Lin Yang stared at the United Spaceship in the live broadcast screen, frowning slightly.

It is normal for a spaceship to be equipped with a weapon system, but logically speaking, with the current level of Kotaka-chan and Bumei, it should not be enough to install a weapon system on the spacecraft.

With Blue Star's current technological level, being able to build a spacecraft that can travel between the moon and Blue Star is already close to its limit.

The installation of weapon systems has very high requirements for spacecraft technology, and the existing technology is not enough to support such installation.

This will not only increase additional load consumption, but also place higher demands on the power system.

"Have they made such great progress after sharing technology between the two countries?" Lin Yang was a little confused.

He has only been on the moon for a few days, so Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei’s skills have improved too quickly, right?

He couldn't even see anything unusual in the live broadcast.

Then, Lin Yang called the Academy of Sciences.

Since the joint spaceship of their two countries already has a weapon system, they have to be on guard.

Zhao Zizhen was quite shocked after hearing what he said: "Classmate, you said they already have weapons systems on their spaceships?"

"Yeah." Lin Yang nodded.

"This... shouldn't be. Our technology is not much different from theirs now. Although there is still a slight gap in the industrial system, it is not enough to make the gap so big." Zhao Zizhen was also puzzled.

Lin Yang said: "The two countries are superpowers after all, and it is normal for them to have some unannounced technology in their hands."

"In addition, the two countries have shared technology. Maybe there has been huge progress due to the collision of technological sparks."

After all, Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei are superpowers, and it is not incomprehensible that they have made rapid progress after sharing their technology.

Now that the moon landing is approaching, what we need to do is not to explore how they installed weapons systems on the spacecraft, but to prevent them from causing harm.

Their spaceships are equipped with weapon systems. If they were to attack domestic spacecrafts in outer space, it would be an unbearable loss.

Zhao Zizhen understood Lin Yang's reminder and said hesitantly: "They shouldn't dare to be so bold, right? If they attack the spacecraft, it will be equivalent to declaring war."

Regarding this issue, Lin Yang has also considered it. He can only say: "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. They can find any excuse to explain it, such as the power system of the spacecraft in outer space suddenly going out of control, etc. It was not intentional." , can we really go to war with them now?"

These words made Zhao Zizhen silent for a moment, and then he said in a solemn voice: "We have to guard against it, they probably really dare to do this."

"I don't think there's any need to estimate. They directly installed an encrypted weapon system on the spacecraft. Obviously, they didn't hold anything back." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Then why don't we delay the moon landing?" Zhao Zizhen hesitated again.

There are now less than ten days left before the official moon landing.

Even if Lin Yang immediately provided them with new technology, it would be too late to rebuild the spacecraft.

Staggering the moon landing time was the first thing Zhao Zizhen could think of to avoid accidents to the maximum extent possible.

Lin Yang shook his head: "There is no need to stagger it. We have already issued announcements for simultaneous moon landings. If we suddenly stagger it, it will frustrate the enthusiasm of netizens."

"Moreover, this is also an opportunity to test their intentions. I guess they added weapon systems to the spacecraft not just for self-protection."

"Classmate, do you mean that they..." Zhao Zizhen's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, there's no need to stagger. I'll figure out how to deal with it." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, classmate." Zhao Zizhen didn't say anything else when he saw Lin Yang say this.

After reminding Zhao Zizhen, Lin Yang hung up the phone.

To prevent Kitty Hawk from causing trouble with the unsightly United Spaceship, the best way is to also install a weapon system.

When both sides have weapons systems, even if they have different intentions, they will definitely not dare to act rashly.

But as Zhao Zizhen said, the domestic industrial system is not enough to support the completion of the rebuilding of the spacecraft within a few days.

Therefore, it is too late to modify the spacecraft of the Aerospace Institute and install weapon systems.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

Since it's too late to install a weapon system, we should focus on defense.

Installing a defensive device is much simpler than installing a weapon system. The most direct way is to install some anti-ballistic materials on the outside of the spacecraft.

But this is not very safe. If he really guesses, if the joint spacecraft of the two countries launches an attack, the huge impact may bring unpredictable dangers to the domestic moon landing spacecraft.

In space, any accident may be fatal.

"It would be great if there was enough energy. It would be safest to just build an energy shield."

After calculating for a moment, Lin Yang couldn't help but sigh. For the first time, he intuitively felt the importance of energy.

Without sufficient energy support, even if there is corresponding technology, the functions brought by the technology cannot be realized.

Unfortunately, domestic nuclear fusion technology is still in the preliminary application stage and cannot provide corresponding energy for the time being.

"Energy is insufficient. It is not safe to simply increase the anti-strike material and be passively hit. So let's just interfere so that the opponent's weapons cannot hit the spacecraft."

Finally, Lin Yang thought of a suitable solution.

It’s not beautiful. Although the joint spaceship between the two countries is equipped with a weapon system, it is not a thermal weapon such as a super missile.

Butler One was able to detect their weapons systems, which were just conventional weapons carried.

There is a jamming impact technology in the system mall that can forcibly change the trajectory of ordinary weapons.

Interfering with super thermal weapons is not possible, but interfering with conventional weapons is fine.

As long as the bullets fired can be deflected a little so that they cannot hit the domestic spacecraft, it will be fine.

After exchanging the jamming technology and sending it to the National Academy of Sciences, Lin Yang's eyes flashed with coldness. If their joint spacecraft really dared to attack the domestic moon landing spacecraft, he wouldn't mind returning the favor.

Time passes day by day, and as the time for China's first manned moon landing gets closer and closer, the enthusiasm of netizens is getting higher and higher.

There is only one thing that is being discussed on the entire Internet right now, and that is the moon landing!

Finally, as everyone was eagerly anticipating, ten days passed, and the day of landing on the moon together arrived!

Domestic space launch base.

Song Changming and some academicians from the Aerospace Academy came here in person to conduct monitoring of the first manned moon landing.

This is an extremely grand moment!

This is an important moment for China’s first manned moon landing!

At eight o'clock in the morning, the manned moon landing spacecraft was officially launched!

Countless netizens watched the launch scene nervously and excitedly through the live broadcast.

Every TV station across the country was broadcasting this historic scene.

This day is destined to be remembered in history!

At the same time as the domestic manned lunar landing spacecraft, there was also a joint spacecraft from the two countries!

The two spacecraft met in outer space at almost the same moment.

Thank you MiWyf brother for the reward of 1666 coins. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you good luck every year and make a fortune from time to time. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have always supported and accompanied the national treasure. I wish you all the best and make a lot of money. I bow to you all!

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