Seeing that something was wrong, Soga began to rush back in a hurry,

As soon as he rushed into the gate, he found that the courtyard had become a mess.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a scene in the sky that almost stopped his heart from beating.

He watched King Garland fall from the sky.

Obviously it was already warm in late spring, but he felt that all his blood had frozen into ice.


There is only these two words left in a blank brain.


Just as King Garland was clasped by the knight’s throat and pressed against the window, no one noticed that a figure hidden in the night was climbing directly along the outer wall of the palace with bare hands.

The agile figure climbed incredibly fast, but he has climbed a dozen meters in just two seconds.

At this moment, Gallan and Mitaias fell from the window sill several tens of meters high.

The figure climbing on the outer wall jumped sharply.

He hugged Gallan, and then fell to the ground unharmed with the help of a hook rope.

Everything happened too fast.

It only took a few seconds from Garlan's fall from the sky to being suddenly caught by a person who jumped out of the shadow.

The speed of the brains of the people watching this scene simply cannot keep up with what their eyes see.

For a while, everyone just looked at this scene dumbly and could not react.

After staying for two seconds, the first Sorga who responded quickly turned over and dismounted.

Because he was too panicky and hectic, he even staggered when he dismounted and almost fell forward.

But the dark night priest, who used to pay attention to the image, didn't care about the embarrassment he showed at the moment, and rushed to Galland, kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty! Have you been injured?!"

He was nervously asking, and the afterglow of the corner of his eyes inadvertently swept above.

Although it was night, the moonlight was very bright.

With this glance, he could see the face of the man who knelt on the ground and held King Gallan tightly.

Soga's pupils shrank violently.


As soon as there was a sound, those flame-colored eyes stained with gold marks glanced at him faintly, so that Soga sternly swallowed all the remaining words into his abdomen.

He knelt down on the ground and bowed his head deeply to the other party, so he could not breathe.

The man raised his hand and blocked his face again with a wide hood.

Then he stood up, his strong arms firmly holding the teenager in his arms across his chest.

The wide dark brown cloak scattered, covering his figure, and covering most of the people in his arms.

Garlan, who was held by him, was quiet, leaning on his chest skillfully, without any movement.

The others looked from a distance, as if King Garland, who was held by this person, had been seriously injured and had no movement.

"Lead the way to a safe room."

A deep voice rang in the night.

Soga responded, got up and led the way behind him, hurriedly entered the palace, and found a secluded room.

Then he bowed and saluted, retreated quickly, and closed the door intimately for the two.

Although there was a danger just now, he did not arrange too many guards to stay outside the door, and the two guards who stayed in the corridor only told them to stop the people who wanted to go in, not to disturb King Garland.

Because that is not necessary.

With that adult next to King Garland, it is impossible for anyone to hurt King Garland.

Finally, you can rest assured.

Soga, who was going to deal with the follow-up matters, took a long sigh of relief while walking outside.

When I walked into the courtyard, a warm night wind blew and I felt cold all over.

He found out that his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

It was a night of ups and downs and twists and turns.

Probably will be a nightmare in his life.

The priest of Nanna thought with a lingering fear.



From the appearance until he followed Soga to the arranged room, Huimus remained silent and said nothing.

But he held the arms of his arms tight and steady.

As if he was holding a unique and fragile treasure in the world.

A wide cloak enveloped Gallan in his arms.

Unable to see what the other person looked like at the moment, he could only feel that Garland was very quiet, leaning quietly on him, making no sound or movement.

Entering the depths of the room, he gently placed the person in his arms on the bed.

Then, let go of your hand.

But, at the moment of letting go, a sudden scene of Gallan falling from the sky appeared in his mind.

He just held a person's steady arm but trembling at the moment.

The hand that had just been released was hugged back again.

If he did not rush back in time at that time...

Heimus knelt on one knee beside the bed, leaned deeply, and hugged the boy on the bed tightly.

He closed his eyes, and only this warm body in his arms could drive away the chill and fear that remained in his heart to the present.

His face was buried in soft blond hair, and the familiar breath lingering on the tip of his nose calmed his beating heart a little bit.

The moment in the room was extremely quiet, only the burning lights on the snow-white stone walls shook slightly, pulling the shadows of the two people who had almost melted together into a long stretch on the ground.

Not knowing how long it had passed, Gallan moved slightly.

As soon as he moved, the dark brown cape on him slipped.

The blond hair exposed from under the cloak reflected the soft luster under the light, and Garland raised his head from Huimos' arms.

Recognizing the movement of the person in his arms, Huimus also raised his head and stepped back slightly.

His right hand gently flicked a mess of blond hair scattered in front of the teenager.

He watched Gallan's gaze full of nostalgia, seemingly dissatisfied and greedily stamped the figure of the teenager, and his eyes showed the softness of the flame melting.

However, after only a glance, a fierce color immediately appeared in the eyes of Huimus.

Gallan's complexion was already fair, and the bruises around his neck became more terrifying.

It wraps around its slender neck and looks like it will break off in the next second.

The shocking bruise saw Huimus's corner of the eye jump, and the already stern lines brought the blade's breath.

He reached out and touched it subconsciously.

At the touch of his fingertips, Garland's face showed pain, making his hands stiff in the air and not afraid to move.

Seeing Gallan's frowning and frowning expression, Huimos felt distressed.

It was cheaper to let that guy fall to death.

He thought viciously in his heart.

"Shall we call the doctor?"

Heimus looked distressed and dared not touch it, so he asked Garland carefully.

Garland opened his mouth instinctively and wanted to answer.

But he opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound. Then he remembered that his throat was hurt so badly that he lost his voice.

Therefore, he could only shake his head.

In fact, the moment when Huimos touched him was not too painful. If it was changed to before or someone else, he would definitely hold back and would not show any expression.

But somehow, he just doesn't want to hold back now.

He just had a strange feeling of grievance that he wanted to let the other person know he was in pain.

He suddenly looked sore and unbearable when he looked at Huimos's carefulness not to touch his scar again.

Unable to speak, he could only hold his lips tightly.

Seeing Garland's movements, Huimus immediately reacted.

"Can't make a sound?"

He asked nervously, frowning, and comforted Garland in a low voice,

"Don't worry, it should only hurt your throat for a while. It will be better in a few days. Don't force your speech in these days."

He said softly,

"I will deal with the next thing. You can rest and recuperate, and you can write me something."

Garland still pursed her lips.

The familiar voice is in my ear.

The familiar figure is right in front of him.

He had a very unreal feeling, just like the time when he just learned about this person's death, giving people a very unreal illusion.

He suddenly thought that he might be dreaming.

He should have fallen asleep.

So, whether it was Mitaias who wanted to kill him, or this man came back to save him, all this was just his dream.

Thinking this, Garlan's body tightened involuntarily. Heimus had all his attention on Gallan. When the teenager's body was tight, he immediately noticed it keenly.

He thought that Gallan was afraid because he remembered the things just now, and quickly grabbed the other person's shoulder to coax people.

"Gallan, I'm here."

He whispered, distressed.

His voice is very gentle.

"With me, no one can hurt you."

【I am here. 】

【I will always be there. 】

It is unclear whether it is the voice in memory or the real voice, which makes people's thoughts confusing.

Garland looked up, his eyes showing a daze.

He reached out and wanted to touch the person in front of him.

But when he was about to touch the familiar handsome face, his hand hesitated in midair again.

A rare timidness appeared in his eyes.

That may be the first time the timidity of a teenager who has always been stronger in spirit than anyone.

His fingers stood still in front of Huimos, and he looked at Huimous staring blankly for a while.

Heimus suddenly understood.

Garland wasn't scared because he almost died.

His beloved teenager has never been tougher than anyone, even in the face of death.

And Galland's hesitation and timidity now are all because of...

For a moment, Heimus only felt that his heart was filled with some intangible things pouring out.

It was distressed, with a trace of sourness, but the chest was surrounded by a full of warmth. It seemed to be sweet, but the sweetness vaguely exuded a little bit of astringency.

He couldn't figure out how that emotion felt.

But he looked at the young man's eyes at this moment with unprecedented tenderness and love.

He raised his hand, and his big brown hand held Gallan's hand in the air, and put that hand on his face.


The golden-red eyes reflected the shadow of the boy in front of him, and Huimos said in a slightly hoarse voice,

"I'm back late."

He smiled.

"Gallan, you should believe me. Even if I die, I will die after returning to you."

Long, dark black eyelashes fell, and Huimus dropped his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his lips, kissing the soft palm of the hand he was holding.

"Even, I will probably take you away before I die."

Even the gods of Aaron Landis cannot take you away from me.

I swear.

And I will definitely do it.

Obviously extremely dangerous words, but when whispered by this man, it is more like a love whispering in the ear of a lover.

Gentle, eager, and touching.

Kissing the hand that was held in his palm, Huimus raised his eyes and met Gallan's gaze that was watching him.

Garlan's eyes were questioning.

Even if he couldn't speak, he could see from Gallan's eyes what he wanted to ask.

"I also want to return to you as soon as possible."

Huimus lowered his head, his forehead rested on the other's head.

Eyebrows touch each other, dark hair and golden forehead are entwined.

Heimus smiled and answered Garland's silent inquiry.

"When the rock came down, there was a big rock next to it that helped me stop it, and someone threw it over to protect me..."

At that time, several people rushed over to help him block the falling stones.

They were all dead, and he survived the landslide.

"The palace was smashed and the ground fell. I happened to fall into the underground river and was washed away from the ground."

He whispered, his tone was faint, and he couldn't hear much emotion.

"I was out of luck. When I was in a coma, I was discovered by a group of Gasdards who had fled from King Canal. They thought I was a member of the generals and took me to Gasda. Virtue."

Garland listening quietly was shocked.

Gasdar Snowfield.

It turned out that Huimos was taken there, no wonder he hasn't heard from him, no wonder he hasn't come back.

Close your eyes and feel the warmth from your forehead.

Heimus's hand touched it again, gently stroking the soft blond hair of Gallan's cheeks.

Everything he touched with his fingers was so warm that he was nostalgic.

Gasdard, that is a cold country.

If the winter in the northern border of Aaron Landis is a cold winter, then the Gasdard Snow Field is a cold winter.

It was a barren land, covered with white ice and snow.

There, even the exhaled breath will freeze.

Several times, when he was seriously injured and left behind in the snow, he almost thought he couldn't stand it anymore.


But he finally survived.

[This man’s vitality is like a beast in a snowy mountain. 】

Even the Gastads couldn't help being so emotional.

"In the beginning, they wanted me to surrender them, get the military from Aaron Landis from me, and let me serve them from now on."

"After I refused, they directly auctioned me as a slave."

"Someone bought me a lot of money, and then I entered the arena to fight other gladiator slaves or beasts."

"Later, an accident caused a beast riot in the arena, and I took this opportunity to escape."

"Then, I drove back and forth all the way. When I arrived in Canal, I heard that you were coming to King Canal, and I came here directly to find you."

Heimus whispered, he spoke lightly, and his tone was very plain, as if everything he had experienced was just a trivial matter.

Dangerously alive from the collapsed mountain.

Tortured and tortured in the hands of the Gstaad.

Being handcuffed and handcuffed into a slave...

Forced to drag heavily wounded body heavy chains day after day to fight with other foot fighters or beasts in the arena...

Also, on the way from Gasdard back to Aaron Landis... several times in a blizzard, rolling down the snow mountain cliffs, frozen in the ice, almost awakened...


All of the hardships and tribulations on the way back are buried in the few sentences that Huimos now understates.

Gallan opened his eyes to Huimus and blinked his golden eyes lightly.

Then he reached over and touched the corner of Huimos's eyes.

There was a scar there, extending from the corner of the left eye to the ear.

The scar is very deep, and it is obviously not treated in time, which is a bit daunting.


Looking at Garlan's questioning eyes, Huimus said lightly.

"For a long time, it was here, it was rubbed by the falling stones."

He didn't tell the truth. The scar on the corner of his eye was actually caused by a snowy bear when he was forced to walk into the arena with a serious injury.

"very ugly?"

He felt the scar and couldn't help asking.

Garlan, unable to speak, was naturally unable to answer, but just looked at him with those bright golden eyes.

Then Gallan looked up.

His hands wrapped around Heimus' shoulder.

His lips fell on the scar on the corner of Huimos's eyes, and he kissed it softly.

Huimus hugged him.

The teenager's lips are soft and warm.

Just like in memory.

It is precisely the warmth and nostalgia for this warmth in memory that allows him to climb out of the cold ice and snow again and again.

——Even in hell, I will return to your side——

The author has something to say:   Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: 1 face with a stunned face;

Thank you for the little angel who dropped [grenade]: 1 Xiaoxiaoyi;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: a chipmunk squirrel, see 2 Qishen; Lianger, Huai Shen, bitter candy, Yiling, +6, Bai Shaoan, aoi, Feng Yanran, Liu pp, raise reminder Banner, Ruthless] Ye, Mu Yan, Wushan, egret, who has nothing under the skirt, meowed, 30400653, slender gentleman, magic little hades, Mr. Rabbit, porridge, coral, sweet chili sauce, reminder More **** come and go, Ting 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Nine 400 bottles; Montenegro demon six288 bottles; Linjiang night 193 bottles; Yiye Zhiqiu 174 bottles; Yan Tuanzi 163 bottles; light sunlight 155 bottles; Ting 116 bottles; genius army 110 bottles; haberdashery, magic small hades, salted fish 100 bottles of ten-year-old tea and sleeves; 88 bottles of Ye Ye; 83 bottles of Moxi City; 66 bottles of Tingnan; 65 bottles of porridge; 64 bottles of porridge; 60 bottles of Lazy Creek and Mi Xiaoya; 59 bottles of Gu Di; 50 bottles of Wanyue, Mamen, and wolfe; 40 bottles of Wan Xiaoluo, brainless brain, Xizidu, Wangmeixi; 36 bottles of CMY; 31 bottles of Mo; Zhuzisheng, Yunqishengge, Mochizuki, Xiangkan, sally, the old man is very old, updated today?, Xingchen's wish, zero, meaningless, stern, 30 bottles of Diqing; 27 bottles of Drunk Beyond the West Building; 24 bottles of Yu Yin, black cat's mirror; Xi Huan You 22 bottles; Wandong, egret, Alice, Mingyou silva, Pig is a little cub, 噜哜嘜嘞, Xin, Mingye, surprised black hole, Chaliang, Yiling, Xingmu, 18 years old Rainy season, Xiaoyin, Yueyang, ruber12345, Cool brother killing, ten years, cc, sometimes, Lan, Lingda upup, light and shadow flying leaves, gui song, elf whisper, Chaoyang 20 bottles; little gray rabbit nibbling little white rabbit 19 Bottles; 17 oranges; 15 super cute flowers; 6-12-6, Melody, 12 bottles of drunk moonflowers; like a dream, ten years can return, Qingluo, Anchen, haikyuu, Baitang queen, just don't ask for books, rouge, jazz cats, Moshang Yulinlang, I will always be behind you, you will have a **** face, Sihuanian, 20400024, grapefruit, moonlight over pearl summer, purple blue, 23580726, Dark Night's Arrow, Feet and Feet, 36575018, yuristern, clown, Sleeping God, 1, Yanxiang, Zyt, Menglin Lin Zhong, zero, Ji Huai Xi, San Mu, Doudingwaau, Liu Butterfly, A Jie, Xi Yan Ruo Mo Has become a hate, emma, */?*, animal husbandry, fishery, squirting, raised eye dead fish, raw fish water, Tan Tiancui, crystal, orange green yellow, volcanic snow, 10 bottles of Star Festival; time and space Yuan story, future future, 9 bottles of Luyi; Weiyang, 25,025,177 bottles; Peach Blossom Water, 26632632, rushing **** come and go, Fuyao, Weixi Weiyang, Wraith 6 bottles; Meida, caicai, lara1006, abc, painting style, Xuanxuan, I'm just in the second stage of S2 disease, in the treatment of S2 disease, Yu Jun Changge, don't want to gain weight, lazy bugs, Yu Sangyu, Jin Su are always sultry without knowing, 5 bottles of Shanmo Weiyun; this 4 bottles for babies; 3 bottles for listening to rain, dumplings, 33388246, mai dance, a glass of wine, a slender gentleman, and Ye Jieju; Ziqing, 35741998, garden classmates, Tianque Changge, mililiyada, Jiuzao; 2 bottles; Ai Siqi, Talking and laughing, listening to the dust, Wenzi, emily, an umbrella star, aibabing,..., Yunshen nowhere, potted plants in the flower valley, a face of stunned, 1 bottle of leg hair;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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