After five years of reunion, what should have been a touching scene turned into a confounding scene in the words of the little king girl.

The words of the little king girl were too straightforward, so that everyone, including Gallan, fell silent.

The scene was very embarrassing.

As a result, the most cunning Nanna priest on the scene decided to escape from the scene with resolute affairs.

Seeing that Soga had taken the lead, Zuo Si, who had been shocked by the little girl's words for a while, coughed a bit and then retreated for the same reason.

It was only when he left that he glanced at the little king girl, revealing a thoughtful look, as if thinking about something.

Looking at the little girl's pair of eyes straight to her blue eyes, Gallan finally understood why the gentle knight who has always been able to navigate among many noble girls and is gentle and considerate to any woman will meet General Elson. Avoid decisively and refuse to meet.

He rubbed his head and thought it was a little troublesome.

Although the little girl said that she would come back to find him and give birth to his child and so on before separating from him, in Gallan's view, it was just a child's childish words, which should not be true.

It's just that the little child woke up for a while, because he saved her and felt a little dependent on himself, so he said this.

Gallan felt that as time went by, as the little girl grew up, she would gradually forget about it.

Who knows, the little girl actually really remembered this matter for five years, and when she was an adult, she happily ran over.

Things really made him cry and laugh.

Not to mention that he is already accompanied, even if there is no one, he has no idea about the little girl.

After all, Xiao Wang was only ten years old when she saw her at the beginning of the year. Although she was beautiful and cute, he was not perverted. How could she think of a baby girl?

……and many more.

Thinking of this, Gallan reacted.

Speaking of someone around...

Uh... Huimus... it seems, it seems... also here... right?


With a panic in his chest, he couldn't take care of anything else, and Gallan turned his head sharply and looked at Heimus aside.

In the last celebration, only someone wanted to get close to him, and Heymuss threw a sword directly.

Now the little girl in front of him bluntly said that you want his child-this is almost the same as saying "I want to spend a good night with you".

He didn't dare to imagine what Hummerus would do.

Gallan looked nervously over, and even prepared to get up and stop the other party in an emergency.

But unlike Garland's expectations, Huimus, who was standing aside, did not move.

He just turned his head and looked quietly at the little king girl.

The black hair scattered from his cheeks covered the corners of his eyes, and Gallan couldn't see his eyes looking at the little queen girl at the moment, only to see that the look on his face looked faint, without any expression.

However, it was the calm eyes that somehow caused Gallan's heart to suddenly tighten.

Sensing Gallan's line of sight, Huimus turned his head and met Gallan's gaze.

Probably guessing the reason why Gallan looked at himself nervously, Huimus smiled at Gallan, his eyes soft, with a little appeasement, apparently telling Gallan not to worry, he did not It will mess up.

Receiving the meaning conveyed by Huimus's gaze, Gallan did not feel relieved.

He lowered his eyes, and his heart felt even more inexplicable.

The uninhibited eagle, which should have soared in the sky, folded its wings.

The lonely black wolf, who should have stood proudly on the top of the mountain, hides his claws and bows down.

The fierce beast who never bowed his head to anyone or even dared to change his life forced him to converge on his inherent pride and fierceness, learned to compromise, and understood tolerance.

Gallan's hand on the armrest of the seat was clenched slightly.

Yes, this might save him from having to worry about it anymore, and no need to try to clean up the aftermath.

But... is this really what he wants?


In the silence, Xie Muer coughed softly, breaking this awkward atmosphere.

He stared at Emma, ​​his face not very beautiful.

From the point of view of the harsh and rigid high priest, the behavior of the Queen Elson was extremely disrespectful, so he was very dissatisfied.

"Daughter of King Elson, you came to see King Gallan as the messenger of Elson, not as a private person."

He said in a nearly rebuke tone.

"Please note your identity."

The young Elson female soldier blinked and thought for a while, then nodded simply.

"Yes, you are right, I am overstepped."

She readily apologized, and then looked up at Gallan again.

Her eyes are still clear, but a little more formal.

"King Galland, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you on behalf of Queen Elson."

After finishing the ceremony seriously, Emma got up and handed a gift list to Xie Muer.

"This is a gift from the Queen to King Garland."

The voice of the little prince made Gallan recover.

He quickly adjusted his mind, looked up at Emma, ​​and began a formal conversation.

The little girl no longer mentioned the children, and their conversation was much smoother. They talked about the situation of the trade between Elson State and Tozes City after this year, as well as the commission of the Elson Woman Warrior, which began not long ago. Training the archer troops of Aaron Landis, and assisting Tozes City to build speed warships and so on.

After the conversation, the high priest, who was originally dissatisfied with the king, nodded slightly.

Although the eldest daughter of Elson behaved a little out of tune at first, but once she seriously talked about the right thing, she was right.

It may be a little bit immature, but considering that it is the first time to be an emissary, the performance is not bad. Over time, it will not be much worse than General Vinier.

Queen Elson is also a successor.

After the conversation, the little girl didn't say much, and after paying salute to Gallan, she left very honestly.

Garland was relieved.



The day passed in a blink of an eye, and it became dark.

The crescent had just climbed into the night sky, and there were some clouds tonight, and the moonlight was not bright.

Spring has passed, and early summer is coming, all the lotus flowers in the pool are blooming.

On the large balcony on the side of the palace, the white jade fence extends outward into the courtyard and hangs above the small half of the pool.

Gallan sat sideways on the long stone chair inside the stone fence, one slender leg fell outside the stone chair, and the other stood on his knees.

He leaned on a stone pillar and tilted his head to look out of the stone fence.

The clear crescent moon pool is at his feet. In the pool, the blossoming lilac lotus is above the surging water waves, and the green leaves rise and fall with it.

The cool breeze, brushing Gallan's cheeks, set off his long blond hair.

Behind him, the transparent tulle covering the inside of the room danced softly in the wind, if there were any traces like Yuehua.

The chief lady lifted the endless tulle, walked from the room to the balcony, and delivered a glass of juice with crushed ice to Galland.

Garland took it and took a sip.


He mumbled softly.

Tapti looked at Gallan, smiled softly, and then turned to prepare to return to the room.


Suddenly, the voice of the Chief Officer stopped, turned around, and looked at Gallan.

Still leaning on the stone pillar and sitting sideways on the stone fence bench, Gallan lowered his eyes, holding the glass cup in his hands with both hands, and turned gently.

Heimus flashed a bit of loss in his mind as he watched the little girl.

[I’m jealous of them...they can dance for you in court, courting you...]

"Tapti, am I doing something wrong at the Huayu Festival?"

Garland asked.

The long, slender eyelashes dropped a shadow on his cheek and moved slightly.

His voice was very small, it sounded a bit like a child who did something wrong, and there was a sense of regret in his tone.

When asked about Garland, Tapti thought carefully for a moment.

"Your Majesty, if you are a partner, it is indeed wrong."

Said the woman chief.

The next sentence turned suddenly.

"But, as King Aaron Landis, you are doing the right thing."

She shook her head and said.

"Since Lord Heimos chose to admire you in those years, he should understand that this is destined to happen. If he cannot understand your approach to embarrass you or even force you, then, He is not qualified to continue to be with you."


He understands.

He also understands.

So he said nothing and did nothing.

With his fingers turning the glass cup in his hand unconsciously, Gallan thought absently, looking at the shattered ice in the cup.

At this time, a maid came in a hurry and reported a word to the female chief in a low voice.

The chief woman nodded and turned to say, "Your Majesty, Novi is here, just outside the door. Do you want to see him?"

"Novi? Let him in."

With the steady footsteps, the young knight lifted the dancing veil and appeared in front of Gallan.

The purpose of Novi’s coming to see Garland is to ask Garland to go to the battlefield.

According to the regulations, the legion that returned to the royal city to take a rest will only go to the battlefield again after half a year of rest, but Novi can't wait. He hopes to return to the battlefield as soon as possible to hone himself, establish merits, and allow him to grow up at the fastest speed and become a general in the Aaron Landis Army.

So he came over tonight and asked Garland to transfer himself to the frontline battlefield in the west.

Garland can understand the idea that Novi desperately wants to go to the battlefield in the West.

After all, he grinded himself hard for five years just to one day revenge his loved ones and the pain they suffered in the past on the battlefield. Gallan thought for a moment and nodded.

In Novi's happy eyes, Gallan made a request.

"Stay in Wangcheng for another week and accompany me to spend the festival of gods in Wangcheng. After that, I will send you to Xijing again, will you?"

With the pair of golden eyes looking at him smilingly, Novi looked down.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He whispered.

His slightly lips made his face look a little awkward, but the tone of his words revealed the mood he was actually looking forward to.

Not only Garland, but even the chief woman next to him looked at this awkward boy, couldn't help but cover his raised lips with his fingers.

The two were talking, and someone was visiting.

Unlike Novi’s steady pace just now, this time the footsteps of the coming person were extremely brisk, just a few breathing kung fu, and most of them passed through the palace and came to Galland.

When seeing Galland at a glance, the girl's blue eyes like the ocean curled up into the arc of the crescent moon in the night sky.

Her smile was clear, with the vitality of the rising sun rising above the ocean.

"I'm not seeing you as a messenger now, so can I talk about personal matters?"

As soon as they met, the young Queen Elson went straight to the subject.

There is still nothing to hide, straight in.

"How did you think about the thing I mentioned about wanting your child?"

Without waiting for Garland to answer, she continued with great interest.

"I said, I don’t want to be a princess, I just want your child. If it’s a girl, then I will leave her in Elson. She will be Queen Elson after me. If it’s a boy, I will let him Bring it back, but I will come to you one year later."

"You should also know that no matter what, I have to give birth to a girl."

She did not shy away,

"I'm not going to find others, my child's father, only you are qualified to do it, after all..."

Suddenly interrupted Xiao Wangnv's words.


Novi, who had just recovered from the shock, glared at Emma.

"Dr. Elson, how dare you say such arrogant words to your majesty?!"

I didn't notice Novi at first. The little girl was startled by the anger. When she saw the speaker, she frowned.

"The underage kid, I'm talking to King Garland, what are you talking about?"

Novi glanced coldly at her.

"You are as old as me."

The little girl raised her head proudly.

"According to Elson's customs, I'm an adult."

"Adulthood is also a naive and rude."

"Who are you talking about? So, men, even minors, are all kind of arrogant, arrogant, and cowardly."

The little prince pouted and froze her crossbrows.

Only halfway through, she suddenly remembered something and hurried at Garland to smile flatly.

"Except you~~"

Garland: "........."

The young knight was already angry and laughing, and Keng pulled his sword out of the sheath.

"You will be the defeated man of the cowardly and incompetent man in your mouth today!"

"Yes, underage, it seems that I have to let you know the power of the female warrior Elson."

The little king girl competed against each other and pulled out her slender dagger at the waist.

Seeing a war between teenagers and girls about to break out--


Gallan decisively raised his hands and stood before the two of them, preventing this century war.

Both looked at each other fiercely and then reluctantly closed their swords.

"Novi, as a knight, you shouldn't speak badly to a lady."

After teaching Novi, Gallan turned his head and looked at his little girl in anticipation.

"Emma, ​​if I remember correctly, your Elson female warrior’s criteria for choosing a child’s father are strength and strength, and must be a brave one-of-a-kind person, like Kehuos."

He tried hard to persuade the little girl to give up herself.

"Look, I don't seem to meet your requirements..."

"Wisdom is also a kind of power. How do other people think of other people’s things? The powerful Alson female warrior is enough, and my child is the future queen. I think it’s more powerful than you. The wisdom of everyone is more important."

The little girl answered without hesitation.

"Moreover, my mother said that within ten years, I will definitely become the strongest Elson female warrior in history. So, our children must have both my strength and your wisdom, so that she will be able to Leading Elson to prosperity."

With that said, she looked at Garlan's eyes brighter.

Unlike the sentimental eyes of ordinary women who look at their beloved ones, the eyes of Ayerson female warriors who look at their favorite men have always been tough and sharp, full of aggressiveness, just like being caught in the jungle The hunter of the prey he loves.

After all, for them, men are their prey.

Raising his hand, he stopped Novi, who was about to come back, and Garland looked at Emma calmly.

He shook his head.

"Sorry, Emma, ​​I can't agree."


The little maiden was originally immersed in the fantasy that her powerful and intelligent daughter would lead Elson to prosperity. When she heard this, she was anxious.

"Because I don't like you, I can't."

"Like?" The little girl stunned for a moment, then smiled dumbly. "If you don't like it, you don't like it. Me too."

She said indifferently, "Elson women will not like any man, we are just choosing a man who is most suitable to be our child."


Although Galan raised his hand and stopped talking, but Novi, who could not hear, gritted his teeth and whispered.

But this time, the little girl was not angry, and she looked at Novi with one eyebrow.

"This is how we Alson live."

She said frankly,

"We don't need men, and we don't want to be entangled with the so-called love. The sea and the battlefield are the home of our female warriors."

The little girl looked too calm when she talked, but left Novi speechless.

He froze his head silently with a handsome face.

"So, King Galland, it doesn't matter what I like, I just..."

Garland shook his head again.

"Sorry, Emma, ​​I can't promise you, because I don't want to go to bed|do|make|love with people who don't like me or like me."

Although I didn't see the slightest shyness when I asked for a child, I really heard the words from the other person's mouth. The little girl's eyes still glanced at a little uncomfortable look, revealing her rare daughter's pride.

After that flash of expression, Emma, ​​who was rejected again, tried hard to convince Gallan.

"But, I just want to..."

Just started, the little girl didn't say what she said next.

Perhaps it was because the golden eyes that were watching her calmly were too bright, and she saw her shadow clearly reflected in it.

"Emma, ​​I respect the way you Alson live."

Garland said,

"So, you also have to respect my way of life."

He reached out and touched the little girl's brown curly hair.

It was like he gently stroked the little girl's head five years ago.

He said, "Okay?"

The little maiden pursed her lips and couldn't tell the reason. She suddenly felt aggrieved.

However, despite the grievances in the ocean-like blue eyes, she nodded obediently, just as if she was a child a long time ago and behaved like a blond boy.

she thinks.

The person in front of him seems to have never changed.

Whether it is appearance or other, it is the same as the first meeting.

Time never seemed to pass by this person.

After a while, the little queen girl who had been wronged and looked up at Garland looked a little unwilling and could not help asking in a low voice.

"Then... do you have someone you like and like you?"

As soon as she finished asking questions, she saw him startled.

Then, suddenly a smile.

The little king girl froze for a moment.

She couldn't describe the feeling, but the smile made her look lost for a moment.


She saw him smile at her.

That light smile is like the gentle breeze in the light of the night passing the lilac lotus blossoms.

She heard him say, "Yes."

He said, yes.

The author has something to say:   Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angels who cast [mine]: Yang Yeyue and Zheyue 1

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

The baby is getting angry, 32 bottles of Lazy Creek; unfortunately 23 bottles; Su Su classmates, choose one city to end old, 10 poodles, small monsters; euphoria, 1 bottle of Liuhua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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