It is well known that the Royal Palace held the Huayu Festival celebration.

That night, when the royal palace was brightly lit, many people in the royal city also couldn't sleep at night, looking forward to the birth of their new princess.

Early in the morning the next day, they happily explored the results of the Huayu Festival celebration, and then they got a news that made them dumbfounded.

At first, the people in Wangcheng were stunned, but they soon realized.

At first glance, King Garland's request was ridiculous, but when you think about it carefully, it seems to be fine.

Not to mention kings, even if they are ordinary civilians, they do not want to marry someone who is uglier than themselves.

So King Garland asked the princess to look better than herself, and it seems... normal?

Ordinary people think so, so for those admirers of Aphrodite, this request of King Garland is completely taken for granted.

As for the noble ladies who lost collectively, no one said their gossip, and even sympathized with them.

In this way, the Huayu Festival celebration was held vigorously, and then ended vigorously.

The unsuccessful ministers were depressed, but the people talked about it.

There are even many bards who eagerly explore the detailed process of the celebration in the Wangchengzhong, and then adapt this matter into stories or poems and sing them out.

Since then, "the beauty of King Galland's appearance, no one in the world can match this sentence" is not only circulated in Aaron Landis, but also spread abroad, and finally made the entire continent known to everyone.

Even, through poetry and various records have been handed down to future generations, causing future generations to speculate about the appearance of King Garland.

I don’t know... if Gallan learned that his approach would have such a profound impact that everyone in the world knew it, would he regret doing so?


… Presumably regretful.


No matter what happens in the future, anyway, the impact on the palace is not small anyway.

The chief officer didn't say anything, but she watched Gallan smile for a long time the next morning, and Gallan's face turned red.

It wasn't until Gallan was about to lose her temper, and Tupiti could not help smiling.

On the other side, Xie Muer, who didn't go to the celebration temporarily, was naturally angered when he learned that.

For a whole week, every time he saw Galland, he had a dark face and no good complexion. He had guns and sticks in and out of it.

The same is true for Zuo Sixiang, every time Ting Yi will stare at Gallan with a depressing look.

Just stare, no loss anyway.

Garland thought so.

In any case, the ministers such as Xiemuer and Zuo Si have finally stopped urging him to marry.

In a blink of an eye, more than a week passed quickly, and this rumbling thing finally faded.

In the evening of that day, when Heimus walked into Garland's palace, someone happened to come out of it.

The blue-eyed boy wore a lion badge on his shoulder, which symbolizes the long position of the knight. When he saw Huimus, he stopped and bowed.

The boy's face was cold and indifferent, almost expressionless, and he refused to breathe thousands of miles away.

Heimus glanced at Novi without saying a word, but nodded his head indifferently and walked straight across Novi.

When Novi walked away in Heimus, he looked at Heimus's back for a moment.

He compared it secretly in his heart, then frowned and walked away quickly.

It's a big difference.

The young man, who was shorter than Heimus, was expressionless, but he was thinking sadly in his heart.

He still doesn’t have King Galland now, let alone compare with this...

It's ok.

Novi thought secretly in his heart.

He is only fifteen, and he can grow. Eat more and exercise more in the future and you will surely catch up with that person.

Novi comforted himself so much, knowing that Gallan in the palace was not less depressed than him.

Seeing that the little kid's head suddenly jumped up, it was almost one and seven meters at the age of fifteen. I'm afraid he could catch up with him in another year.

By that time, the only male next to him would be shorter than Taal.

Gallan was very thankful at the moment that he had selected Taal as a companion.

Looking at Heimus who came in and looked at it from head to toe, Gallan suddenly felt a little upset.

In fact, he is not short, he is about the same as the average person. It's only that the people around him are stuffed one by one tall, which makes him one size smaller.

Especially the guy like Huimos... well, roughly estimate, it can be almost one meter ninety-five?

"what happened?"

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Garland looking at himself. Heimus looked down doubtfully at his clothing.

Very normal, nothing strange?

"Nothing, just think you are too tall."

Garland was a little angry.

He was always spoiled in front of Heimus, and he unkindly sent his little temper that suddenly rose up to Heimus-he sat on the cushion of the bluestone table. He kicked his right foot towards Huimus' thigh.

Heimus didn't hide and let Gallan kick himself.

However, it wasn't that he was hitting it in vain. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Garland's ankle while the other person's foot hadn't retracted.

Because after sending Novi away, Gallan was going to rest on the stone cushion, so he was barefoot.

At this moment, he was caught by Huimos.

He struggled twice and did not break away from Heimus's hand, raised his eyebrows and looked at Heymus, an arrogant expression of'Don't you dare to fight back'

Garland's little arrogant look with a rather unreasonable look, I am afraid that only Huimos can see it alone.

Heimus smiled a little, and when Galan raised his eyebrows to demonstrate, his hand put a little force, and he grabbed the ankle in his hand and dragged Gallan to himself.

Gallan was sitting, dragged by it, and suddenly slid down most of his body. He reflexively pressed his hands on the stone platform to stabilize his body, and the other foot quickly stepped on the edge of the stone platform to resist the downward slide force.

And the guy who grabbed his ankle took advantage of this opportunity to bow his head and took a bite on his calf.

Galland, who was bitten, instinctively kicked over again, but the hand holding his ankle loosened quickly, avoiding his foot.

Seizing the opportunity, Huimus fell forward, leaned over, pressed his head down, and kissed.

Garland was laid against the bluestone platform. This posture could not help. Heimos was embedded between his legs, making him unable to struggle at all. He could only hold Heimos' arms tight.

After a kiss, the two separated.

Garlan suddenly remembered something and looked sideways nervously.

The room was empty and the door was closed. The waitresses and waitresses who were waiting outside were not present. It was thought that when Tupiti saw Huimos coming in, he immediately ordered the people to retreat.

Garland was relieved, and he glanced at Huimus.

This glare caused the guy who suppressed him to bow his head again and blocked his mouth fiercely.

This time it was a lot harsher and longer than before, until Gallan felt that he was about to breathe and pulled the sleeve of Heimus hard before finally being let go.

The white cheeks were reddened, and Gallan was lying on the cushion of the stone platform, and his head was resting on the leg of Huimos, still calming his breath.

Heimus sat leaning, holding Gallan's hand in one hand, intertwining his fingers, and gently stroked the blond hair that had fallen from his knee with the other hand.

His fingers dived into the thick blond hair, grabbed a strand of blond hair, and raised his hand to his lips.

The slightly squinted golden-red eyes gazed at Gallan, reflecting the sunset glow coming from the window, and a tempting color appeared in the corners of his eyes.

"I will stay here tonight...okay?"

He lowered his head, and his deep voice sounded like a hint of pleading, but the corners of his lips that were warming out of Garland's ears were raised.

The voice deliberately brought a little bit of hues, and he heard Garland's just recovered cheeks red again.

He certainly knew what Heimus meant.

Over the past few years, Huimus has stayed in his palace from time to time.

It's impossible to say that sleeping in the same bed at night but doing nothing, I wonder if this guy like a wolf can't pass the meat in front of him.

However, Huimos kept his promise that day, no matter how far he went, as long as he showed his resistance, Huimos would stop immediately and would never continue to force him.

In the following night, Huimos will hold back even if he is uncomfortable, and will only hold him to kiss his forehead and gently appease him, and will not do anything else.

Seriously, in the past few years, he was clearly the victim of tofu to be taken advantage of, but Gallan was inexplicably a little guilty for Heimus.

Therefore, every time Huimus proposed to stay overnight, Garland could not refuse. This time too, he didn't speak, but nodded gently.

The man's eyes were curved, his head lowered, and he kissed him softly again.

Pillowing on Heimus's leg, Gallan raised his hand and touched his cheek, his fingertips flicking across the scar on the corner of Heimus's eye.

Garland kissed his lips back.

"If you are lucky, you don't need to dance, just take the gold fan."

Garland touched Heimus's cheek and laughed so humorously.

"Do you want me to dance?"

Huimus raised an eyebrow.

Garland reflexively made up for how Huimus danced among the flowers... The picture was so beautiful that he shivered and shook his head quickly.

"Forget it, Lord Black Knight, if you really dance at the celebration, your image in the eyes of everyone will be completely ruined."

As he said, he squeezed Huimus's face with a grin.

"Thousands of admirers of the Black Knights in Aaron Landis will cry and cry because of the collapse of their faith."

"It doesn't matter."

Heylan's words made Gallan startled.

Heimus looked at him deeply, his nose almost touching the tip of his nose.

He could clearly feel the breath from the other person passing through his face.

"If you can allow it, even if you are in a large public, no matter how many people are in front of me, let me dance for you for as long as possible..."

Heimus looked at him softly and rubbed the tip of his nose gently.

"As long as this can convey the love for you."

Speaking of which, Huimus's words suddenly stopped.

After a while, he continued, "I am jealous."

"I know you won't choose any of them... but I am still jealous."

He lowered his eyelashes and whispered, "I'm jealous that they can dance for you and woo you in front of everyone."

Garlan looked at Huimus, and he reached out and climbed up to Huimus' shoulder.

He opened his eyes, the bright golden eyes clearly reflected the shadow of the man on his body.

"No matter how many people dance in front of my eyes, I will only watch you alone."

Garland said,

"Yes now, and later."

He whispered that his hands continued to wrap backwards around Heimus' neck, causing the man to lower his head and let them entangle each other's lips again.

The evening glow shone down and reflected the two figures on the snowy ground.



On a clear afternoon, a fleet of warships all arrived at the harbour of King Aaron Landis.

A navy blue flag fluttered high on the largest warship, and the flag was a pattern where the bow and arrow intersected.

That was the flag of Elson, the southern island nation.

Since the war in Tozes City more than ten years ago, the country of Elson has been recognized by Aaron Landis, which has completely ended the awkward position that no one has recognized.

The frequent trade with Aaron Landis gradually helped the development of Elson's economy, and the life of Elsons was much better.

Then, in the war five years ago, while many countries in the unknown situation were still on the sidelines, the Alson female soldier resolutely went to Aaron Landis to accept the call of Galland, who was then the crown prince, to help Asia Renrandis drove away the invaders.

As a result, the relationship between the two countries is getting closer and closer, almost equal to that of Tasda.

After learning that the messenger of Elson had arrived, Garland quickly summoned the messenger.

He thought that Elson's messenger should still be the female general who often dealt with him. Therefore, he also privately thanked Kehuos who was right in the west for this moment.

This female general is really obsessed with Kehuos, so in these years, every time she came as a messenger, Kehuos would immediately go out to hide for a while.

Because they were familiar with each other, Gallan planned to summon her in private directly in the government office. The only other people present were Huimus, Xiemuer, Soga, and Zuo Si.

With the brisk footsteps of his boots stepping on the stone floor, Elson's messenger stepped into the room.

The coming person is not the female general who everyone thinks, but a young girl who has never seen before.

The girl looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old, tall and tall, and had slender hands and feet.

She wore leather armor and her long brown wavy hair was tied high into the back of her head. She didn't wear too much attire, she looked clean and neat.

A pair of azure eyes, radiant, looking forward to Gu Shenghui.

Although the girl's appearance is extremely beautiful, she can't see the slightest breath in her brows. On the contrary, the tall nose bridge and the gaze looking straight ahead reveal the firm color, and the whole person looks heroic.

Her every move, with a bit of arrogance, all showed her outstanding appearance as an Elson warrior.

As soon as the young Alson woman entered the room, she looked straight at Gallan sitting in the upper seat.

Suddenly it seemed to recall something, and there was a look of nostalgia in her eyes.

She leaned over, landed on one knee, and saluted Gallan.

When she looked up again, she smiled brightly at Gallan.

"Long time no see, King Garland."

she says,

"In the past five years, you don't seem to have changed much."

Looking at this unfamiliar Elson female warrior, Gallan was still thinking about how the messenger was replaced, but he met his blue eyes with a smile, and the big blue eyes of a girl in memory A flash passed through my head.

"Are you... Emma?"

Gallan looked at the tall and heroic Alson female warrior below, recalling the little girl as beautiful and cute as a doll in her memory.

Only five years later, it has completely changed.

The child really grows fast.

Gallan couldn't help feeling.

Hearing that his name was called out by Gallan, it means that the other party still remembers himself, and the sapphire-like eyes of Queen Emma were bent.

"I'm fifteen years old, and I passed the trial of the Alson female warrior, and I officially became an adult."

According to the customs of the Elsons, anyone who has reached the age of fifteen can participate in the trial of the Elson female warrior. As long as they can successfully pass, they will be recognized as adults.

What is unfeasible is that an adult identity can only be obtained after 25 years of age.

"According to Elson's convention, I must leave Elson as a adult and travel on the mainland for a period of time, so I took the initiative to ask my mother to come to Aaron Landis as the messenger.

"In addition to traveling across the continent, as the next Queen Elson, I have another important task to complete."

"I must give birth to Queen Elson after this time."

Without any embarrassment, the eyes of Queen Elson looked directly at Gallan.

She simply said: "King Galland, I hope you can become the father of my children!"

Wang Nu's straightforward speech silenced the entire room for a moment.

Garland felt a little ignorant.

"That...Emma, ​​wait a minute, that, cough, you should have heard about it before the Huayu Festival."

"Well, I heard about it."

"Then you should also know that I have said that the princess in my heart must have a better look than me..."

"I don't want to be a princess."

The girl said simply.

As the next Queen Elson, how could she become the princess of other countries.

She tilted her head and looked at Gallan calmly.

"I just want a child of yours, and I don't plan to be your princess, so your request for the princess has nothing to do with me, does it?"

Garland: "........."

It makes sense that he was speechless for a while.

The author has something to say:   Little Queen Girl: "I want to give you a monkey!" [No

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