The room was quiet for a moment.

Shulos was in a certain ** mutual injury with Gallan, when a person was suddenly inserted, or the person he felt was the most difficult to get along with, so he felt embarrassed, so he shut up and said nothing. Too.

And Galan was suddenly stunned by the huge amount of information in Heimus's sentence. In the end, he felt that he could not let Heimus know that he understood, so he pressed his lips and held back. You looked away.

In this sudden silence, Huimus seemed to have been unaffected, and was still walking steadily.

He also held a glass of water in his hand, walked to Garland, and passed it.

"Drink first."

He whispered, and put the mouth of the glass directly to Gallan's tight lips.

The glass had reached his mouth, and Garland opened his mouth subconsciously.

Then, he was fed a sip of water.

The water is warm, neither cold nor hot, with a little sweet taste, obviously with honey, and a slight citric acid taste.

Gallan usually doesn't drink much, and he doesn't like the pungent taste very much.

But at the dinner today, several Northland senior generals came over to respectfully toast him, and he took a few sips.

Although not much, it is still easy to dry mouth after drinking.

At the moment, Heimus was given a sip of honey water, and his throat was much more comfortable. Garland instinctively opened his mouth again and took a few more sips.

Heimus looked at Gallan softly, feeding the water carefully.

When Gallan responded and felt wrong, he stretched out his hand to get a glass of water, he smiled a little at the corner of his lips, and let go of his hand obediently, let Gallan come by himself.

From beginning to end, his eyes stayed on the boy, and he was too lazy to give the bard next to him.

This looks like a subordinate.

Looking at the side, Shulos, who thought the atmosphere was strangely ambiguous, pouted and couldn't help thinking.

This gentle and considerate appearance, even for lovers, is no more.

However, the two of them grew up together from an early age, and it is estimated that Lord Heimos favored His Majesty as his brother.

It is also because of his good temperament. Since childhood, he has been spoiled and spoiled by a group of people such as King Camos, Huimus, Kehos, Chiefess, Master Priest, and so on.

Aaron Landis thought of it as a male bard.

After drinking a few sips of honey water, his throat became more comfortable, and Gallan, holding the glass, turned his head and looked at Shulos again.

"Don't interrupt, you will enjoy the tasks assigned to you this time."

"Ha ha."

In the past two years, Shulan Si, who was instructed by Garland to turn around, expressed his mood twice.

"You go to Canal."

"Go again? Canal is already yours, why should I go?"

Looking at Shulos who complained again and again, Gallan directly took out a piece of parchment paper and handed it over.

Although Shulos kept talking, but Gallan reached out and he took it immediately.

Unfolding the parchment scroll, the lazy bard's eyes light up at once.

"Treasure Map?"

Shulos asked excitedly.

Even if he became a subordinate of Galland, Shulos was still a bohemian bard in his bones.

Knight and battlefield, love and death, flowers and blood.

An epic poem, an ancient treasure.

For bards, these are the key words that stimulate their creativity.

Among them, the word treasure is definitely among the top three in the events they are most interested in.

Carefully spreading the treasure map on the table, Shulos looked at it with both eyes, rubbing his hands excitedly.

Treasures in legends and novels seem to be everywhere, but there are so many in reality.

This is the first time Shulos has seen the treasure map for the first time in more than 20 years, and of course he is very excited.

"Well, the treasures of the Kanal royal family."

Gallan said, holding a glass in one hand, and reached over to knock on the treasure map.

"This is what I want you to do, find it out."

Shulos raised an eyebrow.

"I found the treasure for you? Wouldn't I be too bad?"

Garland thought for a moment and nodded.

"Speaking the same, then... allow you to take the three things in the treasure, only things that have nothing to do with the Kanal royal family."

"Anyway, it's the treasure I found first, no matter how long I secretly took it, you won't know your majesty."

Although it wouldn't really do that, there was always a feeling that Garlan had eaten to death and was quite dissatisfied.

"The Royal City of Kanal is destroyed and is no longer suitable for long-term residence. The treasures of the Royal Family of Kanal are intended to be used to build a new city to house the original residences in the royal city and the refugees who were destroyed by the war."

Garland said, understatement.

"So, do you want to take away these things?"

"... Your Majesty, you are as cunning as ever... Cunning."

Actually wanted to say cunning, but Shu Luosi stopped in time and swallowed back, replaced by cunning.

Garland poked his dead hole again.

It is enough to **** things with the nobility, but he will never miss the refugees. The ‘beauty’ he admires does not allow him to do such ugly things.

Shu Luosi rolled the treasure map into a bundle and stuffed it into his arms.

Raising his hand and skillfully sending the forehead to the side, the minstrel showed a handsome smile to his majesty with his signature handsome action.

"Then it is agreed, I will help you find this treasure, as a reward, let me take a treasure I like as a memorial."

After talking, Shulos turned sideways, bowing to Heimus in a polite manner, and then turned to leave.

Just after taking a step, the bard suddenly remembered something.

He turned back suddenly, and suddenly approached Garland.

He said in a very low voice that only he and Gallan could hear (he thought).

"Mr. Heimus's meaning just now, do you want to teach you... ehhhh... right? In fact, I have always been curious about the kung fu, black knight and blaze knight."

Speaking of which, he blinked at Garlan ambiguously with those peach eyes.

"I collected a little bit of information about the Sun Rider, but this one... So when I come back, Your Majesty, remember to tell me this insignificant information about that."

Shulos spoke low and fast, and Garland hadn't responded. He had finished speaking quickly, and then turned around, straight out of the floor-to-ceiling window balcony, and left.

Garland: "........."

You have a fart for lowering your voice!

Shulos left, waving his sleeves without taking away a cloud, leaving only an awkward atmosphere for Gallan in the room.

Gallan knew that with Heimus's hearing, Shulos had absolutely heard everything he had just said.

He couldn't pretend to be confused.

When the guy from Shu Luosi came back after searching for the treasure, he would continue to work for him!

Garland gritted his teeth and thought bitterly in his heart.

The room was very quiet, with only him and Heimus left. He was really embarrassed. To cover up, he took a sip of the cold glass in his hand and took another sip.

The result was choking because I drank too quickly.

He choked and coughed so badly that the glass in his hand almost slipped.

A hand quickly reached out from behind, grasping his hand, and also holding the glass that almost slipped in his hand.

After Gallan's breath eased, he suddenly realized that he had been hugged from behind by someone.

Those brown arms stretched out from behind, one hand helped him hold the cup, and the other wrapped around his waist.

Garland didn't look back, but he knew that the man behind him lowered his head.

Because he had already felt the warm breath passing gently over his pinna, obviously the other party's lips were very close to his ears.

The breath was not very hot, but somehow, it was like hot steam that made his ears hot.

Even if he couldn't see it, Gallan knew that his ear tip must have been red.

And the tip of the red ear was clearly seen by the person behind him.

Think of it this way, his ears become hotter and hotter, and tend to spread to his cheeks.

"When he returns, how are you going to answer his information about me?"

Absolutely add fuel to the fire.

The lip leaning against his ear made a low voice as he passed the hot tip of his ear.

A bit deeper than usual, with a little husky, very tempting, listening to make the back of the neck numb and red.

With a snap, the hot sensation spread instantly from the ear to the face.

The white face of the boy was dyed pink.

Even the long blond hair scattered from his cheeks couldn't hide it.

The face burned badly, the back of the held hand, and the waist touched by the other party, as if there was fire spreading from the other party's fingers, and the feeling of hotness penetrated into the depths of the skin.

Garland felt he might need to calm down,

He took a deep breath, turned his head, looked behind him, and raised his hand to raise the glass in his hand to the face of Heimus on his left.

"Can't drink anymore, you drink."

The boy said in a calm tone.

But his cheeks, which had been rendered in pink, actually exposed his thoughts at the moment.

And the apparently panic but deliberate composure is really cute, making Huimos feel like a ball of hair rubbing around, itchy, and it is softer and softer, and finally becomes soft. A ball.

He didn't expose Garland, he smiled, released his hand as Garland meant, took the water glass, and raised his head to drink all the water in the water glass.

Garland, who was free again, was relieved.

At this moment, the blazing firelight shone from the outside, accompanied by a sudden and loud noise.

Garland turned his head and saw that a huge bonfire had been lit in the square outside.

The dinner is coming to an end.

According to the customs of the Northland Bonfire Dinner, at the banquet to celebrate the victory, all the campfires will be piled up at the last moment, and a giant bonfire will be lit in the center of the square.

This is a testament to the victory of Assyria.

——The glory symbolizing the flame of victory will illuminate the night——

Countless people surrounded the huge bonfire, cheers rang through the night sky.

The night wind blew in from outside, lifting the white tulle in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Garland lifted the screen and walked to the open-air balcony outside.

In the square below, a hot flame was burning, and a huge tongue of fire was spitting into the night, almost reflecting the red sky for half a night.

The crimson fire light reflected Gallan's face standing in front of the white stone fence. He looked at the burning campfire in the distant square and the jubilant people.

He saw many people kneeling around the giant campfire with their hands clenched, looking like they were praying for something.

"What are they doing?"

Garland looked at it for a while and couldn't help asking.

He also came over and stood on the balcony, looking at the distant campfire, Huimus answered.

"They are making a wish."


Heimos, who has spent several years in the north, is already familiar with the scene before him.

"It is said that after giving victory to the God of War, the will of the God of War will fall in the flames. As long as you pray to the God of War at this time, you can realize your wishes."

"So it turns out."

Garland nodded.

He stared at his people and smiled slightly.

"However, the wishes they made, I can probably guess what they would be."

Win all the time.

Guard your family, guard your companions.

End the war in the north.

Live peacefully and happily with family and companions.

This is the most simple and simple wish of people who pray to the God of War.

"I will fulfill their wishes."

The Young King said so.

His golden eyes reflected the fire in the distance and his people.

He said, "One day, I will make this a place of peace."

Heimus didn't speak, he looked at the people around him.

The golden eyes of the teenager brightened in the dark night.

With vitality, even in the dark, it seems to shine.

That attracted him, making him unable to look away from the teenager.

Many people think that he is an ambitious person, but Huimus knows that Gallan's ambition is only superior to him.

However, the ambition held by Gallan is completely different from the ambitions that he and the world commonly see.

The young man's ambition is to shine the light to every place in Aaron Landis.

He wanted to bless every life on the earth with his wings.


Garland turned around and leaned back on the stone railing behind him.

He looked up at Huimus and asked with a smile.

"Hyimos, did you make a wish for the campfire?"

Huimus shook his head.

"Not necessary."

He says,

"I want to achieve it by myself, there is no need to make a wish to the gods."

In his life, he never prayed to the gods.

He never prayed for the mercy of the gods because it was useless.

If you want, you can do it yourself.

He has always been like this.

…Yeah, it's Huimos.

Garland, with a twitch in his mouth, thought so silently.

He turned his head and looked at the campfire in the distance, like he was fascinated.

The fire glowed the young man's cheeks, like the glow of light on his face.

Let Huimos look intently.

"If you wish, there is one now."

Heimus said suddenly.


Hearing Hymos talking, Garland turned back subconsciously.

He had just turned his head, and Heimos standing in front of him suddenly reached out, holding his waist with both hands.

Surprised, Garland had no time to resist, and the hand of Heimus grabbing him by the waist lifted him whole with a little effort.

The instability of the center of gravity caused Gallan to subconsciously grasp Heimus' shoulder with his right hand.

He was then placed on the white stone fence by Heimus.

Garlan sat on the stone fence, staring at Huimus with his eyes open.

The stone fence is not low, he sits on it, and he has to bow his head a little before he can look at Huimus in front of him.

Heimos stood in front of him, circling his waist backwards with one hand and pressing it against the stone fence beside him.

The man tilted his head slightly.

The distant red firelight swayed on the man's beautiful face, as if the eyes that would be watching Gallan also ignited a flame, with the enthusiasm and longing that could burn almost everything.

Maybe ten million years later.

Everything is dead.

Only in the eyes of these golden and red eyes, the love like fire is immortal.

"The gods cannot fulfill my present wish."


"I want your kiss."

Huimus said.

He looked up, his golden eyes staring at Gallan, deep and fiery.

He spoke very softly, whispering in a low voice, like a prayer, with a deep desire.

"Will you fulfill my wish?...My Majesty?"


Garland, who was suddenly kissed, was at a loss.

The night wind blew over, setting off his long blond hair sitting on the stone fence.

I don't know if it was the light from the huge bonfire burning in the distance that made his white cheeks flush slightly.

After a while, Gallan slowly lifted his right hand on Huimus' shoulder.

His fingers rested on Heimus' cheeks, his fingertips pressed against the deep scar at the corner of his eyes.

Then he slowly lowered his head.

The delicate blond hair fell with him on the shoulder of Huimus, and the brown arm, like a golden ornament gleaming on it.

Garland closed his eyes, his lips seemed to tremble a little, but finally fell gently on Huimus's lips.

He kissed each other's cool lips and lifted them up.

His face was already flushed.

But he kissed it again, and rubbed the lips awkwardly a little.

Then he was at a loss to keep his lips touching.

Garland stayed blankly for a while, and then began to turn his head, trying to think about the steps he used to kiss him.

However, while Gallan was still struggling to recall, Huimus' patience was finally completely polished.

As soon as he looked up, he took the initiative to kiss back.

Galan stiffened slightly when he felt Huimos's lips open and the soft tip of his tongue tried to reach into his lips.

However, after hesitating for a second, he opened his lips.

He also put out the tip of his tongue tentatively, as if trying to imitate Heimus.

However, at the moment when the tips of each other's tongues touched, the teenager shrank back like a frightened rabbit.

But it was too late to flee back now, blocking Gallan's lips hard, and Huimos chased past with no mercy, tightly tightening the tip of the other party's escaped tongue.

He greedily craved everything in his lips.

When I felt the other person's breathing was fast, I released the imprisonment to the other party, and instead licked the other person's lips gently, waiting for the other party to relax and then invaded in with unkindness... so again and again, always Refuse to retreat.

Garland closed his eyes tightly, his left hand pressed on the stone fence was strained with tension, and his fingertips clasped on the stone fence.

A big brown hand covered the back of his clenched hand.

Brown fingertips stroked the **** fingers softly, one at a time.

It comforted the other patient patiently and let him relax slowly.

The brown fingers gently lifted the white fingers one by one, letting their fingers penetrate into the cracks.

Then, hold your fingers together, tight and seamless.

The temperature of the different palms seems to be transmitted between each other's skin, as if the lips are intertwined.

Under the dark night sky, the bonfire in the distant square was burning.

The night wind blew the white tulle on the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony, allowing it to fly softly.

The firelight reflected, and the shadows of the two people on the balcony were reflected on the dancing white tulle.

The swaying shadows almost merged into one, and they could no longer distinguish each other.

The author has something to say:   參么哒,吃糖糖

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