Since the arrival of Aaron Landis's army in Canal, more than four months later, the first legion of Kehos from the northeast and the third legion of Hyimus from the southeast to Canal Wangcheng approached.

Their marching routes all bypassed an arc on Kanal's land, and after attacking important cities one after another, they slowly approached the royal city.

At the same time, in Aaron Landis, half a year has passed since Gallan established the Trade Department in the royal city.

In the past six months, the Trade and Industry Department has not only existed in Wangcheng, but has been established in Tozes and other large cities with trade as the main economic pillar.

It is naturally unwilling for the dignitaries in those large business cities, that is, the original vested interests to lose this huge profit path.

However, it was completely different from the situation when the Trade Department was established in Wangcheng. After seeing the benefits of the Trade Department, the merchants in these large commerce-oriented cities are almost waiting for it, looking forward to the establishment of the Trade Department . They even took the initiative to contribute money to help, just to build the Trade and Industry Department as soon as possible.

Moreover, the big cities that Galland selected as the pilot to promote the Trade and Industry Department are all cities directly under the royal city. The incumbent consuls are all honest officials who he has specially selected to be loyal to him.

The most important thing is that this time there are also escorts from the Temple of Shamash and the Temple of Nanna.

In order to prove the ability of King Garland to overwhelm the other temple as much as possible, the two temples have carefully selected highly capable priests to go to those big cities, sit in the local temples, and control the division of the Trade and Industry Department. Belongs to power.

No matter how powerful local officials are, no matter how powerful the priests are, at least on the surface, they dare not make them.

After all, the priests are messengers of the gods.

It's impossible in the future.

But I didn't expect it in secret.

Because, even if they wanted to do something in the background, they had to ask the priest of Nanna, who was the best at making conspiracies, to agree.

The establishment of these trade and commerce departments brought Galland countless wealth. It can be said that he is now in the midst of fighting for money.

These huge amounts of wealth are enough for Gallan to build roads, Sorga's Temple of Wisdom, water conservancy and other infrastructure, but also more than enough to support the military expenses of the army that attacked Canal.

This is also the main reason why the warfare has been fought for so long. The ministers in Wang Ting have few opinions except for a few **** masters and factions.

Many ministers feel.

King Garland is really a wise king.

Not only does the cost of constructing infrastructure pay for himself, but even the military expenditures are not financed by Wang Ting, all by him.

You should know that military expenditures accounted for almost a quarter of Wang Ting’s financial expenditures each year. In the past, Aaron Landis was very financially constrained, because of the huge military expenditures that King Camos spent all year long.

The incumbent Financial Secretary has to rack his brains every year to balance the costs of all parties, so his head is bald.

Now, with such a large amount of money saved, many other things can be done. Naturally, the ministers headed by Secretary Zuo are naturally very happy, and the current Financial Secretary, who is as sad and bald as his predecessor, is certainly happy.

However, there are also some interested people who secretly understood.

Since then, military expenses are no longer spent from Wang Ting's finances, but from Wang's treasury.

In other words, the rise and fall of Aaron Landis's army is completely controlled by King Galland, who can control the combat power of a legion with the amount of military expenses.

After all, the soldiers’ food, drink, armor, weapons, residence, martial arts field, and even the fortress of the fortress, all require money.

If any legion wanted to rebel, King Gallan would simply cut off its military expenses, and he would be able to abolish half of his combat power.

The most important thing is that since then, even if the powerful minister of Wang Tingzhong is in a bad mood, the threat will be greatly reduced-no soldiers in his hand, what can they do?

The soldiers eat, drink, and armor are all given to them by King Garland. King Garland is equivalent to their food and clothing parents. Who will follow you to rebel against their clothes and food parents?

So, in this way, all the lifeblood of the army is in the hands of King Galland.

Taking this expedition to Kanal as an opportunity, not only the six major legions directly under the royal city, in the following year, Galland gradually abolished the practice of "supporting the army guarding the city with its own tax".

All military expenses in the cities directly under the Wangcheng are paid by Wang's treasury.

Those family-inherited cities still continue to follow the previous practice and do not make demands-of course, some city owners are greedy and unwilling to spend their own military expenses, and they only have to ask King Garland, the rich and kind young king Will promise him generously.

Under the ramifications of Galland's various secrets, the progress bar of Aaron Landis' centralization extended slowly and quietly.

——Yes, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

The young king who was praised as a wise king in later generations has expressed this feeling in his heart that is extremely inconsistent with the value of ‘wise’.


Closer to home.

After a lapse of more than four months, Aaron Landis' two armies approached Canal's royal city with impunity.

A month ago, watching the defeat in the fighting, the Gasdard commander had made a decisive decision to abandon other cities and shrink his troops to stay in the royal city.

Those noble city owners who had surrendered to the Gasdad without hesitation saw the Gasdads retreat, and once again the Aaron Landis army soldiers resolutely opened the door and surrendered.

They do nothing at all.

These unscrupulous city owners simply don't care who their surrender is. Anyway, they just change their loyalty. They can still continue to be their noble city owners.

They do not know what will be waiting for them at this time.

At this time, Huimos and Kaihuosi had already joined under Canal's royal city.

This king city was originally established by the first king of Kanal. The king, Rong Ma, experienced all his hardships, and finally he created his own kingdom.

At that time, the situation on the mainland was changing and very unstable. Therefore, he built the Wangcheng under the cliff.

Wangcheng is backed by high mountain cliffs, which form a sloping ladder from top to bottom. The other three walls are extremely tall and strong.

The river that surrounds the king city flows down from the cliff, and it is not afraid that the enemy troops from the siege will cut off the water from the outside.

Kanal’s first king thought with satisfaction that such a formidable king city would never fall easily.

It's a pity that this martial and powerful monarch could not have guessed anything. The centuries of ease have completely changed his descendants.

This solid king city easily fell into the hands of the aggressor.


After a lapse of one and a half years, the battle for King Canal began again.

The invaders of the past became the party being attacked.

Gasdar's commander stood on the high city wall, frowning down and looking down the city.

Outside the king city, there is a torrent of black and red.

The army of Aaron Landis in black and red armor surrounded this huge city.

They are like torrential floods, surging over and over again, impacting the city walls again and again.

Under the blazing sun, a black armor knight stood on the ground above the battlefield.

The horse's mane beneath it burned like fire in the sun.

A lion flag with a gold pattern on a red background flew high behind him, bathed in the blazing sun, like a red flame burning with golden light.

Standing one horse at a time among thousands of horses, it is unusually conspicuous.

Like the only strong color in a black and white picture.

He just stood there on horseback, and no one could ignore his existence.

Black Knight Huimos.

No one knows his prestige.

Wherever he went, it was where victory prevailed.

The soldiers under his command are all brave men who are like tigers and fearless to death. As long as he orders, he will tear all the enemies who dare to stop them in front of them.

Gasdard's commander stared at Heimus at the city wall, his expression dignified.

Today is the third day of the Allen Landis army soldiers approaching the city.

The Gasdars have reinforcements and are coming from the northwest day and night, but it will take some time to arrive in King Canal.

He once thought that, with the power of the Gastads, he contracted all his troops into the royal city and had no problem keeping it for ten days and a half months.

But in the past three days, he felt anxious.

In just three days, the war has begun to tighten.

The Gstaad is good at attacking, but he is not used to passive defense. Even he is the first time to defend the city.

If this continues, I am afraid that the reinforcements cannot be reached.

Gasdar's commander frowned, thinking so.

At this moment, noisy shouts were made on the city walls, and many Gasdar soldiers shouted and pointed out.

The commander looked up in the crowd's shouts and suddenly his throat tightened.

A huge siege car slowly appeared in front of the walls of King Canal.

At the same time, giant catapults and arrows with a height of five or six meters also appeared in front of everyone.

After spending more than two days, Aaron Landis's military craftsmen finally assembled these siege weapons and sent them to the foot of the wall.

Heimus rode on the horse and slowly raised his hand.

Then, sway hard.

In the next second, in the panic cries of the Gasdards on the city wall, boulders came roaring and smashed heavily on the city wall.

A giant crossbow that is only one person tall | The arrow crossed an arc in the air, swooped down, and penetrated the bodies of several guards at once, forming a gourd.

The walls of King Kanal seem tall, but they are not as strong as they look outside.

Under the impact of the boulder, countless broken stones on the city wall rolled down, and cracks began to appear in many places.

Even the edges of several city walls collapsed directly under the impact of the boulders, causing the soldiers standing there to fall down from the high walls and fall into the mud.

The other soldiers retreated subconsciously, fearing to follow in their footsteps.

This time, many soldiers were killed, and the Gastads suffered heavy casualties.

Looking at the chaotic situation on the city wall, the commander of Gasdard showed a ferocious expression.

He turned around and gave a few words to a subordinate next to him coldly.


Countless Thrown Stones and Giant Crossbows|Arrows poured against Canal's walls, and the morale of the Aaron Landis army was boosted for a while.

Suddenly, something changed on the wall.

The warriors of Aaron Landis saw in amazement that the Gasdard soldiers on the walls of the city took the initiative to retreat and hid behind, as if to give up resistance completely.

The general in charge of the siege equipment waved his hand and temporarily stopped throwing stones and archery to avoid meaningless waste.

However, even if the stone throwing and the arrow rain stopped, the city walls were quiet, and the figure of the Gstaad was not seen.

Just when everyone was wondering, there was finally another figure on the wall.

The general who commanded the siege equipment raised his hand, intending to continue the attack.

But at the next moment, his hand froze in midair.

His eyes stared blankly at the figure on the wall, revealing an incredible look.

At this moment, those who appeared on the wall and before the eyes of General Aaron Landis were tied and pushed to the edge of the wall.

Those people have a skin color, hair color and appearance that are very different from those of the Gstaad.

Aaron Landis.

After the defeat, those who were captured by the Gasdards and brought to King Canal's city and become slaves were the former Aaron Landis soldiers.

They were tied and pushed by the Gasdard before the wall.

If the Aaron Landis want to continue to attack the city, they must first kill them and kill their own countrymen.

There was silence on the earth.

There was a big battlefield, and this moment was silent.

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