A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 107 No, he shouldn’t think about it again

Chapter 107 No, he shouldn’t think about it again...

If the money is not used as military expenses, it will become war reparations!

These words shocked Zhao Zizhen.

Ye Guhong, who was monitoring the call, even exclaimed: "Okay, if the money is not used for military expenses, it will become war reparations!"

"Old Zhao, tell him that we have always given him 10,000% trust!"

"The weapons he needs, no matter how much money it costs or how much it costs, we will provide him with them on time!"

Zhao Zizhen immediately relayed Ye Guhong's words to Lin Yang.

"Okay, Dean Zhao, just make these before landing on the moon."

Lin Yang replied and immediately hung up the phone, waiting for the maintenance of the National Treasure Mall to be completed.

In China, Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong's eyes were still full of shock.

What Lin Yang said just now, if money is not used as military expenditure, it will become compensation, is so impactful!

The meaning contained in these words is worth pondering.

They looked at each other and saw shock and joy in each other's eyes.

There are such young people in the country, so why not worry!

"not good!"

Suddenly, Zhao Zi really seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Ye Guhong frowned.

"The guy who just said he would solve the resource problem, could he want to secretly give us things again..."

Zhao Zizhen's tone was urgent. Although he didn't point it out clearly, Ye Guhong instantly understood what he meant, his eyes immediately changed, and he said in a more urgent tone:

"Send him an email quickly and tell him that we have urgent matters and need to speak to him again immediately!"

Zhao Zizhen nodded and immediately started sending emails to Lin Yang.

Ye Guhong murmured nervously: "I hope it's too late, and I hope this person doesn't act too fast. Those resources are probably not beautiful. They have already transferred them to the military industrial base. If we go to get them again, , the risk is really too great!”

What Zhao Zizhen didn't finish just now had an obvious meaning: he was worried that Lin Yang would steal resources from them again!

With Lin Yang's unique stealing methods and abilities, it is very likely that the same method will be used to solve the resource problem.

But these resources are all military industrial materials, and they are basically stored in military industrial bases.

The risk of stealing is extremely high.

They didn't want Lin Yang to risk this at all!

Don’t think about it at all!

As soon as Lin Yang hung up the phone, he received another urgent email from Zhao Zizhen requesting a call.

This made him a little confused, but he immediately called back.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard Zhao Zizhen say extremely anxiously and nervously:

"Ahem, classmate, what about that? You just said that you will solve the resource problem. You must not go there quietly...that what..."

Zhao Zizhen was talking, but when it came to his mouth, he was really embarrassed to say the words "theft" and "theft".

But Lin Yang naturally understood what Zhao Zi really meant and immediately laughed:

"So that's why. I thought you encountered some urgent matter again. If you're worried about this, don't worry. I won't take risks to get these resources."

He's not stupid.

The difficulty of stealing technical information is different from that of stealing physical objects.

Don't look at the fact that he successfully obtained the technical manuscript of the photolithography machine in Windmill Country for the first time, but that was because before that, it was impossible for anyone to think that someone could lurk in and do such a thing.

Moreover, the manuscripts I took at that time were also photographed, and I did not take the original manuscripts directly.

Furthermore, although cultural relics are also real objects, these things are usually stored in museums or in some private collections. Anyway, they are unlikely to appear in military industrial bases.

Even if you are vigilant, there will always be times when you relax.

But these materials used to build aircraft carriers must be military materials.

If you go to the military industrial base to buy military supplies, it is not a question of difficulty at all.

This is a matter of declaring war.

He didn't have this idea for the time being.

"Huh... It's good that you don't have this idea,"

When Zhao Zizhen heard what he said on the other side of the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

It would be great if Lin Yang could understand this truth. Although the country is powerful now, it does not yet have the power to truly dominate the world.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Uh... I want to ask again, then why did you just ask us to make so many weapons?"

Zhao Zizhen spoke a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I have other uses for those weapons, not for you to prepare for battle in advance." Lin Yang said.

"Ahem, okay, okay, in that case, I won't disturb you, classmate." Zhao Zizhen laughed dryly and hung up the phone.

In fact, what he wanted to ask just now was whether Lin Yang suddenly asked them to make so many weapons because he wanted to be ready for war at any time after he stole the supplies.

But after hearing Lin Yang's answer, he felt relieved.

Lin Yang smiled.

The reason why he had just passed on the weapon technical information and needed it in large quantities was because he planned to set up a battle line near the ecological base after landing on the moon, and also let the patrolling robots wear them.

Those weapon technical data include modified rocket-like weapons and modified medium- and long-range missiles, but they are at least ten times more powerful than rockets and existing medium- and long-range missiles, as well as some modified digging tools. .

After a beautiful country returns to the moon, it will definitely not be willing to give up the moon's resources, and some disputes may break out on the moon.

However, America's current moon landing technology is not enough to launch a large-scale war on the moon. They can only carry some conventional weapons to the moon.

Therefore, there is no need to directly use the power of the ecological base to attack.

The ecological base is a third-level technological civilization. Using the weapon power system of the ecological base will consume a lot of energy.

And these consumed energy are more expensive for the current domestic to replenish.

This energy can be used in other more cost-effective places.

Although he can also exchange national treasure value for energy replenishment, the price is not cheap.

Therefore, the most cost-effective method now is to modify the existing conventional attack weapons, which will be enough to run rampant on the moon.

Moreover, these weapons can not only be used on the moon, but also on the blue star!

Although it costs more money temporarily, it is actually more cost-effective in the long run.

As for the mining tools, of course they are used to mine mineral resources!

Zhao Zizhen and the others are simply overthinking.

Although he also wanted to get rid of the situation in the country immediately, but it was not the time yet.

He still has some sense in this regard.

"Congratulations to the host, the maintenance of the National Treasure Mall has been completed. A new series of redemption materials has been opened for you. Now you will be given rewards corresponding to the National Treasure!"

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded.

Thanks to Big Brother Xiao Zhibo for the 1666 coins reward, and thanks to Big Brother Tinghai for the reward, so that the two elder brothers spent money to bow to the elder brother. I wish the two elder brothers good luck in everything, and wealth will follow you everywhere!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who read, subscribe and support. I wish everyone can become rich and happy!

Bow to big brother!

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