In the afternoon, under the hot sun in the sky, the fat little man with a flesh ran into Galan's palace with sweat.

Every time he came here before, he looked like a sorrowful face. It made people know at first glance that because the Trade Department had no improvement, he came to complain to Gallan.

But today, he changed the face of the bitter gourd before, and did not have the lingering look before, the chubby face glowed.

With a cheerful face on his face, he trot towards Gallan as soon as he smoked.

The soft flesh flicked up and down as he ran, looking like a round ball rolling past.

Although the sun was hot, the fountain in the courtyard of the palace was sprinkled with water, dissipating the heat of the afternoon.

Tall olive trees surround it, and the dense canopy casts large shadows in the courtyard.

In a white stone pavilion surrounded by shade, the young king sat inside, his long golden hair spread out on a white stone platform, and the juice with ice cubes was placed next to it. The mist seemed to wrap around the end of the blond hair that hung down.

The huge golden brown lion is lying in front of Gallan, resting a huge head on Gallan's knees, a lazy look, squinting and taking a nap, letting Gallan comfortably Smooth yourself.

Even if Tar ran upside down, it just glanced at him casually, too lazy to ignore him.

Tal didn't care either, and he happily leaned over, frowning.

"Your Majesty, do you think I pretended to be like these days?"

These days, he pretends to be anxious, and pulls his head to run to Galland.

Those people mocked him secretly, and he only lowered his head and muffled it, it seemed like he was speechless.

On the surface, he looked very suffocated, but in fact he was happy.

Let your villain get to know how to talk for a while, let you be proud first.

When the time comes, you guys have no place to cry even if they cry-

The little fat man thought so insidiously in his heart, waiting patiently when he slapped those guys.

Those big businessmen who do things don't know at all, they have been stared at since the moment they secretly worked.

Their actions are actually under the eyes of others.

They thought that their private actions had already been exposed.

Garland knew everything they did, piece by piece, piece by piece.

Tarmin's identity is the new director of the Trade and Industry Department.

However, he secretly another position, only a few talents know.

Director of the Intelligence Division.

After Garlan ascended the throne, he immediately began to reconstruct the destroyed army, and everyone's attention was naturally attracted by the army's reconstruction.

However, only a few talents such as Xiemuer and Kehuos knew that at the same time, Galan secretly established such a division.

Intelligence Division.

Specially used to secretly detect and collect all kinds of news intelligence.

Taal, who is good at collecting and sorting news, is responsible for its work.

For more than a year, its power may be weak in other regions, but among the royal cities supported by Gallan, it has already extended to all aspects of the royal city.

The movements of those big merchants have always been under its surveillance.

Everyone thought that sooner or later Tall would watch silently behind the group of big businessmen who thought they were in control and could overwhelm the king, just like watching a monkey.

"Speaking of your majesty, since you have people to warn them, suggesting that they are safe, why choose only some of those guys?"

Tal sits cross-legged next to Gallan, and asks while happily drinking Galland's iced juice.

"Isn't it better to just warn them all? Maybe more people will come down honestly."

Gallan yelled.

"It's true that they do the same thing."

These big businessmen actually took advantage of the lack of a unified business law and regulation, relying on the power behind the backing, monopolizing the trading of the king city, and earning huge profits.

Although this behavior is very unjust, they did not violate the law.

In the final analysis, it is the problem of imperfect laws and regulations on trade.

Therefore, Gallan initially only intended to warn them, let them quit, let them make a small fortune, and punish them a little.


Gently stroking the dense mane of Nyga, Galan's golden eyes were slightly cold.

"Some people pay attention to the size and do not do too much. I can give them a chance for this kind of people."

While stroking Nega's mane, Gallan reached out and picked up a piece of cooked meat placed in the basin next to it, and delivered it to Nega's mouth.

Watching Negah bite the meat in his hand obediently, Gallan continued.

"However, some people's behavior is beyond my tolerance."

He said that the tone was light.

The coldness hidden in the depths unconsciously squeezed people's hearts.

Gallan wanted to eliminate the trade pattern in the king's city, but he did not intend to kill it.

Those big businessmen who only collaborated with the dignitaries to monopolize the money and earn money will be fine. As long as they retreat honestly, he will leave it alone.

However, some guys are not satisfied with having such a huge amount of interest, but are increasingly greedy.

Over the years, they have used the power behind them to bully people, force buys and sells, harass their peers by harassment with bad means, monopolize trade routes, and even waste their lives. In order to seize other people's goods, some officials colluded to force them to impose unjustifiable charges. In the end, people were forced into desperation, and they died without justice.

The young king looked up and looked into the distance, his eyes sharp as a sword.

The silverfish in this king city should be cleaned up.



The fact that the group of big businessmen were arrested spread quickly throughout the Wangcheng, and of course also alarmed the backers behind them.

You must try to fish out your own dog legs.

Otherwise, who will help them with money in the future, who will honor them with a lot of money?

Naturally, at the court meeting the next day, someone immediately mentioned this matter.

"Those guys agitating the people behind their backs should indeed be punished with a small punishment to be effective."

Why the big businessmen were arrested, the powerful ministers knew it.

"But, Your Majesty, they did misbehave, but they did not violate the law."

"They didn't bear any crimes, you just arrested them, this behavior is really a bit wrong."

"Your Majesty, you are praised by the people in the name of justice, and now you are arresting those innocent businessmen. If this matter is spread, I am afraid..."

When one takes the lead, the others follow.

Many people said.

Those guys make you angry, you deserve it.

They did not make a positive offer to release them, but just turned their words and gently persuaded Gallan.

You are a wise king, a king known for his fairness. It's a great damage to your reputation to catch these merchants who only make you angry but have no exact crimes.

You can just punish them for getting angry and disappointed. Just for your own sake, let them go quickly.

Sitting on the cold malachite throne, the young king tilted his body slightly, propped his chin in one hand, and looked at the ministers who persuaded him below.

The look was faint and unspeakable calm.

After a while, his gaze fell on the first one who stood up, and at the moment he was still persuading his minister.


Garlan spoke suddenly.

Tar, who had long been forgotten to the side, shook his flesh and ran out.

Gallan glanced at him, raised his hand, and pointed to the minister he had just looked at.

Taal nodded in conscience, then turned around and looked at the minister.


Tar said the man's name.

"Last night, you had dinner with one person and received a bribe of 1,000 Aaron coins from that person."

With a snap, the minister named Els turned pale. The integrity and fortitude just now disappeared completely, and there was panic in his eyes.


He held back the rebuttal.

"This is framing, Your Majesty, he is framing me! I definitely did not do that kind of thing!"

Above the throne, Gallan smiled.

He didn't pay attention to Els, who was desperately defending, but just raised his hand and pointed again.

Tal stared at the man, thinking for a few seconds, then spoke."Gada, at noon on the third day, someone came to visit with a girl’s family, presented 800 Aaron gold coins, and put them in the food box in the name of giving food. In addition, the girl’s woman gave Give his wife a set of malachite ornaments worth 300 Aaron coins."

The face of the executive named Garda, who served in the Finance Department, also changed instantly.

Compared with the strong minister, he obviously knew much about the current affairs.

After blinking his eyes a few times, he didn't argue with himself, but fell to his knees, and the whole person fell on his knees, his forehead firmly on the ground.

The sudden change in the court made all the ministers unprepared and looked at the scene in surprise.

While they were still in amazement, the young king on the throne looked calmly, still reaching out, seemingly ordering a few more people at random.

Every time he clicked, Taal looked at the man, and said the time, place, and amount of the bribe.

One by one, Garland pointed out.

The positions ranged from low to high, and in the end there was even a minister-level minister.

And the amount of bribes spoken from Tal's mouth is also from small to large, and finally reached 5,000 Aaron gold coins.

An Aaron gold coin is the annual cost of living for a family of four civilians.

It can be seen how big a sum of five thousand Aaron gold coins is.

And from this, we can see to what extent those big merchants who can easily take out such a huge sum of money to bribe officials have become rich—

At the beginning, there were one or two people who were lucky and stubbornly resisted, and did not admit it.

However, Thar snorted, and then unceremoniously described all the other traits of the adulterer in addition to accepting bribes.

At this point, those who refused were immediately charged with several more crimes than others, and the others suddenly dared not act lightly.

At this moment, all the noble ministers stared at the young king on the throne.

Looking at his hand was such a light finger.

They were shocked and afraid to point to themselves.

When Gallan finally let go of his hand, half of the ministers who were playing for Gallan's reputation wanted to persuade him to release the big merchants, kneeling on the ground.

After all, not everyone is bought up, and some ministers did make their own admonishments in good faith.

At this moment, more than a dozen people were kneeling below.

Their official positions ranged from large to small, from officials to aristocrats. At this moment, they looked different from each other, some of them were pale, with virtual sweats, and some of them squeezed their faces tightly, and some looked dignified.

The remaining nobles and ministers also had different expressions.

Someone secretly glanced at Gallan on the throne, his eyes flashing, his eyes a little nervous.

There were also a group of ministers headed by Zuo Sixiang who stood upright, frowning at the group of kneeling colleagues, showing disapproval or sighing eyes.

Garland sat on the throne and placed one hand on the armrest of the throne.

He looked down at everyone.


There was no anger on his face, and he looked calmly at the group of kneeling ministers.

However, it is this kind of calm that gives people an invisible sense of oppression, which makes the people below be astonished.

The golden eyes, like the burning sun in the sky, seemed to see through everything.

All darkness in this world is nothing to escape from the sun.

[Under the golden pupils of the **** of judgment, Shamash, no one’s crimes can escape. 】

At this moment, looking at the young king above the throne, everyone's heart could not help but emerge the well-known words of Aaron Landis.

Suddenly, a sense of fear that was unclear and unclear rose in their hearts, making them subconsciously lower their heads under the gaze of the other party.

Don't dare to stare at it again.

Gazing across the crowd below, Garland spoke again.

He said: "Xie Muer, you are responsible for the trial of these people's crimes."

The high priest of Samash under the seat bowed slightly and saluted the young king on the throne.

"Observe your will."

Xie Muer answered solemnly.

Then, holding a golden priest's sceptre, he took a big step forward.

Dozens of Shamarsh priests walked quickly from the side of the court, and their strong and burly bodies stretched out their hands, as if grabbing a chick, and picked up the ministers and dragged them out politely.

The priest of the **** of judgment, Shamash, advocates justice, strictly abiding by the justice, and loathes any actions that undermine the rule of law.

They are merciless and never speak any kind of feelings to sinners.

Seeing to be dragged by the priest of Samash, someone was anxious, struggling hard, and begging Garland for mercy.

He shouted loudly, begging King Gallan to show mercy and forgive him this time.

Some people took the lead, and others also recovered, and they all followed and cried out for mercy.

Suddenly, there was a lot of noise and confusion in the court. Zuo Sixiang yelled a few words in angrily, and those people still begged the king in disregard and shouted.

At this moment, Xiemuer had walked to the minister who took the lead in shouting.

Then he raised his golden scepter blankly.

Swing heavily.

With a bang.

The man was stunned by a scepter of the high priest on the spot, and fell softly on the priest carrying him.

The court, which had just been shouting, was suddenly silent.

Looking at the heavy scepter in the hands of the high priest, for a time, the crowd froze.

In this weird silence, the priests who watched Samash quietly and silently dragged those who dare not shout again.

In the quiet court, Gallan got up.

He turned away, and the sky-blue cloak rose as he turned.

Long blond hair covered his cheeks, making it unclear.

Just like the movement when he got up from the throne and left more than ten days ago.

Generally nothing.

Only this time, no one would think that Gallan got up and left because of avoidance.

Everyone bowed, and gave away the young king's departure.

If before this day, they just admired and respected the young king who saved Aaron Landis.

Well, from now on, they have become afraid of it.

Just like the fear of the lion king before.

However, there will always be some people in this world who can’t see the situation clearly, or whose brains are unclear. It wants to try again.

Just as Gallan got up and left, a brown-skinned noble stepped forward, chanting loudly to Gallan's back.

"Your Majesty, although I don’t know what crimes those businessmen committed, but you arrested them together, the business of Wangcheng is uncontrolled, and the order is chaotic, which will make the Wangcheng chaos..."

Garland didn't look back, and his steps never stopped.

The sky-blue cloak flew behind him.

Huimus, who was leaving with his footsteps, turned back and glanced at the nobleman.

At that glance, it was as if the most terrible thing in the world came over and swallowed the whole thing.

The nobleman who wanted to catch up suffocated and the whole person froze.

Heimus turned back and hurried to Galland, who had gone away.


"Did you just fulfill your request to "threate those guys"?"

Sitting next to Garland, Huimus asked.

Garlan thought about it, then nodded.

Heimus' lips curled.

"So, can I ask for a little reward?"

"what do you want?"

"Since it's a reward, of course you decide."

Gallan thought about it.

He turned his head and looked up, looking at Huimus sitting beside him.

Then he raised his hand, reached over, and patted Huimus' head gently.


The teenager tilted his head and tentatively said while touching Haimus's hair.

Then, his hand that touched his head was grinned and his teeth tickled with a bite.

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