Garland is a little silly.

He stared blankly at Heimus with his head down and covering his lower half with one hand, and looked at the reddish ear roots that could not be concealed by the other's hand. He had a very unreal feeling.

……and many more.

He didn't do anything?

Didn’t you just kiss Huimos?

Even he himself felt that it was more like a bump, not a kiss at all...

It was like a huge black wolf with a terrible cold and terrible eyes. It looked fierce in the first second. It seemed that it was about to choose someone to eat. Suddenly it was kissed. Whine.

The first second was a **** wolf who wanted to eat people.

The next second became a chucking little baby dog.

The contrast between these two extremes is really jaw-dropping.

Probably knowing that he was ashamed, Huimus suddenly got up.

"……I will go to bed."

After vaguely speaking, he hurriedly turned around, walked to the simple bed next to him, and lay directly on his side.

He lay so anxiously that the simple bed made an overwhelming creak.

As for the direction of his sideways, of course, turned away from Gallan.

However, even if he turned away, the reddish ear tips exposed from the lacquered black hair were still exposed.

Gallan looked at the reddish ear tip and couldn't help but want to laugh.

He also lay down.

Probably because now the embarrassed person has become Huimus, so his mood is relaxed.

Looking at Heimus, who was motionless with his back to himself rather than falling asleep, Gallan grinned and closed his eyes.

This time, he quickly fell into a dream.

In the sky, the meniscus hangs high, sending clear light to the ground.

The fine moonlight fell on the tall man standing outside the camp, illuminating the dark blond hair.

Standing quietly outside his camp with his breath hidden, he focused his attention on the knight inside listening to the sound from inside.

A steady breath, a slightly chaotic breath.

He shook his head, and the look on his face was irritating and funny, quite complicated.

He turned away.

Just two steps later, he turned back with a sullen face, deliberately releasing his breath in a certain direction.

Use this to warn a guy not to act rashly.

Then he left with satisfaction, fulfilling his duty of vigil.


Some people have a good night's dreams, some people have trouble sleeping all night.

After Gallanshu slept comfortably, when he woke up in the morning, he found that the person sleeping in his camp had changed to his guardian knight.

"Aren't you a vigil last night?"

"His Holmes lost sleep, so he went out to me in the middle of the night and exchanged with me."

Kehos, who had already got up and arranged his clothes first, responded calmly to Galland's inquiry.


The guy at Huimos really... really...

Garland didn't know what to say.

He quickly put on a light cyan dress, long blond hair bundled casually behind him.

Yesterday, the belt was pulled off by a guy, so I could only put on a new white belt, and Kehos helped him buckle the thin moon-white cloak on his shoulders.

After taking care of everything, Gallan just lifted the opening cloth, walked out of the camp, and his eyes met Huimus who had just come to him.

If it was changed to yesterday, Garland would definitely turn around to avoid it.

But at this moment, it was changed to Huimos, after a moment of stunnedness, he immediately turned his head to avoid the gaze of the two of them.

He hurried to the side and talked to a knight, as if telling the other party what to do, but how to behave and how to act deliberately.

Kehuosi snorted coldly and looked away.

And Galan looked at the back of Heimus who was leaving sideways after a stunned moment, his lips rising uncontrollably.

I don't know why, he suddenly felt that bullying Huimus was quite interesting, a little bit unable to stop.

No way.

Be restrained.

Although the **** wolf is quite good in front of himself, it is still very dangerous if he is too funny.


Time passed in the way of Garland and his party.

A few days later, under the leadership of the young Canal knight, they came to a secluded place.

It was a valley, located in the deep mountains, exactly at the junction of Canal and Aaron Landis.

The long low mountains and large forests separate the two countries. There are few people here, and there are no towns nearby.

Unless someone leads the way, few people will come to such a place.

In order not to frighten the snakes, after the Kanal Knight said that there was still half a day away from the Animist stronghold, Gallan stopped the crowd and found a hidden place to camp.

Although the young knight was anxiously trying to rescue his prince, he knew that the rush was not enough, and he could only endure his anxiety and waited for Garland's orders.

To be honest, King Gallan would actually come to rescue their prince in person. This surprised the young knight, and was very grateful for it.

At noon, Kehos received the summons and walked into Garran's camp.

He said: "A thousand cavalrymen have been transferred from the nearest stationed troops, and they will be able to arrive about tomorrow evening."

When he came in, Huimus was standing at the table with a rough map.

The map was hand-painted by Huimus.

The day before yesterday, Huimos took a few knights to sneak into the vicinity of the stronghold of all things in the deep mountain valley.

It took him a day to search the stronghold.

After returning, he directly hand-painted a simple map for Galland and Kehuos. According to the estimation of Heimus, there are more than 600 fetishists in the stronghold.

It is difficult to determine how many of them have combat effectiveness.

It stands to reason that the more than one hundred elite knights brought by Galland, plus two knights with the highest military value in the mainland, sweeps away the stronghold of all things with more than 600 people.

However, considering that the Anthropology has special drugs that can stimulate people’s potential, it is infinitely powerful and painless, and it is not afraid of death-according to the Kanal Knight, the bravery was more powerful than the Alan Landis. The Gasdar Cavalry was defeated by these terrible fanatics.

Not wanting to cause unnecessary losses to these elite knights, Garland chose to wait for a few days and transferred a thousand cavalry from the nearest garrison, intending to resolve the opponent directly by the overturn.

The strategy has been roughly set.

After all, it was originally just a stronghold of all things, just like the thief cottage that entrenched the deep mountains. Any one of Huimos and Kehuos can take the cavalry and crush it directly.

Here is just one more trouble to save people.

The final decision was that Garran and Huimus killed the past head-on, attracting the believers of all things to them.

Kehos led a small group of knights. Under the leadership of the Kanal knights, he secretly sneaked into the prison from the side while the strong point was chaotic, saving the Prince of West Asia.

After discussing the offensive strategy tomorrow night, Huimus looked at Gallan.

"Although it is to save the Prince of Canal, but this is just a stronghold of everything, why do you have to come over?"

Garland smiled.

"After holding it in the palace for more than a year, I couldn't find it easy to find such an opportunity to come out and take a breath. Of course I can't let it go."

He shrugged and said,

"Always stay on the throne, and my hands and feet are about to be scrapped."

Heimus took a deep look at the brightly-smiling teenager and said nothing, returning his gaze back to the hand-drawn map on the table.

Never mind.

No matter what Garland was thinking, there was nothing to worry about having to be by his side.

Garland turned his head, gazing across the curtain raised at the door of the camp and looking at the sky in the distance.

There was a trance in his eyes.

...Actually he didn’t know why he came...

He just has a feeling.

This time, he must come over.

Maybe it was just an illusion, he couldn't tell himself...

The night he returned to the palace from the special training camp, he had a strange dream.

In the dream, a dark valley woodland...

Also, the bright red animist rune flashed in my dream...

The blood-red moonlight enveloped the valley land, rendering the whole world into blood...

What is there... waiting for him here...



Time is fleeting, passing by day and night.

It was late at night, and the clouds were thick this night. The meniscus was hidden deep in the clouds, and even the starlight was much darker than usual.

It is the night where the night wind is high and suitable for night raids.

Along the forest path previously identified by Huimus, Garland led more than two thousand cavalry troops to quickly cross the low mountains, cross the national border, and enter the huge valley that belongs to Kanal.

I don’t know anything when I cross the low mountains. They are all ordinary forest scenery, which is just like other forests.

After entering the deep valley, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Obviously it was in the same mountain forest, under the same sky, but as soon as I stepped into the depths of the valley, there was a gust of wind.

It was a hot summer at the moment, but the wind blowing from the dark forest was icy, with a strange chill.

The dense canopy shook slightly in the breeze, and the shadows criss-crossed, accompanied by the whining wind, as if there were countless souls imprisoned in the interlaced branches, struggling, and howling.

Even if these knights are all iron-blooded soldiers who battle the battlefield all the year round, they can't help breathing when they look at how strange the scene is in front of them.

They can move forward bravely on the battlefield, not afraid of life and death, but in the face of this weird situation, there is a little uneasy emotion.

Heimus's eyes narrowed slightly, and his golden-red eyes stared forward, gradually turning into a sigh of relief.

The front is obviously just an ordinary valley, but it lurks in the dark, and whine when the wind blows.

It's like there is a terrible and invisible monster hiding in the darkness in front, which makes people feel terrified.

The winding path submerged deep into the dark valley, like a giant mouth opened by the monster hidden in the dark.

Gives an illusion.

They seemed to walk into the monster's mouth in a self-catching manner. Soon, their flesh and soul and their souls would be swallowed by them.

At a time when everyone could not help but feel an inexplicable fear of the darkness ahead.

Suddenly, Keng sounded.

That was the sharp cry of Li Jian.

In the night, a snow-white sword light reflected in everyone's eyes.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the young king holding the sword, and the fear in his heart suddenly dissipated.


Son of the gods.

The glory of Samash accompanied him.

The breeze is still there, but it no longer blows away the fear in the heart.

The night was silent, only the white sword light, like the light guiding the direction of everyone.


Deep in the valley, on a flat ground at the bottom of the valley, several red-red bonfires were burning in the night.

Countless small stone houses criss-cross and surround the middle of the valley.

Looking down from the sky, you will find that these small stone houses are built in a strange trend, and form a mysterious and strange line.

Surrounded by them in the middle is the altar at this stronghold.

The torches are burning around, huge black and cyan stone slabs are spread on the ground, and complex runes are carved on them. The rune lines reveal a mysterious atmosphere. At first glance, nothing can be seen, but a closer look, Inexplicably it gives a creepy feeling.

It seems that there is a terrible and eerie existence lurking in the depths, and it will roar out at any time and anywhere, devouring everything.

A series of shallow grooves meandered around the black and blue slate, and the black liquid flowed through it, exuding a pungent breath.

A huge cage stood at the corner of the altar, and countless children were locked in it.

Hearing the children's noise, the long-term fear and hunger torture made most of the children dying, and there was no strength to cry.

A child has been carried out of the cage by a believer in all things like a poultry.

At the same time, another believer standing on the edge of the black cyan slab threw the torch in his hand into the ditch under his foot.

When the torch touched the dark liquid in the thin groove, the flame suddenly rose, and then quickly spread along the shallow grooves winding around.

In an instant, a fence of flames ignited around the altar in black and blue stone.

The light of the fire illuminated the faces of the believers who surrounded them, making the look under their eyes even more fanatical.

The priest of all things in black robe stands in front of the child who has lost his mind.

The child's neck, hands and feet have been painted with bright red paint dense and strange patterns.

The black robe priest raised his dagger high.

Under the crimson fire, this dagger, who did not know how many children had drunk blood, exuded a cold air, with deep greed, as if he could not wait to devour fresh flesh.

The priest sang loudly, singing and shouting.

The believers on all fours knelt down on the ground religiously, holding their breath and daring not to make a sound, excitedly and quietly waiting for the start of this sacrifice.

The meniscus has been hidden in the clouds, and the world is in darkness.

The dagger in the hand of the black robe priest fell down--

Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside, breaking the solemnity and silence on the altar.

The priest, awakened by the loud noise from the fanatical emotions, looked out with rage.

However, before he even asked him, someone rushed in and screamed in panic.

"No, Alain Landis' cavalry came in!"

"Aaron Landis?"

A black and white look appeared on the black robe priest's face.

He looked sideways.

The sound of shouting has been heard from afar, approaching this place quickly.

The flame of the shallow trench around the altar was still violently burning in the black liquid, and the fire reflected on the priest's cold and emotionless side face.


The attack power of Aaron Landis cavalry is world famous.

A violent horseshoe sounded throughout the valley.

It was completely destructive. The Cavalry of Aaron Landis was like a violently raging wave. It was just a shock that completely broke the defense line of this stronghold.

The believers of all things cannot resist.

Even after discovering the Aaron Landis cavalry, many believers swallowed the drugs in a frantic expression, became powerful and unaware of the pain, and rushed towards the cavalry.

However, as long as the cavalry charges, the sharp blade in his hand can cut off their heads.

Even if these believers can become painless monsters, but their heads are cut off, they can only fall to the ground.

The horses galloped, and in the dark, countless cavalry rushed into the central altar of the valley stronghold.

Numerous cult believers died under their horseshoes and died in disbelief and unwillingness.

Heimus first rushed around the altar, then turned and dismounted, and jumped up from the gap in the flame fence to the altar.

At his feet, the black and blue stone slabs, the densely sculpted lines stained with blood evoked a very unpleasant memory of him many years ago.

In the night, under the fire.

A familiar scene, a familiar scene in front of you.

Black robe priest holding a dagger.

The blood of the young child was flowing on the pattern of black and cyan slate.

That disgusting memory made a hint of anger appear in the golden red eyes.

With a wave of his hand, Huimos' sword fell in his hand.

The strength of the force was actually cutting the black robe priest standing in front of him somehow into two pieces.

The splattered blood stained his clothes and splashed on his cheeks.

The black robe priest, who was cut in half, lay on the ground as if he had no pain, neither shouting nor yelling.

He was not dead yet, so his upper body was lying in the pool of blood spewing out of him, staring at Heimus sideways.

That look was extremely strange.

The fire shook on his face, and he stared at Huimus violently,

When Gallan followed the horse and stepped into the altar, he saw this strange scene.

He stayed for a while.

The black robe priest who had been staring at Heimus seemed to find him coming, turned his eyes and fell on him.

Suddenly, the cold, blood-stained face gave Garran a gruesome smile.

Garland only felt cold in the back.

Next click, click.

Heimos cut the neck of the black robe priest with a sword.

The head rolled a few times, fell into the burning ditch next to it, and burned.

However, that face was still in the direction of Gallan, with a strange smile.

Heimus kicked the half body that blocked his way and walked towards Gallan.

"How is Kayhose over there?"

"I have just heard from him that he has successfully rescued Prince West Asia."

Gallan answered.

Everything is going smooth.

They successfully broke through the nest of all things, rescued the children who had not yet been killed, and rounded up the cultists here.

Kehos also successfully rescued Prince West Asia.

...Too smooth.

Garland always felt something was wrong.

He shook his head, throwing away the uneasy feeling in his heart, and looked up to go to Heimus.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.

The thick clouds in the sky were suddenly blown away.

The moon that has been hidden behind the clouds has been exposed.

In an instant, the blood-red moonlight overwhelmed the valley.

Garland looked up sharply.

The scene in the dream appeared so unexpectedly in front of his eyes.

This valley shrouded in an unknown blood-red moonlight-

He just looked up and the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently.

No, the earth is not shaking.

It was the altar under his feet that was shaking.

A crack suddenly appeared on the black and blue slate, followed by the second and third, just a blink of effort, like a cobweb densely covered with huge slate.

Click, click.

In the violent shaking, the black and cyan stone slabs at the foot of Gallan broke apart one after another.

The huge altar burst and collapsed in an instant.


Someone was shouting his name, and Garland turned his head.

He saw Huimus, who was also on the altar, rushing at him, his hand extended to him with all his strength, desperately trying to catch him.

Subconsciously, he also stretched out his hand in the direction of Huimus.

In the sound of the tumbling altar collapse, two hands of different skin colors staggered past.

They caught each other empty.

The sound of rumbling collapses kept coming.

Along with the falling crack stone, they fell together.

The world is in darkness.


I don't know how long it has passed. Sometimes the sound of falling rubble wakes up the man lying in a pile of rubble.

Heimus opened his eyes, his eyes slightly blurred.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then stood up slowly. When he opened his eyes again, everything in front of him finally became clear.

As soon as he looked up and saw everything in front of him at the moment, his breath paused.

Appearing in front of him was an extremely large temple.

Giant stone pillars carved with complex and mysterious lines rose up from the ground, supporting this huge stone temple that has been quietly hidden underground for countless years.

The top of the stone pillar was submerged in darkness, so that people could not see the sky at the top of the stone hall when they looked up.

This huge stone temple deep in the ground carries a magnificent look that makes people look up to the extreme, shocking everyone who sees it.

And, a sense of palpitation.

Because here is dead.

Time and space seem to be stuck here.

There is no vitality and breath.

Heimus looked around and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

In the center of the magnificent stone palace, on the altar surrounded by countless high and low black and blue stone columns, the sleeping teenager lay quietly on it.

The long golden hair fell from the edge of the cold altar.

The young boy's skin reflected the faint fire on the stone pillars, almost white and almost transparent.

There was a little shimmer in the slender eyelashes that fell on his cheeks, as if there was fluorescence flowing under his eyes. At that moment, the face gave people a beauty that made it difficult for anyone to see him to breathe.

However, the incredible beauty of China and the United States revealed a strange breath.

With a tight heart, Huimus ran quickly.

The dark altar was really strange, he didn't think much about it, he just picked Gallan down from above, and left the surrounding black and blue stone pillars and hugged him to another place.

"Gallan...Gallan, wake up!"

In the anxious shouts of Heimus, Garland opened his eyes slowly.

At first it was dumbfounded, and his expression was a bit dull, but after seeing Huimus, his eyes brightened a little.


Garlan looked at him and yelled softly.

Heimus snorted, and his eyes glanced nervously at Garland.

"Did you get injured when you fell just now?"

Garland leaned back in Huimus's arms, and he didn't even have a scar on his body, but his expression was still in a trance.

He looked at everything around him in confusion, and seemed to be a little bit incapable of recovering from his current situation.

"Do you remember what happened after the fall?"

Huimus wanted to find out why Gallan appeared on that altar.

"……do not know……"

Garland held his head, showing a painful look.


He flinched into Huimus's arms, and uttered a low moan with a strong attachment.

"Hyimos...I'm uncomfortable..."

Heimos frowned, holding the teenager in his arms and looking down.

His dark hair covered his eye sockets, and his lips tightened slightly.

"where is this place?"

After a while, the teenager nestled in his arms again asked him.

"I just woke up, not very clear."

"We fell, can we go out?"

"I will take you out."

Garland raised his head, and his long golden hair fell on his arm.


The teenager tilted his head to look at him. His fair skin was unbelievable. His soft, slender, light-colored eyelashes, and his cat-like golden eyes reflected his face.

The pale pink lips opened gently, and the lip flap glowed a little, tempting to the extreme.

He looked at Huimus softly and attached, and said, "You will protect me, won't you?"

Staring at the golden pupils, Huimus raised his lips.


He said softly, "I will protect you, Gallan."

Garland, who was answered, smiled happily.

Then he raised his head and took the initiative to come over and kissed Huimus.

Heimus froze for a moment, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, so the corners of his raised eyes became narrower and narrower.

He held the person in his arms tightly, and he kissed back strongly.

The lips of the teenager are pale pink, as if petals impregnated with sugar, enticing and sweet, making it difficult to resist.

Heimus kissed the lips of the person in his arms tenderly, once and again, and gently licked each other's cold lips.

Garland snuggled in his arms with an unprecedented docile attitude, extended his left hand around his neck, opened his lips, and accepted his kiss without refusal.

The golden-red eyes reflected the faces of the people in his arms, and Huimus gazed at Gallan's eyes with deep compassion.

In the silent hall, the two figures snuggled tightly together, their lips and teeth intertwined.


The faint firelight in the underground stone hall was shaking, reflecting the blade's cold light.

The sharp dagger was held in Gallan's hand, and in the kiss, he thrust hard into the chest of Heimoth—

One hand reached out and grabbed the teenager's wrist.

The gleaming blade of the sword came to an abrupt stop just a second before he was about to sink into Heimus' chest.

The dark hair fell from the corners of the eyes, revealing sharp eyes.

Looking at his ‘Gallan’ with his eyes wide open, Huimus smiled, and the smile was extremely cold.

With a strong backhand, he grabbed the dagger, suppressed the boy on the ground, and looked down at the other party with cold eyes.

The dagger also rested on the opponent's throat.

who are you?

As soon as he wanted to press the other side, the golden-red pupil contracted sharply.

Heimos was shocked to see that the dagger in his hand was disappearing, as if it had melted away.

And the teenager who was almost exactly the same as Gallan also disappeared, starting with the blond hair scattered on the ground, a little, the body dispersed like a cloud.

The teenager looked at him motionlessly.

Those eyes are very indifferent, like a puppet with no life, no waves, no human emotions.

Until the whole person disappears.

Looking at the empty hand, Huimus stood up.

The huge stone temple is endless, as if no end can be seen.

The light was getting dimmer, and it was so vague that people couldn't see clearly.

The gray mist was surging on the ground, as if seeping out of the deepest abyss, and slowly wrapped around his feet.

Suddenly, the blue stone slabs on the ground cracked, and the thick black liquid poured out of the cracks, with the special pungent breath imprinted deep in his memory.

With a clatter.

The fire disk on the giant stone pillar fell.

When the brazier was contaminated with a thick black liquid, a red flame rose up from the ground.

The blazing flames ignited and wrapped around his body.

The fire wave rushed across his face, passing over his side, burning his cheeks faintly.

Heimus stood on the spot, gazing deeply at the stone temple where the fire suddenly ignited.

The crimson flame danced wildly around him, but behind the extremely hot flame there was a faint black shadow.

The flames surrounded him in all directions.

The body is painfully, extending from the palm and arm to the body, just like most of his body has fallen into the sea of ​​fire, and it is burned alive by the flame, making people feel uncomfortable.

...Must leave here.

be quick.

... hurry up and find... you must hurry up and find that person...

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Huimus looked cold, and then he stepped into the red flame.

Let the tongue of fire spread over his clothes, his hair, and lick his skin.

He endured the almost painful pain, so he broke into the sea of ​​fire that could not see the end, and let the flame burn his body.


There was only one thought in his heart at the moment.

Go to Galland!

Just when Huimos rushed into the sea of ​​fire, there was a bang.

Suddenly, everything burst.

Everything in front of him, the huge boundless stone temple, and the crimson flame burning wildly, all shattered in this moment.

The world before him collapsed.




The icy water drops fell on the brown arm.

The next second, the finger moved abruptly, and the man lying in a pile of gravel opened his eyes, and the sharp golden red color emerged from the dark hair.

He raised his head, and with that forehead, there was a small rubble that rolled from his hair to the ground.

Most of Huimus' face was stained with dust.

There were several bruises on his arm, and the clothes on the part of his body that were not covered by the armor were worn away.

He stood up slowly, looking at where he was, showing puzzled eyes.

Although he was still deep underground at the moment, he was not in the grand and magnificent stone hall, but only a ruined ruin.

It seems to be a small stone house on the edge of this underground stone hall.

There was water flowing down from the stump on the ground and falling into the ground pool.

Just now, Huimos was lying next to the pool with the falling rubble, so the water splashed from the height of the water droplets would fall on his hand.

This small ruin has two floors, and the broken stone pillars support the broken stone wall from the bottom up.

The stone steps covered with moss meander upward, leading to the upper pavilion, and then sink into the darkness. No one knows where the stone door of the upper pavilion leads to the ground.

Huimus looked at his hand.

There was no trace of fire on his body.

Everything just now... Garland who wanted to kill him... The burning sea of ​​fire... All his dreams?

"You can wake up..."

Suddenly, a deep, deep voice sounded in the ruins.

Heimus raised his head cautiously, and after wrapping around, his heart tightened.

There was no one but him in the ruins.

That voice did not come from one place, but seemed to come from all directions.

Even with his hearing, he could not hear where this sound came from.

The echo of the low voice echoed in the ruins. The laughter was very hoarse, and it showed a strange atmosphere.

"Oh, this is the first time I have met someone who can break free from [Death's Dream]... not dead in a dream..."

The author has something to say:    April Fool's Day is over~~

The text has been revised.

Everyone was frightened.



Well, in fact, the main purpose of writing this end of April Fool's Day is-it is absolutely impossible to happen in the text, so only in the April Fools' Day chapter can Garlan stabbed Heimus once.

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