Then he rushed to the nearest Aaron Landis cavalry, dragged it away from the horse, turned his horse, and rushed into the chaotic battlefield.

A sharp whistle cut through the fierce battlefield.

All Gasdard cavalry fighting with the Aaron Landis cavalry slammed the enemy and turned their horses when they heard the whistle.

They acted quickly, and they gathered at the side of Tyre who whistled almost immediately, forming an arrow-shaped impact formation.

"Everyone rushed out with me!"

Tyr, who was at the forefront of the arrow formation, held up the giant sword like a white flag that couldn't fall.

His roar rang through the night sky glowing red.

"No one can stop the pace of the Gstaad!"

Gasdard's cavalry screamed loudly.

Tyre just roared and instantly raised their morale like flames.

They are powerful Gasdars!

No one can stop their charge!

Like an overwhelming avalanche, Gasdard's cavalry under the leadership of Tyre launched an impact, and when the other troops were too late to encircle, a slightly weak siege could not stop their ferocious impact.

The Gastads broke through the siege of Aaron Landis with unstoppable momentum.

Only less than 20,000 Gasdard cavalry followed their prince out of the encirclement and disappeared into the night.

The other hundreds of thousands were left behind.

The army of Gasdard is about to be destroyed.

After successfully rushing out, Tyre turned his head and looked coldly at the camp with the fire for the last time.

Crown Prince of Aaron Landis.


This time I lost.

Remember, don’t lose to anyone until I come back.


You can only lose to me.

You can only die under my sword.

The author has something to say:    put out a copy of the new text, and the friends who are interested will go to look at my column and pre-receive the new text~~

It’s better to collect my column by the way.

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