A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 106 If the money is not used as military expenditure, it will become reparations!

Not beautiful countries and Western countries are afraid!

This topic instantly became a hot search topic.

It also made the netizens who were a little angry just now suddenly not feel so uncomfortable anymore.

After all, it is quite a sense of pride and satisfaction to be able to see an unattractive country start to get scared.

However, the thought that the transformation of aircraft carriers and the manufacturing of space carriers will be delayed for a while still makes many netizens feel uncomfortable.

"Well, I don't think you need to worry too much. Although resources are stuck, maybe the big classmates have other ways!"

"And aren't we going to land on the moon in two months? The resources on the moon should have never been used by anyone since ancient times. They might be very rich, and this might be our way to break the situation!"

"Hey, having said that, it is estimated that the competition for resources on the moon will inevitably be bloody. There is no way that a beautiful country will give up the resources on the moon to us easily!"

"What are you afraid of? With the big guys from our classmates here, I believe our moon landing equipment will definitely be no worse than theirs! The worst we can do is have a fight!"

"That's right, we have nano-suits. This alone is a lot more flexible than them. When it comes to fighting, we are never afraid!"

"In two months, I believe that my classmates will be able to develop more advanced and targeted lunar landing equipment. The moon has been ours since ancient times, and we will definitely not let the unattractive people take advantage!"


Not beautiful domestically.

While netizens were discussing the hot topic, Lin Yang received a series of task reward prompts from the system.

"Congratulations to the host, because you have provided your country with super mobile phone technology, aircraft carrier transformation and upgrade technology, and aerospace carrier technology all at once, you have been greatly admired by the people of your country!"

"You are regarded as a superhero and you receive a hundred reputation points as a reward!"

"Congratulations to the host. Since the technology you provided has greatly deterred other countries and enhanced the international prestige of your country, the reputation value you obtained this time has been increased a hundred times. The reputation value you have obtained this time has been increased to 10,000. point!"

"Congratulations to the host, because you have met the expectations of the people of your country and brought them the super-era mobile phone they hope to have. You have gained the love of the people of your country and been regarded as a loving hero. You have received an additional three thousand Point the reputation points as a reward.”

"Congratulations to the host. Because you have met the expectations of the people of your country twice in a row, you have been regarded as a dream-fulfilling hero by the people. You have received an additional 2,000 reputation points as a reward and a special title: Dream-Realizing Master!"

"Remarks: With this title, when you fulfill the public's expectations, you will receive an additional random national treasure reward."

"Host, please note that the title of Dream Realization Master can be upgraded. When you complete the public's directional expectations five times and ten times, you can be upgraded to Dream Realization Master and Dream Builder respectively."

"When your Dream Master title is upgraded to a Dream Builder, you will receive an additional super mysterious prize exclusive to the Dream Builder!"

"Due to the detection of the host's reputation value doubling card, the reputation value you obtained this time will be doubled. After doubling, you will receive a total of 30,000 reputation points this time."

"Your current accumulated reputation value is 37,171 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, since your cumulative reputation value has reached 10,000 points, your reputation value title has been upgraded from world-famous to: powerful all over the world!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have received three exclusive blind box gift packs for the title of Powerful Fame."

"Remarks: This blind box can extract products of the highest level three technological civilization!"

"Congratulations to the host, because you have obtained the title of Mighty Fame Points for the first time, you have gained achievement points."


This time the system’s reward prompts are still very long, but the rewards are also very generous!

A full 30,000 points of fame reward!

He also received a new Dream Realization Master title and three blind boxes after upgrading his reputation title.

Blind boxes are a good thing!

But this time, he was not in a hurry to open the blind box directly, because there was currently nothing missing.

Of course, the main reason is that he has very little national treasure value left after exchanging space carrier technology. If he draws something that can be upgraded but does not have the national treasure value to upgrade, it will be very uncomfortable.

He still has a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, thinking of the national treasure value, Lin Yang asked: "System, didn't you say that because of the existence of the title of Most Wanted Criminal, can I also get the national treasure value reward after providing the technology back? Why is there only a reputation value reward now?"

"Answer to the host, since your reputation value title has been upgraded to the world-famous one, the National Treasure Mall is temporarily under maintenance."

"After the maintenance, corresponding rewards will be issued to you and a new series of redemption items will be opened. Host, please stay tuned!"

"...Are you kidding me?" Lin Yang was speechless for a moment. The national treasure shopping mall actually still needs to be maintained?

The system remained silent.

"Forget it, how long will it take to maintain?"

Lin Yang saw this and did not continue to ask.

He had become somewhat accustomed to the system's occasional tics and abstract operations.

"Answer the host, the maintenance time will be about fifteen minutes, please wait!"


Lin Yang shrugged, fifteen minutes is not a long time, just wait a while, it won't be a big deal.

"Didi, you have a new email!"

However, the next moment, he received an urgent email from the Academy of Sciences, asking if he could make a call immediately.


Lin Yang's eyes flashed. The Academy of Science and Technology urgently requested to speak to him. This was probably because of the announcement that some countries such as the United States had just issued banning the export of resources.

Resources are limited, so academies of science and technology should be very anxious.

Sure enough, when he called, he heard Zhao Zizhen's unconcealable eagerness:

"Classmate, did you see the announcement jointly issued by the United States and the United States on restricting resource trade exports?"

"Yeah." Lin Yang nodded, "Do you want to ask me if there is anything I can do?"

"Ahem, to be honest, my classmates passed us the technology, but the related resources are blocked, which is really a bit tricky."

Zhao Zizhen's old face turned red. He had passed on his skills to them, and even put food in his mouth, but now they couldn't eat it, which made him very embarrassed.

Very guilty too.

Lin Yang heard that Zhao Zi was really ashamed and embarrassed, and instead comforted him: "Dean Zhao, don't feel guilty. We are an international resource society now, let alone us. Even if it is not beautiful, it is impossible to build an aircraft carrier alone. It is normal for them to block resources." .”

"Hey..." Zhao Zizhen didn't know what to say and could only sigh.

"Dean Zhao, I can't change the resources now. You can modify the parts that can be modified first, and then try your best to make some mid-range and long-range offensive weapons. I have uploaded the relevant information about the offensive weapons that need to be made to the network disk. Take a look and build as many as you can. After landing on the moon, I will find a way to solve the problem of blocked resources!"

"Ah? All weapons?"

Zhao Zizhen immediately opened the network disk and took a look. When he saw the required number of weapons and construction standards, his eyes suddenly widened and he stammered:

"Same, classmate, if we make weapons according to these standards, I'm afraid it won't be able to fight even if it costs hundreds of billions, right? Maybe it'll be trillions, or even not enough!"


Lin Yang's eyes were dark.

"The money required to make these weapons is indeed more, but, Dean Zhao, you don't have to worry about money."

"If the money is not used as military expenses, sooner or later it will become war reparations!"

"I will solve the resource problem."

"You, just trust me!"

Thank you to all the big brothers and sisters for your reading, support and companionship.

I wish you all good luck!

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