This damn fat man is actually yin and yang himself.

Lin Yang laughed and scolded him, but since he wanted to treat himself to a meal even though this fat guy stole money, he didn't care about it.

Then, he asked the system: "You just said that I completed two directional expectations tasks, so I got the title of Dream Realization Master. What does directional expectations mean?"

Previously, I was only focused on communicating with the Academy of Sciences, and I almost forgot about it.

"Answer to the host: Directed expectation means that when the people of your country expect you to manufacture a specific item or provide a specific technology, if you successfully provide the corresponding item or technology, it can be counted as a successful completion. Oriented to look forward to the mission.”

"But please note that only when the expected popularity reaches a certain level will it be counted in the expected tasks."

"Oh, for example, the previous operating system and this time's mobile phone are all things that the whole people are looking forward to, so does it count as me completing the directional expectation task?"

Lin Yang somewhat understood the meaning of this directional expectation.

"Yes host."

"Then how is the heat of expectation calculated? What level does it need to be?"

"Answer to the host: The popularity value of targeted expectations is comprehensively evaluated by the system, but you can also refer to the topic popularity of major social media. When the relevance of related topics that expect you to provide a specific technology or item exceeds 100 million, It is possible to trigger the task of completing directed expectations.”

"Then when I went to Little Sakura to cause damage, it was a hot topic among the people. Why is this not included?" Lin Yang became confused.

And it's not just the time when he went to Sakura. Whenever something he created later, it was almost always a hot topic among the people.

"Answer to the host: When you were destroying Sakura, because your identity was not yet known to the general public, they just hoped that a miracle might happen, but that specific expectation was not directly fed back to you, so there was no direct feedback to you. It is not included in the expected tasks.”

"The Targeted Expectation Mission can only be triggered when the people of your country have specific and strong expectations for you. The same goes for everything else!"


Lin Yang frowned. This expected task was quite complicated.

To put it simply, there must be something specific to expect, and this thing is still expected to be completed, and the expectation value must meet certain standards in order to trigger the expected task, and thus be counted into the number of times to complete the expected task.

Then he didn't ask any more questions. This was determined by the system, and he couldn't change anything by asking.

For this kind of special task, just let it happen.

Of course, if there is an opportunity, you can also lead a wave and follow the trend.

"Host, please note that this system has detected new progress in the aerospace technology of the country you are currently in, and may launch moon landings in advance. Please pay attention."

Suddenly, the system issued a somewhat harsh warning sound.

Lin Yang's eyes immediately changed: "You mean, our country's aerospace technology has made a new breakthrough?"

The country he is currently in is not a beautiful country. The system is talking about the country he is currently in, which is an ugly country.

"Yes, host, so this system has temporarily adjusted the plan. After calculation, this system recommends that you go to the moon as soon as possible to make relevant preparations."

"This... but my status as the most wanted criminal has not been cancelled. I also plan to go to other countries to do something." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Don't worry, host, your status as the most wanted criminal will not be canceled in a short time, unless they catch you or completely lose hope of catching you, so you have plenty of time."

"Okay, then I will go to the moon immediately?"

"This system only issues suggestions. The final decision on how to choose depends on the host."

"Okay, then I have a question. If I land on the moon now, how can I keep in touch with Blue Star?"

Lin Yang has no resistance to the moon landing, but is full of expectations.

But his only worry is how to maintain contact with the country on the moon.

"The host can exchange it for an ultra-long-distance planetary communication device, and the communication will not be affected."

Lin Yang immediately opened the National Treasure Mall and took a look.

"Planet Communicator (Elementary): Can communicate with neighboring planets in the solar system, priced at 10,000 national treasures."

"Planet Communicator (Intermediate): Can communicate with neighboring planets in the galaxy, priced at one million national treasures."

"Planet Communicator (Advanced): Can communicate with planets in ultra-distant galaxies, priced at 5 million national treasure value."

"Planet Communicator (Quantum Level): It can communicate with planets within the known detected universe. The price is - 100 million national treasure value."

"I'll go, it's so exaggerated."

Lin Yang couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the functions of these planetary communication devices.

Especially the quantum-level communication device, which can actually communicate at cosmic distances.

Too powerful.

However, this does not mean that he can try to send messages to contact alien civilizations now.

Because this planetary communicator has a limitation, that is, you must have two of the same level at the same time, and establish contact with each other to carry out ultra-long-distance communication.

This means that if he wants to communicate with an alien planet, he must first install a planetary communicator on his or her planet.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to use this planetary communication device to test whether there are extraterrestrial civilizations.

Of course, it's not completely unrealistic.

Because, in addition to junior high, advanced and quantum levels, there is another...

"Planet Communicator (Forced Invasion Level): It can unilaterally ignore the distance of the galaxy, conduct communication signal retrieval and lock the strongest communication signal of the nearest galaxy other than this galaxy to force open communication. Price: 10 billion national treasure value."

"Remarks: Users should be aware that using a forced invasion grade planetary communicator for unilateral forced communication retrieval may arouse the prying eyes of unknown civilizations, which may be good intentions, or may lead to murderous intent. Please ensure that your technological civilization possesses it before use. The strength to withstand the blows of unknown civilization forces, otherwise please use it with caution."

This thing made Lin Yang's pupils shrink.

Forced invasion? !

You can unilaterally search for planet communications and start communications directly!

This means that you can use this thing to test whether there are other extraterrestrial civilizations.

However, not to mention the warning of the system, the tens of billions of selling prices alone are not something he can afford at the moment.

At this moment, he deeply felt the feeling of poverty.

He still has to continue to work hard to become a national treasure.

"System, can I go get all the cultural relics from other areas of the beautiful country back to my country now, and then go to the moon? Is there enough time?" Lin Yang asked.

"You have enough time to answer the host, but this system does not recommend that the host does this. This system recommends that you go to the moon first."

"Oh? Why?"

The system's answer was a bit beyond Lin Yang's expectations.

"Answer the host, after landing on the moon, you can get a lot of resources and rewards, and you can build your country's space carrier or higher-level armed forces."

"At that time, you can command the space carrier group to conquer the world and ask them to voluntarily hand over the cultural relics of your country. That way, you will get more rewards!"

"Huh? Can you still do this?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

The second update is here!

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