A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 112 Above the Moon (Named for Brother Yi Jian Xuantian)

"What? Suspected extraterrestrial civilization left Blue Star?"

At home, in the Aerospace Institute, Song Changming looked at the information sent back from the space station, and his expression immediately changed.

Then, he solemnly pressed an emergency communication button and hurriedly left the aerospace institute.

Fifteen minutes later, inside the different management bureau.

"Old Song, are you kidding me? Did the people on the space station see something leaving Blue Star?"

Ye Guhong, Tang Wensheng, Han Zhaoyu, Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo all looked at Song Changming with solemn expressions.

Just now, they received an emergency call and gathered in the Alien Management Bureau.

As soon as he came up, Song Changming directly brought shocking news to everyone!

Suspected extraterrestrial civilization!

This made everyone look at each other.

"Yes! Both experts Yu Shen and Zheng Guanghan saw it with their own eyes, but the detection equipment could not scan any picture of the streamer at all, so they made an emergency report." Song Changming nodded to confirm.

Hearing this, Ye Guhong, Zhao Zizhen and others looked at each other again and asked softly: "Isn't there any picture information provided?"

"No." Song Changming shook his head, "That's why they were highly vigilant, thinking that it was a suspected extraterrestrial civilization. If it was just a normal stream of light, it would be impossible not to capture it."

When Zhao Zizhen heard this, he nodded slightly and said: "You can see it with the naked eye, but you can't take any pictures. The only possibility is that the streamer body has invisibility and shielding interference technology that is far beyond our imagination, so our equipment is basically Unable to leave the other party’s image information.”

"That's right." Song Changming glanced at Zhao Zizhen and said quietly: "Thinking about the existence of the recent classmate, I think this is not impossible. I don't know, what do you think?"

Ye Guhong was silent for a moment and asked Zhao Zizhen: "Old Zhao, what do you think? The first person to contact you was your National Academy of Sciences, and you were also the first to contact him. How do you feel?"

Zhao Zizhen pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I can't be sure, but the technology he brought out is indeed far ahead. If it really comes from an extraterrestrial civilization, it is not impossible. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain how a student could suddenly possess so many and Such comprehensive advanced technology.”

Having said this, he paused and continued: "A while ago, there was a rumor circulating on the Internet that that person might have mastered alien technology, and he asked us to share it."

"But if that person is really the lucky one who has been favored by an alien civilization, it can also explain the reason why he took out those technologies."

Zhao Zizhen's words made everyone think seriously.

After a moment, Ye Guhong raised his eyes slightly and made the final decision: "Since we can't be sure, let's keep it as usual."

"Regardless of whether he has obtained the technology of extraterrestrial civilization, in short, everything he has done so far is to enhance the strength of our country. There is no doubt about this. We can doubt whether extraterrestrial civilization exists, but we cannot doubt his contribution to the motherland. love!"

"Then, I will ask the team to come up with several relevant plans to deal with it."

"At the same time, an extraterrestrial civilization response and management office will be established."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."


While Ye Guhong and others were discussing, on the other side, Lin Yang had successfully landed on the moon.

He didn't know that the moment the lander rushed out of Blue Star, it happened to be observed by experts on the space station, which then triggered a series of decisions and changes in the country.

And these decisions will play a critical role at some point in the future.

At this time, Lin Yang, wearing the special space protective suit obtained by lottery, had left the login device and set foot on the moon.

"Is this above the moon..."

Lin Yang was a little excited.

Although he couldn't feel the changes in some environmental factors such as gravity and air due to the special protective clothing, his movements felt no different from those on Blue Star.

But looking at the stars above the moon is particularly different.

Especially, Blue Star!

Looking at the Blue Star from above the moon, it is not as small as the Moon from the Blue Star. You can see the huge blue planet.

The feeling is very unique!

"Congratulations to the host. Since you left your planet for the first time and set foot on an alien planet, you have received ten achievement points."

"Congratulations to the host, because you set foot on an alien planet for the first time, you have received a reward of 100,000 national treasures and a planet infrastructure gift package."

"Congratulations to the host, you have set foot on the moon for the first time. You have obtained the special title of Lord of the Moon (temporary)."

"Remarks: Host, please upgrade your temporary title as soon as possible. When your temporary special title of Lord of the Moon is upgraded to a permanent title, all the rewards you get on the moon will have additional bonuses!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have triggered the interstellar series of tasks: completed the construction of the moon (first phase), and will be rewarded with the permanent title of Lord of the Moon."


Just when Lin Yang was still looking at the blue star in the distance and marveling at the wonder, a series of reward prompts from the system suddenly sounded in his ears.

And these rewards are exactly what the system said before landing on the moon. He will receive very generous rewards after setting foot on the moon for the first time.

The national treasure value alone was directly rewarded with 100,000 yuan.

In particular, the achievement point rewards that have remained unchanged for thousands of years have been changed from one point each time to ten points directly.

Rich indeed.

Especially, the title of Lord of the Moon!

If nothing else, just hearing this title is exciting.

Lord of the Moon!

Who can resist the temptation to become the master of a planet?

"System, how do I build the moon?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and got ready to get down to business.

"Answer the host, you can directly release the ecological base and build the first city on the moon."

"Can you just take it out and use it? Can you just create a city?" Lin Yang was slightly startled.

So exaggerated?

"Of course not. The ecological base will also take some time to complete the construction, but you don't need to worry. The ecological base gift package contains all the materials and construction procedures required for construction. You will know it after you release it. At the same time, you can open the infrastructure gift package. Obtain other construction resources.”

The system explained it.


Lin Yang didn't ask any more questions and directly released the ecological base.

Then, piles of warehouse supplies appeared directly in front of him.


There are almost so many eco-robots that one will get trypophobia just by looking at them!

"Here, so many robots? Are these all used to build an ecological base?" Lin Yang was startled.

"Yes, hosts, this is included in the ecological base gift package. They are responsible for building the ecological base, and are also responsible for the later maintenance of the ecological base, etc."

"They all have relevant instructions inside, so you don't need to worry about it. Of course, all control of the ecological base will be automatically transferred to you after the base is built."

The system explained it.

At the same time, these ecological robots were divided into several queues in an orderly manner at the first time, carrying various construction materials from the material warehouse and starting to build an ecological base.

Then, a slightly different ecological robot walked up to Lin Yang, bowed to him, and said in an extremely respectful tone:

"Hello, sir, I am the housekeeper robot housekeeper No. 1 of the ecological base. You can rename me and control the construction of the entire ecological base by controlling me."

"After the construction of the ecological base is completed, all instructions in the entire base will be based on your instructions. At that time, I will carry out relevant base management according to the authority you have given me!"

"Butler No. 1, I have finished reporting to you, please give me your instructions!"

After the robot finished speaking, he bowed to Lin Yang again.

Lin Yang was quite surprised by this.

This butler robot...

It's actually an intelligent robot.

Moreover, the level of intelligence seems to be quite high.

Special thanks to Brother Yi Jian Xuantian for the 11,500-coin reward, which really flattered Xiaohu. Thank you again for the 10,000-coin reward. I wish you all the best, lots of money, and riches every year! Xiaohu bows to you!

Thanks to the book friend 20231222930 and the two brothers who like Hanhan for the reward. I wish them both good luck and prosperity every year! Bow to the two eldest brothers!

I would also like to thank all the readers, brothers and sisters, who have read and supported me. With your support, Xiaohu is very honored and I bow to you all! !

It’s cold, please keep warm! !

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