It was early in the morning, and there was already a glimmer of light on the horizon.


A stone rolled down along the mountain wall.

It fell to the ground, rolled over twice, and lay quietly.

The slave site of the palace is at the end, which is the place closest to the mountain wall.

At the moment, Noor looked at the stones rolling under his feet, a bit strange.

After spending more than a year in this place, he was the first to see a stone fall from above.


A companion not far away suddenly whispered.

Nur saw the companion holding a bigger stone in his hand and asked all around: "Who will hit me with a stone?"

This man thought it was his companions who had been waiting for a long time, and because he was in a good mood to regain his freedom, he whistled and stoned him to play with him.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound.

Many people noticed that another stone fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Subconsciously, everyone looked up and looked up.

Heimus looked up instinctively.

The next second, the golden-red pupil contracted sharply to a point.

The huge shadow formed by the gravel and broken wood falling from the sky covered his entire figure--



King Kanal is built on a mountain.

The mountain is also known as Mount Canal, which is hundreds of meters high.

Behind it, there are huge, endless mountains.

Because the last piece of the palace building was embedded in the mountain wall, before that, Canal’s craftsmen spent a lot of energy to smooth the originally uneven mountain wall, and then put a white slate on the mountain wall. .

In this way, from a distance, the mountain wall looks like it was artificially built, and even the creases of the gurgling water flowing down the mountain wall are designed to be just right.

Over the years, there has never been an earthquake in the royal city of Canal, and all flowing down from the mountain walls are very thin springs. These countless springs only reached the bottom of the mountain walls to form a river, so also There is no possibility of flooding.

Therefore, this white palace has been standing quietly and calmly under the mountain wall.

The people of Kanal believe that this is a place blessed by the gods.

However, at this moment, no one saw that nearly a hundred Gastads were busy on the slopes of the mountain from the side of the mountain to about a hundred meters above the mountainside.

The gurgling spring water flowed down from the mountain wall and into a depression here.

Originally this depression was very shallow, less than half a meter deep. On weekdays, the spring water will continue to flow from this filled cavity.

But now, a thick trunk is **** by a strong rope and stopped at the opening of the cavity, raising this originally shallow cavity to a few meters high.

Obviously someone did it intentionally.

The ropes tied to the trunk extend from both sides, split into several strands, and are tied to the thick trunks on both sides. The huge load-bearing force has stretched a rope to its limit.

On the inner side of this tree row, a lot of stones or small pieces of wood were thrown.

They piled up side by side, almost completely blocking the flowing spring water.

After several days of accumulation, the spring water has filled this man-made cavity several meters high, and even overflowed from above.

The long night has passed, it is already early in the morning, on the high mountain, you can clearly see the distant horizon, the fiery red sun is rising.

A burly Gasdard stood here, looking down at the white palace at his feet.

It was him who, with these hundreds of soldiers, artificially created such a dangerous situation in the past few days.

He looked down on the Alenlandis, the size of ants at the foot of the mountain, and the palace that became very small.

At this time, he saw a white flag rising from the window on the tallest white tower of the royal palace, shaking constantly.

His eyes became fierce by the way, turning around and waving.

The crowds standing nearby retreated far away.

Someone has long been standing next to a tree trunk tied with a rope, holding a sharp blade.

When their leader's hand waved, they waved their sharp blades and severely cut the rope in front of them.

A loud noise.

The row of trunks stopped at the entrance of the cave fell suddenly, and the huge trunks tied together were scattered in the air.

The huge running water spouted fiercely.

Numerous large and small stones piled up in the mouth of the depression were held together by the horrible jet of water and poured out from the sky.

They followed the flood of water and rushed all the way from the top of the mountain, breaking down countless trees and boulders.

Swept down.

The first thing that was washed down by the black torrents was the white tall tower leaning against the mountain walls. I could vaguely see that a small black flag was caught in the flood and disappeared without a trace.

The boulders and trees that fell from the mountain wall smashed the clever buildings embedded in the mountain wall one by one.

The cracked building collapsed forward and was eventually caught in a torrent of gravel.

The huge roar caught the attention of everyone in the royal city.

When looking up, everyone's face showed a horrified look.

They saw countless boulders and collapsed buildings rolling down the mountain walls like a flood, instantly submerging the huge white palace.

The gravel group devoured the palace, smashed the land, and then merged with the river surrounding the palace to form a larger debris flow, rushing towards the entire city without stopping.

For a time, the screams in the city came one after another, accompanied by the hiss of the frightened horse.

Too late to think, the instinct of survival can make everyone flee forward desperately.

Mudslides chased behind them like a **** of death.

Large buildings were smashed by them.

Countless people who couldn't escape have taken a step slower, swallowed in a black torrent, and there is no bone in an instant.


After a long time, the mountain rock finally stopped collapsing, and the earth finally returned to calm.

The sun had risen into the sky, and the people who had escaped from the dead looked at the ruins buried in front of them by the mudslide.

Kehuos stood before this huge ruin.

The hand on the side was clenched tightly, and he clenched his teeth so hard that his facial muscles were all cramping and beating.

Both jade and jade burned.

No one would have thought that the Gastads would be so desperate to this point.

The ruins in front of him included almost a third of the royal city.

Houses in a large area near the royal palace were crushed under gravel and mud, and hundreds of thousands of Canal people were buried alive in their homes.

The royal palace closest to the mountain wall has been smashed across and buried deeply underground. Although some of them escaped, there were still many Aaron Landis who were too late to escape the palace.

Among them are... Aaron Landis's coach, Huimus.

According to the soldiers who escaped, Huimus was in the deepest part of the palace and closest to the mountain wall.

His eyes glanced dullly at the ruins in front of him, Kehos' nails penetrated deeply into his palm, and he closed his eyes.

No one can escape in such a dangerous situation.

Before the roar and power of nature, human power was so small.

He knew he couldn't do it.

Not even as strong as that person.

Although he has never dealt with Huimos for a long time, at this moment, Kehuos was hard to feel a kind of breathless feeling.

He never thought that that man... would die in this way.

And he felt so sudden and unacceptable.

Then, Prince Garland, who is more intimate with anyone than Huimos, if he learns of the death of Huimos, then...



In the far southeast, the golden palace stood on the seashore, shimmering under the rising sun.

Aaron Landis's autumn and winter seasons have just passed, and spring has arrived.

A warm spring breeze blew from the sea, with a humid breath of sea water.

The white seagull spread its wings in the endless blue sky.

The teenager who just woke up stretched out and got out of bed.

Bright sunlight fell from the skylight and fell on his eyes.

A short tweet came from the open floor-to-ceiling windows, and Gallan lifted the thin veil and walked to the balcony outside.

Black Hawk Annu stood proudly on the bird stand, his black feathers shining brightly in the sun, and a cold gesture. After seeing Galland, he gently patted his wings.

Garland reached out and teased it.

"Don't worry, your master will be back in at most half a month."

He said with a smile.

Gently pecked at Garland's fingers, and Annu stared at him with a pair of bright black eyes, revealing the sharpness unique to the raptor.

The sharp breath emanating from its body is very similar to its owner.

Thinking of the man inadvertently, Garland turned his head and looked to the west.

That is the direction of Canal.

In the military newspaper he received yesterday, he said that he had already begun to attack Canal's royal city.

With the ability of Heimus and Kehuos, it should not take too long to break through the royal city.

The person who used to follow him without a trace suddenly disappeared without a trace, making him very unaccustomed.

During the time when Huimos just left, there were several times. When he was in deep thought and forgot about other things, he wanted to talk to someone, and he almost shouted Huimos' name.

Fortunately, in those few times, except for being heard by Tapputi, at other times, either there was no one around him, or he reacted in time and closed his mouth.

Otherwise, if he waited for Huimos to come back and heard about it, the guy wouldn’t know what to say.

Maybe he would say something, and he missed him...




When the big deal came, he admitted frankly that he was indeed thinking about him.

After all, that guy is the commander of the army, so it is normal for him to remember when he is king, right?

Garland pursed her lips slightly, thinking with her eyes down.

He absent-mindedly teases Annu, but there is a smile on his lips that he didn't even notice.

However, he also thought that, according to the character of Heimus, I am afraid that after he defeated King Canal and ended the war, he would throw all the troubles after the war to Kehos, and he would quickly rush back .

So maybe it won’t work for half a month, and I can get back in a week.


Well, he made Tapti ready for the banquet earlier. After all, as a just king, his subordinates made such a big contribution, so he had to give some rewards.

Of course, if that guy made any... excessive demands, he would never agree.

Garland was thinking about something messy.

Suddenly there was an eagle whispering around him, and the sharpness reached the extreme, revealing a strong sense of sadness.

His heart jumped with shock.

A black shadow flew across his eyes and ran straight into the sky.


Garland yelled in surprise.

The Black Hawk Annu, who was still on the bird stand just now, suddenly rushed to the sky, and his wings spread around him once again, making another long cry.

Garland suddenly panicked.

He had never heard Annu make such a cry.


After the mourning, the Black Eagle circled him again, and then spread the black wings and flew to the west like lightning.

It flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, it can only see a black spot in the sky.

Garland stood on the balcony, staring blankly at Annu who had left him flying away.

The bright sunlight fell on him, but he didn't know why he felt cold all over.

An unspeakable panic surged from the deepest part of his body.

He stared blankly at the direction of Annu's departure.



A gust of wind blew from that direction, lifting a strand of blond hair across the shadowy eyes of the teenager.

Some disturbing breath came from far away.

It seems that something terrible is happening in the distance...


【it is good. 】

[I will bring Canal's throne and your people back to Aaron Landis. 】

[I swear to you. 】

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