When the third arrow pierced his chest, the cavalier gave a painful grunt.

At the moment when his body was stiff because of the middle arrow, and there was a whizzing sound, the fourth arrow slammed toward Mitaias who was in front of Garland.

Seeing the arrow just stabbed Mitaias, a white blade was swung from the long side of the knight.

At a critical moment, Gallan turned his horse around and spurred a sword to hit the arrow, saving Mitaias' life.

At this time, the knights beside him also reacted and raised their shields to surround Gallan and Mitaias to protect them.

Immediately afterwards, the few arrows that were shot were blocked by the shield, and then there was no more movement.


Garran stretched out his hand and supported Mitaias on the horse, preventing him from falling off the horse's back due to unconsciousness and causing more serious injuries.

"His Majesty!"

Soga shouted and squeezed beside Garland.

He looked at Gallan nervously and asked, "Are you injured?"

"I'm okay, Mitaias helped me... He is not in a good condition."

Gallan still supported Mitaias's shoulder with one hand, and answered anxiously.

"It's dangerous here, please return to the palace as soon as possible."

Seeing that Garland was fine, Soga was relieved.

He turned his head and squinted slightly, staring at the tower where the arrow only shot, and there was a dangerous look in his eyes.

"I'll take someone to investigate there."

He was finally reused here by King Garland, so that the temple of Nanna and the temple of Shamash could stand on both feet, maybe they will be famous in the future.

Soga will never allow anyone to spoil the current good situation.

Although some imperceptibility was noticed before, Soga didn't expect that those people were so unscrupulous in the hands of the public.

Soga took a group of people and hurried to the tower there.

"Don't worry about me, Your Majesty, I didn't hurt."

The knight gasped for a long time, and the pain made him frown.

He looked at Soga's back in a hurry, a dignified and suspicious look in his eyes.

He strutting upright on his horseback, turning his head and shouting orders.

"Chill, you take people to block the area around the tower." He pressed his hand against his injured chest, and looked serious, ordered quietly, "No one can go in and out without permission from your majesty and me. ."

After a quarter of an hour, the area around the tower was blocked.

Because of this attack, the original plan to visit King Canal in the morning was cancelled, and King Garlan and his party quickly returned to the temporary palace.

Subsequently, the army originally stationed outside the city entered the city, and countless Aaron Landis soldiers poured into the city, occupying every street and alley.

The figure of General Aaron Landis can be seen everywhere in the city, and the Kanal people in the city can see it with just a look.

After hearing that their king was attacked, they were all unhappy, and they gazed sternly at every place in the city, checking all the suspicious people on the street.

At the same time, no matter whether it is a tower, a bell tower, or even a temple, all the commanding heights in the city are controlled by them, and no one is allowed to enter.

For a time, the people of Canal in the city were panicked.


"Is this kind of movement too much?"

In the room, Gallan sat on a carved carved white jade chair.

Soga stood in front of him and reported to him not long ago.

Gallan said: "This will cause the uneasiness of the Kanal people."

Knowing that the Kanal people were expecting and embarrassed about his arrival, Garland only stationed the army he brought outside the city, but did not enter the city.

This move is to appease the emotions of the Kanal people.

After all, letting the army enter the city on a large scale can easily cause the Canal people with delicate and sensitive temperament to be uneasy.

"No, Your Majesty, compared to your safety, the Kanal's emotions are only minor things, and we can calm down later."

Soga shook his head.

"This time, I don’t think it’s the Gasstad’s remnant party, nor Kanal’s opposition, but within us..."

The archer responded quickly, and probably evacuated quickly after shooting the arrows. So when Sogar arrived at the tower, he only detected the traces left by the other party on the tower.

Although the men sent by Mitaias immediately followed and immediately blocked the scene and conducted inquiries and investigations of the people nearby, no useful clues were found.

"Your Majesty, I'll investigate again."

Soga finished his thoughts and added a few more words.

"I've sent more people to patrol outside, and now Mitaias is injured and there is no **** around you, so please stay in the palace tonight and don't leave without permission."

Soga asked very uncomfortably. After all, he knew. His majesty had secretly thrown away the guards who had secretly visited the guard's micro-service. He had hit himself several times.

He used to vomit that Xie Muer treated King Garland like an old mother and mother-in-law broke her heart, but now Xie Muer is not here and it is his turn.

"No matter what, please be sure to wait until tomorrow when Lord Karenni comes."

Veteran Karenni will be able to lead the arrival of the Sixth Army tomorrow.

There is this veteran staring at His Majesty, which is more or less reassuring.

Garland, who was inadvertently told by Soga, was a bit crying and laughing.

In the past, he sneaked out in the Wangcheng because it was his site. The intelligence network established by Tal allowed him to control the situation of the entire Wangcheng. In addition, he was always surrounded by one or two strongest knights. , So he was unscrupulous.

Now staying in an unfamiliar place with no security around him, he certainly would not do that stupid thing.

…I always feel that Soga has a tendency towards Schermer.

Although thinking this way, in order to reassure Soga, he nodded and signaled that he knew.

Watching Soga leave, Gallan pondered.

Before heading to Canal, Tal also told him that he had detected some unrest in the country.

However, because the intelligence network established by Taal is only spread in the Wangcheng and surrounding areas for the time being, it has not yet extended to Canal, so Taal cannot find out what they want to do.

And he also believes that those people have not yet the ability to extend the power to Canal.

I just didn't expect...

Garland was musing, and suddenly a bodyguard walked quickly.

He said anxiously: "Your Majesty, something happened to Lord Mitaias."


"No! Master Mitaias, even if it doesn't hurt you, your injury is not light. You have to take a good rest."

"Bring my clothes."

As soon as Garland reached the door of the room, he heard the sound coming from inside.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Mitaias was trying to get out of the bed, while the doctors and guards on the side were trying to stop it.

But Mitaias was the first knight of the martial arts under the leadership of Kehos. Even if he was injured, he was far more than ordinary people, so he could not stop him. The knight got out of the bed with his eyes, and his feet were already standing on the ground.

His upper body is naked | naked, with a thick bandage on his chest.

It was only with his movement that the arrow wound split and the blood couldn't stop, so the white bandage that was put on was almost red.

But even so, he still refused to stay in bed, and angrily ordered the bodyguard to take his clothes and leather armor and put him on.

"Mitaias, what are you doing?"

Garland walked quickly and spoke.

The people who were confronting in the room realized that Wang was here, and quickly bent down to salute.

Mitaias hadn't answered yet. The doctor on the side had already taken the initiative to complain.

"Your Majesty, Lord Mitaias refuses to stay in bed and recuperate, and insists on going to you, saying that he will stay at your door at night. In this way, his injury will only worsen."

Garland's eyes turned to the knight.

"Mitaias, I know your loyalty, but you are injured now and need to be recuperated."

The Cavaliers shook his head.

"No, Your Majesty, the order of His Excellency Kehos is for me to stay by your side."

Since leaving the king city, he has faithfully executed Kehuosi's orders.

Every night he sleeps at the door of King Garland's camp, and this evening is no exception.

"But you have been injured for protecting me."

Garland said,

"This is my order, and I will immediately lie down on the bed to rest."

The Cavaliers shook his head stubbornly.

"Your Majesty, someone wants to murder you now, and I will never leave you."

Too much blood loss made his lips pale, and pain caused bean beads of sweat to flow from his forehead, but he still knelt firmly on the ground, stubbornly refused to stand up.

Garland looked at the slender knight in front of him with a headache.

It's really worthy of being selected by Kehuos.

He thought so, looking at the blood-soaked bandage on Mitaias' chest, he could only choose to give in.

"Well, you will be sleeping in my room tonight, so it's considered to be by my side, and it doesn't violate Kehos' order."


The Cavaliers hesitated, but shook his head and refused.

"I'd better stay outside your door."

"Either I will make you stunned and stay here."

"...I understand, follow your orders."



In a flash, it was late at night.

The entire city fell silent, but there were still many Aaron Landis soldiers patrolling the streets.

Soga hasn't returned to rest yet, taking people in the vicinity of the tower to find the clues of the attacker.

Although there is no definitive evidence, he can already conclude that the people who attacked King Garland must have come from within.

From the nobles whose power has been weakened a little bit since the succession of King Garland.

Although as a subordinate of the loser who failed to win the throne, Soga failed to participate in political affairs for more than a year, he has been paying attention to every decree issued from the royal court.

He knew that the decree issued by King Gallan in the past year had seriously damaged the interests of some nobles,

They have long been dissatisfied with the fact that King Gallan has always favored civilians and paid attention to protecting their rights and interests.

The establishment of the Trade and Industry Department by King Gallan took away the bread of the nobility and became the biggest fuse.

Their resentment rose unprecedentedly.

What ultimately touched the limits of these people was that King Garland was attempting to centralize power through reforms.

This is the most intolerable thing for the powerful aristocrats who control the city.

The fact that the Kanal State is about to return to the seat of King Garland has completely inspired their fear and anxiety.

Because these nobles are very clear.

King Garland intends to put the entire Canal under the direct control of the central government, instead of subdividing some cities as before-if things go smoothly, then the power of King Garland will be so strong that no one can resist To the point.

The power of the central government will completely overwhelm the power of the segregated real power aristocracy.

The kingship will completely overwhelm everything.

In this way, they will no longer have the power to fight back, and then they will be gradually deprived of the real power of the city by King Garland in the future.

Therefore, they chose to take risks in desperation.

They want to strangle the young king in the cradle before he has fully grown up.

Although they knew they would do it, Soga, like Gallan, didn't think that these guys could stretch their hands as long as they could reach Canal.

It seems that these guys are secretly colluding with the remaining forces of the Gasad and the opposition forces of Canal...

It is important to know that King Galland’s journey to the ruins to pay tribute to the heroic spirit of Aaron Landis, only a limited insider knew.

In other words, there must be an internal response.

auzw.com He must find out what this should be as soon as possible.

After all, the head of the knights that Kehos had sent to protect King Galland was injured and fell down. He quickly pulled out the internal response, and His Majesty's situation would be very dangerous.

He always felt very uneasy in his heart, wondering whether to wait for the veteran veteran Carini to come tomorrow, and replace all the people around His Majesty with his generals, so it would be safer not to move...

Having said that, the stupid big knight was lucky.

In order to protect His Majesty from injury, and the injury is not serious, it will certainly be trusted and reused by His Majesty in the future.

Maybe it was the second Tewa.


and many more.

Sugar suddenly sank.

Not right.

I always feel something is wrong.

Everything seems too coincidental.

Moreover, is it really just an accident that Carini was delayed on her way here?

Has anyone deliberately done this?

If they did it deliberately, they must rush to do it before Karenni arrived.

And Karenni will arrive tomorrow...

Soga's heart beat fiercely, and he turned to look sharply.

No, there is King Garland--! !


It is late at night, but there are still many people in the garden courtyard under the night.

A team of soldiers patrolled around the White Palace, sealing the place tightly and without water.

Not only outside, there are also many guards patrolling up and down inside the palace to ensure the safety of their king.

The quiet moonlight spilled onto the ground and fell into the room from the skylight.

The teenager lay quietly on the bed, long blond hair spread out on the snow-white bed.

He breathed evenly, and his eyebrows fell asleep.

The room was quiet, making the resounding heavy breathing sound very clear and harsh.

A tall figure stood beside Garland's bed.

The figure leaned forward, leaning forward, and a pair of thick hands stretched out slowly.

They were trembling, as if in fear, and as if struggling.

Then, strangled the throat of the sleeping teenager.

The heavier breathing in the silent room, the man gasped like he was breathless.

Originally, with his strength, everything can be ended with just one effort.

But the huge sense of fear, shame, and guilt made his fingers tremble uncomfortably, completely disobedient, and prevented him from using even a quarter of the power of the past.

The intense pain and suffocation in the throat made Gallan awaken from the dream.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the man standing in front of his bed.

The pupil is slightly enlarged.

In the bright moonlight, he clearly saw the angular face.


He opened his mouth to speak, but his throat was pinched so tightly that he couldn't make a sound.

The knight shook his heart when he saw Garland wake up.

Originally he was in an inner battle, full of terror and struggling. At this time, he and Gallan's eyes met each other, realizing that he had no retreat, and suddenly he looked desperate.

Then the despair in his face completely turned into the fierce glance in his eyes.

The knight's long hands stopped shaking, violently, and he was about to severely pinch the boy's neck--

A cold sword flashed across the night.

The blade slashed a deep bone scar on Mitaias's arm.

If it weren't for him to back away in time, it might be his throat that was cut open.

At a critical juncture, he drew a dagger hidden under the pillow and waved at the opponent's Gallan sword to drive Mitaias back.

One turned around and swiftly rolled over on the other side of the bed.

He opened his mouth and wanted to call the outside guard to come in.


Can't make a sound--

Opened his mouth, but failed to make a sound.

Garland couldn't see a shocking blue-purple bruise on his neck, but he felt a sharp pain in his throat.

He realized that he had lost his voice for a second, and Mitaias rushed at him like a tiger.

Without thinking too much, Gallan instinctively raised the dagger in his hand to try to resist.

But Mitaias was the strongest knight under Kehos, and could not compete with Gallan's force.

With only a few resistances, Mitaias clasped his right wrist.

The severe pain forced his hand to be released, the dagger was thrown away from a distance, crossed an arc, and fell on the soft bed.

Mitaias was ruthless, and his whole body exuded the sorrow formed by fighting in the sand all the year round.

He grasped Gallan's right hand tightly with one hand and clasped Gallan's throat with the other hand, pressing it against the open window.

Garland leaned back.

The toes barely stepped on the ground, and the waist rested on the window sill.

Mitaias pressed his throat and let his upper body fall backwards, almost the entire body was already suspended in the air.

The young blond long hair was scattered in the air.

Below the suspended back, there is a height of tens of meters.

Below, is a hard stone floor paved with white jade.

"Forgive me...forgive me, Your Majesty..."

Although he pinched Gallan's throat fiercely in his hand, Mitaias seemed to be in collapse.

While murmuring nervously, he pressed Gallan's body toward the window sill.

"I can't do it...forgive me...I was forced, they forced me, I really have no other way..."

His face was maddening, whispering incoherently, incoherently, not knowing whether to speak to Gallan or to himself.

He leaned over and looked at Gallan, making half of his body stick out of the window.

Click, click.

Large tears flowed out of the man's eyes that seemed to have completely collapsed, and fell on Gallan's face.

The man wept bitterly and looked at Gallan with tears in his eyes.

But his hand still clasped Garlan's throat.

Garland propped himself up hard, clenching the other hand in his throat.

He has difficulty breathing.

The consciousness gradually blurred.

He saw that the clothes that pressed against Mitaias' chest had been stained with blood oozing from the bandage, shining brightly in the moonlight.

Mitaias sobbed for ten seconds.

Suddenly, a violent knock from the outside awakened him.

Along with the door slamming, there was also a tense shout. The guard standing outside the room sensed the movement in the room and was trying to rush in.

The madness in the eyes of the awakened Mitaias dispersed and became sober.

The more sober, the deeper the pain in his eyes.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Gallan, who was holding his throat.

"Your Majesty, forgive me..."


He said, "No... don't forgive me."

The knight said so, despair in his eyes.

He wanted to pinch Gallan's throat with a desperate look.

But his hands were shaking and he couldn't make any effort.

With a loud noise, the door was knocked open and many people rushed in.

Mitaias gritted his teeth, and with his right hand, he pushed Galland out.

It was about to be swept by a Gallan golden pupil that pushed out the window sill, and he kicked Mitaias' knee with a heavy kick one second before his feet were forced to leave the ground.

It was a foot with all his strength, and the knight who was immersed in pain and unguarded staggered forward and fell down from the window.

"His Majesty--!!!"

Garland fell from a height.

At the last minute, Mitaias, who was pulled by him, also fell with him from the sky.

The wind whizzed past his ears.

The blond hair spread loosely on the cheeks.

The strong weightlessness seemed to paralyze his entire body.

There was no sound in the sore throat.

Garland opened his eyes.

In the dark night sky, a full moon shone to the ground with a shimmering light like silver.

Endless stars, thousands of stars.

It seemed as if all came into his eyes at this moment.


He thought, closing his eyes.


In the night, a figure flew by like a wind.

The speed is so fast that the traces of the afterimages left behind can almost be seen.

The figure jumped out from a high platform on one side.

Step on the knight's body with a foot and kick it away.

And he used his strength to move forward and stretched out his left hand to hug the falling Galland.

With a wave of his right hand, the hook in his hand was thrown upwards and placed on the stone fence of an extended balcony.

He held Gallan in one hand, and swayed the rope through a curve in the air.

Then, let go.

Holding the man in his arms, he fell quickly on the hard stone ground.

A second before he landed, with a bang, not far from behind him, the head of the knight who fell head-on from the sky on the rocky ground had broken his brain.

The wind blew violently, blowing the dark brown cloak behind the man flying high, like the wings of a black eagle.

The wide hood slipped.

The moonlight was like water and fell on this person.

The dark, broken hair flew to one side, revealing half of the sharp eyes with the color of a burning flame.

A deep scratch in the corner of the eye, unusually grim, extended all the way to the ear, adding a touch of air to that beautiful face.

He knelt down on the ground, his dark brown arms tightly and vigorously holding the boy he had just caught in his arms.

The author has something to say:    praise, hug, liquid~~~

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