Because of the rain last night, today's temperature is lower than before. In addition, the cloud layer coiled in the air blocks the hot sun. The climate in the morning is quite cool.

The wind blowing from the distant sea brought a humid atmosphere of the ocean. The flowers and trees that had been scorched by the hot sun a few days ago were moistened by the rain of the night, and they all revived their spirits. The foliage is lush, It makes people feel comfortable.

In the courtyard of the palace of Huismus, the stream flows happily as always, and a priest stands beside the stream.

He wore a standard cyan priestly dress of the dark night **** Nanna, with slightly longer hair scattered on his shoulders.

Receiving the call from Huimus, Soga came to the palace early in the morning.

When he came, Huimus was doing routine morning exercises in the courtyard. As always, he was near the limit of physical fitness training. After finishing it, he was sweating and the brown skin all over his body seemed to be saturated with sweat.

After completing the training, Hymos was going to simply rinse it, and Soga naturally had to wait honestly.

Waiting, he couldn't help thinking of his beloved lover, Fataya.

After occasionally encountering Gallan who left the palace, Fataya told Soga about the encounter with the young Gallan prince many years ago.

Soga remembered quickly.

More than eight years ago, there was such a thing.

When King Camos reconstructed the slums, some powerful officials deceived and hid, greedily swallowed a lot of property, and even forced those poor people to ruin their homes.

At that time, it was the very young Prince Garland who exposed this incident, causing King Camos to be furious, and executed and punished many people.

At that time, Soga had just traveled abroad to practice in the shrines of Nanna across the country-this was what he had to do as one of the successors of the next high priest.

Therefore, he is not very clear about the matter.

Now, as soon as his lover talked about King Garland's bright eyes and dancing eyes, Soga couldn't help but want to smile bitterly.

In and out of the Fataya dialect, King Garland was full of admiration, and he was extremely respected. He even saw that there was a little bit of love for the little prince in the heart of Fataya.

Soga dares to guarantee.

With the loyalty of Fataya, if she dared to be detrimental to King Garland, she would definitely kill her without hesitation.

Thinking of this, the priest of the God of Night was bitter and astringent.

Whether it is his loyal master, or his beloved lover, one or two, all of them die to the young king.

This is really...ah...

He used to be ambitious and vowed to help His Highness ascend to the throne, and then he will be able to gain the trust of His Highness as a hero, assisting him to make great achievements and gain great achievements. .

However, after King Garland took the throne, his ambitions became a bubble.

Although King Garland did not prepare to suppress Huimus as he thought after ascending to the throne, he trusted him and put a heavy responsibility on them, so their subordinates who followed him were also Not liquidated and suppressed.

It stands to reason that as a loser, this result is already very good.

But Soga still had a bad taste in his heart.

He longed for power, longed to stand in a higher position, and longed to make something for everyone in the world.

However, as long as he thought about what he had done against King Garland in order to make Lord Heimus compete for the throne, Soga knew that his future might be over.

If you change to him, in the position of King Garland, you will definitely find an excuse to punish or even execute those who have counted yourself.

Yes, King Gallan’s mind was very generous, and he could be seen from the fact that he unreservedly made His Excellency Heimus the commander of the Third Army.

However, no matter how lenient it is, it is already very good not to worry about yourself. How could it be a heavy responsibility for yourself?

Just as Soga thought about these in a sad mood, Huimos, who had changed clothes after bathing, finally came out.

"follow me."

He said bluntly, and then stepped out of the palace gate.

Soga followed him for a while, stupefied that this was the road to King Galland's palace.

As we all know, although King Garland took the throne, he still lives in the original palace.

In the past, Soga had followed Huimus to the palace several times. But since Gallan became king, he has not stepped into the palace for a long time.

After a lapse of two years, Soga, who finally entered the palace again, couldn't help feeling so sad.

At the same time, he was a little puzzled, why did Huimus suddenly bring him here.

He just wanted to ask Huimus, and he saw his master's eyes suddenly light up, and then he flung him directly and walked forward quickly.

Soga looked up and saw the young king in the courtyard, and the big lion was walking around him.

As soon as Huimos approached, he was blocked by the blonde knight who was guarding Garland, preventing him from approaching.

As the guardian knight of Galland, Kehos faithfully executed his majesty's orders, and within three days did not allow Huymus to approach Galland within ten meters.

Today happens to be the third day and it has not passed yet.

Looking at Kehuos, who was standing in front of him, Huimus looked like a sword.

He said coldly: "Gallan told me to come today."

"Oh, sorry, Your Excellency, I forgot for a while."

Kehuos showed a sudden enlightenment, but the expression looked so fake.

He stepped aside and let him pass, but his gaze kept staring at him every moment.

Obviously, if there was any inappropriate behavior by Heimus, he would step forward immediately.

Soga looked at this scene indifferently.

He said he was tired.

Soga watched Huimus go to King Galland, who was still feeding the lion's meat. His cold face, which had just faced Kehos, softened instantly.

Heimus seemed to coax people to say a few words to Gallan softly. Gallan just looked up at him and said a word to him, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

It's too good!

Even if the other person is a beloved one, they can't coax, confess, or accommodate with such dignity.

Soga thought so angrily in his heart.

He completely forgot what he looked like when he faced Fataya without giving up.

He touched Niega's mane and handed it the remaining half of the cooked meat. Gallan took the wipes from the maid standing next to him, wiped his hands, and turned to look at Soga.

Suo Jia was startled, and before he could continue to slaughter, he quickly leaned over and knelt on one knee before Garland.

"Soka, I asked Huimus to bring you here."

King Garland's words made Soga stunned for a moment.

It turned out that King Garland summoned him?


Before he could think about it, Garland had turned around and walked into the room.

"You came just right, Xie Muer has arrived, you come too."

Xie Muer?

Seeing that Garland had entered the room, Soga quickly got up and followed.

As soon as he entered the government office, he really saw Xie Muer who was standing in the room. Xie Muer looked at him and looked away. His face remained unchanged forever.

Seeing this deadly enemy from small to large, Soga's mood is very complicated.

Xie Muer led the temple of Samash to support Prince Garland.

On behalf of Nanna’s temple, he supported Prince Huimus.

Later, Garland ascended the throne, and Xermuer became the king's confidant in the capacity of his teacher. As a result, the temple power of Samash completely overwhelmed the temple power of Nanna.

Compared with personal loss to Xiemuer, Soga is more unacceptable that as a wise priest of Nanna, they lost to the group and even filled their brains with muscles, regardless of reality, just blindly idealized sand. Marsh priests.

But there is no way.

They lost.

Although the psychological activity is not enough, Soga, who has long been used to the different appearances, is still a respectful expression, slightly bowing to King Gallan who has been sitting on the obsidian bench.

Noting that Sorgar looked at Xie Muer's complicated look after entering the door, and Xie Muer ignored his appearance, Gallan's mouth raised.

Sure enough, the priests of Nanna and the priests of Shamash were like water and fire, and neither looked at each other well.

The priests of Samash felt that the insidious and cunning of Nanna's priests were villains.

The priest of Nanna felt that the priest of Samash was rigid and rigid.

"Soka, I let you come over, I have something to do with you."

Seeing that the people had arrived, Gallan said directly.

"About the Trade and Industry Department, you must be very clear."

The Commerce and Trade Department has been in operation for more than a month, bringing Garland a huge fortune.

Although the other powerful ministers were jealous, they did not have the courage to eat.

After all, when the Trade Department was established, they were not optimistic, so Gallan built it with his own people and his own money. He had already told them beforehand that his income would also belong to him.

Now, everyone is too regretful, but they dare not repent against their king even if they regret it.

Although some people wanted to follow the example of King Galland to build a similar place, without the prestige of King Galland, the merchants did not trust them at all, and of course they failed.

Soga, who focused on the Trade Department, is of course very clear, he nodded.

Garland went on.

"Tal was alone in charge of the Trade and Industry Department, so I decided to send you and Xie Muer to help him."

Soga was stunned.

He looked up at Garlan with a natural look, and his eyes were unbelievable.

"In the future, Tal will only be responsible for the operation of the Trade and Industry Department. The regulations on trade and business will be formulated by the priests of Samash after consultation, and then reported to me for review. At the same time, I will accept complaints from businessmen against the staff of the Trade and Industry Department.

Garland said,

"Soka, those complaints and disputes between merchants in the Trade Department are judged and decided by the priest of Nanna." He turned to Sherman again and said to him.

"Xiemuer, the priest of Samash can participate in all the process of adjudication of the priest of Nanna. If there is any objection, or there are signs of corruption, he can directly report it to you."

"Then, you talk to Soga and if you can't resolve the dispute, you will report it to me."

Soga was still amazed that Gallan actually gave him the important rights of the Trade and Industry Department. He was stunned when he heard this long paragraph.

His high sensitivity to political rights made him grasp the key points in this large paragraph almost instantly.

His brain was spinning fast, and a vague thought appeared in his heart.

The thought terrified him.

Soga was still terrified here, and over there, Xie Muer frowned, his eyes full of unhappiness.

The relationship between the priest of Samash and the priest of Nanna was in full swing, so it was extremely unpleasant for him to work with Soga in the future.

But he was absolutely uneasy about handing over the important source of goods to the cunning Sorga-the group of Nanna priests used to take advantage of loopholes, and did not know what justice was, and they would certainly be favoritism.

Therefore, someone must stare at them closely.

Xie Muer firmly believed that only the upright Shamarsh priest could do this.

With such thoughts, he reluctantly acquiesced to this matter.

"Okay, this is the case, you can step back."

Garland raised his hand and motioned for them to leave.

"You should know the importance of the Trade and Industry Department, so after going back, think more about how to do this well."

He glanced at Soga.

He didn't worry about this person.

He is well aware of Soga’s ambition and desire for power, and once Soga is given a chance, he will surely grasp it.

The vague thought in his heart made Soga very confused at the moment, but, seeing that Galland had got up and was going to go, he gritted his teeth and spoke with a thought of fighting.

"His Majesty."

He lowered his voice and said, "Is this system you set up in the Trade and Commerce Department... are you trying...what?"

Garlan heard Soga's words as soon as she stood up, and looked back at Soga with a little surprise.

Then he smiled slightly.

"It's Nanna's priest without loss..."

The young king stood, looking down on Soga who was kneeling below.

"Now that you have seen it, I will just say it here."

"Yes, I am using the Trade and Industry Department as a pilot. I will implement this system in Wang Ting in the future."

Standing in front of the crowd, Gallan said quietly.

"In the future, the minister in Wang Tingzhong will only be responsible for making decisions, and all divisions and departments shall not set up regulations by themselves."

For a long time, although the national law was enacted by the temple of Samarash and the king, the various divisions and departments of the king's court can enact laws related to their rights.

"All judicial regulations must be formulated in accordance with strict regulations by the temple of Samash, and declared in the name of Samash throughout the country. All laws that have not been declared by the temple of Samash are pseudo-laws. "

"However, from then on, the judgment and ruling of violations of the law will be the responsibility of Nanna's temple."

All along, there is no clear attribution of judicial power, and any department and department, any department, and minister of power have the right to arrest and punish others.

"All noble ministers are not allowed to try and impose penalties on others without authorization."

"The result of the ruling is to be executed by the Temple of Samash. If the Temple of Samash believes that the result of the ruling is not in accordance with the law, it can ask Nanna's temple to make a new ruling."

Suo Jia felt awkward.

This is a constraint.

The ministers in the king's court, the forces of the Shamash Temple, and the forces of the Nanna Temple, are restricted in three ways.

The temple, as a power that believes in God, must not be intersected with the ministers in the court.

And Wang Ting will certainly have great dissatisfaction with the temple because of his separation from the temple.

Thereby eliminating the possibility of collusion between Wang Ting and the temple.

Needless to say, the temple of Shamash and the temple of Nanna, a priest of Shamash, even if he died, would never collude with the priest of Nanna, and so did the priest of Nanna.

The rights of the three parties are balanced and they are in the same position. It is difficult for any party to grow alone.

The kingship is above the three parties.

If this system is implemented, the successor of the throne can firmly control all rights as long as he is not a stupid person.

At the same time, there will be no more powerful ministers who have great powers to cover the sky and blind the king.

If the system is implemented locally, then the consuls of various cities can no longer integrate all powers into one body as before, without any restriction, thereby indiscriminately abusing power and deceiving the king city.

In this way, things like Tozes will never happen again.

Suo Jia thought carefully, chewing the words of King Garland repeatedly, his heart began to accelerate.

This system.

If it can be carried out successfully, I am afraid that it can completely change the political structure of Aaron Landis.

And he will witness this huge change and become one of them.

The temple of Nanna will also be restored to be in parallel with the temple of Shamash.

Suppressing his excited thoughts, Soga suddenly had a very strange feeling.

He never imagined that, for himself who had counted King Gallan, King Gallan would be able to ignore his previous suspicions and give himself the opportunity to entrust him with heavy responsibilities.

This young king's big mind really makes him unimaginable.

For a long time, Soga firmly believed that only decisive, rational and ruthless talents are suitable for the king.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought, now that he is not sincerely glad that the person on the throne at this moment is King Gallan?

"You...will you trust me?"

He finally couldn't hold back and asked in a complicated mood.

"Oh, if you want to do anything, I will tell Fataya."

Young King said, understatement.

Soga: "........."

One hit kill.

Suppressing the complex and chaotic thoughts at the moment, Soga looked up and looked at Gallan.

"Your Majesty, you should give this system a name so that we can better implement this system in the Trade and Industry Department."


Garland tilted his head slightly and thought about it.

He moved his heart and said, "Let's call it the'three separation of powers.'"

With a playful mind, Gallan said the name.

However, he didn't know how much his temporary rise had affected future generations.


According to later historians.

Separation of powers.

The origin of this system can be traced back to the era of King Aaron Landis.

Founded by Xian Ming Wang.

Although the system created by the wise king was a pseudo-three-power separation system under the control of the monarchy, rather than a real separation of powers, the emergence of this system pointed out the direction for the true separation of powers in later generations.

Thousands of years later, the separation of powers in the true sense of later generations was established on the basis of it.



"I call your men, do you really care?"

After holding it for a long time, Gallan finally couldn't help asking.

Nanna's temple has always been under the influence of Huimos.

It can be said that his approach directly pryed the corner of Huimos.

But he couldn't help it. He was able to keep pace with the temple of Shamash and would never collude. There was only the temple of Nannah.

Glancing at the others not far away, Huimus leaned over and approached Garland's ear.


He narrowed his eyes slightly, spread his hands, and said softly.

"...Even me is yours, isn't it."


Garland turned his head.

He said: "Anyway, you are called to come, and the three days will be left today, the order that is not allowed to close... It will be finished early."

He looked softly at the little powder on the ear tip of the teenager hiding in the blond hair, and the corner of Huimos' lips couldn't stop rising.


He said in a low, gentle voice,

"My Majesty."

The author has something to say:   History teacher: (underlined) "This is the point! To be tested!"

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