Towards the evening, the sun was gradually sinking, and a group of 100 cavalry troops had stopped moving forward and camped by a stream.

The cavalrymen were busy, and the campfire was quickly ignited. The broth in the copper pot on the campfire was boiled, and a rich aroma was emitted in this crude camp that was just set up.

The small stream was flowing briskly, and the sound of water was flowing, and the small fish swimming carefreely in it.

Heimos sat on the rock by the creek, his dark boots stepping on the gravel.

The stream was crystal clear and reflected his figure clearly.

The young man sitting by the creek bowed his head slightly, his honey-colored skin glowing like wild beasts standing in the desert in the afterglow of the sunset.

The dark forehead hair slipped down in front of his eyes like silk, and the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, revealing a full of sharpness.

The golden-red eyes reflected the falling red sunset, like flame-colored glass beads.

Obviously inorganic indifference, but giving birth to a dangerous temptation and beauty.

Early in the morning, Heimus left the royal city and led his subordinates to Meniste.

He only told Xie Muer about it.

When the sun had not risen in the early morning, he quickly left the city without saying goodbye to Gallan.

He lowered his eyes, quietly watching the light flowing stream in front of him, his fingers unconsciously stroking the green malachite ring on his left hand.

It seems to have become a habit of him. When he is upset, when he is anxious, he will subconsciously stroke it.

He finally chose to loyal to Gallan as a knight.

He gave up the throne that could have been contested.

However, even after a decision has been made, he still has a...

The deepest part of the body seemed to be a caged beast roaring and roaring, mad and wanton, with a very dangerous atmosphere.

As long as there is an opportunity, it will break out of the cage——

Heimus knew how hard he was, and he barely suppressed the beast living in his body.

Last night, he couldn't sleep, he suddenly didn't want to stay in the king city, so he just said goodbye to rectify the army of Meniste.

He needs to be alone in other places for a period of time to clear up his messy mind.

There was a long whistle in the air that awakened Huymos, and when he looked up, he saw a black eagle spread its wings circling in the sky.

He looked at Annu, who had been taken away with him for a while, then lowered his head again.

The slate on the side was still clean. The bowl of boiled broth delivered by his subordinates was still steaming hot. He reached over to his mouth and drank it.

Heimus had just drank halfway, and suddenly the sound of rapid footsteps sounded from behind.

The knight who named him to bring the broth came to him quickly again, leaning over to salute.

"His Royal Highness."

"what's up?"

Heimus still sat on the floor and took another sip.

The knight who knelt on one knee lowered his voice and reported: "Master Xiemuer priest sent someone to send a secret report, so that you can rush back to the king city as soon as possible."


Drinking the remaining half bowl of broth, Huimus responded lazily, throwing the empty bowl aside.

The knight's hands presented the secrets.

While he was absent-mindedly looking at the little fish swimming flexibly in the stream, Huimus stretched out his hand to pick up the dense pieces.

The bright red ink is covered on the seal to ensure that the secrets will not be opened by others before they are delivered to Huismos.

The knight who was still kneeling watched his master tear open the seal and took out the secret.

He watched his master glance at the contents of the parchment with an uninteresting look in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Just glanced.

The knight felt the air around him suddenly tighten.

He saw his master's lazy golden-red eyes suddenly anger.

"What are those guys doing!"

Heimos clenched the stationery in his hand.

His face was ugly and ugly.

What the idiots in Wangcheng are doing!

He only left for a day, and let Galland--

The knight on his knees was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't guess exactly what was said in the secret letter, which made His Highness, His Highness, who had always acted calmly and quietly, show such an angry look.

He looked at the almost rotted stationery in the hands of Heimus with an inquiring look. Suddenly he felt cold all over his body. He felt his heart tighten. He quickly lowered his head and dared not read it again.

"I'll go back to the Wangcheng first. You will stay here tonight and go back after dawn."

The knight looked at him stunnedly, after throwing off such a sentence, raising his hand was a whistle, not far away, he was nibbling at the horses eating grass.

The reddish-brown mane on the body undulated in the wind, and it ran to the master in a blink of an eye.

Heimos turned on his horse, dressed in the starlight of the night, and flew away in the direction of the king city.



Tapti looked at the empty bedroom in front of him in amazement. The thin blanket on the bed was lifted away, but the teenager who was supposed to lie on it disappeared.

The windows are wide open, and the night wind blows in from the outside, blowing the gauze curtains in the room endlessly.

Because the prince's illness could not be circulated, so this day she was alone here.

She just went out and told the maid outside to bring hot water and cook some white porridge, but it took only a few minutes for the prince to disappear in the room when she returned.

The consternation was only a moment, and the female chief who had experienced countless winds and waves quickly calmed down.

She took a closer look at the traces left in the bedroom, and then looked outside the open window.

A flower fell from the flower bed outside the window, and traces of trample could be seen on the soil.

Tapti suddenly knew.

She turned around, intending to let the guards outside to inform Xie Muer over.

But before he walked out of the hall, there was a rush of footsteps.

As soon as the female chief looked up, she saw the long, familiar figure hurried towards her.

His Royal Highness.

Taputi jumped at the gloomy face of Heimos, who was walking fast.

Speaking of that, during the day, she was still thinking that Prince Garland fell ill, and it was very strange that she did not see this one appear.

Heimos passed by her, as if she didn't see her at all, and went straight into the bedroom inside.

Tapti turned around subconsciously, followed him back into the bedroom, and closed the bedroom door.

After she entered, she saw that Heymus, who was standing in front of the door, slowly shifted her gaze from the empty bed to the open window.

"The prince should be awake."

Tapti said, "He left by himself. His body like that, he didn't know where he went. His Royal Highness, Heymus, we must find him quickly..."

"no need."

Looking fixedly at the open window, Huimus said, "I know where he went."

After he finished speaking, before Tapti replied, he stretched his arms and jumped out of the window.

But within a few breathing hours, his back disappeared into the night.


The hall made of snow-white jade stood quietly in the night, cold and clear, and there was no breath.

It is the exact opposite of the bright and splendid golden palace.

In this hall, even if it was brightly lit, it seemed to feel a chill deep into the bone marrow.

The White Palace, the palace of the dead.

When Heimus walked into this huge white hall, the icy white overwhelmed him.

All eyes pale.

The translucent soft white gauze was scattered around the hall, and gently fluttered with a little breeze.

A huge white stone plate with huge ice cubes placed on both sides makes the temperature of this hall much colder than outside.

The one-man high incense burners placed on both sides exude a slight fragrance, haunting the hall.

At the end of the snow-white hall, a turquoise peacock coffin was placed on the high platform.

In the green, complex and exquisite lines are carved on it, and the gold blended into the fine lines flashes the luster of gold under the light.

On the wall behind the malachite sarcophagus is a relief of a goddess wearing a white lotus.

She was holding red feathers, her hands clasped in front of her.

Underworld **** Olnas.

The goddess guarding the dead.

She lowered her eyes and looked at her with pity, as if looking down on the peacock sarcophagus in front of her.

Huge white wings spread behind her, showing a circular arc, as if guarding the great king.

Camos lay in the cold peacock sarcophagus, and his cleaned body was replaced with a pure white soft silk dress.

The dark brown skin, carefully painted with olive oil and spices, glowed under the light, making the lion king lying there peacefully look like he was just sleeping.

Countless flowers scattered around the peacock sarcophagus, spreading down the white stone steps.

The teenager sat on the snow-white stone steps, leaning against the cold peacock sarcophagus behind him.

He sat in front of the malachite sarcophagus, holding his knees, his face buried between his knees.

Long gold hair fell from his slender shoulders, and the hair tips were scattered on the stone floor around him.

The teenager's feet are bare | naked, stepping on the icy white stone steps, stepping on the bright red petals scattered on the stone steps, the complexion becomes whiter and stronger, almost translucent and fragile.

There is a big white palace, the palace of the dead, empty and not angry at all.

It was terrible quiet.

The only blond teenager sat alone under the huge peacock coffin.

Heimos stepped forward, his dark boots stepping on the snowy white ground and made dull footsteps.

Footsteps echoed in the hall.

He walked up to the stone steps in front of Garland.

Then he leaned over and knelt in front of Garland.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the boy in front of him.

But before his fingertips touched the blond hair, his hand was stuck in midair.

After a short while, Huimos slowly held his hand and closed it back.

His fingers were clenched tightly and hard.

This black knight on the battlefield was frightened and clenched his hands fiercely, as if not knowing where to use his mighty power.

He half-kneeled in front of the young boy shrunk by the malachite coffin, seeming at a loss.

He really didn't know what to do and what to say, so he could just stay in front of Gallan in silence.

The hall was very quiet, only to hear each other's breathing, the fire on the stone pillar swayed on the two.

Maybe after a long time.

Or maybe it was only a short while.

Finally, the teenager who had been holding his knees buried his head raised his head.

In addition to his paleness, his face was clean, and there were no other traces, and no tears.

When he raised his head, his hair slipped off his cheeks like gold.

Garland didn't hide here and wept. His expression looked calm, and he looked at Huimus in front of him lightly.

Even, he smiled gently at Huimus.

"Hyimos, you know, I saved a lot of people."

He smiled and said softly.

"Look, I saved you from a very young age, right?"

"When I was very young, I saved the children who were caught at the altar by all things, many children..."

Garland spoke softly.

The golden pupil was slightly lost, as if remembering.

"If I don't will not be saved, the palace will ignite a fire, and many people will be killed in this fire..."

"Without me, those children will be killed as sacrifices... Those civilians will be rioted under the encouragement of all things, will last a long time... Spread countless people, and then all of them will be suppressed and killed... …"

"At that time, the plague in Venal City will break out...and countless people will die from the plague."

"...The mission of Tasda will be destroyed in the desert. Aaron Landis and Tasda will have a war, and tens of thousands of people will die in the war..."

"Tozes City will be defeated by pirates, and most people in the city will be killed under the pirate's sword..."

"The city of Twirl will be engulfed by torrents, and the entire city will be buried in the flood..."

The young man said quietly.

Sentence after sentence.

He seemed to be pouring out his merits at this moment.

He seemed to be constantly praising himself and telling his importance.

Heimus said nothing, he just listened to Garland in silence.

After a while, Garland stopped suddenly.

His eyes fell on Huimus's face, fixedly looking at him.

The men's golden-red eyes, which are obviously hot colors like flames, are extremely indifferent to everything in the world.

He suddenly asked: "Hyimus, without my communication, you will give up the royal city, won't you?"

Heimus still didn't answer, his pupil reflected the figure of the boy in front of him deeply.

He looked at the blond hair scattered from Gallan's eyes in disorder, raised his hand, and gently touched it behind Gallan's ear.

Garland didn't move, and his eyes were a bit dazed.

Although he asked that sentence, he did not need Huimus to answer.

Because that scene he had already seen it in his dream.

"That's the will of the gods...they said, that's the trajectory of destiny...whether it's me or..."

Either me or Brother Camos.

"Fate is already doomed, no one can change..."

Gallan closed his eyes, and his long lashes fell down on the pale cheeks of the teenager.

The light-moving eyelashes at this moment seemed to be the wings of a butterfly that could be easily broken, inexplicably weak.

"So, look, if you don't have me, you will give up the king city..."

He whispered,

"I know... you have to retreat to save the legion's strength, and let other countries fight on the land of Aaron Landis, and you will wait patiently for them to exhaust their strength in each other's battle and sit down. The benefit of fishermen..."

"The king city is broken, and many people in the king city will die under the horseshoes of the Gasdard..."

"When other countries fight on the ground of Aaron Landis, countless people will be killed in the war..."

The young man said aloud, laughing while speaking.

His appearance is extremely good-looking, and even when he smiles, he can't move his eyes.

His smile was always warm, like the bright sunlight that was born at dawn.

But at this moment, although his face was smiling, the smile did not catch his eyes.

"But because of me, none of this happened and everyone survived."

"Look, Huimus, I saved so many people... saved countless lives..."

Garland repeated the sentence again, and suddenly turned around, turning sideways.

He looked at the huge peacock sarcophagus behind him, reached out and pressed it up.

The cold breath penetrated through his fingertips, and he pressed his fingers against the malachite coffin a little harder.

He pulled it down like he wanted to pull his fingertips into the hard stone.

His tight knuckles were almost white, and his slender fingers were extremely hard, as if they would snap off in a second.

A hand stretched out from the side, grabbing Gallan's hand pressed against the peacock sarcophagus.

Heimus firmly grasped Galran's hand and pulled it down.

He saw Gallan's fingertips looming.

He lowered his head, put the bleeding fingertip into his lips, and sucked it up.

Gallan stared at him with his fingers in his mouth. The warm touch wrapped his fingertips, as if dispelling the chill that had just been felt in the malachite coffin.

He didn't move, but his lips tightened a little.

Those little **** lips twitched tightly like a straight line, squeezing a strand of blond hair into his lips.

Heimos let go of his mouth, still half kneeling in front of Gallan, and looked up to Gallan.

Garland and he stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly smiled.

But in this smile, the slightly curved corner of the eye suddenly dropped a tear.

He smiled and said, "I saved countless people...but I couldn't save the people I wanted to save the most."

He said that tears slipped from the misty golden eyes.

The teenager seemed to be laughing, but the tears falling from the corners of his eyes kept falling on the back of Heimus's hands.


Like a broken bead.

More and more, more and more.



Garland sat quietly in front of the green peacock sarcophagus, with his eyes down and his water stained eyelashes falling on his tear-stained cheeks.

Tears fell silently from his eyes.

The white palace of the dead was silent in the night.

The calm face of the teenager didn't even seem to be crying.

But he was indeed crying.

In the most painful way.

[I saved countless people. 】

[But only... I can't save the people I want to save the most. 】

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