A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 111 Moon landing, suspected extraterrestrial civilization? (Third update)


The system answered in the affirmative.

"You can command the aerospace carrier to invade the world, point your sword at the west, and ask them to hand over the cultural relics of your country that are living abroad. As long as you participate in it, even if it is not stolen secretly, you can still get the corresponding series of mission rewards."

"Even if the technology of your country has become extremely powerful with your help and they voluntarily return the cultural relics of your country due to fear or pressure or other reasons, you will get even more rewards! "

"Stealing is only a small skill after all. When you or your country are strong enough to allow them to return it on their own initiative, that will be the real big skill!"

"At that time, in addition to national treasure values ​​and series of mission rewards, you can also obtain massive reputation points and trigger special rewards."

"So, after calculation by this system, it is the most cost-effective choice for you to give priority to the moon landing now."

"..." Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

This broken... system, what you say is quite meaningful, isn't it?

Stealing is a small skill, but snatching it back in an open and honest manner... ahem, getting it back is a big skill!

This is somewhat interesting.

"Okay, let's go to the moon first. Do I need to prepare anything else?"

Lin Yang asked and exchanged two primary planetary communication devices at the same time.

One stays on Blue Star and one is taken to the moon.

"Not needed yet."

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Yang's voice trembled slightly.

Landing on the moon!

Not to mention the meaning of the moon to the Shang Xia people.

From ancient times to the present, a large number of literati and poets have left a large number of records related to the moon, either poems or articles.

It has an incomparable sense of sustenance.

The moon, for the Shang Xia people, is a symbol of reunion and a distant reminder of lovesickness.

It has witnessed the many joys and sorrows of the Shang Xia people from ancient times to the present.

The ancients did not see the moon today, but the moon used to shine on the ancients.

Now, he finally had the opportunity to set foot on this mysterious moon in person.

It's hard not to be excited.

Furthermore, starting from an individual perspective, exploring the universe, traveling to extraterrestrial planets, and conducting interstellar travel are also what every modern person desires.

Lin Yang is naturally not exempt from vulgarity.

This is a real interstellar journey!

He entered the temporary interstellar lander he obtained last time and took two deep breaths.

"Host, please be prepared, the interstellar login is about to start."

"Let's start it." Lin Yang said, but then he immediately said: "Wait a minute, when it lifts off, it won't be monitored by major countries, and when it reaches space, it won't be photographed and seen by people on the space station and satellites, right? "

"Host, please rest assured that this temporary login device also has a stealth function and cannot be detected with the current technological power of Blue Star. Moreover, this system has planned a route to land on the back of the moon without being discovered by anyone. "

"Even people on the space station, if they happened to see the moment when the lander rushed out of the earth, they would only feel a flash of light and not see the appearance of the lander."

"Okay then, let's take off."

Lin Yang nodded slightly and lay down.

Although it doesn't matter if he is discovered, but if he can avoid being exposed, it is better not to be exposed first.

In order to prevent the unfavorable country from responding.

The next moment, the login device closed directly.

"Host, you don't have to close your eyes during this process. Although the login speed is extremely fast, you can still see a scene of the starry sky."

After the login was started, the system kindly reminded me.

"Ahem, I thought it was going to be like an escape pod in a science fiction movie, and I was going to fall into a deep sleep."

Lin Yang smiled awkwardly and opened his eyes.

"That is a sleep technology that is needed for ultra-long-distance interstellar navigation. It is not that far from Blue Star to the moon. At the speed of the lander, it will not take long to get there without sleeping."

"Furthermore, sleeping actually means that the technological civilization is not advanced enough to make continuous space jumps or to offset the damage caused to the human body by continuous jumps."

"Oh..." Lin Yang watched the login device take off at an extremely fast speed, and his mood was completely aroused.

The earth was shrinking at an extremely fast speed, and it rushed out of the blue star and into outer space in almost the blink of an eye.

"Damn, so fast!"

Lin Yang was extremely shocked as he watched the scene in front of him suddenly transform into outer space and the blue planet.

This speed... is ridiculously fast!

"Host, we will arrive at the moon in five minutes. Please be ready for landing."

"Five, five minutes? Are you kidding me?"

Hearing this reminder from the system, Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat again.

As we all know, under normal circumstances, with the current level of technology of Blue Star, it would take at least one week on average to enter the moon!

Even if it's the Apollo from a beautiful country, it will take more than four days.

The domestic lunar landing probe even takes more than ten days.

But this login only takes five minutes?

"Don't you need to merge into the blue star orbit first and then enter the lunar orbit for a few rounds? Just rush into the moon directly?"

"It's not necessary, host. Although this is just a temporary login, it is not comparable to Blue Star's current technological level. There is no need to bother."

"……All right!"

Lin Yang could only express his surprise, and then began to put on the space suit.

In almost ten seconds while he was talking to the system, the login device turned into a stream of light, away from the Blue Star, and headed straight for the moon.

At the same time, in the outer space of Blue Star, inside the Shangxia Space Station.

Yu Shen, an expert from the Aerospace Academy who entered the space station this time, happened to be monitoring data in the direction of the Blue Star. Looking at the stream of light that suddenly rushed out from the inside of the Blue Star, he blinked several times in succession, and then quickly shouted with a solemn expression. Get up:

"Old Zheng, Zheng Guanghan, look, did you see it? It seems like something rushed out of Blue Star. It was so fast that I didn't have time to see it clearly. It flew far away!"

"I saw!"

Next to Yu Shen, Zheng Guanghan, another expert from the Aerospace Academy, also looked serious!

Then, the two of them stared at the stream of light rushing towards the moon, and disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the two of them turned around in tacit understanding and looked at each other, both seeing the shock and horror in each other's eyes!

There was a moment of silence.

Yu Shen spoke first: "Old Zheng, what do you think that stream of light could be?"

"I'm not sure, it looks like a meteor, but the speed of the meteor is probably not that fast, and it looks like it rushed out from inside the Blue Star!" Zheng Guanghan's tone was extremely solemn.

"Then do we need to report it now?" Yu Shen asked again.

"What do you think?" Zheng Guanghan asked.

"I think it should be reported. If it were me, maybe I saw it wrong and it was dazzled, but you also saw it, so you can't ignore it."

"This was rushed out from inside the Blue Star. I suspect there may be some unknown alien civilization that has been lurking, and we happened to see it this time."

Yu Shen spoke solemnly.

"Whether it is or not, we must be prepared to do bad things!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the surveillance equipment screen in front of the two of them.

"After all, the stream of light just now was not scanned at all on our monitoring equipment. This means that the stream of light is most likely the spacecraft of some kind of extraterrestrial civilization. It has a powerful invisibility function and blocks our monitoring!"

"We must report it!"

"This may be related to the future destiny of the entire Blue Star human civilization!"

Three updates, three updates in a row, the third update is here!

Asking for support

Tomorrow the plot will be more exciting...

Please read it!

Thanks to all the big brothers and sisters, Xiaohu bows to everyone!

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