"Report to Mr. Commander, the situation of this planet has basically been explored. The planet is not big, there are no threatening existences on it, and there are no traces of aborigines or human beings on it. It is judged to be an uninhabited planet, so , the most cost-effective way is to arrange some early warning devices outside the ecological base."

Butler 1 answered immediately, and at the same time it raised its hand directly, and the entire arm instantly turned into a screen, which displayed the situation of the entire moon and the distribution map of resources and minerals.

"Mr. Commander, there are no threatening forces on this planet, so there is no need to spend a lot of resources to deploy armed devices for the time being. We can mine the mineral resources on this planet first."

"After inspection, we found that there are a large number of rare earth elements and abundant helium resources on this planet, as well as metal resources such as aluminum and iron."

"In addition, there are a large amount of water ice, a relatively stable isotope that can be used as nuclear fuel and other abundant resources."

"This planet can be defined as a primary resource extraction planet."

Following the words of Butler No. 1, when it talks about a certain resource, the corresponding area will light up on the arm screen, and the mineral material reserves in the area will be displayed.

Looking at this scene, Lin Yang finally felt like he was in a science fiction blockbuster.

Then he realized that although there were no other resources in this ecological base, these robots were the most valuable resources!

These are all robots created by a third-level civilization!

The various functions are simply ridiculously powerful.

"So, Guanjia No. 1, are the existing exploitable resources on this planet enough to build a rudimentary spaceship?" Lin Yang is still a little obsessed with spaceships.

"Sorry, sir, according to calculations, all the mined resources on this planet are not enough to build a complete primary spaceship."

"...Okay." Lin Yang sighed.

"Sir, don't be discouraged. Our patrol team has detected that there seems to be a very low-level civilization planet near this planet. Perhaps other resources for manufacturing spacecraft can be found on it."

Butler No. 1 spoke again, surprising Lin Yang: "Can you detect the existence of Blue Star?"

"Yes, sir, the patrol team is equipped with special detection devices. As long as the distance between the two planets is not too far, they can usually detect some situations."

Butler No. 1 nodded.

"This is the survival law of the universe. We need to detect the conditions of some nearby technological civilizations to judge what decisions we will make."

"What are the usual decisions?" Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Hibernate, escape, attack, establish diplomatic relations, etc., depending on the situation."

"Oh... Then we are not afraid of being counter-detected during the detection? If the other party's technological civilization is stronger than ours, wouldn't it be too late to escape?" Lin Yang asked again.

"This is something that cannot be completely avoided. When neighboring planets have technological civilizations, both sides will inevitably detect each other, unless the technological civilization level of one party is too low."

Butler No. 1 spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

"Oh... So, what level does Blue Star's technological civilization level fall into when tested by the patrol team?"

"It's very strange. The technological civilization level of the entire planet is obviously not high, but it is detected that one of the countries seems to have mastered some technologies that are far beyond the current era of the entire planet."

Butler No. 1 frowned slightly.

"But Mr. Commander, don't worry. Overall, they are still at the end of the first-level civilization. The power within our ecological base has the power to completely crush them."

"If Mr. Commander thinks there will be some threat, we can send armed patrol teams to attack its civilization, and then plunder its planet's resources and build spaceships."

Lin Yang: "..."

He glanced at Butler No. 1 with a strange look, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually a militant.

He is obviously just a housekeeper, but he would say such a thing.

"What about that, Butler No. 1? Didn't you realize that I have the same skin color as the people from that special country you detected?"

Seeing that Butler No. 1 was not joking, Lin Yang reminded it, and then said seriously: "I am from that country, so don't mention attacking Blue Star Civilization again in the future."

"Sorry, Mr. Commander, I just follow your instructions." Butler No. 1 immediately bowed deeply to him.

"Okay, you go and command the robot team to mine materials. Save the materials you mine. Except for the resources necessary to run the base, save the rest."

"Okay, Mr. Commander."

Lin Yang looked at the back of Butler No. 1 and rubbed his forehead. He felt that this guy's intelligence level was too high, and communicating with it was not like communicating with a robot at all.

He did not ask how the patrol robot detected the Blue Star situation across the distance of the planet.

These robots are all products of level three civilization, and there seems to be nothing abnormal about their detection methods being outrageous.

And being able to detect Blue Star from across the planet is also a good thing for him.

In this way, no matter which planet he is on, he can always grasp the situation of the other planet.

Then he was going to return to Blue Star and continue to do some damage to other countries.

It's really boring here.

He doesn't need to do anything about construction at all. He can't just watch those patrol teams go mining every day, right?

What's more, it's still more than a month before the United States and China land on the moon. Staying on the moon before they land on the moon is destined to be very boring.

When he told the system that he was going to return to Blue Star, the system suddenly said: "Host, I think you need to use your achievement points to directly exchange for a spaceship, and then return to Blue Star."

"Huh? Didn't you say that achievement points are very important? Don't use them easily? I don't have to have a spaceship now, right?"

The system's words made Lin Yang very confused.

The login device is enough for him to go back and forth.

"This system detected that the moment the login device rushed out of the Blue Star, it was seen by people at the space station of your country. Although they have 100% trust in you, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better to exchange it for a spaceship. .”

"After all, the function of the login is too weak. If you exchange it for a spaceship, they won't even see the streamer. It also makes it convenient for you to transport supplies back and forth. In the future, you may often need to go back and forth between the moon and the blue star, or even other places in the solar system. planet, so this system recommends that the host exchange it for a spaceship."

"Oh...okay then."

Since the system strongly recommended it, Lin Yang still chose to accept this suggestion.

He currently has a total of one hundred and thirty-one achievement points.

They are all accumulated from completing various tasks during this period.

The cumulative national treasure value he has obtained exceeds one million, the reputation value is tens of thousands, and the achievement points are only over 100.

It is enough to show that achievement points are indeed the most difficult thing to obtain.

The price of a spaceship is...

Thank you all brothers and sisters for reading and supporting, and I bow to you.

I'll be back in the next chapter

Please vote for support~

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