Sleepless all night.

Early in the morning the next day, Kehos entered the palace again.

The morning sun lit up Kehos's dark blonde hair. His eyes were so pale that he could barely see it, without harming the knight's handsome, mature face.

On the way to Garland's palace, the handsome knight attracted the eager eyes of many maids walking on the road holding hands.

It hasn’t been a long time since I saw Kehus’s maids trying to talk to him, but in the past, the knight who used to laugh and tease them a few words that made them blush and heartbeat seemed to be in no mood today, but nodded politely and strode forward.

Hearing the voices of the young maids suddenly becoming excited outside the palace, the female chief standing in the courtyard turned and looked towards the gate of the palace.

Unsurprisingly, she saw Kehuos coming in from there.

If before, she has always been expressionless and cold-eyed about the actions of the knight who always teases the young girls in the palace, and occasionally if she has done it, she will also reprimand Kehus uncomfortably and dissatisfaction. He made the front gate of the palace so noisy that he noisy the prince.

Of course, for the reprimands of Tapti, Kehus always apologizes humbly and politely and then apologizes, then, the next time, he will do his business as usual.

And this time, when she saw the familiar scene again, although Tupiti still couldn't see any expression on her face, her eyes had lost the previous disgusting look.

She suddenly thought that although there seemed to be a lot of young girls who admired Kehos, in fact, as far as she saw, in fact, she had been secretly looking at the young maid of His Holmes with admiring eyes. Quite a lot.

After all, from the female's point of view, in addition to the is not very good, the lord is excellent in both appearance and other aspects.

It was only because the lord gave a very inaccessible feeling except for His Majesty's side. Those weak girls did not dare to lean in, so he gave the illusion that he was not welcome.

Moreover, the Lord’s gaze never fell on his majesty’s body, so it was impossible to notice the eyes of others looking at him, and naturally he was unaware of the eyes that others admired.

However, even if found... I am afraid it will be completely ignored by that person.

The female chief thought so deliberately, and sighed silently in the bottom of her heart.

A few months ago, she was still very angry.

At that time, she was still thinking that after the person came back, she would never be polite.

She will surely guard her majesty well, and will not give that man any chance.

However, things are impermanent.

The news that came back suddenly a month ago was like a sap and knocked her out at once.

That lord... dead?

Even now, Tapti still has a very unreal feeling.

She always felt that the terrible man, even the **** of death, would bypass it.

She always felt that if it were that person, even the gods could not let him leave his majesty.


No matter how she feels, one month has passed, and His Excellency Heimos is dead. This is an unchangeable fact.

Tapti turned his head slightly, and saw the fountain statue of the goddess Isdal in the middle of the courtyard. The fresh spring fell from the sky as always, just like when the man was still here.

In the past, as long as the man was still in the palace, almost every day, that person stood under the fountain and waited.

When he waited, no matter how long he waited, there was no trace of impatience. On the contrary, he seemed to be enjoying the waiting process.

It felt like he was tasting his favorite dessert bit by bit.

Every time she followed her majesty and walked out of the door, she would see the man's eyes looking up.

The man's eyes would shine only when it fell on His Majesty.

Every time this time, the man's eyes are always focused and gentle.

...The obvious look, she didn't find it for so many was still because she was in the game, she couldn't see clearly...

Tapti thought of this and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's just, what's the use of thinking about it now.

She looked up and looked at the empty fountain again. .

No one will wait there in the future.

She sighed long in her heart.

The dead are gone.

Her majesty did not want to show her fragile side in front of them, she would pretend not to know.

I only hope that with the passage of time, the pain in His Majesty's heart can be relieved a little bit.

Footsteps came, and Tapti turned around, concentrating, and looked at the young king who came out of the room.

She subconsciously raised a gentle smile and wanted to meet up to talk to Gallan.

But she immediately saw Gallan's gaze.

The teenager coming out of the door may be inadvertent, or it may be used to become natural, with a slight glance at the right corner of the eye.

The direction of that fountain.

At that glance, Tapputi's heart sank endlessly and cooled down.


The real pain never disappears with the passage of time.

It will always be there, bloody.

Will never disappear.


Kehuos came to pick up Garland today because Garland was going to inspect the barracks today.

To put it simply, it is to appear as a king to praise and encourage the triumphant soldiers.

When King Garland appeared in the barracks, the morale of the soldiers was very high.

Yesterday, King Garland actually went out of town to greet their return, which has moved them deeply. Today, when Garland came to the barracks again to praise them and said personally that they would give them generous awards in accordance with military merits. The atmosphere reached its peak.

The ground was full of joy, and all the soldiers were cheering King Gallan's name.

The laughter of joy resounded beneath the sky.

Kahoes stood beside Gallan, looking up at Gallan who raised his hand to countless soldiers under the platform.

The smile of the young king is like the morning sun falling on him.

His smile always infects the people around him with bright light.

As long as he is by his side, he is like being in the sun.

He can always bring warmth and strength to those around him.

Kehuos clasped his hands on his side.

He remembered the appearance of the child holding him on the ground yesterday in a room full of sunlight.

And now, who can be the power to support this child?

In a trance, Kehuos remembered his conversation with Tapti yesterday.


"Tapti, what can I do?"

Even if he can only share a little, he is willing to do anything.

"Do not say anything, do nothing, pretend to know nothing, this is what you can do for him."

"...I am the prince's guardian knight, can I not replace him?!"

A few seconds of silence.

Then the chief woman answered.

Yes, you can't.

At that time, Tapti said so to him.

Such a categorical denial, but made him unable to produce a little anger.

Perhaps it was because he saw the near-substantial sorrow revealed in Tapti's eyes at the moment.

Kehuos, neither you nor me.

Tapti shook his head.

Even if you and I would not admit it at first.

However, the only person in this world who can really stand side by side with him and support him with each other.

The throne is supreme.

No one can stand side by side with it.

Therefore, Wang has always been lonely.

The first king is like this.

The same is true for King Camos.

I was glad that although he was on the throne, the prince was not alone.

Although it was an accident, but because of the existence of that person, so that the prince does not need to support the country alone, I am very thankful that the prince is accompanied by that person.

But I never thought that that person would leave like that.


Kehuos, do you know?

The female chief's deep voice was like a sigh.


It is more cruel than it did not exist from the beginning.


When the expedition returned, Wang Ting started to run wildly. Countless political affairs, innumerable, are waiting to be dealt with.

For a time, all ministers and officials were busy.

Count the soldiers’ merits, post-war injuries, and the treatment and pensions of the fallen soldiers. In particular, Garland vigorously added a place for the elderly and seriously injured soldiers who had to retire from the army when reforming the military. From this Implementation will begin after a battle.

At the same time, Canal became a part of Aaron Landis, and the western border naturally ceased to exist, so it is necessary to mobilize the sixth army on the border to enter Canal as soon as possible and join forces with the army that Kaewos stayed in the royal city. To stabilize Canal’s overall situation.

In addition, Wang Ting must discuss the officials dispatched to Kanal as soon as possible to control those cities as soon as possible.

All of the above have kept Galan, the king, busy. The government office is full of people from morning to night. He has almost no breathing except for eating and sleeping.

If it was before, Tapti and others watched Galan so busy, they would definitely feel distressed and discouraged, but now, they are relieved.

It's good to be busy.

They thought so.

In this way, the entire Wang Ting continued to run fast for a long time, and countless ministers and officials wailed in private, and even Zuo Sixiang, who was focused on his work and almost made his home by the government office, felt overwhelmed.

Such overtime and overtime work finally managed to deal with the pile of government affairs.

After returning to God, all the talents discovered that a month had passed unconsciously.

More than a half of spring has passed, and even the night is a warm wind habit, and it won't make people feel cold.

It was late at night, and during this month, it was rare to have such a peaceful time, Gallan sat in the gazebo in the courtyard.

The low whine of Nega came from the night.

The golden-brown mane flickered in the moonlight against the moonlight, and the big lion was leaning on Garland and humming constantly, the posture seemed to be asking for something.

It arched Galland with its head, then raised its front paws and set it on the stone table beside it, screaming at the crystal bottle filled with bright red liquid on the table, turning its head, and screaming at Galland again.

The brown pupil glanced at Gallan brightly, and his tiny eyes were really overwhelming.

I must have smelled the wine...

Garland was helpless.

At the beginning, Tal was fun for a while. While he didn't pay attention to feeding Nega a glass of wine, Nega drunk for a long time and drunk for a long time, so that he was worried about what was wrong.

Unexpectedly, this drink actually made the big lion like this taste.

Since then, every time he smelled of wine, he would ask him to drink alcoholicly.

The fluffy head came back together and rubbed against his face.

Gallan could only get up, took the plate from which the raw meat was originally placed, poured a little red wine into it, and then crouched down and waved at Nega.

Negarimah came together excitedly, took his hand, and licked it in the plate.

It licked happily, its long tail flicked behind it.

Gallan put down the plate, looked at Nega, who was licking the wine happily, and touched its head.

He looked at it very softly.

Then Gallan stood up and walked to the entrance of the pavilion.

Below is a clear pool of water, the moonlight falling on the water, sparkling.

When the wind passed by, the large piece of lilac hyacinth on the edge of the pool water shook slightly with the wind, like a lavender wave.

Looking at the swinging hyacinth, Gallan suddenly remembered the night long ago.

Later that night, when Huimos came over the wall and grabbed himself to speak, a maid of vigil suddenly passed by, scaring him to hurry him and hide him among the flowers, for fear of being seen by the maid.

Although at that time he did not know why he felt a guilty conscience.


Hyacinths, doomed romances, hopeless loves.

Later, he learned the hyacinth flower from the maid who passed by that night.

He was startled.

At that time, he thought, this might be a prophecy.

Because he could not accept Huimos, Huimos's affection for him is destined to have no result.

...Maybe that is indeed a prophecy...

Garland poured a glass of wine, and the bright red liquid swelled slightly in the crystal clear glass under the moonlight.

He didn't drink, but walked down the stone steps of the pavilion with a glass of wine, and walked to the hyacinth flowers.

The teenager looked up and the moonlight was like water, pouring onto his long blond hair scattered on his shoulders.

Two months.

Sixty days.

During this time, he kept secretly holding a little hope.

Perhaps that person was not dead yet, but was injured.

Maybe he will appear in front of him again soon.

If the person is still alive, Garland believes that even if the person climbs, he will climb back to him.

However, it has been more than sixty days.

He waited a long time.

I couldn't wait for anything.

He must face reality after all.

Heimos has died, and died two months ago in the royal city of Canal.

"Sorry, this is a memorial service that is two months late."

Standing among the hyacinth flowers by the pool, the teenager threw it away.

The glowing cup crossed a shining arc in the night, and fell into the pool water with a clatter of water.

It sank.

The bright red wine spread out on the water and soon disappeared without trace.

Garland watched the bright red melt in the water.

for a long time.

Negar's grunt came from the gazebo next to it.

The drunken lion has fallen asleep.

The teenager leaned over and slowly sat down by the pool of water, in the large hyacinth flowers.

His arms rested on his erected knees.

A faint floral fragrance surrounds him.

The pool water in front of him reflected the group of hyacinths at the water's edge, and there were flower clusters with ghosts everywhere, almost making it difficult to distinguish reality from reflection.

He sat so quietly, his golden pupil reflecting on the sparkling water.

"During this time, I have been thinking whether it is because of me."

"Because of me, you will die."

In previous years, I died, so you survived.

And this life, I live, so the dead person becomes you.

"You probably don't know that once when I was a kid, I wanted to kill you when you had a fever."

"At that time, I would never have thought that when you were really dead, I would be like this..."


The teenager closed his mouth and swallowed the last two words back into his throat.

He looked down and buried his face in his arms.

His fingers clasped on his arms pulled to the point where his knuckles were almost white.

You will do what you promised me.

You said you never told a lie to me.

【I am here. 】

【I will always be at your side. 】

[Even the gods of Aaron Landis, will not let me go away from you. 】

After all, you lied to me.

After all, you still leave me.



It was a faint smell.

It was hidden by the night.

It was hidden in the grunt of the sleeping lion on one side.

Sitting at the feet of the young boy by the pool with his head down, there was a shallow water mark rippling.

Silent in the middle of the night.

Only the clusters of lilac hyacinths shook gently in the wind.

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