A super-intelligent butler robot, this is very interesting.

Lin Yang took another look at the housekeeper robot, and then said: "You can still call it housekeeper No. 1 for now. How long will it take to complete the construction of the ecological base?"

"Okay, sir, thank you for the name. You can change my name at any time in the future. The entire ecological base will take about three days to complete."

"Oh...how many eco-robots are there in total?"

Lin Yang glanced at the densely packed ecological robots again.

"Answer sir, apart from me, there are a million robots in the entire ecological base, including maintenance robots, patrol robots, logistics robots, medical robots, and educational robots. "

"Of course, each type of robot can also perform other activities, but it has corresponding types of priority instructions and more complete related professional knowledge."

"So advanced." Lin Yang couldn't help but marvel.

This function is divided too carefully and completely.

It's really powerful.

But when I think that this is the ecological base of a third-level civilization, I feel relieved again.

A complete and advanced ecological base naturally requires all relevant preparations to ensure the normal operation of the entire base.

"Sir, if you have no other instructions for the time being, I will first mobilize the patrol-type mechanical guard team to start the first patrol here to ensure the safety around the base."

"Okay, go ahead and do your work first." Lin Yang nodded.

"Okay, sir, if you have new instructions, please call me at any time and I will be at your service at any time."

Butler No. 1 bowed to him again, then strode away.

Then, under Lin Yang's gaze, Butler No. 1 directed tens of thousands of ecological robots to divide into four teams and go out to patrol from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

The rest is to continue to build the entire ecological base in an orderly manner.

"He is indeed a very attentive housekeeper." Lin Yang muttered.

He estimated that the butler's intelligence level was at least intermediate or above, maybe even higher.

Moreover, they were endowed with housekeeping-related professional knowledge and service awareness.

Seeing the millions of ecological robots carrying out ecological base construction work under the command of Butler No. 1, he looked at them for a while and then withdrew his gaze.

"System, open the infrastructure gift package."

"Good host, I have opened a large infrastructure gift package for you. The gift package contains various infrastructure materials and related tools."

Lin Yang took a look and saw that those materials were not of use for the time being, but there were several professional mining tools inside, which made his eyes light up.

When he came to the moon, in addition to landing on the moon in advance to build the moon, taking ownership of the moon, and then giving a little shock and a blow to the beautiful countries when they landed on the moon.

Another purpose is to obtain lunar resources and take them back to build a space carrier.

Originally, he asked the Grand Academy of Sciences to prepare mining tools, but due to temporary changes, he landed on the moon early and did not have time to go to the Grand Academy of Sciences to pick them up.

But I didn’t expect that this infrastructure gift package would include more advanced mining tools.

This was an unexpected surprise.

"Butler No. 1."

Lin Yang extracted the few professional mining and exploration tools and said to Chongjia No. 1: "Find some robots that know how to mine and explore whether there are resources or minerals nearby."

"Okay, sir, I'll make the arrangements."

The butler robot bowed and left, and then quickly formed a mining team, even equipped with two guard robots, and set off with the tools.

It can be said that Butler No. 1’s arrangements were extremely thorough.

And then……

Lin Yang became a little bored.

Landing on the moon is exciting, but there is nothing on the moon. Now we can only watch these robots build ecological bases. Boredom is inevitable.

And soon, he thought of a more serious question.

That is, it takes three days to build this ecological base, which means that he will have to stay here for at least three days.

He didn't bring much food or water when he came. Although he wouldn't starve to death if he didn't eat for two or three days, it would still be very uncomfortable.

Butler No. 1 on the side noticed the change in Lin Yang's expression, walked over directly, and said with concern: "Sir, I feel that your mood seems to have changed. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No... uh, what, since the ecological base is a complete ecological base, although it has not been built yet, there should be food, right?"

Lin Yang originally wanted to say no, but thinking that the butler was so smart, he still asked with hope.

"Of course, any ecological base will be equipped with basic supplies for human survival. Do you need to eat? Please wait a moment. I will arrange for the logistics robot to build a simple kitchen for you first. What would you like to eat?"

Butler No. 1 smiled and nodded.

"Uh...what's there to eat?"

Lin Yang became curious, this was the ecological base of a third-level civilization.

Perhaps we can use this to see what kind of lifestyle a more advanced civilization is like.

"Sir, the ecological base has not been built yet. We only have basic food, including rice, noodles, dried vegetables and corresponding seasonings and bread."

"...Okay, don't eat now. Let them work on the kitchen first. I'll call you when I'm hungry."

Lin Yang blinked. His idea of ​​​​peeping into a more advanced civilization's lifestyle failed for the time being.

"Okay, sir, there is one more thing I need to report to you. After the test just now, the temperature of the planet is relatively low at night. I think it is necessary to build a temporary residence for you first."

Butler No. 1 spoke again.

"There will be a temporary ecological circulation system and insulation system inside. You can take off your space protective suit and rest normally."

"Okay, let's set it up."

Lin Yang nodded, feeling at the same time that this housekeeper No. 1 was indeed competent in all aspects.

He didn't even think of this.

Soon, the temporary residence was set up.

It's a small, square house.

There is a constant temperature system inside, the temperature is roughly equivalent to the spring of Blue Star, and there is self-circulation of oxygen.

Lin Yang took off his protective clothing and felt it, and was quite satisfied.

Then, in this temporary house, he watched the millions of mechanical armies outside building an ecological base at an extremely terrifying speed.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The magnificent and huge ecological base rises directly from the ground and stands on the moon.

"Sir, the ecological base has been initially set up. Please name the base."

Butler No. 1 knocked on the door.

"The name of the base..." Lin Yang hesitated, "Let's call it Tiangong."

He has been thinking about a name these days, and after much deliberation, he still feels that Tiangong is more suitable.

It can be seen at a glance that this is an oriental cultural name unique to Shang and Xia, and it also has a very special meaning.

Tiangong Lunar Ecological Base!

This looks like the territory of Shang Xia!

"Okay, sir, the Tiangong Ecological Base has been named. Please enter the base to visit."

Lin Yang put on protective clothing and walked out.

Then he looked up at the entrance of the base city.

There is a plaque on it, with two large gilt characters on it: Tiangong!

"Quite domineering."

Lin Yang was quite satisfied, but looking at the large blank pillar at the entrance, he always felt that something was missing.

After pondering for a moment, he asked Butler No. 1 to find a robot and carve a sentence on the pillar.

Take a good ride in the wind, see the sky thousands of miles away, and look straight down at the mountains and rivers.

This is a poem by Xin Qiji, which means: I want to ride the wind and fly thousands of miles into the sky, overlooking the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Standing on the moon at this time and looking at the blue stars in the distance, isn't it the same as going thousands of miles into the sky?

"Hey, wait until the day when our country lands on the moon. I don't know how shocked I will be when I see this."

Lin Yang thought for a moment and suddenly became excited.

When they land on the moon and see the word "Tiangong" and then read this poem, their expressions will surely be wonderful.

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters for your support along the way!

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