With the ten or so big merchants who monopolized the entire Wangcheng business, jailed, and the powerful ministers who were involved with the big merchants were completely defeated in the court, then all the merchants in Wangcheng looked like Okay, in the name of internal rectification, at the same time close the door and stop all commercial transactions.

Without warning, the entire Wangcheng business and trade chain was suddenly broken.

The caravans who came to Wangcheng happily found out that they had no place to sell the goods, and no place to buy large quantities of goods.

As a result, Wangcheng's business was in chaos.

This is the final card of those big businessmen and the backers behind them.

Wangcheng is a city with extremely prosperous business. The daily cargo and money throughput of this city is unimaginably huge.

Among them, the small exchanges like the bazaar only occupy a very small part of it. The commerce giants are still concentrated in the hands of those who handle large quantities of goods.

It can be said that once all of these businesses have gone on strike, Wangcheng’s business is paralyzed.

In this way, there will be a mess in Wangcheng.


"Don't worry, King Garland will give in."

Deep in a magnificent mansion in Wangcheng, a middle-aged nobleman said so.

As a noble family with brown skin, as a noble family with a long history, his family has a large industry in Wangcheng, and almost the entire herbal medicine industry in Wangcheng is monopolized by his family.

As long as the merchandise came to Wangcheng, as long as there were herbs in the goods, they could only be sold to his shop, and all the doctors in Wangcheng could only buy herbs at his shop.

All along, Wangcheng's drugs remained high. Many poor civilians can't afford herbal medicines, they can only get close to each other when they get sick.

After Garlan took the throne, he secretly beat the nobleman several times and asked him to lower the price of the herbs.

However, he relied on his family’s long history of experiencing ten generations of dynasties and huge forces, pretending not to understand, and fooling Galland young and ignorant, and found various excuses for perfunctory, even shamelessly. Garland complained that if you lower the price, the family industry would collapse. Anyway, she refused to lower the price of herbs.

Of those big businessmen who were captured this time, of course, there were his courtiers.

He was smart enough not to show up in the court, but watched silently, and the stunned nobleman who jumped out was taken away by the priest of Shamash the next day.

He sneered at it.

Is it bad to poke behind the scenes? Why jump out and be the early bird that was shot by an arrow?

In fact, although those big businessmen were arrested, they had little effect on the operation of the business.

But under his secret tandem, all the business offices went out of business and went on strike.

Wang Cheng is going to be chaotic.

Even the hard-working King Garland, in order to avoid chaos in the king's city, will definitely give in.

To be fair, neither he nor everyone else is actually unwilling to confront King Gallan.

After all, the other party is King Aaron Landis.

However, he is very clear, other people are also very clear.

They and King Garland have reached the point where they met on a narrow road.

The young king wants to take away their money roads—breaking people's money roads like killing their parents—and they want to keep their money roads, they can only hold together and try their best to fight King Gallan.

"All the business offices have been closed, the business is paralyzed, and the Wangcheng will immediately be in chaos."

"At that time, King Garland will have to let go."

"So, don't worry, we just have to wait patiently."

The middle-aged nobleman said so confidently and confidently.

Listening to his words, everyone sitting next to him nodded.

They are also very confident.

In any case, King Gallan could not watch the chaos in the city.

The young man standing behind him frowned slightly when the middle-aged nobleman said so confidently on the main seat.

He is the eldest son of a middle-aged nobleman.

He did not approve of his father's practice, and he persuaded him several times. He thought that although King Garland was young but not easy to fool, they still followed the footsteps of the king honestly.

But my father and his father were determined to fight against King Garland in order to keep Cailu, and he didn't get much more love from his father's father.

Just then, a servant hurried in from the outside, and whispered something in the young man's ear.

The young man's face changed slightly, his eyes became dignified, and then he showed such a sighing expression.

"Master Father."

He leaned down slightly and looked down, no expression on his face.

He said: "Just received the news, at noon, more than a dozen caravans from Tozes City arrived in Wangcheng, and now all have been stationed in the Trade Department."


In the question of the middle-aged nobleman's shock and anger, the young man stood still faintly.


he thinks.

His father, and the same people as his father, those who controlled the trade in Wangcheng, completely lost this time.

There is no more opportunity to turn over.

His heart was dignified.

He thought that maybe the fathers and adults would put pressure on them by closing the business office, as expected by the young king.

Do not……

Perhaps more... this is part of the Young King's plan.


The trading chain in Wangcheng was only broken for one day.

Those who concealed in series are proud of less than a day.

The emergence of the large caravan of Tozes City, which successively arrived in Wangcheng and deliberately went to the remote areas of the Wangcheng Trade Department, gave them a slap in the face.

They thought that closing the business office and breaking the trading chain would put pressure on Gallan to force it to withdraw. But now it seems that instead he lifted a stone and smashed his foot.

It was precisely because they closed the shop that the caravans who were unable to sell or buy the goods were in a hurry. After seeing the large caravans in Tozes City, they suddenly boiled and fry. .

Tozes City is the largest maritime trading city in Aaron Landis, and its business prosperity is not inferior to that of King City.

In addition, there is no need to travel by land from Tozes City to King City. They use the large ships to transport goods through the bay, so every time its caravan comes to King City, even if there is only one large caravan, whether it is brought The amount of goods that are traded or still to be purchased is extremely large.

This time, there were four or five large caravans, and a dozen small and medium caravans.

So many caravans in Tozes City can completely solve the needs of all caravans stuck in the king city at the moment.

At this time, they could not wait for the issue of what kind of business tax to pay in the Trade and Industry Department, and could not wait to come to the Trade and Industry Department.

As a result, the Trade Department, which was extremely depressed the day before, suddenly became crowded and overcrowded.

Fortunately, the site was large enough to barely accommodate all the influx of merchants.

Tal, who had long anticipated this situation, made a full preparation a few days earlier, increased the number of clerks in advance, and specifically asked a group of city guards to come to guard and maintain order.

With all sorts of arrangements, the Trade Department's busy and undisturbed situation has finally been maintained.

And those businessmen who came to the Trade and Industry Department were ready to be killed.

I felt a pain in my heart. When I ran to the Trade and Industry Department, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the prices of the goods sold here were much lower than those purchased in the store.

I asked again, and I was pleased to find that the price of the goods purchased here is also higher than the price given by those merchants.

After this entry and exit, even if a large amount of commercial tax was paid, the profit was not even the same as before, and even more.

When the news spread, those business people who were still watching the situation and were afraid of the backers behind the hot merchants could no longer care about anything else and poured into the Trade and Industry Department.

The businessmen who had vowed to swear that they would never go to the Trade and Industry Department were crying and shouting one after another, rushing to squeeze into the Trade and Industry Department.

Especially when I heard that the first batch of caravans stationed in the Trade and Industry Department had commercial tax concessions, one by one they even beat their feet and regretted not coming early.

Even the merchants in Wangcheng followed suit.

After all, the business office does not open the door, they have to continue to do business, of course, have to find another source of goods.

When I came here to see, the price of the goods was a lot cheaper. You can also shop around and choose a good one. I was also very happy.

And the merchant caravans of merchants, they sold the goods they brought in the Trade Department, and bought enough goods. After leaving the Wangcheng, they finally found something.


They don't seem to have paid the filial piety fee this time?

Yes, filial piety.

This is an unwritten rule that all businessmen do not know.

Every time you go to a city, you must give a lot of property to the people in power as a filial piety fee in exchange for the other's asylum.

Moreover, they have to pay some benefits to the officials, to the captain of the City Guard, or to the clerks.

If you do not give it, the caravan will be troubled by various excuses, deliberately jam them, make them difficult to move, and may not even get out of the city.

This time, they only paid a commercial tax, and then successfully completed the transaction smoothly, and left the city.

No one embarrassed them.

The clerk of the Trade and Industry Department is all public affairs, all behaviors are handled in public, and no one will be stupid enough to ask for bribes in this case.

auzw.com Don’t worry about those people deliberately overcharging commercial tax, after all, they can figure out how much commercial tax they need to pay.

It is said that there is also a small Shamash temple on the side of the Trade and Industry Department. There are subordinate priests guarding here. If someone is asked to bribe or deliberately overcharge the business tax, they can go directly to the priest to complain.

After the calculation, these caravans suddenly recovered.

Although the business tax collected by the Trade and Industry Department is not low, it is much lower than the previous filial piety fee that is not paid for business tax!

In addition, the goods were sold at a higher price than before, and the required goods were bought at a lower price than before.

Calculated in this way, although they paid the business tax, their profits actually made more than before.

Turning to it again, they suddenly realized.

The so-called commercial tax is actually a concept that they previously paid to the dignitaries and the officials who handled them.

It's just that they don't need to pay so many people benefits, just give Wang a person.

A sum of commercial tax was exchanged for Wang's asylum, and it was much less, so it was very cost-effective.

Um... It is said that there are some special goods, such as herbal medicines, which can be exempted from a part of commercial tax. This must be remembered carefully. Next time, bring more things that can be exempted from commercial tax...

Some businessmen began to ponder their minds alive.

And, to be honest, the place of the Trade and Industry Department is quite good.

Everyone gathers together, it is very convenient to buy and sell. You can also shop around and choose the cheaper one.

You can also spend some money to rent the warehouse inside-Trade and Industry Department is under the Wang Ting, guarded by the city guards, thieves and robbers have the courage to commit crimes here, the goods are very reassuring here.

In addition, there are some practices that make them feel very practical.

For example, if you need a certain kind of goods or want to sell special goods, you can spend a sum of money and buy what kind of'advertisement', that is, the boxy tall pillar in the middle of the hall, write your own needs Hang it on the note, so that everyone who comes to the lobby can see it.


Only the mentally ill guy goes to the Trade and Industry Department to pay an extra business tax! I won’t die!

right now……

The Department of Trade and Industry is really fragrant~~

In this way, the business tax that was feared by the merchants was easily accepted.

Not only did the ministers worry about the commerce, but after a while, the commerce of Wangcheng became more prosperous.

The businessmen are satisfied.

After a while, the people of Wangcheng became satisfied.

Because they found that the price of Wangcheng, which had always been high, was slowly falling.

Especially the high-priced herbal medicines in the past have dropped a lot, and many poor people can afford some cheap herbal medicines even after getting sick.

The price has dropped, everyone can buy more things and live a better life.

The people are certainly happy.

As for why the large business offices in Wangcheng suddenly closed their doors.

All kinds of evil things that big businessmen who have been bullying and bullying have done before are suddenly exposed, and they are blamed for guilt.

During this time, a large number of officials and nobles in the royal court successively fell off their horses, were arrested, and tried and punished by the priests of Shamash. The criminals of great sins were directly sentenced to death, and all their property was confiscated.

And, several powerful aristocratic families suddenly changed their owners, and their style of behavior has converged a lot more than before...


The above-mentioned events of the upper class, the people will hear something new, and they will not take these so-called'big events' seriously.

What they care about is...

It is said that King Garland has ordered the construction of three small shrines of the **** of wisdom, Sorga, in the royal city.

Anyone can go to the temple at that time, and there will be a trainee priest of Sorga to teach them word recognition and simple arithmetic.

King Garland made a decision to transform those business houses into orphanages, specializing in nurturing orphans who have no father and mother on the street.

It is said that King Garland intends to announce the purpose of reducing agricultural tax in the coming year.

All of the above are the things that people care about most.

As long as they know that the young king is very good to them and makes them live better than before, that's enough.

This is a matter of course.

It used to be a wise prince.

Now ascending to the throne, it will naturally be a'wise king'.

This is something children can think of.

is not it?


All of the above are things that will happen in the future.

At the moment, in the palace of Garland, Garland is listening to Thar to report on the results of the Trade and Industry Department this week.

The huge amount Tal proudly reported to Garland surprised both Shermu and Tapti on the side.

As a matter of fact, Xie Muer disagreed with Garland privately contributing to the Commerce and Trade Department.

In his perception, Gallan should be the same as the kings of the past, first of all, working hard in politics and military, it is right to hold these two rights firmly in the hands, rather than tinkering with business.

But now, at this moment, the high priest of Samash changed his point of view.

one week.

Only the city of King City, the commercial tax collected during this week, has been able to withstand the one-year agricultural tax of Aaron Landis.

Looking at the documents from the Tal newspaper, the huge amounts on the paper, Xie Muer's breath could not help but rush.

Suddenly he could understand why those guys were desperate to save the money to the point where even Aaron Landis tried to confront.

Such a huge amount of wealth will indeed make people irrational.

The big merchants who have been holding these huge wealth incomes all the time have accumulated over the years, and they are already a rich country.

Now, all the crimes committed by those big businessmen have been exposed.

Seeing the crimes of those merchants adding up, no one dared to say that King Garland arrested those innocent people just to vent their anger.

After the trial, several large merchants with extremely bad crimes were executed and all their property was confiscated.

The property they possess is no less than that of Aaron Landis's treasury. After counting the amount, the director of the Finance Department couldn't help but sigh.

Anyway, the treasury has greatly filled up.

At this moment, looking at the amount of business tax, the high priest turned into a firm supporter of the Trade Department at this moment.

Xie Muer has never been a rigid and unreasonable guy.

He has been helping King Camos rule the country better than anyone knows the importance of money.

Without money, all governance is empty talk.

He was still a little puzzled: "The business office has been reopened the next day. Why do those businessmen still prefer to go to the Trade and Industry Department that needs to pay commercial taxes?"

"There is no business tax, and the payment of a small amount of money seems to be good for business people on the surface. But there is no formal business regulations as a guarantee, which is actually more disadvantageous for business people."

Garland said,

"Because any powerful person can reach out to the merchants without any protection and wantonly squeeze and search. Let the merchants choose, they would rather spend money to buy a guarantee."

"Actually, this is the legal system of Shamash you admire."

Gallan, who had already been mentally prepared for the huge business tax, looked at the numbers on the paper with satisfaction, and was happy.

Well, there is money.

He thought happily.

The road construction project has already begun. Although the royal family has accumulated a lot of wealth in the past, it is definitely not enough to support the road construction project across the country.

Now that there is a commercial tax, there is no need to worry about insufficient money.

He thought about it secretly.

If you have money, of course you have to spend it. You can do everything you need to do.

Road construction is just the beginning.

Next... Water conservancy projects also have to be repaired, especially in places where rivers are often flooded.

For commercial convenience, in addition to roads, it is best to open a canal...

It seems I have to try to free some more slaves...

In addition, the temple of Solga, which is similar to the function of later generations, must be built more.

And, military defense projects such as fortresses and city walls on the border also need to be built...


and many more.

It seems a bit strange.

Why do you think about it all by yourself, thinking about repairing this and that?

The wise king, who did not know that he would be called the infrastructure madness by future generations, was wondering at this moment.

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