Not to mention that there was a rare temper that did not care about Garland's Huimos and made Garland a little ignorant.

On this side, the horsewoman who was waiting to talk to Galland, who hadn't seen it for years, only listened half a sentence, and the horse suddenly turned around and left.

Fataya looked up and could only see the back of Huimos, who had left on horseback.

The teenager was blocked by the tall figure of the black knight. She couldn't even see a little hair.

She stared at the back of His Excellency Heimus in a daze, completely unsure of what was going on.

However, she was confused, and her lover was very clear.

Soga looked at his master's back with a breath of oppression around him, and the appearance of King Galland, who was tightly hugged in his arms, and only felt some toothache.

As a lover of Fataya, he watched his own lover be taken away by the king in front of him. The person who was obviously angry should be him.

But I don’t know why, when I saw from a distance that Lord Heimus was actually on the running horse, just dragging King Garland from the other horse’s back into his arms, he did not He said he was angry, and he was even twitched at the corner of his mouth because of the sudden illusion of toothache.

Coupled with the fact that King Garland did not finish his speech just now, he deliberately reversed the behavior of horse head leaving...

Soga just wanted to whine in his heart.

He thought that he used to be reprimanded by Fataya for being narrow-minded, jealous, and small-minded. Now he has an impulse and wants to grab Fataya’s shoulder and shake it vigorously, pointing at Heimus The back of the adult asked her-

See, look at yourself, compared to that, my mind is really very broad!

Is that jealousy and exclusivity really terrible?

However, Soga still had reason and did not act like this.

He stepped forward and helped his lover who was still looking blankly in front of him.

Fataya stood up and frowned tightly.

"Is it because of my rude behavior that made His Holmes unhappy?"

She looked at Soga anxiously and asked.

"Will it affect you?"

She knew that her lover was the subordinate of His Highness.

After quarreling to quarreling, Soga's position in her heart has always been very important. She naturally does not want to cause trouble to Soga.

Fataya's words of anxiety made Soga's heart burst into anger.

"Don't worry, Master Huimus is not that kind of narrow-minded person, and won't be angry about this little thing."

——However, except for the matter of King Garland, the heart is definitely smaller than the needle tip.

While comforting Fataya, Soga added this sentence silently in his heart.


Fataya always felt something was wrong.

Soga coughed and interrupted her, pointing to the horse behind her and saying, "Don't think about it, let's keep up first, after all, this horse..."

"Uh, yes, this horse must be returned to your majesty."

Suddenly remembering that the horse belonged to Galland, Fataya quickly turned over and chased forward with Soga.

They quickly caught up with them, because although Heimos turned his horse back and ran back, he only trot, and the speed was not fast.

When Fataya chased, he saw Garland turning his head back and whispering something to Hyimus.

Huimos pursed his lips, his expression cold, and said nothing.

Let Gallan whisper to himself, but his eyes were fixed on the front, without looking at Gallan, and he still walked slowly and hurriedly.

Fataya couldn't help but frowned.

This attitude of His Excellency Heimus was too rude to King Garland.

Just thinking about it, she saw Gallan sighed, seeming a little helpless, but he didn't seem to be angry because Huimus ignored his own attitude. That kind of helplessness was more like a big pet trouble. Feeling disobedient.

Then Fataya saw Gallan raise his hand and rubbed Huimus' head.

While touching the head of Heimus, the teenager said something softly with a smile like a coax.

... This kind of feeling is to give the **** wolf dog a smooth look...

The knight couldn't help but smoke.

Although he could not hear what Garland said, Suddenly, Fataya keenly felt that the violent momentum of Huimus's body had softened a little.

The original gaze fixed on the front also fell on the face of the teenager in front of him.

One second ago, the eyes were sharp and sharp, just like the edge of Gallan's eyes with a smile, like a sword in the sheath, wrapped in soft white clouds.

In that look, the snow melted in an instant.

Only softness remains, only attachment.

Those golden-red eyes carried the afterglow of the sunset in the sky, staring at the moment in front of Gallan, but they seemed to have jumped through hundreds of millions of years.

Everything in the world will eventually disappear.

Only he gazed at the immortal gaze of the young man in his arms.



Fataya looked away sharply.

what happened?

The female knight who was beating her heart inexplicably and violently when he saw Gaimran gaze at Galland's eyes was a little dazed at the moment.

Obviously, in the light of day, the two men just talked to each other and whispered with a chuckle.

But that kind of...uh...the indescribable atmosphere between the she was embarrassed to continue reading.

She had always been so rough and inexplicably that her cheeks were slightly hot.

She couldn't describe it.

Anyway, the eyes of the Lord Heimus looking at King Garland are special, special...




Because of the lack of a horse, Heimos refused to let go, and finally Galan, who calmed the tempered **** wolf, was too lazy to toss, and he just rode with Heimos.

Exactly, when Huimos pulled the reins, he was free to take his hands and started to nibble on the hot, hot spicy scones just bought by him.

Just now, horses can be galloped in remote places. Now that people are coming and going, it is natural to slow down the horse and walk slowly on the street.

Soga glanced at his lover.

The female knight had a sense of responsibility, and was riding on the side, riding her eyes closely, watching the surroundings cautiously, guarding Gallan's side faithfully.

"Your Mightiness."

On the street, Soga only uses this vague title.

"Are you coming out for a private visit this time?"

Yes, ‘again’.

The reason why Sorga asks this is because Gallan's act of leaving the palace in private has been more than once or twice, and he has become a repeat offender.

This young Wang is totally different from the previous Wang.

The kings of all dynasties are located at the highest point of the royal palace, high above, overlooking the living beings on the throne.

It was only when the soldiers were sent out that the people of Wangcheng could see the figure of Wang surrounded by countless guards from afar.

But the young king always left the palace from time to time, came to the people of the palace, talked with ordinary people, and visited in private.

Every time he visits and returns to the palace, one or two dignitaries will suffer.

After doing so a few times, all the dignitaries in the Wangcheng City who used to oppress and search for civilians were self-defeating. They all converged a lot. Fortunately, one day, they would be caught by the young king who went out of the palace for a private visit. I don’t know which dignitaries are going to suffer this time.

Soga thought quietly in his heart.

"No, this is not a private visit. It is a bit of trouble and needs to be resolved."

Biting bit by bit, the richly spicy spicy meat scones, the teenager who answered vaguely, the look of the young man at the moment does not look like an unattainable, awe-inspiring king.

Looking at the young king who was almost completely different from what he had imagined, and then looking at the soft-eyed Heimus who only gazed at Gallan who was eating the scones, Suja suddenly had a jam.

He took a deep breath, pressed down the stuffed stuff in his heart, and continued to ask.

"I don't know what kind of thing? Do I need equivalent labor?"

Soga is used to being a person who knows the current affairs.

Although in order to help Heimus fight for the throne, he can deal with Gallan unscrupulously, but now that the overall situation is settled, he looks at his owner’s unfathomable look fascinated by the young king-in fact at his home His IQ will fall sharply in front of his lover. He has no position to say such a thing-I am afraid he can't count on it in the future.

In this case, of course, he had to change his position and began to think about how to serve Gallan to improve his status.

You have to know that he has lost the opponent, Xie Muer, who has been the opponent of the other side until now, but he is extremely trusted by the young king, and the result is that in the current court, the power of the Sun God Samash Temple is also Suppressed the end of the night **** Nanna Temple.

As a priest of Nanna, he would naturally try to reverse this situation.

He didn't want to lose to his rigid and boring enemy all his life.

"Well, you should also know that I set up a new trade and trading department and it started running half a month ago, but when I went to see it in the afternoon, I found that no merchant seemed willing to go there to trade."

Garland didn't shy away, and continued to nibble the scones while telling the story.

He knows that although Soga is good at conspiracy and tricks, he is not very good, but this person is very loyal to Heymus and can be trusted.


Garland said that the Trade and Commerce Department paid much attention to the various dynamics of Wangcheng in the weekdays. Of course, Soga knew very well.

When I went there to trade, I would pay a certain percentage of business tax. Of course, those businessmen who regard money as destiny are not happy to go.

With the support of Wang, the department was still so depressed that many people read the joke.

Those people dared not talk about the real behind-the-scenes king Garland, so they sneered at Taal, who was in charge of the Trade and Trade Department.

Even, there was a thunder incompetence in the king's court, demanding that King Garland abolish the limelight of the Trade and Industry Department.


Soga also thought about this in private.

Although he was good at setting up tricks in battlefields and politics and pitting people invisible, he was not familiar with the business sector. Of course, he did not understand the purpose of Gallan's establishment of a trade department.

Although he couldn't understand it, he had a brain.

So, after pondering for a long time, he had a vague idea in his heart, but he was not sure.

During this time, Soga has been silently paying attention to the development of the situation.

He vaguely noticed that someone seemed to be contributing to the Wangcheng, deliberately publicized the matter that the Trade and Industry Department should collect commercial tax, out of context, and used such a thing to cover the other benefits of the Trade and Industry Department-they deliberately used public opinion in The mainstream impression that the purpose of the establishment of the Trade and Industry Department is that the young king wants to cut meat from them is formed among the merchants.

Soga has already guessed that there is probably a small force that is secretly trying to abolish the existence of the Trade and Industry Department.

Enough to let that force not hesitate to carry the interests of the new king... It must have been very large.

It is because it is too big to let those with vested interests be reluctant to spit out this big fat.

They did not dare to face head-on with the hard-lined King Garland, so they secretly engaged in things and rumored the rivalry between the merchants and the Trade Department.

At this moment, they and their team have returned to the remote commercial and trade department on horseback.

From the bustling market just now to the location of the Trade and Industry Department, in contrast, I feel more deserted and depressed.

Except for the dozen guards who stood guard outside the gate, no one could see in or out of the gate.

The spacious avenue, which was purposely widened here, also saw few people at all.

"Someone is making trouble from behind."

Soga said,

"If you continue this way, there will definitely be some people in the court meeting who have no reason to use it here, and are simply wasting manpower, requesting the abolition of the Trade and Industry Department."

He looked at Gallan and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Swallowing the last bite of scones, Gallan looked up at the door of the Trade Department, which was deserted.

The sun was about to sink into the horizon, and the last faint sunlight came from behind, hiding the face of Gallan half under the cloak hood in the backlight.

He stared quietly at the nearly empty door.

Soga looked at the back of the silent young king.

he thinks,

It was this personal promise that the merchants voluntarily chose to trade with the Trade and Industry Department.

I'm afraid that this man didn't even think of it at the time, even no merchant was willing to come.

It's just that the matter is now... King Garland can't violate the original promise and force the merchants to settle in.


Soga's prediction soon came true.

In a few days later in the small court meeting, after finishing the routine handling of various local government affairs, someone stood up.

"King Gallan, your newly established Trade and Industry Department has so far...not been very effective."

The minister who stood up changed the word "useless" to "not very useful", but everyone else understood what he said.

"Go on, I am afraid..."

As the director of the Trade and Industry Department, he was directly said in the court proceedings that his department was useless, and Tal's fat face suddenly turned red.

However, he could not refute.

Someone took the lead, and then another person came forward.

"Your Majesty, because of the Trade Department, your reputation has been greatly affected in the Wangcheng."

He said respectfully,

"Since the effect here is not great, it is better to abolish it, so as to avoid the public's comments on you, and secondly, to save some manpower and resources."

Several ministers echoed and proposed the abolition of the useless trade department.

They all said that for the sake of King Gallan's "name of wiseness", and in order not to increase the burden on the people, it is best to cancel the Commerce and Trade Department and that business tax.

This is all for the prestige of King Garland. After all, there is no such thing as taxation in other countries on the mainland. Only Alain Landis has this tax. If it is promoted by the merchants walking on the mainland, not only The reputation of King Galland is compromised, and even the reputation of Aaron Landis is affected.

What's more, the merchants are too harsh, and the merchants are unwilling to come to Aaron Landis. Over a long period of time, it will lead to the weakening of Aaron Landis' business.

The general meaning of those words is summarized as follows-

Your majesty, you can’t just go it alone.

Increasing the tax collection is not something a wise king should do.

Money is nothing but the body. Compared to that kind of thing, you and Aaron Landis are more important to you.

In the bitter persuasion of the powerful ministers, Gallan had been quiet on the throne of malachite.

He sat and listened to everyone's remarks quietly.

"I heard all your remarks."

At the end of Ting Yi, Gallan got up.

"Perhaps I was not thinking about it at first." He said, "I'll think about it again."

Having finished speaking, he got up from the throne and left.

The azure cloak was raised behind the young king who turned away.

The blond hair brushed over as he turned to cover his cheeks, making it hard to see his look at this moment.

The crowd in the court also retreated one after another, and some of them exchanged a comprehension and satisfaction when they left.

The author has something to say:    lie on the ground, stare at him, you guys understand

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