"What? Are you going to lead a soldier to pursue?"

Hearing the news of Tyr's escape and Gallan's intention to lead the Guards to pursue, Karenni hurried to stop.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

He has a stiff face and stares at the teenager in front of him.

During this time, the wrinkles on his forehead hardly disappeared.

Especially when facing Garland, he always wrinkled deeply.

"I disagree!"

Callini vetoed flatly.

Although Tyr left the army and fled, the Gasdad army has been defeated, but after all, the other party still has hundreds of thousands of troops, which will be difficult to solve in a moment and a half.

He said: "The army is closing up. As the commander of the army, how can you leave without permission?"

Karenni thought he had found a good reason to persuade Gallan, but the young man who had always been of a peaceful nature was competing against him at the moment.

"Kareny, you are the commander of the army. The whole army is under your command, and I will have no effect if I leave."

Gallan looked at Karenni and said.

He looks calm, but because of this, it makes people feel uneasy.

Callini clearly saw the so-called calm expression of the teenager, raging in the snowstorm deep in the golden pupil.

He is not unable to understand Gallan's mood.


The old man still shook his head.

"No," he said. "It's too dangerous. I disagree."

Most of the troops of the army must be used to encircle and completely defeat the army of Gasdard, and there are not many troops that can be separated to pursue.

He must sit here and command the army.

Kehos is leading his troops to attack the abandoned Gasdard cavalry, it is impossible to leave the battlefield.

The Tasdae and Elson female soldiers intercepted the multinational mixed army from afar.

Other generals also have tasks on the battlefield.

There is only one lion who can accompany the crown prince to chase down, and although he is a brute force, but Cynthia is not very easy to use, it really makes Karenny feel at ease.

After all, the terrible and powerful Karenni of the Tyre Prince knew it well.

Even if the beast runs away, it is still a very cruel existence.

If you are not careful, the hunter who chases will be bitten or even killed by this wild beast that is getting crazy because of the injury.

Not to be offended, Karenni taught Garland directly.

"His Highness, Galland, don't forget that you are the crown prince. If you are in case, you will make Aaron Landis, who is finally in danger, shake again."

He scolded harshly,

"Please don't do such willful things again, you--"

Halfway through the words, Carrie suddenly felt wrong.

He frowned, feeling as if he had said something wrong.


It seems wrong.

He thought a little bit blankly.

Looking back carefully, Crown Prince Wang never seemed to be capricious.

So, where is the ‘again’?

Calenie suddenly moved, looking down at Gallan.

Prince Garland.

Crown Prince of Aaron Landis.

After King Camos died in battle, he shouldered his responsibilities as the crown prince.

The calmness and calmness he showed almost made Karenni forget. This boy was not only a little prince before long ago that he was so beloved and pampered...

The old man looked a little preoccupied with a childish stubborn boy with a little childish look in front of him. Somehow, his chest tightened suddenly.

Since the death of Wang, this child who has not even reached adulthood... has never had a willful act.

And now, the child has finally been capricious once.

Disregarding everything, even neglecting the responsibilities they bear.

He should scold him, and he should be scolded hard.

Thought Carini.

However, when he looked at the boy's lips and looked at him stubbornly, he opened his mouth and could not say anything.

The fire reflected the old man's white hair.

After a long while of silence, he spoke in an unsmooth tone.

"His Royal Highness, as the commander of the army, I disagree with your request to pursue Prince Tyre."

Karenni's words made Gallan tighten the reins in his hands.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Karenie suddenly turned around and interrupted him.

"However, although I am the commander-in-chief, after all, it is only your subordinates, who have no power to disobey you as Crown Prince."

Gallan froze, then his eyes brightened instantly.

Karenyi continued: "Even if I disagree, I must obey the order of Crown Prince."

After he finished speaking, he bowed his head on the horse and saluted the road.


"His Highness Garland, I think, compared to Tyr's head, your safety is the most important thing for King Camos who has ascended into the kingdom of God."

The old man still lowered his head deeply.

"So no matter what the result is, please be sure to return safely."

He sighed,

"To comfort my king's heroic spirit in the kingdom of God."

The golden pupil moved slightly, and Gallan said nothing, but nodded gently.

Then he raised his hand and waved, and he drove away from the camp first.

The black and red Aaron Landis cavalry followed their crown prince and screamed forward.

Callini looked up and watched the army of cavalry rushing towards the dark night.

he thinks.

He is still old after all.

I'm not hard enough...



Tyre led his elite cavalry to break through the encirclement and quickly drove towards Canal's border.

It was raining all the way, and when Aaron Landis arrived in spring, it was always drizzling.

Although the rain was not heavy, but it was falling down, making the clothes on the body always moist, very uncomfortable to stick to the skin, and more and more annoying.

But during this escape, Tyre didn't care about such trivial matters.

Aaron Landis' cavalry seemed to be chasing after him.

Although there was still a distance to catch up, he did not know who was the general who led his troops to pursue him, but he did not want to be entangled with it.

If you are engaged in combat with this unit at this time, it will be difficult to withdraw.

He is calm.

It is close to Canal's border, and within a day or less, he can cross the border and enter Canal.

Although King Canal has been defeated, Gasdard did not claim the kingship in the city. In other words, Canal is still the state of Canal and has not yet been merged into Gasdar Germany. According to the common contract between the mainland countries, without the permission of the Kanal royal family, Aaron Landis’s army could not cross the border and enter Kanal territory at will.

Even if Aaron Landis was cruel, he would chase after destroying the convention, and Tyre was not worried.

The army of Gasdard who stayed in King Canal had long since received a letter from him. He was coming to meet the border line day and night to meet him. It is estimated that the time could be reached in these two days.

In other words, as long as he fled into Canal, he would be safe.

auzw.com Although it is noon, the sky has always been overcast, and the fine raindrops have fallen down from the gray sky, soaking the tender green grass.

Sitting on a rock wet by rain, Tyre quietly ate cold dry food in his hands.

The slightly wet silver-white hair was scattered on his white cheeks, and the hair tip was attached to the skin.

The white armor was stained with blood and stains, the giant sword was placed on his side, and there was still dry blood on the blade.

During the day and night, in addition to taking a rest and attacking the small villages that he encountered to grab food and grass, he has been continually fleeing to the border of Canal with his men.

Even in this situation, his snowy and beautiful face was still indifferent, his eyes narrow and awe-inspiring.

His posture did not reveal a little embarrassment as he fled, and his back was still straight, extremely calm.

Even if he was just sitting on the dirty rock, he was sitting there, as if still sitting on the black iron throne, as cold as a glacier, as steady as a rock.

He was still proud of a white eagle soaring in the sky, overlooking the earth.

No one can let him flap his wings.

The Gasdard cavalry, who was also resting and eating, looked tired, his eyes were all bloody, and his body was bloodied, with more or less scars, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But their spirits are still very good, their faces are firm, and they don't see any decline.

They are powerful Gasdard warriors, strong men from the terrible Gasdard snowfield, and no matter how bad the situation is, they cannot lower their proud heads.

The Gasdars are the most powerful fighters.

This time it was just an accident.

It was those cunning Aaron Landis who set the trap and let them fail.

But it doesn't matter. Although it failed this time, as long as it successfully escaped into Canal, the prince will one day lead them back.

They want to avenge the cunning Aaron Landis.

They must prove that Gasdard talents are the most powerful fighters in this world!


The eyelashes of Tyre, who was closing his eyes and raising his mind, moved slightly, and he opened his eyes, watching the hazy drizzle falling from his eyes.

Moving in his heart, he suddenly remembered that day.

It was also a rainy day when he led the army to chase the escaping King Camos.

At that time, he would never have thought that in just two months, the situation changed.

Now, the person who fled the way was replaced by him.

The lilac pupil reflected the lingering raindrops, extremely cold, as if it could freeze the raindrops in his eyes.

But it's different.

He is different.

He wouldn't die in Aaron Landis like the King Camos.

Tyre got up and turned over.

His movements were still vigorous, and the armor on his body made a crisp collision with his movements.

He raised his hand.

"set off."

At the order of Tyre, the Gasdard cavalry who were resting or feeding the horses quickly picked up their equipment and turned their horses.

The Gstaad continued to fly forward in the rain.

Countless horseshoes stepped on the wet grass and lifted the dirt, and the dark muddy water splashed away.


Behind the Gasdard cavalry, a cavalry army of Aaron Landis chased.

The hazy drizzle also soaked the clothes of the Aaron Landis extremely humid, but he was already accustomed to this wet Alandlandis cavalry and did not care about it.

Countless horseshoes rolled over and trampled on one after another shallow horseshoe pits on the wet ground. The grass that was trampled down fell in the pits.

Garland, at the forefront, rode a horse, and he led the cavalry to track the march of the Gasdad.

However, the action of the Gasdard cavalry is too fast, and the physical strength is good, and the Bialen Landis is good, so he has not been able to catch up.

At this moment, Garland was already anxious.

He knew that Canal’s border was not far away, not far from his present location.

If it was not possible to catch up with the Gstaad before Tyre crossed the border...

The damp wind was mixed with light rain and hit Garlan's face.

The wind roared past his ears.

His eyes were fixed on the empty horizon in the distance, like a cluster of invisible flames burning in his body, burning all his internal organs and pain.

He didn't want to admit it.

But he had to face reality again.

Can't catch up.

After all, he could only watch Tyre escape back to Canal.

After all... he still failed to avenge his brother.

Looking ahead, there is a vast expanse of uninhabited grassland in front of him, and the teenager's clenched teeth leave deep marks on his lower lip.

His hands clenched the reins desperately, and the rough reins fell deeply into his palm.

That's too late.

Garland closed his eyes in pain.



After a few hours of galloping, the eyes of the Gasdard cavalry came to light.

Through the hazy rain curtain, on the distant horizon, several arrow towers scattered on the ground could be seen faintly.

It was an arrow tower built at a stronghold on the western border.

The stronghold for guarding the border is near.

The border is not far from them.

Like a thirsty traveler after a long journey in the desert, he suddenly saw an oasis in the distance. The Gasdard suddenly rejuvenated, and his exhausted body seemed to be pouring out infinite strength at this time.

Joy flooded their chests, and everyone's face showed an excited look, urging the horses that were already exhausted, and rushed forward.

Not only the Gasdard cavalry, but Tyr, who has always had a little mood swing, was slightly relieved when he saw the stronghold on the border.

He glanced back.

Where he could see, on the horizon, no one could see a figure empty.

Aaron Landis's soldiers failed to catch up.

He thought so, turned his head back, and the whole person relaxed a little.

Perhaps it was because these days the nerves were too tight and his physical strength was so good that he felt tired at the moment, even breathing a little faster than usual.

He looked up at the outline of the stronghold that was getting closer and closer to him.

As long as you cross the border and enter Canal-

Suddenly, a deep horn sounded.

The sound of a horn that a Gasdard is very familiar with, at this moment, came through the heavy rain.

The Gastad Cavalry, who was galloping happily toward the border, stunned in the horn, and his face changed color.

Tyre's chest tightened abruptly, his eyes fixed on the front.

In front, Aaron Landis soldiers dressed in black-red leather armor poured out of the horizon like a tide.

They bluntly blocked the enemy's road to the border.

At the forefront of the rushing army, the cold-eyed general in black armor.

The long sword in his hand pointed to the ground, and the horse stood proudly on the ground.

The tall body was in front of all the Gstaads.

The moist wind blew through, but it could not lift the wet black hair clinging to the brown skin.

There is a dark blue rune on the forehead, which makes him more and more breathless.

The flame-like golden red eyes, but the cold like ice.

Through the fine broken rain curtain, the deep darkness in the pupil reflected the figure of Tyre deeply.

The author has something to say:    guesses a lot of people_:3∠_

He Wolf decisively repaired the knife.

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