"Fuck, system, are you kidding me? Spaceships are so expensive?"

Lin Yang looked at the updated redeemable spaceships in the System Achievement Point Mall, and felt a little overwhelmed on the spot.


It’s too expensive!

And not only are they expensive, they come in several types.

There are war type, defense type, comprehensive type and transportation type.

Each type of spaceship has a different focus. For example, the war type carries weapons of mass destruction and is usually used by primary civilizations to conduct interstellar wars.

The defensive type abandons most of the weapons and equipment, has super protective capabilities, is usually used to escape, and is extremely outstanding in terms of speed.

The transport type is mainly used for interstellar freight. It not only abandons most of the weapons and devices, but also does not have strong defensive devices. All the space is freed up as much as possible to place cargo.

Needless to say, it is a comprehensive model. It focuses on covering all aspects. Although it is not particularly outstanding in all aspects, it is better in being comprehensive.

Of course, the price is also the most expensive.

All types of spaceships have three levels: junior, middle and high. The basic level has 100 achievement points, the intermediate level has 500 achievement points, and the advanced level has 1,000 achievement points.

As for the comprehensive spaceship, the entry-level one requires 500 achievement points, the intermediate one costs 5,000, and the advanced one costs 10,000!

This is so meow...

Ridiculously expensive.

Although he had enough achievement points to buy it, it just felt expensive!

After all, achievement points are so hard to earn, so you can basically just reward a few at a time...

Just a few days ago, I got ten points at once when I landed on the moon.

But only this time.

Now to buy a spaceship, you have to save from scratch.

"Host, the items in the achievement point mall are relatively expensive. This system has informed the host before, but they are definitely worth the money."

As for the system, Lin Yang remembered that at the beginning, the system seemed to have indeed said that the items in the Achievement Point Mall were relatively expensive.

Now it really responds.

"Is it okay if I don't buy it?" Lin Yang was a little worried about the achievement point.

"Answer the host, of course it is up to you to decide whether to buy it or not. This system is only giving suggestions, but you can only use the login device five times after returning this time. And once it is discovered by people from the Blue Star Space Station many times, it may be Causing some additional unnecessary trouble."

"...Okay, let's buy it then."

Lin Yang sighed, the system's advice is never without aim, you still have to listen to it.

As for achievement points, you can just save them later.

Then, he got a little confused.

There are many types of spaceships, which one to choose!

Of course his favorite is the all-rounder, but the achievement points are simply not enough.

Others, I always feel like something is missing.

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Yang suddenly flashed his eyes, as if he had thought of something, and asked aloud: "System, can I get a loan? Can I first owe some achievement points and get a loan to buy a comprehensive spaceship?"


For the first time, the system sounded surprised.

"Yes, loan." Lin Yang nodded.

"Sorry, host, this system cannot provide loan-related services."

The system's answer disappointed Lin Yang: "Okay, then just buy whatever you want."

However, just when he was about to buy one, the system suddenly spoke again:

"Host, please wait a moment. Although this system cannot provide loan services, but adhering to the concept of serving the host, this system has detected a special command that may allow the host to buy a basic comprehensive spaceship. .”

"Huh? Really?" Lin Yang suddenly became energetic.

"Host, please wait a moment. That command is a bit special. This system needs a moment to calculate the success rate."

"?" Lin Yang expressed doubts about this.

The system itself should be running according to some instructions, but does it need to calculate the success rate when running instructions?

However, the system did not answer. It was obviously stuck in the so-called calculation.

fifteen minutes!

After a full fifteen minutes, the system spoke again: "Answer the host, the system has completed its calculations. You can purchase a comprehensive spaceship through this command."

This shocked Lin Yang.

With the system's ability, it actually took fifteen minutes to calculate. He couldn't imagine how special that command was and what it was!

"What should I do?"

Then, Lin Yang asked silently.

"Ask the host to leave the current ecological base without wearing protective clothing. This system will automatically activate and run relevant instructions. The host can purchase any item that does not exceed five times its current national treasure value and achievement points. This instruction can Activate once.”

"Huh? Leaving the ecological base without wearing protective clothing? Then I must not suffocate?" Lin Yang was stunned.

There is no oxygen on the moon.

"Yes, host, but please rest assured that this system will complete your designated purchase before you are in danger and will not let you have any accidents."

"This... okay, I believe you."

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, choosing to trust the system.

Butler No. 1 on the side saw that he was about to leave the base without any protection, and immediately worried: "Mr. Commander, you are not wearing protective clothing and cannot adapt to the environment outside the base."

"It's okay, I'm just going to feel it." Lin Yang told him not to worry.

Then, under the nervous gaze of Butler No. 1, Lin Yang walked out of the ecological base.

Immediately afterwards, breathing became difficult.

However, it was a little better than expected, more like being in the water.

It's not that you feel suffocated as soon as you come up.

"Warning, warning! Abnormalities in the host's vital characteristics have been detected, please initiate rescue measures immediately!"

Then, a harsh and special cold electronic synthesized sound sounded in his ears.

But it is not the original consistent sound of the system.

"Host, please authorize this system to exchange for a junior comprehensive spaceship!"

At the same time as the warning sounds, the system's voice also sounds directly.

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment. He was a little confused about what the situation was, but he immediately agreed to authorize it.

"Warning! Warning! The first-level special defense command has been activated. Please assist the host to survive and escape immediately!"

"Host, after the exchange is completed, you can return to the ecological base."

Still the same, at the same time as the warning sound sounded, the system prompt also came out.

Lin Yang felt a little weak. Although the time was short, he had almost no strength to move in this almost suffocating state.

Fortunately, Butler No. 1 appeared beside him out of nowhere, and first put a protective hood on him.

Then he was put on a protective suit.

After breathing oxygen again and putting on protective clothing, Lin Yang felt much better immediately.

"Thank you, Butler No. 1." Lin Yang said, sincerely thanking you.

"Dear Mr. Commander, you don't have to be polite. It is the unshirkable responsibility of Butler No. 1 to protect your safety. It is the honor of Butler No. 1 to provide help to Mr. Commander at critical moments."

Butler No. 1 bowed to him instead.

"Host, the spaceship has been redeemed and released. You can log in to the spacecraft and return to Blue Star."

The system prompt sounded again.

At the same time, a huge spaceship appeared directly not far from the ecological base.

The entire spacecraft is not round, but looks more like a fighter jet.

Of course, it is hundreds of times cooler and hundreds of times bigger than a fighter jet. It is a completely behemoth.

The whole body is still glowing with light blue light, which looks very dreamy.

The moment he saw the spaceship appear, before Lin Yang could get shocked, Butler No. 1's expression changed, he pointed at the spaceship and said in horror:

"This, is this the Apocalypse star patrol spacecraft?!"

The huge reaction of Butler No. 1 made Lin Yang immediately turn to look at it: "Do you recognize this spaceship?"

Thanks to Brother An Sheng and Brother 20170906203556639 for the reward. I wish you both good luck and fortune. I bow to you!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have been reading and supporting me. I wish everyone happiness and prosperity!

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