Galan, who was eating happily and was suddenly designated as the ‘new lover’ by the heroic girl named Fataya, was a bit ignorant.

He looked at Fataya in amazement with his head turned sideways.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Fataya whispered in his ear with an apologetic voice, "Sorry, I was out of madness for a moment, so... sorry."

Fataya looked down at the beautiful boy who was staring at her in amazement and bowed her head apologetically.

She was irritated for a moment, but impatient and entangled with Soga. At first glance, she saw that excellent-looking boy, and she said that kind of thing.

Now that I have come back to my mind, I naturally know that it is too much for me to casually involve others in the dispute between myself and my lover.

She is accustomed to straightforwardness, and she is the one who changes when she knows the wrong.

So, she simply let go of Garlan's hand and then apologized again.

"It has caused you trouble, I am sorry, I will make it clear to my companions."

She said happily, then turned to face the lover she had chased, and at the same time, in order to avoid causing trouble to Galland, she carefully blocked her body in front of Galland, blocking Soga's gaze from looking at Galland.


Soga chased her with a black face.

His beloved lover said in front of him that he would be dumped and replaced with a new lover, he was naturally very uncomfortable.

Just a little far away, Garland wore a cloaked hood on his head, and with the shadow blocking most of his face, Suga naturally couldn't see clearly.

Now that he was chasing him, Gallan was again blocked by Fataya, and he couldn't see his face of his'love rival'.

Although he knew in his heart that Fataya only caught a passer-by himself just because he was angry with him, when he saw Fataya's careful protection of the other side, Soga couldn't help but feel jealous.

He was calm and calm in the past, as long as he loved his beloved lover, it would disappear immediately, and even his IQ would drop instantly.

"You want to protect him?"

Soga had a sullen face and looked like a thorn in his eyes, but was blocked by Fataya.

Fataya raised his chin at him and sneered, "It has nothing to do with him. You know in your heart, don't look for irrelevant people, any dissatisfaction will rush at me."

Soga was still angry, and was glared by Fataya, suddenly softened.

"Fataya, I was just wrong. I was wrong. We have something to talk about slowly."

He pleaded in the soft words of Fataya, and if the whispered look at the moment was seen by his colleagues or his opponent, he would be stunned.

A chuckle came from behind Fataya.

Soga suddenly changed his complexion, and his eyes were cold.

Over the past few years, he, as the confidant of Lord Heimus, who made everyone fearful, has not been laughed at in person like this for a long time.

Because his family was in decay when he was a child, he lived a long and difficult life, so his self-esteem is extremely high, and he is very narrow-minded and must-have.

Later, he was valued by Heimus. Relying on the power of Heimus, he unkindly retaliated back those who had insulted him and looked down on him.

One is not leaking.

Fataya tightened her heart.

She grew up with Soga since she was a child, and knew very well his heart-like temperament.

Soga probably didn't take the thing that she did before seriously, but at this moment the teenager laughed out loud. Soga felt that the other party was laughing at herself and would definitely have to make a note of it.

She frowned, still blocking Soga's sight tightly, and her hand pushed the teenager behind him without a trace behind him, beckoning him to go first.

Almost at the same moment, the teenager's voice came from behind.

"Wait for me for a while."

The smiling voice rang in Fataya's ear. Before Fataya had responded, he felt that the person behind turned and left.

As soon as she turned her head subconsciously, she could only see the back of the young man in cloak running away quickly, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Fataya was relieved.

Just go.

Soga wouldn't trouble him without seeing anyone.

However, just now what did he mean to wait for him for a while?

Fataya was wondering, and Soga had taken a step forward, explaining to her eagerly.

Unhappy with her mind, she was too lazy to take care of him, snorted, used force directly, reached out and pushed Suga away, and turned to leave.

Da da da.

A loud sound of horseshoes striking the stone floor suddenly sounded outside the bustling market.

It attracted the people around this place to watch the excitement, and subconsciously looked in that direction.

Fataya, who was striding forward, only felt a white shadow passing by her eyes, almost at the same moment, a gust of wind passed, blowing the ponytail behind her head flying up.

She stood at the same place and looked at her with wide eyes.

The white horse's front hooves flew up and was suddenly strangled by the bridle, making a long hissing sound.

At the moment of the sudden stop, the cloak covering the teenager was flying high, and the hood also fell.

The long hair like night spread out in the air.

The white horse boy, with a handsome face, is almost difficult to describe in words.

Na Lema looked back and smiled, and even the glow of the setting sun was extremely dazzling.


The handsome young man was riding on the horse, brisk, and glorious.

He held out his hand to Fataya and smiled.

He said, "I will take you away."


Because of the powerful force and tough character, Fataya’s sudden heart with the nickname ‘like a man’ in the City Guards missed a beat.

I was actually moved by a word from a young boy who was quite small.

She was a bit crying and laughing.

But the beautiful young boy in front of him looks like a prince charming in a fairy tale. It really stirred the girl's feeling that she thought she had long since disappeared.

She couldn't help but smile and reached out to grab the boy's hand.

When the other party pulled hard, she also turned over and sat in front of the teenager.

The next second, the young man took her and galloped away.

The blue-haired priest was thrown in place by one person, watching the white horse carrying the two men away, leaving only a little dust raised by the horseshoes.

He stood there, stunned, his expression like being struck by lightning.

He is stupid.

But the melon-eating masses who had been around for a long time were boiling.

Oh oh~~Horizontal Love~~

The real live version of the horizontal knife wins love.

That guy's lover was taken away hey-

The people who eat melons are very excited to see this kind of scene that only appears in the drama.

Many people looked at Soga, who was left behind, and couldn't help but sympathize with him.

But sympathy is sympathetic.

"Cough, although the man is a little pitiful, but..."

"But... for me, I want to follow him too."

The young girls gathered together, their cheeks flushed, and whispered with their close friends.

"Yeah yeah, I really want to be robbed by that beautiful boy."

The girl laughed crisply and chuckled softly.

Then he refrained and looked at the unlucky guy who had robbed the lover with sympathetic eyes.

The blue-haired man seemed to have collapsed and stood on the spot, motionless, staring blankly at the front.

It must have been too hard.

With such a thought, the crowds gathered around him to sympathize with him more and more.

As everyone knows, Soga's dull face at this moment is already overturned.

Ga, King Galan? !

However, this is not the end.

He was still, and immediately after that, he saw another horse rushing out from the side, chasing the horse straight ahead.

And the back of him riding on a horse is familiar to him...


Lord Huimus!

Can't help but swear at the bottom of his heart, Soga covered his chest and was speechless for a while.

He felt his heart suffered two unbearable heavy blows in just a few minutes.

He has an urge to vomit blood.

But now, he has to endure this feeling of vomiting blood, and with the eyes of pity that everyone around him has thrown at him, he spends a lot of money to buy a horse from the others, and then he turns the horse and chases it hard. past.


The horse was running, and under the direction of the owner, it ran to a sparsely populated place and galloped more and more quickly.

With a bit of cool evening wind blowing, Fataya's light black forehead was raised.

She rode on horseback and looked back.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell into the juvenile golden pupil, as if he could see the golden shimmer flowing around the edge of the pupil.

It overlapped with the golden pupil of the little prince she remembered a long time ago.

As time goes by, only these golden eyes that are as bright as the sun never change at all.

So, when the teenager on the horse reached out and smiled at her, she recognized it even if it had not been seen for many years.

Some kind of indescribable soft emotions spread across his chest, and the knight laughed.

"Prince Garland... No, Your Majesty."

she says,

"You grew up."

She chuckled and said,

"Become very handsome...uh?"

The sentence that the female knight said with a smile ‘has become very handsome’ has not yet finished. Suddenly, a rapid horseshoe sounded from behind, far and near, obviously someone was chasing him.

Fataya turned his head subconsciously to see.

At the moment she turned her head, the knight behind had already caught up.

Two horses were running side by side on this remote road.

Because the man's face running side by side was mostly blocked by the shadow of the wide cloak hood, Fataya couldn't see clearly, and only saw a strong brown arm reaching out from the side.

The next second, the hand slammed hard.

In the astonishment of the female knight, the man chased by the longitudinal horse grabbed Gallan's left arm behind her, and actually lifted Gallan from the horse's back while the longitudinal horse was running--

The tall man dragged Gallan onto his horseback.

Then, with his arms around, he almost encircled Garland in his arms, and the posture was like holding it in his arms.

Fataya reacted, suddenly nervous and angry.

Angry because Gallan was actually looted in front of the female knight who was a city guard, and nervous because he was worried that the man who was extremely powerful at first sight would not benefit Gallan.

The female knight quickly grabbed the reins of the horses underneath, mastering the horses almost out of control.

Then, with the sound of Keng, the sword came out of the waist.

Xing's eyes widened, and she stabs the man with a sword, trying to save Gallan from the man.

The opponent didn't even draw a sword, just raised his right hand.

With a crunch of metal impact, the man easily blocked Fataya's blow just by virtue of the right hand's copper iron bracers.

And his left hand still firmly held Gallan in his arms.

At this moment, Soga finally caught up.

A look at Taya waved a sword at Huimus, he was startled and screamed far away.

"Fataya! Stop it!"

At the same time, Gallan also spoke quickly.

"Fataya, I'm fine, don't do it."

As he said, he grabbed the reins in Heimoth's hands and slammed them.

The horse underneath raised its front hooves, almost standing upright, and stopped.

Soga finally arrived, unable to catch his breath, quickly turned over and dismounted, kneeling on one knee.

"I'm very sorry, Master Huimus, Fataya does not know your identity, please forgive her for her rudeness."

As he turned his head, he quickly added another sentence.

"She just wanted to protect King Garland."

Lord Huimus?

Fataya was startled, and when he responded, he immediately turned over and knelt down before kneeling in front of the horse of Huimos.

She lowered her head deeply to salute before raising her head.

"I'm terribly sorry, Your Excellency, I don't know it's you..."

Looking up at Huimus, the horsewoman's face was serious and her eyes were straight.

"I dare to raise a sword against you. This behavior is really rude. It is my sin. I am willing to accept any punishment."

"You don't need to thank you."

Heimus hadn't spoken yet, and Garland had already spoken first.

"You raised the sword to this guy under my orders, so you are not at fault."

Garland was upset.

Just a moment ago, he was handsome, but it was not long before he was handsome, and he was picked up by his guy like a cat from his horse's back to the other's horse.

At once, he shattered the handsome gesture he showed in front of Fataya.

When Gallan said that, the eyes of Heimus behind him, staring blankly at Fataya who knelt in front of the horse immediately became sharper.

He also put a little force on his left hand on Gallan's waist, apparently reminding Gallan of his existence.

Fataya, who leaned over her knees, suddenly felt a bit chilly in the back of her neck.

Although he felt the small movements of Huimos, Galan, who was unhappy with the other party's move, naturally ignored Huimos' reminder of his existence, and he was too lazy to look back.

He continued to smile at Fataya and said, "I haven't seen you in a long time. You haven't..."


The last two words of Garland had not been spoken. The horse underneath suddenly turned, turned the horse's head, and trot back in the direction of coming.

As soon as the horse was gone, his conversation with Fataya was naturally cut off.

As for why the horse suddenly turned away.

Garland didn't have to think about it, so he knew who was the ghost.


Originally dissatisfied with the matter just now, plus this time, Gallan couldn't help it anymore, turned back and glared at the guy behind him.

Heimus still held Gallan in one hand, dragged the reins in one hand, and trot.

He ignored Garland, but just looked up, without looking at Garland.

The handsome face was expressionless, and the thin thin lips were tightly pressed at the moment, and the setting sun reflected his half face obliquely.

Although Hyimus had no expression on his face, Gallan, who was rarely ignored, also saw it.

This guy... seems... seems to be angry?

In order to confirm, Galland gave Huimus a serious look again.

Then, he didn't look at him from there, just staring at the golden-red eyes in front of him, and read out something unbelievable that made him instantly stunned.

and many more!

What are you doing wrong? !

The author has something to say:    The baby has a little emotion, but the baby does not say

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