A great battle was fought, but it was interrupted halfway because a person who had been'dead' for several months suddenly appeared.

The Geshu people retreated in a hurry, and Aaron Landis somehow won this battlefield victory.

In the afternoon, in the North Fortress, Garland was greeted by the hurried rider Hea to the political office.

As soon as Hea reported to Garran after the war in the North, the door was pushed open, and the one-eyed blonde knight hurried in.

The armor of Kehos, who had just entered the battlefield, was still stained with blood, and he was surrounded by **** gas.

As soon as he entered the door, he leaned over and knelt towards Gallan.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, because I don't know anyone, I put you in danger."

He clenched his fist against the ground to form a fist.

His head lowered deeply, and his voice was full of annoyance and self-blame.

"All this is my fault."

Although Mitaias's affairs have not been fully disclosed, as his superior, Kehos has long been informed of the matter.

Because he was worried about the safety of Garland, he specially sent his strongest general to protect Garland instead. Unexpectedly, this became the biggest crisis for King Garland.

He never imagined that the knight who had followed him for many years and had been faithful would do such a big deal.

If it wasn’t for Huimos...

Every time Kehuos thought of this, he felt terrified and regretful.

"You did make an unknown mistake, and you have certain responsibilities."

Garland said,

"But this is not a fault that can make you feel ashamed."

"The people who really should be ashamed and responsible for this matter are not here."

The young king leaned over and extended his hand to his knight.

"So, look up, Kehuos, you should know that I can't blame you for this kind of thing."

Kay Hos looked up and his eyes met the bright golden eyes.

At this moment, the depression that had been stuck in his heart suddenly dissipated.

During this time, he has been very anxious.

As soon as he remembered the prince, he felt distressed and uncomfortable. In addition, he could not follow Garland and was worried. His mood became very bad.

Later, it was learned that Mitaias almost killed Gallan, and his extreme anxiety triggered his violent emotions.

Even if they continue to fight on the battlefield, the violent emotions can't be suppressed. The fierce fire in my heart seems to burn the entire body.

Until this moment, when holding his prince's hand, whether it was full of anxiety or full of violent emotions, Gallan looked at his clear eyes and calmed down.

Kehuos breathed out softly, and his mind became clear again.

Holding Gallan's hand, he stood up.

The green pupil stared at his prince, and the smile that had not been revealed for a long time returned to the handsome face of the knight who had been gloomy for a long time.

As the sun reappeared, the overcast clouds disappeared.

He squeezed Gallan's hand and looked at the teenager intently, whispering, "I am worried about you, prince."

"I know."

Garland raised his head and smiled slightly.

The familiar smile on the teenager's face calmed the knight's mood even more.

"Sorry, Kehuos, I worried you and others during this time."

Garland said with a smile,

"However, as I said at the beginning, you also have a part of the responsibility. Therefore, your achievements in the northern border are all offset."

Garland turned his head and said to Hea on the side of the station, "Remember, when the battle is counted after the end of the war, the part that belongs to Kehos will be crossed out."

Hea was stunned for a while, hesitated, and seemed to want to help Kehuos intercede, but a glance fell on Kehuos' face, looking at Kehuos's careless look, he shook Shake his head and stop talking.

Kehuosi, who had lost all his great achievements at once, didn't care. He looked at his prince softly and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Suddenly, footsteps heard from the side.

A tall figure came out of the side room and hurried towards this side.

"Long time no see, Kehuos."

Heimos said, I do not know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

No, it must be intentional.

Heimus said, holding out his hand and pressing on Kehos's hand holding Gallan.

Others couldn't see it, but Kehuos could feel that a strong force grabbed his hand and separated him from the prince.

Kehos gave Huimus a glance.

Huimus narrowed his eyes slightly.

The two knights stared at each other.

There seemed to be an invisible airflow colliding in the room, and there was still a tendency to surge under the continuous confrontation between the two.

Gallan looked bad and quickly blocked.

"I know you are very excited to meet again after a long absence."

He stood in the middle, raised his hands, and held the arms of the two one by one.


He said in a coquettish tone,

"Now it's time to eat dinner, no matter what, I'll have dinner before talking, okay?"

Under Garlan's shoving, although the two knights stared at each other a little unwillingly, they were obediently pushed by Garlan and pushed out the door with one hand.

With a snap, the room closed.

There is only one person left in the room.

Hea: "........."

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Army was left in the room somehow.

As the only honest man in the room who didn't know the situation and knew nothing about the dark tide between the two knights, he was forgotten by Garland and others.


Although in this battle, the Geshuren who suspected that Aaron Landis set a conspiracy trap had temporarily retreated because of the sudden appearance of Hyimos, but it is impossible for the Geshuren to really withdraw from the border.

After investigating and discovering that there were no traps, the cover army naturally made a comeback.

However, they were at a disadvantage in the previous war. Now, the Aaron Landis army has once again increased its strength and a strong general.

Another important point is that the appearance of Heimus on the battlefield greatly reduced the morale of the soldiers.

As a result, on the battlefields for the next few times, the cover army finally ended in defeat.

After losing defeats one after another, Gai Shuren saw that there was no way to take advantage of it, and his own military supplies could not be sustained, so he had to retreat helplessly.

The North is once again a victory.

Gai Shuren not only failed to plunder sufficient food supplies in this war, but also suffered a great injury once again.

The violent contradiction between the warlord Gai Ge, who advocated the launch of this war and the desire to divert domestic resources, caused the noble people to become more dissatisfied.

Covering the turmoil in the country, it is estimated that it will not be possible to invade south again for a long time.

After the retreat of Gai Shuren, a grand celebration banquet was held in the North Fortress.

It was already dark, but the entire northern fortress was brightly lit, and all the houses were lit.

Especially in the huge square in the middle of the fortress, countless bonfires are burning in it, and the square is like a day.

The meat was roasted on the campfire, and the fat fell on the burning firewood, making a noisy noise.

A thick scent of meat permeated the entire square, and everyone slurped at the meat while chatting loudly, and laughter rang through the night sky.

Xi Tianmudi, everyone sat on the floor, roasting their knees on the campfire. Once it is toasted, it is torn off and eaten with the people around the campfire.

When interest came, someone directly opened his throat and howled with a wolf-like voice.

auzw.com The people next to them roared loudly, or someone simply pulled off their shirts, and followed the singing of the comrade-in-arms wolf howling a strong and powerful dance.

Known as a banquet, there is no sense of exquisiteness in the aristocratic banquet, only the ruggedness and boldness of the army.

However, this is what makes it even more lively.

This is a dinner to enjoy the victory, tonight is a moment of wanton revelry.

Garland and his party were among them, enjoying this bonfire dinner with a strong northern battlefield custom.

Hea was originally worried that King Garland was not used to this atmosphere, but he was relieved when he watched Garlan sit on the mat, gazing with smile and interest in the surroundings.

Kehuos and Huimus sit on the side table, and the roasted tender meat, fresh fruits and vegetables and water and wine are naturally placed in front of them.

The women in the North are used to being bold and bold. They grew up in cities where war will occur at such moments, and their courage is no less than that of men.

They are accustomed to being refreshing and simple, and their mobility is far superior to women in other regions.

The two knights existed as heroes in the hearts of the Northlanders. At the moment, they saw the two sitting side by side. Several Northland women's eyes lit up, and then they leaned over generously.

For them, it's a desperate thing to be able to spend a night in dew with these two.

Merry like Kehuos, naturally for beauty comers.

After all, because of his bad mood during this time, he didn't have any extra thoughts at all. In addition, he had been fighting in Canal before, and Kehos had calculated that he had been almost half a year.

It is rare that his heart is untied, and just tonight he has such an opportunity to indulge indiscriminately, of course he will not be polite.

Soon, there were several Northland beauties surrounded by Kehuos, and they were all absolutely beauties of the same level.

Others looked at it, and they all felt that the knight of the hot sun was truly worthy of the name.

These few successfully stayed with Kehuosi, immediately satisfied.

But looking at the side of Huimus, almost all the women returned home.

Basically, before approaching, he was forced to retreat by the invisible repulsive breath emanating from Heimus.

In this way, all the women suddenly understood that Lord Huimos had no interest at all, so they simply gave up.

Although Kehuosi was among the warm-scented nephrite, he gazed at Heimus from time to time.

Seeing that Heymos did not let anyone approach, although he kept drinking water and wine, his eyes were always staring at Gallan sitting on the seat, and his eyes showed a little satisfaction.

If that guy dared to get a woman close... hum!

Kehuos snorted secretly in his heart.

It didn't take long for this, and the open fire camp dinner was the most lively time when a bodyguard hurried to report to Garland.

Then Gallan got up and left the seat, apparently something had left beforehand.

Although Kehuos has been intimate with the beautiful women around him, he always pays attention to the situation of Gallan. When Gallan leaves, he subconsciously needs to get up and follow.

But he hasn't moved yet, and the next step is that he has stood up first and quickly caught up.

Looking at the back of Huimus, Kehos glanced and sat back again.

A woman beside him also noticed the departure of Huimus, and could not help asking curiously.

"Sir Kehos, what kind of women does Heimus like? He has been in Northland for so many years, and I have never seen a woman beside him."

She said with a grin, "You know him so well, why don't you tell me which one does Lord Huimos like? I can help him introduce..."

Halfway through the words, a long finger pressed against her lips.

The blonde knight with her arms around her and the lips of her hand holding her mouth slightly raised her eyes and looked at her tenderly.


He spoke softly to those in his arms,

"He can't, no one can beat his idea, you know?"


Kehuos smiled.

"Because he already belongs to someone."

He said it seemed to be a joke, but it seemed extremely serious.

"His words, even a piece of hair, belongs to that person. Do you understand?"

Of course, for the unknown meaning of the Cavaliers, the beauty around them all showed a blank look.



After receiving news from the courier, Gallan left the open-air banquet and returned to his temporary residence.

When he came to Northland, he sent out a message calling for someone.

Now, the man he summoned finally arrived here before he left Northland.

"Praise the great goddess Aphrodite, she guards your majesty, and makes you more beautiful than ever."

As soon as he entered the room, the familiar aria sound passed into Galran's ears.

A handsome young man with long black hair tied behind him stood in the room with a refreshing cyan outfit.

He was carrying a blue bow behind him, his face full of smiles, slightly bent to reveal the peachy eyes to Gallan's peachy eyes.

Shu Luosi's eyes fell on Gallan's face, and after a long look, there was a contented look.

He pressed his hand to his chest, looked deeply at Gallan, and continued to speak in a singing tone.

"Ah, your majesty your beautiful face as magnificent as the thousands of stars has washed my mind. I feel that the soul that I just suffered from was deeply hurt because of you..."

"speak English."

"Well, when I passed the square just now, I saw piles of red | The man with his naked upper body jumping and stomping wolf crying and howling but thought he was singing made me think I was almost blind and deaf."

The minstrel who admired the goddess of love and beauty felt his heart was severely damaged.

Fortunately, Gallan appeared in time, and his eyes were washed by the beauty of his majesty, and he was finally beaten by the blow.

Guessing the thought of Shulos faintly, Gallan whispered unshakably, and he was used to it.

"Oh, Your Majesty, is it okay for you to call me over?"

"Well, I have an important task for you to do."

"Sure enough...Your Majesty, you are a real evangelist. Since I got on your thief ship, I have hardly rested in recent years."

Either traveling all over the country to check the road conditions, or sneaking into the Kanal detective intelligence, and constantly sending to Taal the living conditions of the people everywhere, monitoring the nobles who behaved badly, etc.

A free and wanton bard, was accused of turning around.

Raising his hand and rubbing his neck, Shulos complained.

"Call me here, I thought there was something good waiting for me, such as rewarding me with a few beauties of the Northland, I heard that the beauties of the Northland are very bold and enthusiastic..."

Garland smiled slightly.

"It is useless to give you more beautiful women, you are still a virgin."

Shulos, the merry and poetic poet: "........."

One hit kill.

The bard couldn't say a word for a while.

Your majesty, is it really okay to say such cruel words with such a flourishing beauty?

The bard, poked with blood, fought back in anger.

"Your Majesty, also a virgin, are you eligible to say this to me!"

Gallan the Virgin VI: "........."

Just when the two were hurting each other in extremely cruel language, the door squeaked and the door was suddenly pushed open.

The eyes of the two confronting each other coincidentally fell on Heimus who came in.

Huimus raised his eyes and glanced at them.

He suddenly said: "Qualified because your majesty will soon be gone."

Shu Luosi: "???

Garland: "?????!!!!!!"

The author has something to say:   Gallan: The amount of information is very big! I pretended not to understand.

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