[I saved countless people, but only... I couldn’t save the people who wanted to save the most. 】

There was silence in the palace of the dead, and the fire shook, reflecting on Gallan's face.

The lights were bright in the hall, illuminating the white snow, the lights refracted the water on his cheeks.

Above the turquoise peacock sarcophagus, the pitiful eyes of the underworld goddess looked down at the silent tearful teenager.

The white wings behind her spread out and circled here.

Legend has it that the white lotus on her head was born from the tears of mourning that fell into the underworld for those who lost their loved ones, symbolizing the purest thoughts.

Huimus looked at Gallan and at the tears that fell from his golden pupil.

He didn't say anything, his hands clenched his fingertips with blood stains.

He thought there was no more pain in his heart.

Slightly straightened, Heimus, who was still kneeling in front of Garland, reached out.

Brown fingers brushed across Gallan's tear-stained cheeks, across the tip of his ears, and into the deep, cool blonde hair.

He leaned in and gently pressed Gallan's forehead.

He closed his eyes slowly, his dark eyelashes falling on the eyelashes wet with tears.

On their foreheads, dark hair and blonde hair were entwined.

The cyan God of War rune and the blushing Shamash rune were printed in one place, as if supporting each other.

I am here.

That is a silent word.

Heimos gently touched Garland's forehead, as if transferring his own power, as if supporting the other's posture.

The teenager did not move or speak, but the tears in his eyes fell more fiercely.

His reddish eyes blinked, and a series of tears fell.

The tears that fell from his eyes dripped on Huimus' face, wet his brown cheeks, and fell on the hands of the two, following him's chin.


As the night passed, the sun rose from the horizon and the sky was bright.

The white hall reflects the light of the rising sun, reflecting the snow-white stone ground spread around the hall into a white piece.

White was dazzling.

Tapti stood quietly in front of the gate of the White Temple and looked up at the main hall.

The long, waterfall-like hair fell on her slender neck and fell from her shoulder.

She tilted her head, the honey-colored neck showed a beautiful arc, and the milky moonstone neck ornaments showed a little blue halo under the sunrise.

Although her figure is slender, she stands firm at the moment. She has been standing here quietly for several hours without moving, and she will still stand here.

She was waiting quietly.

Someone walked quickly from outside, and the men were two men.

Hearing the movement behind him, Tapti turned back, and she saw the blonde knight and the brown-haired priest coming together in the direction of her.

"Not yet out?"

Xie Muer asked Tharp, he looked up at the door and frowned.

He got the news early in the morning and rushed here immediately. He had planned to enter the White House to take Prince Garland out, but was stopped by the female chief guarding the door.

Tapti stubbornly refused to let him in, saying he had to wait and let the prince come out.

Xiemuer couldn't help it, and because of the many things and the lack of avatars, no matter how worried she couldn't stay here for a long time, she could only let Tapti stay here and leave.

After the morning thing barely came to an end, he immediately came here with Kehos.

The chief lady shook her head.

The priest's brow furrowed a bit.

"Can't wait anymore. Prince Wang is still ill, and the Bai Dian is too cold. Staying too long will make him sicker."

He categorically said that he would step in and step in.

"We will go in now."


Seeing Xermuer going in, Tapti reached out and tried to catch him and stop him from going in.

It was just that she had just reached out and hadn't had time to meet Xie Muer. Xie Muer, who had just passed by her, stopped suddenly and looked up at something.

Seeing Xie Muer's appearance, Tapti subconsciously followed his gaze.

The blonde knight seen a step further has already moved a few steps forward, and seems to want to go up to the steps in front of the hall, but he just stopped walking at the steps.

He stood under the steps and raised his head, leaving only the blue eyes staring ahead.

Under the watch of the crowd, a tall, long figure came out slowly from the gate of the stone pillar.

In a snow-white hue, the young man who came out of the hall carried a black color that was incompatible with it.

The breeze blew by, lifting the black forehead on his cheeks.

Heimos didn't seem to see the three people standing under the steps, but looked down at the person in his arms and slowly walked down the steps.

He walked slowly, and seemed to be a teenager who didn't want to disturb the sleeping man in his arms.

Garland was held in his arms by Huimos, his thin body was now wrapped in Huimos' dark cloak.

His head rested on the other person's chest, and long gold hair fell from his brown arm holding him.

It seemed that the teenager who had poured out tears that he had endured in the past few months fell into a deep sleep again. His eyes were flushed red and his eyes were tired.

There were still wet marks on his eyelashes, and tears on his pale face.

A few strands of gold wire moistened with tears stuck to the corners of his pale lips.

Huimus walked past Tapu with Gallan in his arms.

When she saw the tears on Gallan's face, the woman chief who had insisted on not letting Xie Muer break into the White Palace exhaled gently.

She finally felt relieved.

This is fine.

she thinks.

Just cry out.

Sadness and pain are not terrible.

The most terrible thing is that the pain can't flow out of the tears, and I can only boil it for myself, to work hard, and finally to the point where the lamp is dry.

She has lost the most important friend who grew up with her.

She could never imagine that she and the important friends who guarded the grown-up children also left her.


The child who was almost crushed by grief finally stood up, under the guard of another person.


Heimus took Galland back to the palace, and he stood beside Galland, never mentioning that he would leave the palace to go to the city of Moneste, and the only insider, Xie Muer, also chose it. default.

For a whole day, Gallan was still sleeping, but his low fever gradually lowered, and his breathing did not start as heavy, as if it seemed a bit easier.

His face looked calmer.

Heimus sat on the edge of the bed, his golden pupil reflecting the shadow of Gallan.

auzw.com The teenager is lying quietly on the bed, looks very well-behaved, and even the shallow water marks at the corners of his eyes are unusually lovable.

Long blond hair was scattered on the snow-white bed, and the slim body was thinned again in these few months, which could be clearly seen by the naked eye, and the jaw was sharper.

It hurts to watch.

Heimos reached out and pulled away his soft forehead, wiping the sweat from Gallan's forehead.

I don’t know what dream I’m having, even if I’m asleep at this moment, the teenager’s eyelashes twitched slightly, and a little tear suddenly oozed from the corner of his eyes.

He watched the tears ooze from the corners of Gallan's eyes again, bent down, and put one hand on Gallan's forehead, and gently kissed the corners of Gallan's eyes.

Tears in the corners of his eyes touched his lips and penetrated into his lips.

Unspeakable bitter taste...

Footsteps came from afar, and Huimus heard that someone was approaching here.

He straightened up and turned to look.

The light-colored gauze curtain was lifted, and the chief woman walked in. There was a bowl of black potion on the disc in her hand, which was just boiled and steaming.

"His Royal Highness, your subordinate is here. I let him wait for you in the side room."

she says,

"I'll just give the prince medicine."

Heimus nodded, glanced at Gallan again, got up and left the bedroom, and came to the room on the side of the hall.

Soga, dressed in a cyan priest's suit, was waiting there, and when he saw Huimos coming in, he bowed to salute.

Heimos kept walking, walking straight past his subordinates, walking to the bench on the side of the room, and turned to sit down.

He sat there and looked at Soga with sharp eyes.

He said, "I didn't call you back to the royal city."

Close the door, Sorga turned around and stood in front of his master.

He said: "Gai Shuren has withdrawn from the northern border."

At the time, Huimos kept him there, in order to let him make plans for the riding coach Hea, and guard the North Fortress.

Now that Ge Shuren has withdrawn his troops, he naturally does not need to remain in the northern border, and he should of course return to his loyal master.

Soga stared at his master.

He said: "I have heard about the day before yesterday."

His eyes stared at Huimus's face, not wanting to miss any change in his expression.

"Why do you do that? You should understand what that means."

That kneeling meant that Prince Heimos swore allegiance to Prince Garland.

As a result, Huimus never missed the throne.

Soga hated that he could not come to the royal city a few days earlier. If he was here, he would prevent His Highness from making such a choice anyway.

"I have made a decision."

Heimos saw Soga's thoughts, and he said lightly, "You are useless even if you are here."

No one can shake the decision he made.

"Your Highness!"

Soga stepped forward, staring at Huimus with a sharp stare.

"Are you really going to give up like this?"

He asked in a low voice.

"When you came to the royal city from the city of Moneste, it wasn't that you were determined to stand there in the highest position."

"For the entire eight years, you have been on the road to that location. You have always targeted it, regarded it as the future, and never wavered."

"And I always thought that it was yours. You are more qualified than anyone to sit in that position."

Soga's words were deeply distressed, and he looked at Huimos' eyes unwillingly.

"His Royal Highness, from now on, you are destined to succumb to others, and you must kneel at that person's feet, and then you can only look up at him."

"You gave up what was supposed to belong to you, and in the future, you might not get that--"

he asks,

"Are you really willing?"

Heimus and his subordinates stared at each other for a long time, as if something was surging deep in his pupils.

It was an unextinguished flame, with ambition, with **, with a certain dangerous breath.

"...Not reconciled."

Withdrawing his gaze from the other person, Huimus answered.

There was a hint of dryness in his eyes, with deep unwillingness, and even a trace of struggle even now.

He still wanted the throne after all.

After all... he was still unwilling.

"So, Your Highness—"

There was a happy look on Soga's face, and he took another step forward, trying to persuade his master completely.

But the next second, Heimus' words completely cut off his thoughts.

"Yes, I'm not reconciled..."

Huimus said,

"But my decision will not change."

Soga's words were pinched in his throat, and he looked at Huimus in amazement.


He asked, his eyes lost, and his words were full of confusion.

Huimus raised his eyes and looked at his subordinates.

He smiled.

Thousands of struggles, so unwilling.

All ambitions and ambitions at this moment are counted as the gentle melting of the almost white clouds in the flame-colored pupils.

He said, "I feel bad."

Everything in the world, supreme throne.

It was nowhere near the tears falling in his teenage golden eyes.

He is distressed.


The room was silent for a while.

Outside the room, Garland's hand, which was about to open the door, stood in midair in front of the door.

He stood there.

The breeze passed by, and the strand of blond hair lifted by the wind gently passed the corners of his eyes.

The author has something to say:    eat sugar candy


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