For a long time, whether it is Aaron Landis or other countries on the mainland, the one-right system has been implemented.

That is to say, all the rights of the various departments in Wang Ting are controlled by the director. Similarly, in a local city, all rights in a city except military power are controlled by the consul or the city owner alone.

This kind of system can easily lead to a situation where one person is the only one and the situation is deceived.

Tozes City is a prime example.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Galland decided to refer to the separation of powers in the later generations and implement a pseudo separation of powers in Aaron Landis.

In fact, in simple terms, it is to separate the powers that can restrain each other and give them to different forces to make them check and balance each other.

The risk of rashly reforming the political system is too great, and after all, for the first time trying the new system, although he has a general direction, there are still many details that need to be improved.

If the whole country is used to test the new system from the beginning, it will certainly cause a certain degree of turbulence, and may also cause irreparable losses.

Therefore, when Galland established the Trade Department, he planned to use this new department to test the new water system.

The pattern of the old department has been fixed, the personnel power is complicated and chaotic, and the implementation of the new system will certainly be resisted by the old forces. It's like a picture already drawn, it is very difficult to modify it.

Only the new Department of Commerce and Trade, which belongs to him completely, is a brand new piece of blank paper, and he can plan it completely according to his own imagination.

For a long time, although the two temples have a high reputation in Aaron Landis, they are detached and respected, but in fact they have little real power.

The priests generally depend on the nobility, the city lord, etc., and the subordinates assist each other. Therefore, things like the temple forces in the local cities obey the city lord-this is the case of the city of Tozes.

Now, Gallan directly raises the status of the temple to the same level as it. In this way, the temple is free from the control of the aristocratic city master and becomes a force of its own.

Separation of powers.

Mutually compatible.

Form a stable tripartite momentum.


Raising the power of Nanna's temple to the point where it is parallel to the power of Shamash's temple, Gallan thought that Sherman would be dissatisfied.

Therefore, he deliberately asked Xie Muer to come over and say this in private.

Although politically speaking, he must make the two temples side by side.

But in Gallan's heart, Xiemuer is an irreplaceable existence for him.

In previous years, only Xiemuer had accompanied him. Even, Xie Muer may have paid the price of his life for every life.

Xie Muer will always occupy an important place in his heart.

He didn't want any change in their relationship.

Therefore, if Garlan is ready, he intends to give the three-power separation system to Xie Muer from the inside out, so that Xie Muer can understand his own approach.

Who knows, he just told Xie Muer this system, without any explanation, Xie Muer asked him directly.

"In your opinion, this system is good for Aaron Landis, isn't it?"

"Uh, that's right..."

"Since this is the case, do as you think."

Samarsh's high priest said simply, without question.

He just added seriously.

"This matter is very important, please be careful to do it, do not rush to achieve success."

Garland: "...oh."

So the prepared one-piece words are all null and void.

Looking at the unexpectedly calm Xie Muer, the young king scratched his head in doubt, and then turned his head to tell the person to tell Hyimus to let him bring Soga the next day.


After coming out of the palace, the priest of Samash and the priest of Nannah rarely traveled along the road.

Although both of them walked forward without squinting, they ignored each other and did not speak, but the rare situation of walking side by side made the guards patrolling next to them unable to bear their eyes.

After walking a while, the two came to a place where no one else was.

In front of the fork, seeing that the two are about to part ways, Soga glanced at the people around him and spoke first.

"It's amazing."


Xie Muer's tone was very cold.

"You didn't object to this matter."

Not to mention that the priests of Samash are almost stereotyped old-fashioned people, sticking to the ancient legal system, and stubbornly unwilling to make changes, saying that the appointment of the priest of Nanna by King Gallan is enough to make Samash Of priests firmly opposed.

Because in the eyes of the priests of Shamash, Nanna's priests are insidious and cunning villains, good at plotting tricks and good at exploiting the law.

They hope Wang Li will be right, and of course they will not allow such a villain to approach Wang.

Therefore, since the past, the auxiliary priests around the king of Aaron Landis will only have one side, and the other side will be completely overwhelmed.

For example, King Camos was surrounded only by Xiemuer who was a priest of Samash.

Soga thought that this matter would definitely be opposed by Xie Muer.

Who knows that Xie Muer has defaulted silently from beginning to end, and has not exhorted and advised King Garland as harshly as he thought.

Xie Muer looked at Soga lightly.

He said: "I used to be as arrogant as you were, and I firmly believe that what I think is'right' must be correct."

Self-esteem is very high.

Think that the conclusion you have reached is correct.

Contrary to one's own position, it must be wrong.

It was the young prince at the time that made him see his arrogance clearly.

Xie Muer said: "Your Majesty will become an unprecedented wise king."

Everyone believes that he is the mentor of Prince Garland, and he teaches an outstanding prince.

But only he knew that over the years, he learned much from the young prince than he taught the prince.

Neither he nor Huymos nor Kehos, even King Camos.

It is not so much that they are guarding the prince, but that the prince has been influencing and guiding them little by little, so that they can grow into a better self.

Such as the stars in the night sky guiding the direction of the people.

"I believe in your majesty."

"He must be able to lead Aaron Landis to the right path."

"That might be a road that I can't see."

Xie Muer's expression was solemn, and his words were straight and frank.

"Soka, I don't like people like you very much. But I will never use my excuses and prejudices to pretend to be "good for him" to influence His Majesty's decisions."

"I believe that the monarch I chose to follow can make a correct judgment."

Xie Muer said, without saying a word, did not look at Soga.

He turned straight away from the road on the left without turning his head.

It can be seen that his disgust with Soga is not at all light.

Soga looked deeply at Xie Muer's back, with a complex look.

After a while, he shrugged.

"One another, you guys are also my least favorite type."

There was a little silence, and he sighed suddenly.

"‘Trust your own monarch, do not influence your decision with your own preferences and prejudices'...?"

He smiled bitterly.

"I have to admit that at least you are better than me."

Soga turned and walked the other way.

"However, this time, I will never lose to you again before the king of Garland!"

The priest of Nanna said to herself as if she swore.

He is not in a hurry.

Under the throne of the young king, he and Xie Muer still have a long time to decide the final victory.



When everyone left, Gallan looked at it. Anyway, there was only Heimus alone, and he didn't need to maintain any image. He left the government office altogether.

The side of the palace is closest to the water curtain. Because of the cooler climate in the lounge, he comfortably nests in a soft, snow-white pillow, holding a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in his hands.

The crystal-clear ice cubes collided in a glass cup with floating clouds and made a loud noise.

Heimus sat next to him knee-crossed, holding a stack of instruments in his hand, and turned to discuss with Garland.

A few days ago, he submitted a set of Legion reform proposals to Gallan. Originally, Gallan planned to discuss this with him two days ago. As a result, this guy took advantage of him while he fell asleep.

Garland drove him away in exasperation, ignoring him for two consecutive days.

Only then did this matter be dragged into discussion today.

Army reform is not a simple matter. Garland has self-knowledge. In this regard, his qualifications are not at the same level as Heimus.

You know, in the previous generations, even if Huimos became that look, during his reign, Aaron Landis was also a well-deserved overlord of the entire continent militarily.

No one dares to invade.

So, after making a few suggestions, he let go of Heimos directly.

As for the required weapon armor and property, the recently wealthy young king waved his hand and said that if he was missing something, he would go directly to Tal.

When the negotiation was almost over, Gallan sat up and rubbed his shoulders with his hands raised.

Over the past few days, there have been too many political affairs. I slept late at night, not paying attention.

Although it's not serious, it still hurts when you turn your head.

He rubbed his shoulders by himself, but his hands were weak and useless.

Never mind.

Forbearance first, and later let Tapti massage him.

Thinking this, Garland withdrew his hand and yawned wearily.

Before yawning was finished, suddenly a warm palm pressed on his shoulder and rubbed **** that contracted muscle.

A strong soreness suddenly rushed out, causing him to shrink his body reflectively, avoiding that hand.

Garland turned and looked, and Heymus was beside him.

"doing what?" "Muscle strain on your shoulder?"

Asked Huimus.

"Well, I didn't pay attention when I went to bed last night..."

Gallan replied depressingly on his still sore shoulder.

"Come, let me click you."

Upon hearing Hymos's words, Garland's alarm bell was in his mind for a moment.

He didn't say anything, but moved a little to the side, looking at someone with countless previous conscience.

Looking at the pair of lazy and half-closed eyes, but suddenly staring at their golden eyes suddenly because of their own words, the kind of eyes that were alert immediately turned out to be so cute that Heimus' eyes could not help bending. Grounded.

He smiled, raised a hand, and made an oath.

"I swear, I will do nothing."


The golden pupil turned dribbled and looked at Huimus in disbelief.

Gallan said, "No, I'll let Tapti help me press it."

As he said, he subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but when he moved his head, the muscles on his shoulder and neck made him stiff.

"You know, muscle strain is much better than Tapti."

Heimos coaxed people very patiently.

"You are very light. I can help you with one click. You don't want to hurt so much all day?"


It seems reasonable. Heimus practiced martial arts all year round, and muscle strain is probably a common thing, so he must be more proficient in treatment than Tapti.

Garland thought a little bit.

After all, the soreness of falling asleep is really uncomfortable, and it is better to relieve it earlier.


He is still hesitating.

"Gallan, I won't do anything except treat you."

Huimos repeated this sentence again.

He said, "I never lie to you, do I?"


Indeed, what Heimus said to him was always done.

Should... can you believe him?

Garland thought so, and finally he still wanted to solve the problem of shoulder and neck pain.

He untied the short cloak on his shoulder and then leaned over on the cushion.

Because of the hot weather, he wore a loose-fitting sleeveless tunic with no accessories.

Seeing Garland lying prone in front of him, Huimus stretched out his hand, flicking away the blond hair scattered on his shoulders and flicking to the side.

The back of the neck hidden under the blond hair was exposed.

The lines on the back of the teenager's neck are extremely soft, and the blonde hair is turned aside, revealing an extremely beautiful arc.

Pressing your finger in the moment you go, you can feel the tightness of the shoulder and neck under the finger.

Heimus rubbed it a little harder, and heard Gallan's pain hurt, but that one time he wanted to endure it, and was swallowed back halfway.

The golden-red eyes darkened a little deeper, but the dark color that came up under his eyes was soon forced by him again.

Heimus rubbed it hard again, and the sore, sore uncomfortable feeling made Gallan refrain from shrinking, trying to avoid it.

But as soon as he moved, others were held by Huimus.

"to beat."

Huimus said his voice suddenly became hoarse for some reason.

After that, his fingers clasped on Gallan's side neck and rubbed it hard.

This contractile muscle must be rubbed with a little effort, as long as it is rubbed.

Can't move because of Huimos, Gallan could only hold back, and he snorted again.

He hummed like this, feeling that he was squeezing the fingers on his side neck.

He thought it was okay, just relieved, who would have moved his finger again immediately.

Fortunately, the most unbearable soreness was only the first dozen or so. When it was rubbed away, it eased a lot.

The kneaded place gradually became comfortable.

The rough palms pressed against the skin on his shoulders, and the scorching heat penetrated from his fingers into the depths of his skin, driving away the soreness, which made people feel very comfortable.

Every time the finger rubbed, there was a sense of electrocution from the back of the neck to the limbs.

It was a strange painful sensation, which made people unable to lift their limbs at this moment and could only lie down lazily.

Garlan lay on the ground, squinting, and looked comfortable.

He was a little sleepy in comfort.

The beautiful teenager lay lazily, exposing his whole person unguardedly to the man who peeped at him.

Heimus stared at the teenager under him.

His fingers are soft skin, like a good silk coat, smooth and delicate.

When touched, the skin seemed to **** his fingers, preventing him from leaving.

He watched his brown fingers sink into the soft skin as if embedded in it.

He watched as his fingers pressed red marks on his fair skin, which were the marks he left behind on the body.

He became more fascinated by this.

Because the sleeveless robe was quite loose, he could vaguely see the two thin bones on Gallan's back, under the fair skin.

Because Gallan was lying on his back, his shoulders tightened again and again, and there was a little bit of it there.

Like the wings of a butterfly, it is symmetrical and slender.

Every time Heimus rubbed Gallan's side neck with his fingers, Gallan's shoulders would tighten, and the looming butterfly bone would follow.

Like fluttering wings, inducing people to touch**.

Heimus had the urge to lean over and bite down.

He took a deep breath and tried to suppress the impulse that was about to be suppressed.

Looking away with difficulty.

Moving upward, he saw the pale pink trace of petals on Gallan's back neck.

The petal-like burn marks fell on Gallan from a very young age.

He stared at the trace, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, and was squeezing the hand on Gallan's shoulder in that direction.

The next moment, the thumb of his thumb gently rubbed against the pale pink trace.

When his rough fingers rubbed the small burn marks, the sleepy Gallan's neck suddenly shivered, as if he could not bear the sensitive touch.

The half-awake and half-sleeping teenager made a whimpering groan unconsciously.

The soft, groaning sound, and the weak, helpless whisper, more and more evoked the most cruel ** in the bottom of the heart.

Heimus breathed.

He stared at Gallan, and his eyes were no different from the green-eyed hungry wolf.

The man's eyes were terrible at this moment, as if the prey in his eyes would be swallowed alive in a second.

The teenager was unaware of this.

Perceiving that Huimos stopped, Garland opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked over with confusion.

He did not know, however, how dangerously he looked back at Heimus with his gaze.

He did not know that as long as one of his eyes made the man behind him almost out of control.

Taking a deep breath, using the remaining reason to control the burning fire in his body, Huimos withdrew his hand with difficulty.

"It's almost the same, just relax with a little massage."

He stood up, avoiding Gallan's eyes and said,

"I'll let Tapti come over and continue."


Garland asked vaguely.

Why do you want to change midway?

He is feeling comfortable, continue to press.

Heimus, who had stood up and turned his head, turned back suddenly.

He leaned down deeply and grabbed Gallan's strands of blond hair with his fingers.

He grasped the blond fingers in his hand very hard, and he looked down at Galland's eyes dangerously so that Gallan was agitated and instantly awake.

Heimus stared at him and made his heart beat quickly, his hands and feet stiff for a while.

"Go on..."

The voice was hoarse and unreasonable.

"...I can't help but break you."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Huimos got up and left.

Garland stared blankly at Huimus' back.

After the reaction came, the fair face rose red little by little until it reached the root of the ear.

He pressed his half hot face and gritted his teeth.

This guy is getting more and more measured! Not yet relying on--





Relying on...what?

The author has something to say:    is about the end of the month

Little friends~~ summon white liquid~~~

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