Looking at the back of his red-handed hand, a golden light flashed a dangerous light.

However, between closing and opening, the terrible shimmer was hidden under the lacquered black hair scattered in front of the eyes.

Heimus didn't move, but looked up at Galland.

He said, "Your hand."

He stretched out his hand again, but this time the stretched hand stayed in front of Gallan.

"Let me see the wound on your hand."

Because he suddenly realized that Huimos was very close to himself, when Gallan panicked, he raised his hand reflexively and opened Huimos's hand.

After the reaction came, he also found that he seemed overreacting. He was about to say something to explain. When easing the current tension, Huimos spoke first.

After hearing that, Gallan raised his hand and found that he had a small squeeze on his finger sometime. Because the wound was too small, he didn't notice it himself, but Huimus noticed it.

... It turned out that Huimos reached out to him just now to see the injury on his hand.

Sure enough, he overreacted and was too vigilant about Huimus.

The strange tension and vigilance in Gallan's heart went away, and looking at the scarred palm in front of his eyes, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

He opened Huimus's hand, although he knew that he only reacted subconsciously because he was startled.

But in the eyes of others, that kind of behavior seemed to be extremely against the other side.

It really hurts.

Gallan quickly raised his hand in guilt and put it in the palm of Huimus.

He explained: "I didn't open your hand deliberately just now, just because I was thinking about something, but suddenly someone appeared in front of my eyes and was startled, and the reflection was..."

Heimos lowered his eyes, his dark forehead scattered in front of his eyes, and the shadow of his hair on his eye sockets made it impossible to see the look of his eyes at the moment.

The look on his face was faint, and when Gallan explained to him, he hummed quietly, indicating that he knew.

The expression didn't seem to care about what happened just now, so Garland was relieved.

Seeing Heimus kept looking at his hand, Gallan said, "It's just a little bruise, it's okay, I'll wait for myself to apply some ointment...uh!"

Before he had finished speaking, Heimus suddenly lowered his head and opened his mouth to put his fingers in his lips.

Gallan could clearly feel the touch of the soft and moist tongue tip licking his fingers.

A strange sense of paralysis seemed to be transmitted from the fingertips to the back of the neck instantly, causing him to numb the back of the neck.

Garland panicked that strange feeling.

He yanked his hand out of Huimus and retracted it.

"no need."

The nerve that had just relaxed was tense again, and Gallan clenched his hands and shook his head at Huimus.

"I brought the ointment, just apply it myself..."

"I did it before."

Heimus looked up at him, his eyes calm.

But that kind of calm is like the tranquility before the storm, the turbulent waves are hidden under the calm sea.

"Why not now?"


Garland didn't know how to answer.

Indeed, just as he used to be able to get along with Heimos alone at random, he used to help him **** when he occasionally had a minor injury... he wouldn’t have such a big reaction then. .

But he didn't know why.

Therefore, he can only hesitate to know what excuse to look for.

To be honest, he really couldn’t face the reason for Heimus during this time, in addition to what Heimus said that day was too explicit for him, but also because of a dream that was led by those words. memory.

That kinky|Mi Mi's dream...

Fasten the thin chain of gold on the end of his wrist that is not deep in the stone wall...

The wrinkled snow-white bed was forced to overlap two bodies...

Obviously it was just a dream, but it was extremely bright.

The touch of Huimos' lips just licking his finger just awoke his memory.

In that dream, it was also the man’s lips that licked down from his back ridge a little bit, stubborn to the point where he forced the dream into sobbing...


In these two days, when he saw Heimos, the memories of this dream that passed in his brain from time to time made him unable to look directly at Heimos.

Before, he always thought that only the blackened Huimos would become like that.

After all, although Huimos constantly confided in him, he behaved extremely in control.

Although he kissed him often, he never did anything after the kiss.

Therefore, Gallan subconsciously believed that the non-blackened Heimus's love for him should be a purely Platonic feeling, which is different from the dream.

——It wasn't until the section of Huimos' nakedness that he exposed himself** that made Garland realize that this man who admires himself has been dreaming about whether or not it is blackened A lustful gaze looked at him.

And this knowledge makes Gallan embarrassed and panicked.


There was a moment of confusion in the brain, Gallan squeezed his lips tightly, trying to control his disordered breathing, trying to discard the abruptly emerged fragments of the brain.

But Garlan's appearance of trying to calm himself down seemed to him to be indifferent and avoiding.

The golden-red eyes were cold for a minute.

"Because it makes you sick now?"


Garland, still struggling to calm down, suddenly heard this sentence and felt inexplicable, so she looked up.

As soon as he looked up, the hand he retracted had been captured by Huimus again.

A force he couldn't resist at all dragged him forward.

He was dragged into Huimus's arms all at once.

The strong arms hugged him tightly, because it was too hard, causing his side cheeks to cling to each other's chest.

Only with a thin layer of cloth, he could almost clearly feel the warm skin and tight muscle texture under the thin shirt.

In the dream, the overlapping parts of the two bodies touching the skin suddenly jumped out of the memory, causing the ear of the teenager to burn up and burn up, and the heart was beating wildly without command.

He was a little flustered.

Especially when he glanced at the shadow of the vigil on the curtain outside the camp, he became more and more nervous.

"Hymos, let me go."

Garland didn't dare to struggle, fearing that the movement would be too big to be noticed by outsiders, and he could only lower his voice as low as possible and talk to Heimus.

"Let go? Why?"

The man's low, calm voice came from his ear.

Huimus seemed to laugh lowly.

He said, "Let go of you, and then you can continue to avoid me and ignore me?"

Garland was startled.

Huimus has already continued.

"You don't even want to see me again, do you?"

The arm that held Gallan tightly loosened a little, and his jaw was pinched and lifted up.

The boy's pupil contracted vigorously as he met Huimus's eyes.

Golden eyes stared at him, and there was no slight softness in his eyes.

That beautiful face seemed to be smiling, but the smile did not reach the bottom of my eyes.

Heimus's eyes were deep, as if a thick haze swirled around his eyes, condensing and settling.

He looked at his eyes with a dangerous breath, like a hungry wolf who ate people.

The gleam of cold light at the bottom of my eyes makes the heart palpitate to the extreme.

Garland has not seen such a Huimos for a long time.

This terrible beast always carefully gathered his fangs and gathered his claws in front of him, and it seemed obedient and gentle.

He was almost about to forget how dangerous this man who indulges himself infinitely.

Heimus glanced lightly at the black shadow on the camp curtain.

"Are you worried about alarming them?"

He lowered his head and kissed Garlan's lips softly.

He looked at Gallan Ding's eyes and smiled.

"It's not bad, at least you are looking at me."

He smiled and said that the smile was still under his eyes.


"Hush, don't talk, it will shock people outside."


Huimus lowered his head, and slowly licked the pale pink lips with the tip of his tongue.

Then, go down the corner of the lips and the jaw a little bit.

After lightly biting the smooth, white chin a few times, his lips moved down again, catching the young boy's tiny throat.

The tip of his tongue licked stubbornly, and he felt with satisfaction that the tiny throat was shaking slightly under his lick.


He could hear the young man trying to suppress but still leaking a faint gasp.

"You dare not make a sound."

Kissing the trembling throat gently again, Huimus chuckled.

"Yeah, if someone makes a sound, it will be troublesome for someone to come in and see this scene, won't they?"

The man's lips slid slowly down the teenager's neck and landed on the slender collarbone.

Pause, and then continue to go down.

With his left hand, Garland's hands were clasped behind his back and fastened, and Huimus' right hand pulled away the dark girdle of Garland's waist.

The clothes spread out, the rough palms submerged in the scattered robe, and touched the smooth and tender skin of the teenager's back.

He could feel Gallan's body stiffness, but he didn't feel the other party's struggle.

Huimus smiled.

But the bottom of my eyes is a bottomless abyss.

"You dare not move, but it is a good opportunity for me."

He raised his head and looked at Gallan, who was pressed under him.

Slightly narrowed eyes seemed to be a cluster of dangerous fire burning, dyed a brilliant color in the golden red eyes.

He said: "You said, taking advantage of this opportunity, I directly violated you, is it easy?"

He said that his voice was low and his eyes seemed to be gentle.

But there was some kind of chilling danger in the words.

He looked at the teenager under his eyes like he looked in the vertical pupil of the poisonous snake looking at his prey.

Can't wait, greedy, want to swallow the bones and bones he desires into his belly.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Suddenly, Gallan spoke.

Obviously, he was in a disadvantaged position under the control of the other party, but he still had the calm tone of talking with Heimus in normal days.

Those golden eyes stared fixedly at each other.

In the dimly lit camp, the golden eyes of the boy were still bright, even if the whole body was shrouded in the shadow of Huimus above.

He looked straight at Huimus and asked again.

"Hymos, are you really going to do this?"

Facing Gallan's eyes, a blank expression appeared on Huimus's face.

He looked at Gallan, his expression trance.

The smile on his face disappeared little by little, and the dangerous breath under his eyes also disappeared.

He lowered his eyes and released the hand that fastened Gallan's wrists, and the other hand retracted.

Garland rubbed his clenched wrist.

"Hyimos, I'm wrong to avoid you."

Unexpectedly, because he felt embarrassed, it was difficult for him to stare at Himmos for a while, which caused him to go crazy this time, and Garland sighed.

Okay, knowing how much Huimos valued himself, and that he would deliberately avoid him, this is indeed wrong.


"But, that's not all my fault?"

"If you didn't say those words first, I wouldn't overreact like this."

"Even if you want to say... uh, in that case, it's better to be more or less euphemistic. Don't be so... so explicit?"

When he remembered the words of Huimos, which caused him to think of the memory fragments in that dream, Garland felt that he was panicking.

Anyway, consider the affordability of someone who hasn't been in love for five years.

He couldn't help but sigh again.

"It makes you sick, doesn't it?"


As soon as Heimus sighed, Garland was a little embarrassed.


What is disgusting?

Heimus looked at Gallan deeply, his cheeks seemed to be shrouded in shadow.

"Those words of mine...I want to touch you, my desire for you...all make you sick."

He says,

"So you have to avoid me and don't even want to see me again... right?"

"I didn't think so."

Unexpectedly, this was actually the thought of Huimos, and Garland shook his head quickly after being surprised.

"You treat me... well, that idea, I didn't feel disgusted or disgusted, nor did I exclude you for it."

He paused and whispered,

"It was just unexpected, so I was surprised."


Garlan took a deep breath as he looked at Silmos, who apparently did not believe his words.

He said: "In addition to being surprised, there is also the sudden realization of ‘you are in danger’.”

Huimus frowned.

"I am dangerous?"

"Yes, realizing that ‘being alone with a man who loves me’ is dangerous, maybe what will happen—"

The teenager obviously tried his best to say such shameful words, and his white face flushed.

"Since that day, it is unavoidable to look at you with the kind of ‘what can you do with me’. When you see you, you can’t help thinking of the kind of things you did to me when you said you were dreaming.”

Especially the dream he had dreamed in the past was too clear and too real.

How could he tell such a difficult thing?

"You see that kind of thing when you see it. Can you do it if you say I don't avoid it?"

Heimus looked at Galland in a fixed manner, his eyes very complicated.

"This is the real reason you avoided me?"


"...Not because my **** makes you sick?"

"I never thought about it that much."

Gallan said frankly, "If I hate your feelings for me, then, when you tell me, I will tell you directly, and I will be far from you from that time."


Heimus was silent for a moment, and he held out his hand, as if to touch Gallan's cheek.

But somehow, just before he touched the other person's cheek, his hand stopped in the air again.

He looked at Gallan, his eyes deep, no one could see the emotions in his deep eyes.

His hand just hovered halfway, so he didn't move.

Garland looked up, his bright golden eyes and those deep golden-red pupils stared at each other for a moment.

Suddenly, he held out his hand.

He hugged Huimus's head with his hands.

When the other party hasn't responded yet, hug it down.

The boy knelt on the bed, lifted his head, closed his eyes and hurriedly stepped over, and pressed his lips **** Heimus' lips.

That was the first time he took the initiative to kiss each other.

The awkward and unskilled movement is not so much a kiss as a bump.

But even if it is a collision, it is indeed a kiss.

Garlan, who kissed Huimus hard, opened his eyes.

He said: "I absolutely can't take the initiative to do such things to people I hate, so you..."

The words came to an abrupt end.

The teenager froze.

Heimus knelt down on the edge of the bed, lowered his head, supported one hand on the edge of the bed, and covered his lower half with one hand.

But neither the scattered foreheads nor the palms covering his lips could stop the red marks on his face.

The red marks spread from his cheeks in an instant, all the way to his ears.

Let the neck beneath that ear become red.

The author has something to say: He Wolf, who becomes a pure man in seconds: "You are responsible for me."

Garland: "???


It's the end of the month~~If the nutrient solution is not lost, it will expire~~ Blink~~~


Galland's proprietary skills: professionally interrupt the blackening progress bar for 10,000 years.

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