After a period of time, Aaron Landis expelled the invader Gasdad for more than a year, and it was also more than a year that King Garland ascended the throne. The army of Aaron Landis left Canal.

The news that Aaron Randice's two powerful knights on the continent will soon lead the army to join Canal has spread. It has aroused the attention of all countries on the continent.

In the early morning, the sun shines on the ground.

The bright radiance flooded the Plaza of the Gods.

Under the attention of many people, the outgoing army stood upright in the square.

The tall postures of the soldiers, like countless tall poplars standing on the ground.

The invisible power slowly spread out from the army and oppressed from all directions, so that the people who were excitedly watching the whispering people were also infected by the solemn atmosphere at this moment. Dignified.

The commanders of the two armies stood before the army.

A black knight in dark armor, Huimus.

The knight of the hot sun in bright silver armor, Kahoes.

Among the countless people, only these two are extremely conspicuous.

They stood steadily, standing tall on the earth like a tall mountain.

The high priest of the Assyrian God of War wore a fiery red robe symbolizing the flames of war, holding a golden hammer.

Beside him, a priest holds a golden basin holding water.

The water in the golden basin was placed at the foot of the **** of war in the temple for three days. During this period, the priests of the **** of war kept praying in the temple.

——Pray to the God of War the victory of Aaron Landis.

The Golden Hammer is the weapon of Assyria.

Legend has it that the God of War has the power to destroy the world.

When he waved the warhammer in his hand, the storm raged and raged the earth, and the whole world shivered.

The high priest put the golden hammer in his hand into the water in the basin, symbolizing the strength that the God of War gave the soldiers who had gone out.

Then he stepped back aside and turned sideways.

The young king came down from the high steps, and the light-colored cloak fell from behind him, and the end fell long on the stone steps.

His long blond hair reflected the sun, shining brighter than the golden hammer.

The square of the gods is silent.

The two commanders leaned over, fell on one knee, and knelt in front of the young king.

In the myths and legends of Aaron Landis, even the Assyrian God of War, powerful enough to destroy the earth, would kneel willingly before the noble Sun God Shamash.

Garland dipped the water in the basin with his finger, and scratched a water mark on Kehos's forehead, which was said to be the holy water that was given the power by the God of War.

"My knight."

He looked at Kehuos and said,

"I will be waiting for your triumph in Wangcheng."

The blonde knight smiled slightly, clenched his fist in one hand, and pressed it against his chest.

That's where his heart is.

"Swear to you, my majesty."

Garland nodded to Kehos, then turned and walked to the side, where Huimus knelt there.

He didn't say anything, just touched the water with his fingertips, and clicked on the teal rune symbolizing the God of War between the eyebrows of Huimus.

Heimus looked up at him, and a smile appeared in his golden eyes.

"Wait for me for half a year."

He says,

"Within half a year, I will definitely return and dedicate Canal to you."

He lowered his voice lightly, only he and Garland could hear it.

With a slightly curved smile, the sharp corners of the eyes now turned into soft curves.

"I think."

He said softly.

"Perhaps at that time you can think about it and will not refuse..."

"To shut up."

Unexpectedly, this guy dared to dare to mention that matter so boldly under the eyes of all eyes, and Gallan's mouth could not help twitching.

Kehos, who could not see far away, had looked to this side with confusion, and Huimus seemed to want to continue to speak, and Gallan quickly hurried to block the other side's words.

"I know, this kind of thing will be said when you come back."

Garland said in a low voice.

He pressed **** the fingertip of Heimus's eyebrows, and poked a light red mark on the forehead of the other side's dark blue rune.

Heimus, who was interrupted and poked his forehead again, laughed.

He stretched out his hand and held Gallan's hand before it was too late.

With Gallan's eyes gazing with warning, he took Gallan's hand and placed it in front of his lips.

His kiss fell on Gallan's hand.

He looked up at Gallan's eyes, provoking a narrow arc, slightly rising upward, and striking.

"I will bring you victory."

Huimus said that his eyes were like swords, and his eyes were like frost.

There was huge confidence in his words.

It's like the same sword inserted on the top of the snowy mountain and placed in a chaotic snowstorm that still shines amazingly.

The sharp edge of the blade, the sharp edge of the blade, made the world look around.

[I will bring you victory. 】

It's so proud of the world that this man can say this sentence at this moment.

That was the awe-inspiring energy that had oozed out of his bones, as if the world was under his feet.

Even if he was kneeling on the ground at this moment, he wouldn't lose any points.

Garland looked quietly at Huimus.

Perhaps everyone else would think that Heimus was too complacent.

How could there never be a defeat on the battlefield-even the Lion King, once recognized as the most powerful and brave on the mainland, could not avoid a defeat.

No one can guarantee that he will bring victory on the battlefield all his life.

Only Gallan knew that Huimus could do it.

This terrible man has experienced countless battlefields in his previous lives and has never lost.

Like a king born for war.

No one is his enemy.

But Gallan also knew.

At that time, Huimos was also called the "King of Killing" and the "King of Blood".

Because as long as the battlefield in which Huimos participates, whether it is the enemy or his own, the process is extremely tragic, but the enemy is more deadly.

Heimus's war is like a double-edged sword. While tearing the enemy, he will also cut off a piece of his own flesh, stabbing himself bloody.

His tactics are cruel, even cruel.

In his view, the so-called warriors are nothing but chess pieces on the chessboard, as long as necessary, they can be discarded without hesitation. He can let tens of thousands of soldiers die without blinking his eyes, just to make them a **** to lure the enemy.

In the eyes of Huimos, nothing matters. Only the final victory is his ultimate goal.

Therefore, in the previous generations, he was able to make a ruthless decision to abandon the royal city and most of the people of Aaron Landis.

Therefore, he can watch indifferently the countless Aaron Landis struggling under the iron ride of other countries, and dying in pain, while still standing immobile in the northwest, waiting for the best fighter to arrive.

Although this time, Huimos has changed somewhat in his side, but the indifference to life in this person's bones still exists.

Gallan can be imagined.

Those warriors who fell to the tortured Aaron Landis in the hands of the Gastads could abandon them without hesitation, as long as they might cause a little trouble for Heimus.




"I know that in war, whether sacrifice or death is inevitable, sometimes in order to win, cruel choices have to be made."

"I know that you are the commander of the army, and your purpose is to win."

"However, Huimus, from my standpoint, I hope you can value your life and the life of my General Aaron Landis."

"They are soldiers who can give their lives to the country, but they are also the people I want to protect." With his fingers holding each other’s hands, Gallan’s voice to Heimus was very soft.

He stared deeply at the man in front of him.

"I hope my people of Aaron Landis will never abandon their compatriots until the irreparable step."

"This is my hope."

Heimus raised his eyes, and his eyes met the bright golden eyes of the boy for a moment.

Watching Gallan look at his eyes hopefully, he smiled, and the sharp edge of his eyes softened a little trace.

"it is good."

He says.

One word, one sentence.

"I will bring your people back to Aaron Landis."

That is a promise and an oath.



In the summer is about to pass and autumn is about to come, Aaron Landis's army leaves for Canal.

A few days later, the army crossed the Cameia Plain, arrived at Aaron Landis near the border of Canal, and reunited with the 6th Army of the Western Border, reconstructed and commanded by veteran Karenni.

For more than a year, Tiva, who has been under the training of Karenni and has been given a garrison by Garland, always pays close attention to the situation in Canal and returns to the First Army, returning to Kehuos.

Just in case, plus the veteran Karenni is indeed too old to be suitable for long-distance trekking and rushing operations, Garland let the Sixth Army still guard the west and not participate in the attack on Kanal.

After more than ten days of rest in the west, Aaron Landis's army crossed the border.

From the place where the Gastads invaded Aaron Landis, the army set foot on Canal's land.

Since then, the war of the Aaron Landis counterattack against the Gasdard began.

Unlike the original strategy of the Gastads to ignore other cities and to go straight to the royal city like lightning, Alan Landis's army did not attack the canal's royal city for the first time.

Two world-famous and powerful knights each led their own legions and attacked in different directions.

Aaron Landis attacked by the two armies was not fast, it could even be said to be a little slow, steady and steady.

Garland announced that he wanted to attack Canal more than a month ago, so the Gstaad had already reacted.

Their troops are mainly concentrated in important large cities, and there are not many troops stationed in ordinary cities.

The Aaron Landis army did not rush to attack the important big cities guarded by the Gasdards, but chose to attack the places where Gasdard had less troops first.

Heimos is training troops.

The reconstructed army is a new army, like a newborn cub.

Although he is confident that he will breed a beast that shocks the world, but at this time, this newborn baby animal's claws are still slightly young.

Therefore, he did not rush to face the strong soldiers of Gasdard, but first launched a few dangerous wars as a whetstone.

After several battles, the inside of the legion was quickly broken in, and the combat effectiveness was also rapidly increased.

As a result, Huimos led the army that had grown up and started to rush into an important large city.

In a flash, four months have passed.

In the past few months, good news has been sent to Aaron Landis in succession.

Almost every ten days of the week, Wangcheng will receive a good news from the First Army or the Third Army.

At the beginning, every time the people of the Royal City saw the Summoners flying towards the Royal Palace on the Royal City Avenue, they also nervously guessed the victory or defeat of the army in Canal.

Later, no one guessed at all.

Anyway, every time it is a good news, without exception.

Can't afford to bet.

On this day, near the evening, the citizens of Wangcheng saw the familiar figure of the summoning soldiers galloping on the avenue.

They chatted calmly with the people around them.

"We seem to have won again."

"Yeah, many places have been attacked."

"A bit faster than expected, I thought this battle would be deadlocked for a while, after all, the Gasdard looked so powerful at first."

"It should be almost time to win the king city of Canal."

"Yeah, I always feel that our army will soon be able to recapture Canal's royal city from the Gasdard and dedicate it to our majesty."

Watching the back of the summoning soldiers going away, there was a lot of discussion, and for a time I just felt sighed.

At that time, the mighty soldiers of Gasdard's army were in front of the city as if it was yesterday.

They were terrified of that terrible enemy, even thinking that Aaron Landis would perish in the other's hands.

However, in a blink of an eye, more than a year later, they had already counterattacked against that terrible enemy.

Especially in the past few months, the Aaron Landis army was pressing hard, and the Gasdards retreated.

This makes them proud while being emotional.

Sure enough, a momentary loss is nothing, Aaron Landis has always been the strongest.

No one can beat Aaron Landis.

The Aaron Landis thought so proudly.


Although it was already evening, the government affairs of the palace had been suspended.

However, according to the regulations, even if the urgent report delivered from the front line was in the middle of the night, it must be submitted to the king immediately.

So, soon, the chief lady of Tupiti got the good news.

"Your Majesty, a good news from Canal."

The chief woman officer smiled and delivered the urgent report to Gallan.

During this time, the frontline Lien Chan and Lian Jie, Her Majesty's mood is good, she is naturally in a good mood.

Uncovering the specially-made bright red wax seal wax on the reel, Gallan opened it, and the familiar handwriting in the triumphant newspaper appeared before his eyes.

It was a great newsletter written by Kehuos.

There is nothing superfluous in the good news, only that it has attacked an important city.

Gallan got up and walked to the side of the palace.

There hung a huge map, clearly showing all the cities and terrain of Canal.

Many cities on the map are marked with a red cross-starting from the border of Aaron Landis, and going west, the important cities above and below Canal are filled with red crosses-all are Kehuos The city that was attacked along with Huimos.

Two curved marching routes were formed along the red crosses on the map, but the two lines attacked the same place after a curve was drawn.

Draw a new red cross on the map. From the map, the city is close to Canal's royal city.

"It will be over soon."

Day by day, watching the two arrows approach the King Canal little by little.

Seeing that the ultimate goal was right in front of him, even if he wasn't on the battlefield of Canal, Gallan was not only excited but also empathetic.

After staring at the map in front of him for a while, Gallan couldn't hold back the excitement and turned his head to want to share the joy with the people around him.

"Hyimos, this place is plain, there are no obstacles, and you will soon be able to—"

Turning around, he only saw Tapti, who was staring at him in amazement.

Garland paused.

The next second, when the reaction came over, he suddenly turned back.

Too excited to forget that Huimos was at Canal, not by him.

Because Huimos will always stay by his side, no matter when.

So he subconsciously felt that the person was still beside him at the moment...

Looking up, staring straight at the map, Gallan used this to hide his embarrassment.

He thought he might just be a little unaccustomed.

Not used to that person disappearing from himself.


Garland staring at the map did not find it.

Behind him, the chief woman who watched his every move sighed softly.

There was a little helplessness in that sigh, and the deep unhappiness hidden under the helplessness.

The author has something to say:   Women Chief: I'm so angry.


At the end of the month, the nutritional liquid will expire tomorrow~~ Come and comfort the female chief~~

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