The author has something to say:    startled me, and the power was cut off halfway through the code.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to call.

Canal disaster.

Years later, everyone called this incident so.

After Aaron Landis captured King Canal, the Gasdard saw that they were defeated. They chose to burn with jade of Aaron Landis and Canal.

They dug up the mountain above the middle of the mountain, causing the originally stable rock fragments to collapse, artificially creating a terrible natural disaster.

As soon as this happened, the whole world was shocked.

The whole continent was shaken, and the world was even more disgusted and disgusted by the unscrupulous behavior of the Gstaad.

Other countries instinctively increased their vigilance and precautions against the Gasdard.

Even Is and Gaishu, who had allied with the Gadsad, were afraid of it. Although they were regarded as a brutal and belligerent people, they would never be so cruel as to make themselves tens of thousands. The degree to which soldiers will die.

From their point of view, the Gastads are so cruel to their own people, how good will it be to themselves who are only allies?

Therefore, many years later, when they tried to form alliances with them again, they were rejected.

The tragic consequences of this man-made natural disaster are that the commander of Gasdard and countless Gasdard soldiers were buried under the ruins of the palace. Thousands of Aaron Landes soldiers who could not escape The commander of the army, Huimos, was sacrificed in this turmoil. In addition, thousands of Aaron Landis prisoners who failed to leave in time, a total of nearly 10,000 people.

The Kanal White Palace, which was regarded as a treasure and a symbol of civilization by the Kanal people, was destroyed for countless years. Many people in the world regret and grieve.

At the same time, one-third of King Canal's city was buried under the rock and became a ruin. Because it was early in the morning, most people were staying in their own homes, so nearly a few hundred thousand Kanal people were buried alive under the rocks.

Countless relatives and friends have been separated from each other overnight.

That day, the whole city was shrouded in mournful crying.

It takes a very long time to build a prosperous and gorgeous city, and it only takes a moment to destroy it.

War has never been so cruel.



One month after the ‘Canal Disaster’.

Spring has arrived. There are birds, flowers, and lush vegetation on the ground. At a glance, there are trees and flowers everywhere. From time to time, clear gurgling streams can be seen flowing through the ground.

Along the way, the scenery that was ordinary in the eyes of Sid in the past few decades has become a beautiful scenery for him at this moment.

But there are also some things that make him unfamiliar, such as the neat and spacious road under his feet.

I heard that this is a avenue built by King Gallan himself. The avenue will be built from the Wangcheng and gradually expanded to the whole country.

If it can really be achieved, and the country will have such a flat and spacious road in the future, then it will be much more convenient for the army to go out in the future, and the march will be much faster.

Sid thought so almost reflectively.

However, even if there is a little strange, this is still the land of Aaron Landis.

The familiar wind, water and air all made him feel warm from the bottom of his heart.

He never dreamed that he could return to the land again.

Yes, like dreaming.

However, as he was getting closer to the Wangcheng day by day, somehow he suddenly felt a little nervous.

An uneasiness like being worried about being suddenly awakened from a beautiful dream spreads from the bottom of my heart.

The closer to the king city, the more serious this uneasiness becomes.

It’s not just him who feels this way. The other companions became silent in the two days when they were about to reach the royal city.


A few days later, after a lapse of six months, the army of Aaron Landis had finally returned to the royal city.

They brought back more than 20,000 General Aaron Landis captured by the Gasdad from Canal.

It was noon, and the magnificent and magnificent Wangcheng was near.

When everyone looked up, they could see the golden palace in the royal city standing on the high cliffs of the coast, bathed in bright sunlight, as if surrounded by white clouds.

Stud was in a trance.

The young king who proclaimed ‘never give up my people’ and sent a large army to rescue them from the Gasdard was among them.

However, this battle was time-consuming, laborious, and costless. In the final Kanal disaster, thousands of soldiers were sacrificed overnight.

Even... The black knight, Huimos, who is the strongest of Aaron Landis, also died in this battle.

He alone is the worst loss of Aaron Landis.

I don’t know how many countries—especially Gai Shuguo, who had been palpitated by the name of the Black Knight after being suppressed by Heimus for many years, gloried in the dark.

The world said that the black knight Huimos's deterrent effect on other countries can almost reach one hundred thousand troops.

Although this remark is exaggerated by the world to praise the name of the black knight.

However, for a king in any country, it is not cost-effective to take such a world-famous and loyal and loyal general, and to replace the 20,000 or 30,000 prisoners of war who do not know if there is any combat power in the future.

The king of Aaron Landis did a big stupid thing.

The kings of many countries thought so happily.

Moreover, as the Aaron Landis, they also knew that Huymos and King Garland grew up together and saved each other several times. The close relationship between them has even exceeded the true Brother.

But this time, so in this war, he lost the existence like a relative.

King Garland... would you be annoyed by it?

Perhaps he now regrets sending someone to save them...

Looking at the familiar city in front of him, who was away for almost two years, Sid thought anxiously in his heart.

He looked at his companions around him, everyone's face was full of excitement, but hesitated a little.

Before, there were very few people who returned to China as prisoners of war. They were the first batch.

No one knows how they will be treated.

They were defeated, captives, and once slaves of the Gasdars.

It was because of them that Lord Heimus, who was regarded as a hero by the Aaron Landis, died in Canal.


They have committed so many sins.

It is likely that they will be despised and scorned for this, or perhaps they will get the eyes of others with pity and sympathy.

They will be labeled as losers for life, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame until death comes.

Sid walked silently.

The closer he came to the Wangcheng, the more confused he was, that was his confusion about his future.

At this moment, he even suddenly felt a little afraid to walk into this city that he once dreamed about.

Just when Stuart and others were thinking anxiously, they had reached the moat.

Stead looked up subconsciously, and there was a wide moat bridge in front of him.

The moat bridge is part of the gate of the king city. When it is erected, it becomes the gate. When it is put down, it becomes a bridge over the moat.

Through the long moat bridge, in front of you is the huge and majestic gate.

This huge city gate is divided into two floors. One layer is large, one layer is small, one layer is covered with another.

Usually only the small door is lifted up for pedestrians and carriages to enter and exit.

Now, the whole gate is slowly rising.

Sid understands that this is to meet the triumphant soldiers.

After the army enters, there will be countless people cheering beside the city avenue.

He was one of them in the past.

...And now, he doesn't know what will be waiting for them who were once captives.

Sid was thinking in a heavy mood. The companions around him, like him, seemed very silent, and the excitement of his face had disappeared on their faces not long ago.

At this moment, the army that should have passed the moat bridge suddenly stopped.

Seeing that the army was not moving, Stead looked up strangely.

The next second, his pupil contracted violently.

The simple and heavy stone-iron gate slowly rose, and a large group of people slowly came out of the gate.

The leader is a young boy riding a white horse.

Under the bright sunlight, the beautiful appearance of the young king is almost dare not look up.

He drove the horse slowly, and the light-colored cloak flew in the wind behind him.

Long hair like flowing gold slipped off his shoulders.

The lapis lazuli gold crown was worn over that bright blond hair.

When he appeared, everyone was silent.

Foremost coach Kay Hos took the lead, and the riding soldiers turned over and dismounted.

Garland Lema stopped in the middle of the moat bridge, and the royal knights in crimson armor stood behind him like a red flame spreading behind him.

Needless to say, when the young king raised his eyes and swept, the troops standing in front of the moat bridge all leaned down and knelt.

One after another, one after another.

For a moment, the black Alan Landis army, who could not see his head at all, bent down and knelt down.

They bowed their heads deeply.

In the direction of their king.

"I'll welcome my triumphant soldiers."

The clear voice unique to King Garland's boy sounded in the quiet air.

"and also……"

Garland's gaze swept over his soldiers and then fell on the front left side of the army.

There was a group of Aaron Landis who appeared out of place in the army without wearing the Aaron Landis armor.

His golden pupil stared fixedly at that spot.

At this moment, Sid, who leaned over and knelt on the ground, only felt that his heart was gripped by a large invisible hand.

He lowered his head anxiously, and pressed his fingers against the ground to tighten them unconsciously.

Looking at the people of Aaron Landis who were apparently disturbed, Garland smiled.

He said, "Welcome home."

The young king's voice spread across the silent earth.

There is no redundant, complicated language.

It was just a simple sentence, four words, but the repressive atmosphere shrouded in that group of people swept away instantly.

All the anxieties, the uneasy feelings near the hometown, and the complicated and confused thoughts vanished before this sentence.

【Welcome home. 】

Sid lowered his head deeply, clenched his fingers, and held back the soreness of the tip of his nose.


After hardships.

They finally... went home.



With the cheering and welcome of the people on both sides, the expeditionary army walked through the Wangcheng Avenue among the fallen petals and returned to the military camp on the other side of the Wangcheng.

Kehuos returned to the palace with Garland.

Soon, he was already standing in the palace room.

Now only Garland and him are in the room, and the female chief is in the courtyard outside.

Kehuos came here alone, not to report the war situation to Gallan. After all, he would send a combat report back every few days, so the course of the war was clear to Gallan.

Standing in front of the silent Garland, for the first time, the blonde knight had the urge to escape from the teenager.

For the first time, he felt that it was so difficult to talk to the kid he had grown up with.

"...I'm sorry, Your Highness."

After gestating for a long time, Kehos finally spoke hard.

His voice was very dry.

"I can't bring the body of Lord Hyimus back to Aaron Landis."

Hold your right hand firmly against your chest, keeping your bow and saluting posture.

Somehow, he dared not look at the face of the teenager in front of him and said with his eyes down.

"Almost half of the mountains collapsed, and the piece of the palace has been sunk completely, completely buried by the falling mountain, and cannot be excavated."

"If you dig forcibly, I worry that there is a risk of continuing to collapse."

Huimus is very important to His Majesty.

Kehuos knows.

A month later, the death of Huimus is already doomed. If he can bring his body back, perhaps it can bring some comfort to His Majesty.

But he knew better.

Even if Gallan was in the Kanal city at that time, he would never make a decision that would allow the soldiers to risk their lives to dig their remains.

The blonde knight lowered his head and looked like a child who had done something wrong.

"Really sorry, prince."

In the chaos, he subconsciously called the familiar title.

He clasped his hands firmly on his chest.

"It's my fault that I shouldn't let Lord Huimos sneak into King Canal..."


Reach out with one hand and hold his hand so tight that the knuckles are slightly pale.

Garland looked up at him.

"If you want to investigate the cause, it's me."

He says,

"It was I who asked Huimos to rescue the captured Aaron Landis, and he would be in danger, otherwise, you know, he wouldn't do that kind of thing--so, In the final analysis, it was me who killed him, and it was me who was wrong."

"The fault is not you, prince!"

Kehos raised his eyes violently, and he held Gallan's hand against him, refuting without hesitation.

"No one expected that such a thing would happen. On the battlefield, it changes rapidly, and no one knows what will happen next."

"Prince, I know you're uncomfortable, but you can't blame yourself for it, do you understand?"

Garland didn't answer immediately.

He glanced at his gripped hands by Kehuos, and then smiled.

He said, "It's just like you, Kehuos. The cowering look just now doesn't look like a scorching knight."


Kehuos couldn't react for a while, and stared blankly at Gallan.

Garland shook his head.

"As you said, things on the battlefield are changing rapidly, and no one can expect it, so it is not my fault, nor your fault, you can only say..."

He paused before continuing.

"It should be so."

"His Majesty……"

Garland raised his left hand and covered it with the hand that Kehos held his hand.

He held his knight's hand in his hands and raised his head, his golden pupil slightly bent a soft arc, and smiled at his knight.

"Kejos, I'm so glad you can return to me safely."

He smiled and said,

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."


After a little talk with Garland, Kehos left the room.

After all, half a year after the expedition, after a fierce battle, he led the army back to the royal city, even if he was a little tired.

Kehuos had seen it with his own eyes. After witnessing the death of Camos two years ago, the young boy curled up in the dark, hugged himself and buried his head in his knees for two days without saying a word. Don't eat or drink, just like the wood carving without soul.

He also knows.

In the past two years or more, Huimus has gradually occupied an extremely important position in Gallan's heart.

Therefore, he had been very worried before seeing Garland in person.

After seeing Gallan's current state, he was finally able to relax a little.

The young king's appearance before the army is as strong as before.

When the two were alone, Gallan stood in front of him. Although his figure appeared thinner, he looked calm when talking about the man's death.

Even the smile is the same as before, with little change.

Kehuos thought.

Yeah, after so many things, the little child grew up a little bit after all.

It has become stronger and more mature than before.

With such emotion in his heart, Kehos, who had just left the door, suddenly remembered that he seemed to have dropped his cloak on the table in the room.

Fortunately, he didn't go far, he turned around quickly and walked back to the room.

He didn't close the door tightly when he left, and now he was covering up when he returned. His majesty seemed to be still in the room.

Kehos walked to the door, reached over the false door, and pushed it away.

Before he started, when he looked up, he saw the profile of Gallan standing there through the crack of the door.

Garland stood in front of the open floor-to-ceiling windows, his face calm, as if gazing out at the flowery courtyard outside.

The spring breeze blew in from the outside, setting off a few strands of long blond hair that fell on the shoulders.

The room was flooded with sunlight, bright and warm.

At the moment, only Gallan was alone.

He stood in front of the French window, raised his hand, and leaned against the French window.

The teenager looked at the courtyard, and seemed to be very surprised.

The thick golden forehead spread out, and the shadow enveloped his eyes.

Kehos's hand was already pressed on the door and he was about to push it in.

Suddenly, a breeze blew from the courtyard, lifting the teenager's blond hair.

Kehos saw Gallan's eyes.

His brain buzzed.

He saw the boy's eyes.

That is an expression that is difficult to describe in words.

But needless to say, let alone describe.

As long as anyone sees it, he can feel the traces of bone pain.

Kehos's mind was blank.

He stood blankly and saw Galan slowly retracting his hand holding the window.

As if it was a little cold by the wind, Gallan's arms clasped himself.

The teenager standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window slowly squatted on the ground.

He hugged himself tightly.

He lowered his head, and his long blond hair fell off his shoulders, as if wrapping his entire body in it.

The teenager hugged himself like this, buried his head deeply, squatted, curled up, and shrunk himself into a small ball like a child.

Helpless looking abnormal.

The teenager's fingers clasped on his arms, clasping tightly, and sinking into a bruise.

Perhaps the white fingertips were so hard that I could almost see the slight trembling marks...


Never seeing it again, Kehos reached out and pushed the door into it.

But a hand rushed out from the side and stopped him.

Kehos, who was in a state of extreme confusion, was about to start his hands, and when he looked up, he saw the familiar face of the female chief.

He stayed for a while, then was forcibly dragged by Tapti and took him outside the room.

"Why don't you let me in?"

Kehuos showed an unprecedented anxiety, and even yelled at Tapti abnormally.

Whenever he thought of the scene he had just seen, he was heartbroken.

"Your Majesty won't want you to go in."

Tapti looked at him with frost.


Kehuos clenched his hands, his fingers gurgling.

"Kahoes, he is no longer a prince, he is a king."

The woman chief said, her expression was solemn.

But her eyes showed deep sorrow.

"He is the king who guards Aaron Landis."

Therefore, he will not depend on you.

Nor will it depend on anyone.

Therefore, he can smile calmly and stand in front of everyone casually.

That is his dignity as a king.


And the only person in the world that he can rely on as a king is gone.

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