It was late at night, it was a time when everything was still, but Gallan was lying on the bed and could not fall asleep.

Wang Ting was cleared by him from top to bottom, and a group of codling beetles were cleared out.

Those aristocratic families who have relied on a long history and powerful forces have also settled down and converged.

The business situation of Wangcheng has also completely stabilized, and the Trade Department under the responsibility of Tal is operating well.

The merchant's tax revenue is a daily battle, and Tal, who was thinking about helping him make more money, secretly tinkered with a caravan. With the convenience of having all the information of the Intelligence Department, he can imagine this The caravan will definitely only earn no compensation in the future.

The road project started from outside the Wangcheng was also very smooth. Those who originally changed from slaves to civilians and did not know how to make a living had a job, full of longing and hope for the future, and they worked very hard.

These things finally came to an end, during this time, Gallan also relaxed a lot.

Only sometimes, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he looked at the starry night sky outside the window, and he had the illusion of not knowing whether he was in a dream.

He successfully took the throne.

In this way, Aaron Landis will not be destroyed in the future.

And he himself will no longer be cursed by the gods.

Later generations will not die again before adulthood.

Everything is going smoothly, so smoothly that Gallan feels unreal.

How long will I stay in Aaron Landis?

Will you stay on the throne until you die?

Moreover, if he really died after dying here, or will the conscious soul return to his own era?

If history has been changed by him, what will happen to future generations?

Will he change in future generations?

Waking up late at night again, Gallan was lying in bed, thinking about these inadvertently rushing out of his brain, but only felt dizzy and could not sleep.

He shook his head vigorously to get rid of those messy thoughts, then sat up and looked at the night outside the window.

At this time, the man may not have fallen asleep...

Together, the thoughts can't be stopped.

After thinking about it, Gallan got up directly, jumped out of the window skillfully, and left his palace quietly.

Crossing a secluded road, Gallan looked at the familiar white stone wall in front of him, and then jumped up gently.

He looked at the silent courtyard and fell into it from the high wall.

Huimus should have noticed his arrival.

After all, at this time, he usually still trains martial arts and is not asleep. With his unusual hearing, I am afraid that he would hear it while he was still outside the wall.

Garland, who fell into the courtyard, walked forward while looking around.

A long stream surrounds this courtyard as always, flowing happily in the silent night.

The clear water reflected the moonlight, sparkling.

He was a little puzzled.

Normally at this time, Huimus should be sweating in the night to challenge his physical limit. Why can't I see a person today?

Is it rare to go to bed early?

Already approaching the middle of the courtyard without seeing the familiar figure, Gallan stopped.

...Then it's too time for me to come too.

He was a little depressed.

It's rare that he came here on a whim, but Huimus went to bed tonight.

Never mind.

Now that the other party is resting, he should go back quickly.

With such a thought, Garland turned around and intended to leave.

Walking by the cheerful flowing stream, his footsteps lightly stepped on the slate that was wet with the stream, and the green grass gently shook at his feet.

The moonlight fell through the branches and leaves of the cypress tree, and there happened to be a beam reflected on the slender ankle of the teenager. The skin lining that place became fairer in the dark.

At the moment when the foot fell, the water splashed suddenly.

A hand stretched out of the originally calm stream and grabbed Galland's ankle.

With one effort, he dragged the whole person into the water.

Unexpectedly, the ankle was suddenly pulled by a huge force, and Gallan's body suddenly lost his balance and collapsed.

But he responded extremely quickly.

With his hands propped up, his body flipped over with this support.

He turned the other foot straight and kicked fiercely at the person in the water.

The man evaded backwards, and the hand holding his ankle naturally let go.

Gallan regained his freedom.

However, as soon as he landed, the man in the stream stretched out his hand and grabbed his left wrist on the ground.

Pull hard.

The speed was too fast and the strength was too strong. He couldn't resist at all. The whole person was dragged forward by the people in the water and fell into the stream at once.

Splashing, splashing water.

The cool water quickly rushed over and gently wrapped his body.

Garland fell into the water with his arms around him, and the familiar feeling made him react at once.

So the panic moment of falling into the water immediately dissipated.

Sure enough, before waiting for him to do anything, his hands had grabbed his waist and moved upward.

With a clatter, half of his body came out of the water.

His body was already soaked, and drops of water continued to fall from his cheeks.

Gallan finally opened her eyes, and as expected, those golden-red eyes with a slight curvature rose into his eyes.

Heimus was immersed in the stream below his waist, and people leaned on the rocks by the stream.

**The dark lacquered black silk was attached to his cheek, and the water droplets dripping from the tip of the hair slid down the beautiful face, staining the thin pale lips.

The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and the tiny drops of water seemed to roll down from his slender eyelashes.

He just wore a sleeveless thin coat, soaked in water, and pressed tightly against his body, revealing the clear muscle traces on his chest.

The tall body, although half-cut into the water, can also be seen with wide shoulders and narrow waist, as perfect as a stone carving, with almost no defects.

Heimus leaned on the rock with a smile on his eyes, and the whole person was lazy again. The brown skin reflected the light moonlight, with a honey-like luster, and it was a wild **** like a black panther lying on the ground in the wilderness.

The beautiful scene in front of him made Galan's heart jump a bit and accelerated slightly.

He calmed down and remembered what had happened just now, so the heartbeat of the moment just disappeared.

He looked at Huimus angrily.

"on purpose?"

This guy must have heard that he was coming, so he deliberately hid in the stream, and suddenly appeared scary when he passed the stream.

Huimus shrugged.

"As soon as I finished exercising, I got into the water and wanted to cool down. I heard you coming."

He stared at Garland firmly, his lips rising.

"It's so hot, won't you come down and cool down?"

The golden eyes narrowed slightly, and the unhappy Garlan suddenly leaned forward and raised his hand.

Heimus's arms were still around his waist soaked in water, too late to lift.

So Garran's right arm was easily pressed against Heimus' throat.

"You will attack like this next time, I'm welcome."

With his arm pressed against the other person's throat, the dissatisfied Gallan threatened the other party because he was shocked by the surprise attack.

"How old are you? Playing this kind of prank?"

Heimus didn't react at all-perhaps because he was unprepared for the people in front of him, so he was easily brought so close to Gallan.

He didn't resist, but when he glanced at Gallan, he suddenly breathed.

The teenager pressed him against the rock with his elbows, a position that brought them close together.

The wet blond hair shining from the water dropped from the teenager's cheek, landed on his body, and wrapped around his arm.

Because the whole person was immersed in the water just now, Gallan's body was already soaked.

A thin layer of silk clothing was soaked in water, and was tightly attached to the body of the teenager, showing the slightly green but flexible line with a beautiful line under the moonlight, almost unobstructed.

The soaked silk coat was almost translucent, reflecting the moonlight, revealing a looming flesh color.

With one glance, Huimus felt dry and dry.

He quickly moved his gaze to Gallan's face.

Under the moonlight, the golden hair looks like a shimmering luster, and a little light reflects the teenager's beauty.

Drops of water dripped from the wet golden forehead, rolled across the corners of the eyes, and slipped off the cheeks.

It couldn't tell why, as if enchanted, Huimus's eyes followed the drop of water tightly and saw where it slid.

He watched it slowly roll down the slender chin of the teenager.


Slightly inaudible.

It dripped on the surface of the water, rippled a few shallow waves.

The throat swallowed, unconsciously, uncontrollable.

Heimus suddenly felt terribly thirsty, his throat thirsty almost like a fire burning.

The golden-red eyes stared straight at the drops of water that continued to drip from Gallan's chin. He only felt that the thirst could not be relieved by swallowing anyway.

And Galan, who felt the throat squirming constantly with his arm, thought he was too hard and was so uncomfortable that he pressed up his arm.

This raised his hand, Heimus, who was originally pressed against the rock, suddenly leaned forward and leaned over.

When he hadn't responded yet, Huimus's face was close to his cheek.

That thin lip, the tip of the protruding tongue gently licked off the drops of water that rolled down his chin.

Suddenly, Gallan was licked.

The next second, the hands that were originally just holding his waist suddenly and violently pushed him forward.

Those arms held him tightly.

The flame that suddenly burned from the deepest part of the body spread to the whole body in an instant, and instantly made people out of control.

As soon as Heimus exerted his strength, he inserted the flexible and beautiful boy's body in his arms.

He sucked on the drops of water that rolled down from Gallan's cheeks and licked the water marks on the white neck.

Greedy, eager.

Only in this way can the thirst and pain in his throat be relieved.

However, it is not enough.

Nothing is enough.

At first it was just sucking, licking the soft skin that seemed to exude a seductive breath, and then unconsciously became a bite.

Want to bite hard, swallow, and relieve the hunger and thirst in the body.

He was too reluctant to live, fearing that the person in his arms would be bitten by biting.

Alleviated a bit of hunger, but let more cravings overwhelm.

The man in his arms yelled his name in a whisper, with a cry.

The blood in the body seems to be boiling because of this, almost crazy.

Although immersed in cold water, he felt that his whole body was about to burn.

The kind of indescribable dizziness that almost forgot the existence of the sweet taste blasted away in the deepest part of the body.

The kind of almost painful sweet taste almost makes people-

Suddenly, Huimos made a move.

His entire portrait was frozen and froze in place.


Garland was panicking.

It was clearly speaking a second before, but the next second, somehow, Huimos suddenly broke out extremely aggressive.

He was pressed tightly into his arms by the other party, and the force that overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't struggle.

He did not dare to force his resistance to cause too much movement to attract the attention of the night watchman.

He could only whisper the name of Huimus in a low voice, trying to let him go.

But his faint cry like a kitten was fueled by fire--

He was alarmed to find that Huimos' stubbornly licking sucking lips had been along his neck and gradually fell to the sensitive collarbone.


No way!

Just when Gallan was so scared that he would draw attention from others, and was planning to resist with all strength, Heimus stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of water.

Heimos reached out and lifted him from the water and put it on the shore.

"It's too late, you should go back."

Galan, who was so embarrassed by everything that happened and ended abruptly, knelt down on the bank of the stream, and before he could catch his breath, he heard the words of Heimus.

He looked at Huimus in confusion.

He sat on his knees on the shore, while Heimus was still standing in the stream, immersed in the stream below his waist.

I don’t know if it’s his illusion. Heimus’s voice and behavior are a bit stiff and strange, perhaps because the wet black hair covers one eye, and somehow sees a sense of embarrassment.

Heimos stood upright in the water, his hands resting on the shore, motionless.

The water surface swayed around his waist, and it was dark and dark in the darkness.

The two of them were clearly in a face-to-face posture, but Huimos somehow turned away and did not look at him.

"Don't you come up?"

Garland asked suspiciously.

Heimus glanced at him, then quickly looked away and shook his head.

"It's too hot, I'll soak for a while, you go first."

The man urged again.

"Your clothes are soaked, go back and change."

For the first time, Hylamus urged to leave Gallan and left in a fog.

Seeing the teenager's back disappear into sight, Huimus finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the body that had been standing stiffly just now softened.

He turned around and leaned on the rock, breathing uncontrollably.


He pressed his lips tightly.

Fortunately, it was dark at the moment, and Gallan could not see the corner of his eyes.

The slightly reddish eyes were reddened by the strong endurance.

It was quiet in the courtyard.

Later, the clouds in the night sky floated over, blocking the bright moon, and letting the earth fall into darkness.

From behind the rocks by the creek came a man's rapid, heavy, gasping sound like he was struggling to endure.

After a long time, the wheezing sound gradually lowered.

Finally, it disappeared.

The night was quiet, and the violent Huimos finally got up from the stream and left.

The stream continued to flow happily in the dark, washing everything away cleanly.

The stream is clear, and no strange traces can be seen.

The author has something to say:   Hehehehe~~

Big bad wolf needs some nutrition~~

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