A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 108 The international mobile phone giant company collapses

"Congratulations to the host, because you provided super armed technology to your country in other countries and regions during the special title of the most wanted international criminal. You have received corresponding national treasure rewards, totaling 314,600 point!"

This time the reward prompt is very short, only two sentences.

But Lin Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Rewards worth more than 300,000 national treasures!

He spent 150,000 in exchange for space carrier technology, and now it's almost doubled.

And this is just providing technology, and has not yet successfully created an aerospace carrier.

If you wait until you build the space carrier again, you may be able to get another wave of massive rewards.

This deal...

Good deal!

Of course, this is mainly because he now has the special title of the most wanted international criminal, which has doubled the value of the national treasure reward, otherwise he might not have received so much at once.

"Hey, it would be nice if this bad title could always exist."

At this moment, he fell in love with the title of the most wanted international criminal.

This is not the title of a wanted criminal, it is clearly the title of the God of Wealth!

While sighing, he also opened the system mall.

Then I saw that the National Treasure Mall seemed to have been upgraded and maintained.

There were not many things that could be redeemed before, but now with the upgrade, the number of items that can be redeemed has suddenly increased a lot.

In particular, some items are marked as exclusive preferential exchange items for Mighty World.

This made him stunned for a moment: "System, didn't you say before that there is no reputation value mall?"

"Answer the host, this is not a reputation value mall. You don't need to consume reputation points to redeem it. It's just because your title has reached a world-famous level and there are matching redemption items."

"The redemption of these items still consumes national treasure value. The reason why they are marked as exclusive preferential exchange items for Megatron is because when you redeem these items, if you also have the title of Megatron, you can get certain discounts."

"Of course, if you don't have these titles, you can also spend the full amount of national treasure value to redeem them."

"At the same time, please note that when your title is upgraded, you will receive exclusive discounts and redemption items for the new title."

"These title-exclusive discount items can only be redeemed during the duration of the title. Once the title is upgraded, the exclusive discounts will disappear and you need to spend the original national treasure value to redeem them."

"..." Lin Yang rolled his eyes.

This broken system has some really complicated settings.

Then he didn't bother to ask any more questions and began to draw out the three blind boxes he had just obtained.

Just when he was drawing the blind box, the domestic academies of science issued a new announcement.

"Warning: Our school has successfully developed the first physical mobile phone with many domestic mobile phone manufacturers on the premise that students provide technology. The mobile phone is named Huyue Mobile Phone and will be fully controlled by Huyue Group to develop a mobile phone subsidiary."

"At the same time, the classmate will also serve as the special management director of Huyue Group, with the authority of the top manager of Huyue Group. However, due to the special identity of the classmate, his identity information cannot be disclosed to the outside for the time being."

"Remarks: Huyue mobile phones will be shipped out in the first batch within a week at the earliest. Everyone is welcome to book in advance!"

These two sudden announcements made everyone stunned for a moment.

But then things got exciting.

"Damn it, this efficiency is too fast. During the live broadcast, Researcher Wang said it would take half a month at the earliest, but now it's even a week earlier!"

"Haha, hurry up. Once Huyue mobile phones start selling, other foreign mobile phone manufacturers will be waiting to close down!"

"Niu Bi, the classmate's boss, actually became the top director of Huyue Group. I'm so envious!"

"Made, it would be great if I were a friend of my classmate's boss..."


It is different from the relaxed discussion atmosphere among domestic netizens.

Four Star and Fruit, the two major foreign mobile phone giants, fell into unprecedented difficulties following these two announcements.

Because the announcement was accompanied by a physical display of the mobile phone, which was exactly the same as the previous live preview.

This eliminated the last bit of luck they had left in their hearts.

This is not a concept machine that can only exist on display, but can actually be built.

When Huyue mobile phones begin to be launched in large quantities, it is conceivable that in the near future, there will be no mobile phone manufacturer in the world that can compete with it.

What they can do is to clear their inventory in advance and then choose to go bankrupt or change careers!

Yes, there are only two ways.

You can’t even follow the trend and imitate!

They don't have that technology at all!

The management of the two major companies held meetings overnight, and finally issued two announcements that shocked the world.

"Notice from Four Star Mobile Phone Company: Our company has decided to cease all mobile phone business after discussion by the board of directors. Related businesses will be transferred and enter the asset liquidation stage!"

"Notice from the Fruit Company: After research and decision by the board of directors, our company will abandon the mobile phone business and will fully focus on research and development in the high-tech field. Please pay more attention and support!"

These two announcements immediately caused an uproar around the world.

Because this is the first time since that mysterious classmate from Shang Xia appeared that an international giant company has finally announced the closure of related businesses!

While this shocked the international public, it also excited domestic netizens to the extreme.

"Ah, my mom, it makes me happy to hear such good news so early in the morning!"

"I can only say that my classmates are awesome, and the two giant mobile phone companies are just over!"

"They don't even have the courage to fight!"

"...Are you kidding me upstairs? Faced with such a mobile phone, fight? They fight with their heads!"

"That's right, start the transformation now. If they are decisive enough, if it's a little later, I'm afraid they won't even be able to transform!"

"Haha, it's so cool. They used to have both a card chip and a card patent, but now it's better and they went bankrupt on the spot!"

"The law of heaven is clear, reincarnation is unhappy!"


Domestic netizens were extremely excited.

At the same time, Lin Yang was a little surprised.

He first did not expect that the country would directly appoint him as a director of Huyue Group.

Zhao Zizhen didn't even mention this to himself on the phone.

Obviously, this is probably because as the end of summer vacation is getting closer, they want to have a stronger sense of belonging.

Secondly, I didn't expect that the senior executives of Four Star Mobile Phone and Fruit Mobile Phone Company would be so decisive. They just saw the physical mobile phones manufactured by the National Academy of Sciences and they began to announce the liquidation of the mobile phone business. This is quite the decisiveness of a strong man who cuts off his wrist.

"However, even if a strong man cuts off his wrist, it is not enough!"

Lin Yang's eyes flickered. For him, this was just the beginning.

It is not enough to close down one or two business modules. All companies that have been stuck in the domestic market in the past will have to go bankrupt!

From now on, there will be only one largest technology company in Blue Star.

That is Shang Xia's company!

There is nothing wrong with monopoly.


Just when Lin Yang was thinking this, the phone suddenly rang.

And there were two calls at the same time.

One is my mother's prestige call, and the other is He Ming's cell phone number.

"Hey, Mom, I'm listening, tell me!"

Lin Yang first answered his mother's phone call, and then at the same time answered He Ming's mobile phone call.

Immediately afterwards, different but similar words came out from the two people.

"Son, how is your study tour going? When will you come back?"

This is my mother's.

"Brother, the summer vacation is almost over. Are you going to come back? You really don't want to study abroad, do you? Brother, I stole a lot of money from my father recently, so I'm just waiting for you. Come back and have a big dinner!"

"Also, let me tell you, I have been qualified to purchase the first batch of Huyue mobile phones. Hey, you can't buy them abroad. Just wait and envy me when you come back!"

The boy He Ming's words were full of pride.

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